Trip Report

Started by xHaZxMaTx, October 06, 2006, 07:44:24 PM

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Quote from: DigitalMan on October 29, 2006, 05:46:38 AM

Those must be some incredibly comfortable seats. I'm always in much pain after just a car trip to South Carolina. And one time it wore holes through my pants :aack



Teehee, I felt so contemporary yesterday. :3  I was in Starbucks drinking a Java Chip Frappucino in my cargo pants and sweat shirt with my pair of big head phones listening to Beck, which happened to be for sale at Starbucks. :P

llearch n'n'daCorna

Aiiii! HazMat the yuppie?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


What, may I ask, is a Yuppie?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Sheesh, That's 80's slang, even. Young Upwardly-mobile.

Now, of course, you've got Dinks - Dual Income, No Kids.

Same sort of thing, though. A yuppie is the sort who... well...

Let's just say there were jokes going around about the Yuppie who was out driving, and crashed his beamer. The Emergency services guy was trying to get him into hospital, but he was too busy moaning "My car! My poor, beautiful beamer!"
"Look, man, you've lost your arm!"
"My Rolex! My beautiful brand-new rolex!"

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Hehe, sounds materialistic.  That's not me. :P  Just because I do have a Beemer doesn't make me a Yuppie. :paranoid

My mom, in her infinite wisdom, packed like 2 weeks worth of food for out trip, and half of it is meats, veggies, and fruits, which we can't take into Canada.  So we're sitting here in the Buffalo, NY train station giving away food. :B

Right-o ladies and gents, the Canadian/US border (as opposed to any other border) is up ahead, and I'l be needing to sign off the interweb lest I pay $0.15 a minute.  Hopefully they have internet at the hotel.  Until then, I bid you all farewell.

...But before I do that, lemme show you some pics of Chicago. :P

I'm standing in fron of the Hancock Observatory.  Not quite as tall as the Sears Tower.  I wanted to go in the Sears Tower though, just to quote Cameron Fry.  "I think I see my dad...   ...shhhhit..." :>

They don't call it the windy city for nothing, look at my hair go! :O

Okie, more later.



Hello from Halifax.  Sorry I havn't been on, but apparently Canada has never heard of complimentary Wi-FI or breakfast with your hotel room. :B


*Sings* "Show me the way to go home.  I'm tired and I want to go to bed." :tired

Would you believe that it hasn't rained, snowed, hailed, etc at all on our trip so far?


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on November 02, 2006, 11:09:00 PM
Would you believe that it hasn't rained, snowed, hailed, etc at all on our trip so far?

No. No I would not, you lying bastard!

How did you escape the snow that just hit us? :dface


Where do you live?

The only place I saw snow was in Denver, and it was only on the ground, it wasn't falling.


Well, it just snowed here in Cleveland Ohio... I think you went under that little storm line. But there's more coming! D:


i never saw snow....not a single time...once i was going to meet Canada but it fail....i wish someday i get to know some North country....till there i can't play Final Fantasy Tactics correctly. :cry


Hey guys, you know what's really fun?!  :D  Hauling 100 lbs. of luggage uphill for 1 mile!



SURELY it can't be any more fun than hauling said weight up some stairs every day? D:


yes...snow in Denver... *shudder*

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Snow, yay! :3  Snow is t3h awesome.  I never get any in CA. :<


i could SO live without it -_-

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


You don't ski, I presume?


Skiing is bad for you. I've sprained a couple of arms, broken a leg, and most importantly crushed a nut while on the slopes. 'Cept it was on snowboard. It's hazardous anyway. And snow is useless. It just gets in the way. Though I do like the cold...


Quote from: Stygian on November 04, 2006, 08:54:25 PM
Skiing is bad for you. I've sprained a couple of arms, broken a leg, and most importantly crushed a nut while on the slopes. 'Cept it was on snowboard. It's hazardous anyway. And snow is useless. It just gets in the way. Though I do like the cold...
There's your problem.  >:3


Winter for teh win!!!11!!1!!eleven!!one
Snow rocks!
No, wait! On second thought: don't throw snowballs when there are rocks in it! They hurt. Badly.

But winter's still the coolest season. Well, um. Not only in temperatures I mean. Sure it's cold and stuff but...err...waaagh!

My point is: The air smells/tastes different in winter. Like it's chrystal-clean. And I just love it.


Yes, cold is good.  I've never snowboarded, but I assume sandboarding is close enough.  Jst slower, warmer, and it hurts a lot more when you fall . :<


Woah-ho!  I just found out the hard way that wearing water-resistant shoes for 2 days at a time makes your feet REALLY pruny! :O  I could take a pic if you wanna see. :3

Also, I went to a Canadian pub and had shark.  It was yummy.  (The chick working there assumed I was over 19. :lol)


You over 19?? Now dont drink it all in one gulp or the mountie weremoose will get you again


Jeez, people outside of California must be dumb or something.  People keep assuming that I'm older than I really am (over 21) and that my mom is younger than she really is, and that we're 'together.' *Shudders*  Though I supose that wouldn't be too out-of-the-ordinary down here in the south. :B  I've seen 2 General Lee's (The Dukes of Hazard) since I've been in Georgia, and someone had a confederate flag in place of their license plate. :rolleyes


Off I go into lovely Canada land, again.  No cellular internet for 4 days, so don't expect to see me on in that period of time.  Canada seems to be lacking complimentary Wifi. :<  And we're staying in the same crappy hotel we did before.  The one with two beds, and the bedroom is the same size as the bathroom.  Hopefully Vancouver is better than Ontario.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Uh... you're complaining that people are expecting you and your mother to be together...
.. and then objecting to two beds?

Make some sense, man :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


No, I'm objecting two beds being in such a small room.


*Cough*B.C. > Ontario*Cough*  :>

I met some really nice people on the train from Toronto to Vancouver.  Apparently Ameicans have an accent to them, something about pronouncing our 'R's weird.  Oh well, they pronounce there 'O's funny, and say "eh."

The trip we took is supposed to be really pretty and what not, but I didn't really notice.  Lots of lakes and mountains.  Whoopdy-effing-doo. :rolleyes