2020-11-02 [DMFA #2017] Everyone has a door kick topic.

Started by Drakkenmensch, November 02, 2020, 08:50:54 PM

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Rithm Alfortele

He may not be sexually attracted to Jyrras, but he definitely cares a lot about his boyfriend!

Also, WELCOME BACK ABEL!!  Glad to see ya again!


Quote from: Zachski on November 02, 2020, 10:56:01 PM
He may not be sexually attracted to Jyrras, but he definitely cares a lot about his boyfriend!

Also, WELCOME BACK ABEL!!  Glad to see ya again!

Someone needs to explain to Kria that asexual is not the same as aromantic!


...Abel appears to have made a *much* better recovery than indicated?
For decades I viewed myself as a 'wageslave', captive to whims of others and not realizing that by Naming myself that I *defined* myself.

Now many years older and wiser, I am trying to be the change  I want to see.


Yay! He's back!

And he's healthier than expected.

And other people have covered the asexual =/= aromantic topic.
Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!



They may be Fuzzy but they are still pretty BIG ears.

Also. can someone tell me when jyrras and Abel officially became a couple? its been a long while since i read the comic, might have missed it. or is that something that did happen off panel?


Quote from: Mermidion on November 03, 2020, 04:03:57 AM
They may be Fuzzy but they are still pretty BIG ears.

Also. can someone tell me when jyrras and Abel officially became a couple? its been a long while since i read the comic, might have missed it. or is that something that did happen off panel?

Page 1728.  It was actually during the night out when they met Hizell.  And yes, good to see Abel is looking well!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Abel: I essentially lived in a High School/College for nearly FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. You learn to do long distance listening in in all that time.



Quote from: Drakkenmensch on November 02, 2020, 08:50:54 PM
Kria you doofus, he can hear your thoughts.

You really think someone like her would be without the heaviest of mindshields at all times?  The only time she'd have an open mind would be when she's laying a trap for someone so she could flood them with nightmare images.


I have to say, there's something about the way Amber drew him in panel 3, with the poofy floofy not-styled-as-usual hair, that is just speaking to me. Like, right now, my hair is pulling that and irking me and his face right there is totally my mood (even though his indignation is about something important).


Eyes still bi-colored, wings still bi-fledged. So much for that half-baked theory. :D

(Been wondering if the Quoar-characteristics Aniz apparently engineered would disappear when his eyes and wings were restored.)


Quote from: Wageslave94 on November 03, 2020, 01:09:50 AM
...Abel appears to have made a *much* better recovery than indicated?
Quote from: Hariman on November 03, 2020, 02:31:26 AM
And he's healthier than expected.

in a world where people can change shape and appearance with magic, racial perk or accessories, at least "looking" healthy is easy
but they had to regrow his wings, where most of a cubi's power is located, there is no clue right now about how much his abilities were affected by the whole thing


Got a deviantArt account? Go join DMFAclub!

I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Even speaking as someone who isn't a particularly big fan of Abel, it's still good to see him kick in a door to call Kria on her antics. Jyrras isn't the most emotionally stable person at the best of times, which this is not, so annoyed by him or not Kria really shouldn't be toying with him on this issue.

Also, as others have already said, Asexual does not equal aromantic.



Quote from: Wanderer on November 04, 2020, 07:19:10 AM
Even speaking as someone who isn't a particularly big fan of Abel, it's still good to see him kick in a door to call Kria on her antics. Jyrras isn't the most emotionally stable person at the best of times, which this is not, so annoyed by him or not Kria really shouldn't be toying with him on this issue.

Abel has known Kria his whole life and is highly qualified to put her in her place.


So if I'm reading the last 5 strips correctly, this is still at the hospital, Jyrras was supposed to go through security before being allowed to see Abel, having just found out about 20 minutes (of childplay) ago that Abel was in physical therapy and able to see people.

And yea, for someone that was supposed to be in need of regrowing wings from nothing, that's amazingly good shape.


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 03, 2020, 04:39:04 AM

Page 1728.  It was actually during the night out when they met Hizell.  And yes, good to see Abel is looking well!

Thank you for your fast response.
And wow... i actually forgot the WHOLE Club thing that went down before the dragon attack.....Time to reread the Archives again i guess xD


Quote from: keybounce on November 04, 2020, 09:53:26 PM
So if I'm reading the last 5 strips correctly, this is still at the hospital, Jyrras was supposed to go through security before being allowed to see Abel, having just found out about 20 minutes (of childplay) ago that Abel was in physical therapy and able to see people.

And yea, for someone that was supposed to be in need of regrowing wings from nothing, that's amazingly good shape.

I would guess that the impact would be somewhat similar to limb reattachment surgery. He has the wings back, but it will take some time and therapy before he regains full ability to fly or shapeshift them into clothing.


Quote from: Drakkenmensch on November 02, 2020, 11:02:13 PM
Someone needs to explain to Kria that asexual is not the same as aromantic!

I'm roughly 99% certain that Kria is completely aware of that fact and is just feigning ignorance to tease him.


Quote from: InhumanInterest on November 08, 2020, 01:29:38 PM
Quote from: Drakkenmensch on November 02, 2020, 11:02:13 PM
Someone needs to explain to Kria that asexual is not the same as aromantic!

I'm roughly 99% certain that Kria is completely aware of that fact and is just feigning ignorance to tease him.

Only 99? I'm curious what consideration besides trolling makes up the remaining one percent. 🤨


Quote from: ProfesseurRenard on November 08, 2020, 03:00:14 PM
Quote from: InhumanInterest on November 08, 2020, 01:29:38 PM
Quote from: Drakkenmensch on November 02, 2020, 11:02:13 PM
Someone needs to explain to Kria that asexual is not the same as aromantic!

I'm roughly 99% certain that Kria is completely aware of that fact and is just feigning ignorance to tease him.

Only 99? I'm curious what consideration besides trolling makes up the remaining one percent. 🤨

There's an outside chance of that being genuine ignorance with a dash of maternal supportiveness


he's looking good considering what they said he went through!

honestly Im guessing thats why he didnt want visitors till now. he didnt want anybody seeing him till he was fabulous again.  :mowtongue