Message for Amber

Started by killpurakat, September 20, 2020, 07:51:27 PM

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So, I know this isn't likely the best place to put this message, but I think it's important to be out there. And this is with regards to the author's notes left on 9/18/20.

(And this applies to many people out there who might be feeling anxious/stressed/strained/depressed/fed up with all the things, so hopefully y'all see it and it helps.)

I think self care, especially at the current time, is very important, and if you are changing routines or medication or diets or anything more substantial than trying a slightly different brand of food, it very honestly can upset your life and perspective completely and knock off your sense of self substantially. And you are not alone. And it is very much okay to feel this way.

Humans naturally go through slumps. Sometimes we are capable of pulling ourselves out, sometimes we need help, but each person and situation is different and whatever path you take is yours to decide to take and valid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Likewise, with regards to lamenting the decrease in comics per week in the author's note (from 3 to 2), I think you are too close to the situation to see it objectively. How I see it is you are producing two very high quality comics compared to three lower quality/less art-intensive comics (each comic now feels like twice the work of the previous 3-panel comics), so you actually ARE doing more now than you previously were. The story and character development arcs are also much more intensive and require much more planning and forethought than many of the simpler the three-panel jokes.

Because I have been watching people mixing drinks on Youtube just because and cocktails are on my mind, I shall put this analogy into alcoholic terms: you are lamenting that you used to drink three beers before feeling tipsy, whereas now you can only have two Long Island Iced Teas before feeling the buzz creeping in, and you are focusing on that you used to be able to have three drinks and now only can have two, but the alcoholic content of the two is SO MUCH MORE that it is an unfair comparison. And now just think of the alcohol as artistic quality and hopefully that all made sense. :)

Please try not to judge yourself too harshly, even though I understand that it can be quite difficult. I think you are a wonderful artist and creator that is honestly trying to better themselves with each new drawing, and while you feel you may not be progressing fast enough or producing enough content to your own standards, you might be unfairly setting your goals impossibly high and being too hard on yourself.

I love each new comic when it comes out and hope you will keep brightening my day, and the days of many of your fans, with your awesome story and wonderful characters and amazing perspectives for years to come.


And to add, given the current events around the world, many people are experiencing burnout and stress to unprecedented degrees, and that can be scary. Even if you personally don't feel like you should be affected as much, for whatever reasons, you are part of the world and it does mentally and physically creep into your life too. It is quite okay to scale things back and reassess if you need to.

As my friend put it, we're all sort of dealing with PTSD right now, and just because everyone is feeling it doesn't make it less valid for anyone.


Thanks I needed to hear this. And I want to add that Amber is producing this high quality entertainment for us for FREE! I'm very grateful and I know many are. Sure there is some fundraising, but it's not required to enjoy this amazing work of art. Thank you Amber, and don't worry - we're virtually by your side.