2019/05/23 [RE 63.29] Whole again

Started by Tapewolf, May 23, 2019, 09:47:28 AM

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Well, the Shadow Slayer seems to be the sum of all her past lives, so it could be worse.

This does raise questions about what happens after Jake is disposed of.  If the Shadow isn't also disposed of, will the ShadowSlayer still have what they need to do the job?  If the top tier gods take out the Shadow for good and all, what happens to the Slayer?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Haha yeah it sure would be nice if the creation goddesses did something about the living shadow huh

I mean, the Shadowslayer's sword can damage the shadow because it was made in a time before the lower gods were created... but the creation goddesses were still there, so like, they're defo stronger, right? I'm sure if they actually cared they could just snap their fingers or whatever and obliterate the thing.

I suspect one of the reasons Jake is still alive at all is that it's uncertain if killing him will also kill the Shadow... maybe one could even argue he's the key to keeping it in check or eventually stopping it. But I bet there's plenty in the corner of "nah killing him will stop it. Also killing tricksters will stop it."

If the Shadow ever permanently dies?? Hopefully the Shadowslayer gets to enjoy retirement. Being the world's oldest hero and having to deal with Jake and his shit over the span of a couple thousand years has got to be exhausting.
...By Puyon