2018-11-16 [DMFA #1883] It's part of our New Way

Started by Tapewolf, November 16, 2018, 08:00:30 AM

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Yes, clearly there is a lot more to all this than just giving Beings a leg up.  As he points out, Beings can be just as vicious - (anti-wing cults anybody?  Cindy being driven to suicide?  Mink's mother being executed without trial?) so we're apparently looking at a way to unify everyone and show them a completely new way to live.  The flashback from a third perspective should be interesting too.

EDIT: There is an interesting real-world parallel to what Biggs is describing - the feudal system.  They had this elegant hierarchical structure where everyone was enslaved by someone else.  Serfs had overseers.  Overseers belonged to a noble, Nobles answered to a baron, Barons to the king.  The king himself either answered to God, or was in thrall to an emperor (who was in turn enthralled to God).  And that was all anyone ever knew for centuries on end.
There was an offence 'Little Treason' or 'Petty Treason', which was the case where someone murdered a person of higher rank.  It wasn't just murder, this was an act of rebellion against the entire, divinely-ordained system, an attack on the entire fabric of society, and as such they'd come down on you like a ton of bricks and mete out a particularly horrific punishment to stop anyone else getting similar ideas.  Ultimately it was the plague wiping out most of the Serfs which took everything down because the pyramid had had its base removed, and with Serfs suddenly a rare commodity they were in a position of strength and able to bargain for a better lot.

The other thing is that Creature Cities are a slight deviation from the model he is describing - in that, the mid-tier Creatures are protecting the weaker races as a service for which they expect to be paid.  That makes things expensive, but also safe as long as you pay your taxes and stay within the law.  If someone goes around committing atrocities it would make the Creature guardians look weak and cause people to wonder why they are paying so much, so they'll come down hard on troublemakers.  Though this is more of an oasis from the kill-or-be-killed world outside, and it doesn't stop a top-tier Creature from trying to take over the city with disastrous results.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E