E's little corner(BEWARE) MA Trashed (the betraying heart)

Started by e_voyager, September 21, 2006, 11:00:02 PM

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I may be offline for a few weeks but i'll update as soon as i can.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


 sorry to take so long but i needed to work on this some more. also on the fourteenth i shall be another year older. now on the to story

"The subject's is approaching the entryway do you have visual." " yes he's about to pass under  the first camera... we've lost visual" "what again?" "yes again." " dammit I thought the tech's emp shield this batch." "They did I saw the test but it's still down."  "Cameras four and seven are down."  "How is he doing it?" "it doesn't matter. He's doing it." "what of the floramon?" she has only been seen twice since their return from the digital world." "Could she be doing this?" "our repots don't show any powers that allow for that unless..." "unless what?" "reports show that digital evolution has a tendency to short out all surveillance equipment within a set ranger and on top of that I renders anything within it's radius scrambled beyond recognition." " cameras five, eight  and two are down... sir we just lost every camera but three."  " were is camera three?" it's in the fridge." What about the computer monitoring software so that we'll know if he goes to the digital world." "The computer hasn't been booted up yet." 

Sitting in the shadows of the van a pessimistic student sighs. "it won't work you know"  "what wont work?" "You'll only see as much as he lets you." And camera 3?" "Chances are the fridge cam was likely left there on purpose. A little something to throw you off the trail." "And why would he do that" "He knows your invading his home." "I doubt that were professionals"  "So is he. He nearly convinced the states that he was dead unit he started taping his bank accounts to live here. Afterwards we were able back trace his movements and found out that he'd been living the life of a homeless drifter moving around form city to city on foot. He spent much of his time moving with the weather living in abandoned buildings near parks or park like paces."  "And what does that have to do with our investigation?"  "Look at where we are? The Shinjuku park is practically across the street form here. On top of that he was sold this building because it was rundown. It looks a lot better now but I be he knows ever square inch of this place" "he's still human. He can make mistakes."  "He can but does he?"

The surveillance team watched as the night grew later then the lights in the house turned off. And hour later they receive a visual of the subject form with in the fridge that lasted for about 5 second before the camera 3 died. He was grabbing a container of milk in the video clip. "That's all we got!" there a few muttered apologies then they settled in for the night. There was no more activity from the home but then Eric had been long gone for there before there even realized it.

Silver Renamon's mediations were disturbed and she could not focus. She sighs and stands stretching. There was something about Eric or was it Eliander as he'd started to call himself in the digital world. His power was great but there was something else, some thing frightening. When she was training him he was holding back she knew. Doing his best to avoid throwing a killing strike or landing a crippling blow and while this was okay in training she knew it could cost him his life in battle. As bad as that was not all. When their fist met she could feel him suppressing a darkness within him. Something scary with power comparably to a mega and it was getting stronger.  Was this what he wanted more strength? To become strong enough to keep this thing locked away or was he even away of it within him trying to consume him form the inside? Sooner or later it would likely break free. If no not if when it did gods help them all.

Her ears perked. She could hear both Eric and Susan. This was the fifth time tonight and he had class in the morning not to mention training with her tomorrow after class and before work. She smiled in spite of herself. Two days ago they had been afraid to touch each other then with her help at Susan's request. It had been odd but she enjoyed it.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey