New Guy Here!

Started by The One Guy, July 01, 2017, 09:41:06 PM

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The One Guy

Hey, so I've already made a few posts, but it occurred to me that I never actually introduced myself, so here I go:

Hi, I'm The One Guy.  If you know me than it's probably from the MSPA forums, but I do have a lesser presence in other places too (if you see someone named The One Guy and with the same avatar I use here, then it's probably me).

DMFA has been my favorite webcomic ever since I found it back in ... I think it was 2009, maybe 2008, and recently I got to thinking about how I'm active in the fandom for my third favorite webcomic (MSPA/Homestuck), but not my favorite.  Ultimately, I came to the conclusion of: Why not?  It's a smaller fandom, of course, but there's nothing stopping me from joining the forums here.  And thus, here I am!

Before joining did a reread of the comic so everything's fresh in my mind, and even skimmed through all the comic page threads at Lost Lake here because I'm crazy like that.  And of course I read through all the rules.

I seem to be getting here rather late as a lot of stuff on these forums seem pretty inactive, but the DMFA comic discussion is still up and running, and that's mainly what I'm here for.

And with all that said, uh, I'm bad at making outros.


 Welcome! (One of us! One of us!) Leave your sanity at the door, and beware of boxes with teeth. (Your sanity will be dry cleaned and pressed, the used for...interesting things.)
"Death before Dishonor" they always said. It's because death is far less painful than eternal dishonor.


Hiii!! It's nice to have more people to chat with here, welcome!


Yaaaaay!! Welcome!! It's always nice having new nice people around here!!
...By Puyon


Welcome!  Hope you enjoy your stay here.  It's been a little off this last week as a number of folk were at AC anyway and so distracted by other things, offline for much of the time and so forth.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E