2017-05-15 [DMFA #1753] - Opening move

Started by Tapewolf, May 15, 2017, 07:39:35 AM

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Is it me, or is Wildy doing a Superman pose?


If Hizell wants to kill Abel I do not see how he can do anything about it, so the question is does he really want to or rather use him as bait for Destina?
Also while I do not doubt Hizells hate for cubi and that he will be happy to destroy Siars line we have not heard the dragon side if the story about the war.

If there will be a last minute save I dont think it will come in the form of Macey or Kira, who if we go by reputation should not have much chance against Hizell anyway, but from Fa'lina who sacrifices herself to save Abel. As she was dieing anyway it would not have that much of an impact, it would escalate the growing tensions between Cubi and Dragons which has already shown with the Cubi gearing up for war and it would bring Dan back to Lost Lake as the academy would vanish.

As for Pip, wasn't there speculation based on the perspective in Hizell's crystal ball that he enabled Hizell to scry on them in the first place? So in a way Pip engineered this meeting. Does he feel some remorse for potentially killing Abel? Who knows?
Personally I think Pip is a bad guy who secretly aids Destina in the hope that her anti-dragon superweapon can also kill him or even Direlamly/all true dragons.

Foxx Trotter

Quote from: Timeheart on May 17, 2017, 01:50:22 PM
Looks like they're blasting off again! Oh wait, wrong show.

"Tagged" by Amber for one of her wacky ideas.  Still cute, though. ;)  We'll see where those two end up soon enough.


Perhaps Able is considering that even a possible physical death from falling is better than what Hizell could do to them, considering his trick with Siar's dying essence. Abel is turning out to be very honorable and altruistic, contrary to his own views of himself.


Quote from: Prroul on May 16, 2017, 01:43:59 PM

And Hizel is going to make the classic Draconic ego mistake of dismissing them. Although I suddenly had a cute scene in my head...

"Yes paternal parental unit?"
"Your petition to co-pilot the Gryph-mech has been considered and accepted. Suit up, we're leaving."
"Executing subroutine SQEEEEEE.bat"
"Excuse me, young lady?"
"Apologies. sudo ./SQUEEEEEE.bat"
"That's better."

I agree, and that scene is adorable.


Quote from: maus_merryjest on May 16, 2017, 03:58:27 PM
Well... this is a sad development. There really is no way out for Abe in this scenario, short of a miracle.
And Mr. Snarkyspots is my favorite character, to boot :/

To be fair, if there's any place where miracles can happen, it's Furrae...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Dard on May 17, 2017, 06:21:33 AMUmm...

those two moons in the background.
How do they work?
Two different suns shining at them from a different angle each?

Sorry, hobby-astronomer speaking here. Moons are very often drawn in impossible ways in comics and once I started noticing it I can't stop recognizing all the mistakes. I have to admit that I have never seen this particular oddity yet.

Ninja'd :mowtongue I was wondering about this too.

Quote from: katasev on May 17, 2017, 07:20:19 AM... since moon phases are based on where the moon itself is in relation to sun's light rather than where the sun itself is, they're probably just offset from each other on their cycle.
QuoteOr the first moon could be blocking most of the light from the second moon if they're close together but in a line. Or that moon could actually be sitting at a planet-occluded angle?

The word you're looking for is "eclipse". Perhaps the planet or nearer moon is eclipsing the farther one. Lining up properly, you could have three individual eclipses in a night, one lunar/lunar and two planet/lunar. Or you could have a colinear eclipse, the planet starting the farther moon's eclipse then the nearer moon getting eclipsed while simultaneously  blocking the view of the farther one's totality. You could also get double solar eclipse or eclipse & transit depending on the moons' size and orbit relative to the sun's visible size.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Yeah I'm pretty sure Furrae is heliocentric just like Earth, like physics kind of demands it to be, rather than geocentric, so the sun doesn't fling itself around the planet to change where it's falling on the moon. If moon 1 is behind the planet from the sun but not DIRECTLY behind it, that's a full moon because all of the surface of the moon is being lit up by the sun. (Directly behind and you get an eclipse, because the planet's blocking the light that would otherwise be falling on it.) If we consider that position of full as 12 o'clock, if moon 2 is placed more at a 5 o'clock position (not quite to New Moon), the sun will only show up on that crescent of it because of where it is in relation to the sun. But you could still see both because it's not like you can't see the moon every night regardless of what phase it's in, right?

And while eclipse is a bit more specific to space and celestial bodies, yes, occlude also works for what I was saying, thanks. occlude - to prevent the passage of something, ie, light. I didn't want people to confuse it with the type of eclipse that only lasts a few minutes, so I went with a word more specific to the meaning I had in mind.


 FurraeForums: Snark of the Moon!

(Sorry, couldn't resist!  :))
"Death before Dishonor" they always said. It's because death is far less painful than eternal dishonor.