Does in-game content like this really exist?

Started by Rowne, September 17, 2006, 12:07:07 PM

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I found a number of videos from Stepping Selection for the Playstation 2 (link removed).

I'm actually having a hard time coming to terms that this could even be in a game and if games this bad truly exist, I'm glad that I've never been foolhardy enough to buy one, for if I did I would either die laughing or my brain would suffer a complete cessation of function across the board.

I didn't know where to place this one since it is video files but since it's also game related, I figured here was best.

And aside from that, I'm at a loss for words.  I really am.

Oh dear.  Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.  Oh golly, oh gosh ... and frankly, crikey.  It's just that bad.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find a way to scrub Surfin' USA from my brain.


It was either that or end up paying the psychiatry bills of the entire forum because they'd all turn up here eventually just to see what all the fuss was about and to be honest, I don't think I can have that many broken psyches on my conscience.  <.<

Still, if you really want to watch them, look up Stepping Selection on Youtube ... but you were warned.


Why did you show me this? Now I have to go find the shattered remains of my spirit. *walks away*


Poor Aridas.  Still, I can relate.

Personally, I'm tempted to mail that link to any developer that releases a sham of a game from here on in.  It's the perfect deterrant.  Of course, they'd likely ignore it, which would foil my plans completely.  Or they'd get an intern to read their mails and I'd shatter yet more innocent lives, so it probably isn't a good idea, overall.  But tempting.  Oh so tempting.



Whatever those developers were smoking must've been really, really good, eh?  Though I imagine any child that's actually unfortunate enough to play this would be scarred for life.  I can see some kid, twenty years from now, telling a psychiatrist about the horrors he endured at the hands of his PS2.


And really, most of those videos had NOTHING to do with the song... Or if they did, They were in a VERY wrong context (See Ghostbusters to know what I mean. Wtf? Ghosts are supposed to be a BAD thing. Stop making kids look happy around them.)


Considering how this bounces off a logical brain, such as yours Aridas and my own, I can't help but wonder whether on some level it's psychological warfare.

Once again I'm tempted to buy up large amounts of this game in the attempt to force people to play it, sadly I'm still convinced that they wouldn't reach their proper destinations and some intern would end up with a broken mind.

Still, if I could ...

Anyway, the mere idea of being stuck in a room with those videos on loop makes my skin crawl.  And that's what I'm going to do to anyone that ever crosses me!  <.<  Forget weapons of any kind, these are much better.



My god, Rowne! What horrors have you unleashed upon us???  D:


I think the Ghostbusters video made me die a little inside...


Augh, the sad cuteness.  Why must everyone exploit my weakness?

If I pull the link down, will you all promise not to inflict any further sad, cute critters upon me?  I think if I see a third today, it might just do my heart in.  <.<


I feel as if a small piece of my soul has just been nibbled away.... At least the My Sharona video was fairly amusing what with all the warp effects. But yeah... The ghostbusters video... My soul... It took a bite out of my freakin' soul.... :mowsad
Yap by Silver.


I'm beginning to feel as though I've commited an act of Ultimate Evil here.  I'll try not to do it again.  Poor holey spirits.


There, I feel better now.  <.<


Bah, put the link back up, unless you want these videos to approach the status of urban myth and, later, legend as rumors spread about their devastating effect and eventually someone unearths them in an attempt to win some world war only to have their faces melted. Better that they see them now and just end up with swiss-cheese souls.

Anyway, I can track down that part of my soul. One of those teddy bears probably has it trapped in their fuzziness. Or I can just replace it with part of a "used" soul I can acquire through my Cubi connections.

But for now.... *Holds his nibbled soul in front of a lamp* Look! It's a star-filled night sky! :mowtongue
Yap by Silver.


I would put the link back up but I honestly can't bring myself to do it.  I did leave instructions there though for the desperate and I'd rather see quashed hopes than destroyed people.  *Cough.*

In other words, tell it to my empathy.