2017/03/31 [AF 1] Offworlders - Just Say No

Started by Tapewolf, March 31, 2017, 10:23:17 AM

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I suppose that is displaying tolerance in that they haven't tried to burn them or something.
EDIT: Though I'm now curious whether the problem is that the gods are jerks or whether there is a physical limitation involved somewhere

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


While it's a "rule", technically the gods can do whatever they want. They just practically never listen to offworlders. Some offworlders may be more receptive to magic than others though.


Okay so sometime ago I asked if LaRaGans can go offworld and you said yeah, I gotta wonder one thing

Some LaRaGans go offworld. Sometime during their space travels the two LaRaGans have a baby off of LaRaGa. Then they return to LaRaGa with their LaRaGan space baby. Can the child still use god's magic or is that technically an offworlder?
...By Puyon


Quote from: Puyon on April 01, 2017, 08:32:11 AM
Okay so sometime ago I asked if LaRaGans can go offworld and you said yeah, I gotta wonder one thing

Some LaRaGans go offworld. Sometime during their space travels the two LaRaGans have a baby off of LaRaGa. Then they return to LaRaGa with their LaRaGan space baby. Can the child still use god's magic or is that technically an offworlder?

If they're born offworld they probably count as an offworlder. Onworld, probably LaRaGan. But there wouldn't really be a hard-and-fast rule.