Syn's Stuff Slightly Resembling Art

Started by Synonymous, September 23, 2006, 09:39:38 PM

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I got bored, was drawing, and then decided to make an art thread... thing. D: I probably won't put much on here, but I figured that maybe having one of these would inspire me to draw more, which will increase my ability to draw, which will ensure my success in the future. Or something. And also, it'll increase my participation in forum activities somewhat, and if that doesn't happen I'll implode.

First up is something I actually just finished (seriously, I just finished this before I typed this sentence). It's a doll, and the base (hooray for bases!) is from Lauviah World. The thing that took the longest on this (and trust me, you'll be able to tell) was the recolouring and markings. Because of this, I'm going to link to the base without clothing here. (Base is, obviously, naked. Bases are (generally) Barbie-like in appearance, as far as nudity is concerned.)

I like the hair and the doll itself, but I don't like the clothes. I can't shade very well. e_e I also don't like the fact that it's impossible to tell what the heck she's supposed to be. (FYI, she's supposed to be a chipmunk. ...Yeah.) I'm probably going to entirely redo this sometime. Or at least fix that stupid tail and the shading.

Second, I've got this picture that I posted in my first post. :3 This is a quickly coloured and resized version of it, though, just so that I could figure out a rough colour scheme for the girl in the picture. It was also Pen Tool practice.

Third and fourth, I've got two more dolls, and they're of the same character. The first one's base is from Apitchou, and the second one's base is from Bunnystick. ...I don't like the shading on either of them. D: I just like them 'cause the character won't leave me alone. And I think her hair is kinda cool.

Finally, I've got an older doll. For some strange reason, though, it looks better than the three recent ones I posted.

The base is from Rainy Day Crap Box, and I do like the shading on this one. :D I love the female character in this one, so I'm probably going to post a lot of stuff with her in it. The guy, not so much, because he's my friend's character.

So, that's it! I hope I didn't break any rules. Constructive criticism is very welcome; I won't get offended.
Also, name suggestions for the girl with blonde/brown hair are welcome as well. I have no idea what to name her. She's originally from some Asian country (don't know which one yet :animesweat), but she moves to America when she's young, so the origin of the name doesn't really matter.