Returning under a new name

Started by KarmikCykle, September 17, 2006, 11:18:28 PM

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It's unlikely anybody here will remember me from the old forum, as I didn't post there very often.  I posted under the name Happy Noodle Boy.  I'm glad to be back, even if few people recognise me.


It might not be much consolation but from the time I spent lurking, I remember the name, at least.  I might even remember some of the posts but my memory has well and truly gone down the tubes.

Still, welcome back!

Oh and for the sake of continuity, I'd say that this is always a bad idea ...


Giant Baskets of Hellriding +3 are always damned hard to steer.  Amber, of course, has mad Basket-driving skills, so she's allowed to get away with it.


Yay hellbaskets! *dances like a cheerleader*


Welcome back  :P

:laugh Hope your posts rate gets better, join the party.