2015/10/30 - [DMFA #1616] - Ten Point Plan

Started by Tapewolf, October 30, 2015, 07:41:41 AM

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If one of her goals is "Kill Dan and all his friends" I wonder how much help DP is actually going to give her now that he's reached a peace accord with Dan.
AFAIK he's still under the impression that Dan is Lorenda's boyfriend and that a link-up with Cyra is a possibility.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


So, do you guys think that Regina finally regrowing her wing is because she decided it was no longer fashionable, or do you think DP just talked her into it?


Quote from: Techcubi on October 30, 2015, 10:21:37 AM
So, do you guys think that Regina finally regrowing her wing is because she decided it was no longer fashionable, or do you think DP just talked her into it?

Probably a bit of the latter, but more likely went she probably needs money for it and she likely got it from Kria before. I doubt DP is willing to give her money for temporary wing alterations to make them look undead. But still counts as DP putting a stop to it.


Quote from: AzureEdge on October 30, 2015, 11:06:30 AM
Probably a bit of the latter, but more likely went she probably needs money for it and she likely got it from Kria before. I doubt DP is willing to give her money for temporary wing alterations to make them look undead. But still counts as DP putting a stop to it.

That's a point - does Regina have a job or is she NEET?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Considering that she's in the middle of nowhere right now? Probably NEET, unless she's doing some sort of online work, although DP may have her doing the same sort of household scut-work that Kria did. Someone has to make the food and sweep the floors, after all, and it sure as heck isn't gonna be him, and he did make her clean out the place they're currently holed up in. I doubt he's paying her for it, though - but Kria may have set up an automatic payment to Regina's accounts, for the household chores she was doing at Kria's, and it didn't get cancelled because Reasons. (I'm betting one part "Kria has actually forgotten about it, it's a negligible amount of money for her", and one part "Kria considers being off with DP to be a form of work".)

Now I'm wondering what they've been eating. And if they've been eating. Do demons need to eat? Cubi don't, if they're getting sufficient emotional energy, although they still can, but I can't recall off the top of my head if the same topic's been covered for demons.


Quote from: Reeves_Dove on October 30, 2015, 06:39:43 PM
Now I'm wondering what they've been eating. And if they've been eating. Do demons need to eat? Cubi don't, if they're getting sufficient emotional energy, although they still can, but I can't recall off the top of my head if the same topic's been covered for demons.

Now that's a good question.  According to Dark Pegasus' page he seems to have somehow got himself in a position where he doesn't need to eat.  But as a rule, Demons need to eat a lot and quite regularly, if what I've heard is canon.  Kria and Lorenda's tendency to eat people who get in their way would seem to bear this out.  

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I'm with Regina on this one. I did enough frakking essays in college for the rest of my life.

...Thinking about it that way, I probably shouldn't have majored in English.


Quote from: Tapewolf on October 30, 2015, 07:02:14 PM
Quote from: Reeves_Dove on October 30, 2015, 06:39:43 PM
Now I'm wondering what they've been eating. And if they've been eating. Do demons need to eat? Cubi don't, if they're getting sufficient emotional energy, although they still can, but I can't recall off the top of my head if the same topic's been covered for demons.

Now that's a good question.  According to Dark Pegasus' page he seems to have somehow got himself in a position where he doesn't need to eat.  But as a rule, Demons need to eat a lot and quite regularly, if what I've heard is canon.  Kria and Lorenda's tendency to eat people who get in their way would seem to bear this out.  

Well, Kria and Lorenda, in and of themselves, provide confirmation that Demons can eat. And their tendency to eat people confirms strongly suggests that they obtain something useful from it, because eating someone seems like it'd be an awfully awkward way to get rid of them without some real benefit to it.

I'd be surprised if Demons didn't need to eat, though - Cubi are, functionally, a lot more...hm, not ephemeral, exactly (that'd be Fae), but more loosely tied to the world, I guess? And something as big and magic-heavy as a Demon must require a lot of fuel to keep it going - I wouldn't be surprised if Demons are obligate carnivores, too. (That is, their diet needs to be at least 60-80% meat-based.)

MT Hazard

D.P is kind of undead at this point, which you'd think would cause no small amount of self loathing, but would rid him of the need to eat.  I think that D.P is also the kind of person who would consider eating an inconvenient,waste of time and would dedicate himself to finding a way around it.

On another point I feel the young demons lack of organisation and poor impulse control is something that keeps their population numbers in check, if they all planned things out the whole world would be in trouble. It may also be why the dragons considered the angels a threat but not the demons.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Quote from: MT Hazard on November 01, 2015, 03:47:02 PM
D.P is kind of undead at this point, which you'd think would cause no small amount of self loathing, but would rid him of the need to eat.  I think that D.P is also the kind of person who would consider eating an inconvenient,waste of time and would dedicate himself to finding a way around it.

He's not undead in the normal sense since he's still got his regeneration ability and other demon traits.  AFAIK he's got a relatively normal demon biology going.  If the thing about him not eating is still canon it's most likely because he's come up with some alternative way of fuelling himself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E