2015/09/28 - [DMFA #1608] Getting the Jitters.

Started by Kipiru, September 28, 2015, 07:10:24 AM

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The last panel is priceless :mowhappy Dan's face is the definition of badly concealed panic.


With their average life times, they could easily have literally hundreds.

Unless I'm missing something about Matilda's um..... biology? (Is that the word to use here? How long is a pregnancy for Matilda's race anyway?)


I get the feeling that Pyroduck may have warned Dan about Fa'Lina when it comes to this topic.


"YOU MATRONOUS BANSHEE" 'nuff said, I think. ;)

Now who's gonna link that comic with SO MANY WINGS?


Quote from: Golnor on September 28, 2015, 08:28:53 AM
With their average life times, they could easily have literally hundreds.

Unless I'm missing something about Matilda's um..... biology? (Is that the word to use here? How long is a pregnancy for Matilda's race anyway?)
I'm curious how Matilda would raise her children. Given the culture she comes from, being able to have a child as soon as she wants and not have to worry if it's a daughter is probably going to have a huge impact on her when  (or if) the time comes.

Though numbers are still an issue, they could only have so many at a time before they run out of the resources to care for them, especially given the potential threat of Dragons as they'd all be Cyra clan.

Also I wonder what a son would look like. We've already seen a potential daughter, but the males are so different...
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.

MT Hazard

Whoa, apparently turning around that fast is really bad for your face.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 


Love how Fa'Lina's academy omniscience alerts her to any baby-related chatter.

Grandma sense tingling!


Also: willing to bet that Mink "secretly" has planned out a whole bunch of his future kids including names, how to decorate their nurseries, which onesies are the BEST onesies (for varying body types depending on who/what the other parent is), what bedtime stories to read them, the ratio of fridge-door-space vs drawings to be magneted up, and by "secretly" I mean "will go on about it for hours if given even the slightest hint that whoever is listening is interested."
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: AzureEdge on September 28, 2015, 09:34:47 AM
I get the feeling that Pyroduck may have warned Dan about Fa'Lina when it comes to this topic.

No, his grandmother Cyra brought up kids as well when he had his dream talk with her and he immediately went to work changing the subject.  His reaction to Fa'lina is just more extreme because she's more extreme especially with her teleporting in and promptly showing interest in his having kids as well.  He's barely crossed into the committed relationship stage so unsurprising he'd be very gunshy about discussing something that ups the relationship so much.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Cassi-kun on September 28, 2015, 03:57:20 PM
Though numbers are still an issue, they could only have so many at a time before they run out of the resources to care for them, especially given the potential threat of Dragons as they'd all be Cyra clan.

You're presuming they'd be Cubi. My understanding is that the more powerful race is the one that the kids are. I wouldn't lay bets on Matilda's particular branch of the Mythos type being less powerful than Cyra. More insular, maybe. Even that one is a tough call, though...
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Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2015, 01:35:47 PM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on September 28, 2015, 03:57:20 PM
Though numbers are still an issue, they could only have so many at a time before they run out of the resources to care for them, especially given the potential threat of Dragons as they'd all be Cyra clan.

You're presuming they'd be Cubi. My understanding is that the more powerful race is the one that the kids are. I wouldn't lay bets on Matilda's particular branch of the Mythos type being less powerful than Cyra. More insular, maybe. Even that one is a tough call, though...
From her back story, it seems to me that most of the race's strength is physical, and even then, mostly the males. So my guess is that they would be Cubi, with a bonus to their strength stat :P

Though as I'm typing this I've remembered that part of Matilda's business is "magical homes" so I guess there is some magical strength after all...

Small-but-leadered Cubi clan vs a race that can make an oil lamp livable... now taking bets!
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 29, 2015, 01:35:47 PM
Quote from: Cassi-kun on September 28, 2015, 03:57:20 PM
Though numbers are still an issue, they could only have so many at a time before they run out of the resources to care for them, especially given the potential threat of Dragons as they'd all be Cyra clan.

You're presuming they'd be Cubi. My understanding is that the more powerful race is the one that the kids are. I wouldn't lay bets on Matilda's particular branch of the Mythos type being less powerful than Cyra. More insular, maybe. Even that one is a tough call, though...
The genetics arc made it sound like it could go either way any time, but that whichever race was more powerful was more likely. And since it doesn't seem to be possible to tell if a cubi offspring will become a cubi until it happens, dragons would likely consider a child of a cubi a target whether or not cubi traits had manifested.