2014/12/12 [DMFA #1536] Abel Doesn't Feel Like Talking?

Started by Rafe, December 12, 2014, 08:10:38 PM

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I wonder just how many reasons Abel could have for not wanting to talk to Kria for the last 400 years or so.


Probably a couple hundred thousand different reasons... Kria's hate of cubi (or at least just Fa'lina) or the last time they met was at his mother's deathbed aside.


I'm guessing Kria manages to get Abel to go along with her lunch idea, and while he's dealing with that situation, somehow both Devin and Lorenda show up, leading to a four-way awkwardapalooza.

Who knows? Maybe the unflappable Kria will finally show some small amount of embarrassment or regret over her past.
 ... Nah.



Actually, the cuteness of Miss Priss in panel 3 is as nothing compared to Kria in panel 4. She is like seventeen cute lesbians sticking out their tongues. Also, PAYroll. Also I followed a link to #623 in last week's comments and ended up rereading 913 pages and all the clan leaders. Really excellent stuff. :mowhappy