2014/10/06 [DMFA #1521] - And here I thought he dissed tacos.

Started by Torano, October 06, 2014, 10:23:23 AM

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As a writer, and morally "open-minded", I know that no "evil" person ever truly has believed that they are evil. After all, what did Hitler (Godwin's Law) call the extermination of the Jews? The "final solution." Every dictator has a motivation. Usually, the "real life" sort of dictators are rarely the "hahahaha! I'm going to conquer you!" sort. They have an honest agenda, even if it's not always as friendly as we tend to enjoy in literature and film. But for now, it helps comfort us to know that there's someone that makes life interesting.

After all, look at Kria!

P.S. Rock those Tacos, Ambaaaargh!


Pfft, Abel's not evil. I'm evil, for I do not like tacos.

Oh yeah. I said it. (And I'm actually dead serious, too.)


Got that right...if there's anything evillller than raisins in cookies (where they might be mistaken for chocolate chips by the unsuspecting), it's raisins in curry... :yuck


Alton Brown hates raisins as well. In recipes where he can't get away from them (Oatmeal Cookies being one), he uses golden raisins soaked overnight in rum.

Maybe Amber should try? Abel could make 'em for her, easily.  :3


Dammit, who asked this question. I saw it before the comic went up, definitely....


I'm reminded of how Jyrras's father Seth used the whole pizza-topping-argument distraction strategy to free Jyrras from the clutches of his big sisters:



I wonder WHAT Abel likes on his Pizza. Personally I am a fan of Hawaiian Pizza and Mushroom and Pepperoni. But the best topping I like that goes good on ANY Pizza is one I add myself. Pickles, dill ones because all others suck, on pizza is awesome.


I'm with amber on this one, I mean look how delicious these chocolate chip cookies look!

UURrrgh Damnit! This ALWAYS happens! You win this round oatmeal raisin...[/spoiler]
I'm just really loyal to my brand... what can I say? Dental Hygiene is important.


Hmm. Maybe if we replaced the raisins with chocolate chips.

Also, pepperoni pizza. Nothing beats it. NOTHING.

It's just a pity that I don't eat wheat/grains anymore, as that's one of the few things I miss after cutting them out of my diet.

Also, breaded chicken. That's yummy too.
Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!


Man all this cookie talk is making me wanna make cookies.

Honestly though, I do like seeing how the assorted cast members treat food! Fa'Lina and her Plan B Muffins (which sounds horrible when I phrase it like that...), Abel and his baking, even Mab's brownies!

Food is great.

I'm hungry.
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I have too many Cubi. Feel free to take some off my hands. Please.


If you want to talk cookies, you can't forget Hennya's yummy meat cookies:

...alright, I made a small change there.


Waaait a tick. What's with the quick change sweaters! Only the evil keep changing the colour of their sweaters mid-dialog!