Sketch-A-Day September - Here We Go!

Started by Liatai, August 30, 2014, 07:06:20 PM

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Hey there, people of the Tower! Whoo... it's kind of quiet around here. Let's see if we can change that.  :,

I'm having a pretty bad artistic productivity low right now, and I'd imagine there are other artists around here who feel the same way. I'd like to try to get back into the habit of drawing at least one thing daily, even if it's just a random object or dragon head or something. So, to that end, I'm declaring next month to be Sketch-A-Day September.

But, it's always more fun to do these kinds of challenges if you have someone else doing them with you. Fellow artists who you can say "hey, this part looks janky to me, what do you think?" to, and folks to encourage with "WOW! How do you do that?!" and "man, that part looks great, I can see you getting better!"

So, to that end! Here are the rules.

1.) Draw at least one thing a day, or at least make progress on one thing. (Sketch something, shade a sketch, ink a sketch, color an inked drawing, shade something that has flat colors, etc.)
2.) Post it here.

That's it! Doesn't matter how good or bad you are, how experienced or new, whether you use traditional or digital means, how scratchy or clean or rough or polished it is -- let's just draw and have fun! If you miss a day, don't worry; just pick up on the next one.

Who's with me? :smile


Sure, why no. I've been feeling that the larger forum has been a bit quiet and it has been quite a while for me since I've drawn anything. :sweatdrop
Might be a bit more difficult for me to find time as the month progresses though I will still try. :choco


Hey Sicill! Glad to have you on board! :3

First day's sketch -- when I don't know what to draw, I often default to Eastern dragons.


mechanical heart unfinished and waiting for parts.

don't know why, so here's a bunny  :bunny



Know what, since I've been trying to keep myself productive, yeah! I worked on this recently and finished the touchup today, may color it later.

Just a pic of my girlfriend :D


Late entry for sept 3, definitely miss having a scanner. digital is .. really different from traditional sketches. :<