2014/07/18 - [DMFA #1501] Talk birdie to me, baby.

Started by ZacAttac21, July 19, 2014, 01:04:42 AM

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Finally, some answers!

Or not. :T


oooh, why do I get the feeling Riva "disappeared" very shortly before the Adventurers showed up to consult? Depending on how fast they grow, perhaps Nite should check back in in a few years to get the full story.


Quote from: Demonology101The Phoenix A race is composed of 42 individuals who all reside in various temples scattered through the lands of Furrae. In a way, the Phoenix race is considered an immortal race...for as soon as one "dies", it is reborn somewhere else in the world.

...Wellp. This can't have happened all that long ago. In fact, that article implies that most Phoenix A's are reborn capable of walking to the nearest temple on their own power, so the fact that Riva went all the way back to a baby seems odd, too.


Quote from: Wanderer on July 19, 2014, 02:37:34 AM
Quote from: Demonology101The Phoenix A race is composed of 42 individuals who all reside in various temples scattered through the lands of Furrae. In a way, the Phoenix race is considered an immortal race...for as soon as one "dies", it is reborn somewhere else in the world.

...Wellp. This can't have happened all that long ago. In fact, that article implies that most Phoenix A's are reborn capable of walking to the nearest temple on their own power, so the fact that Riva went all the way back to a baby seems odd, too.

The article says they are reborn "somewhere else in the world." That "somewhere else" could have been the temple's doorstep for all we know.

Also, keep in mind that Amber wrote that article a long time ago. She might have changed something since then.


The good news: She just received an 18-year vacation.

The bad news: She has to learn how to speak and walk all over again.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


So, the obvious things are:

1) Some shifter used the li'll tyke's name in vain to throw the adventurers off track


2) She ended up immolating at some point between the last time she was spoken with and now.

Now, if I recall my lore correctly, phoenixes do the whole rebirth thing when killed. So, being a naturally suspicious person that I am, I can't help but wonder if she was deliberately whacked for some reason. And if so, then what was that reason? Someone could still have posed as her, then whacked her so she was unable to deny having ever spoken with them. Of course, this is Destania using Biggs' box of toys... the logic and methodology can very rapidly get labyrinthine, so perhaps it is best to not speculate too much, but suffice to say... the adventurers now have evidence that what they were previously told is perhaps a fabrication.

And the annoying thing about adventurers is that they really, really don't like it when people play them for pawns. And generally have quite a bit of expertise in expressing their dislike rather forcefully. Methinks this might well backfire on Des before everything is done. If nothing else, they might uncover some inconvenient evidence that might blow the whole plan open, which would in many ways be even worse for Des. Imagine what would happen to her if Hizel, for example, managed to get her in his targeting sights.


Quote from: Prroul on July 19, 2014, 11:08:53 AM
So, the obvious things are:

1) Some shifter used the li'll tyke's name in vain to throw the adventurers off track

Amber said at the time that you can't do the flame thing by shapeshifting, and a lot of people took that to mean that it really was the Oracle.  Personally I'm not convinced you couldn't use shapeshifting as a base and spells to add the special effects, or as I said at the time, bypass the whole physical appearance thing and insert the image of the Oracle into their minds much as Destania appeared to Abel as Devin.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Does Nyte's face look more angular in the comic today, or am I insane?

Wait, I forgot who I was for a second, nevermind.

I can't wait to see how this turns out; because then we can all go back and pick at the tiny details and sacrifice forumgoers at the temple of Ambargh and-

I'm being facetious.  Merlitz might be dead and the most likely person who can answer if and why is now an infant.  This is troubling.


I can kinda see the logic in whacking a Phoenix Oracle in that you don't really kill anyone and you delay her from going to the witness stand for a few years, which is enough for some purposes, especially Dee's.

And congratulations Amber, you just created the cutest way of announcing someone's death ever.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


Ambaaaargh, if you're see this, I must send congrats; Riva managed to get me to make noises that shouldn't come from a humanoid being.


Am I the only person who thinks that Mr. Roboto rusts out and eventually becomes the Ironman?

No not that Ironman, the other one!


Quote from: Meany on July 19, 2014, 11:32:54 AM
Merlitz might be dead and the most likely person who can answer if and why is now an infant.  This is troubling.
I wonder if the Phoenixes could be persuaded to give some relatively clear insight into Merlitz's current situation. In case it might shed some light on the murder...assault and battery?