Dakata's Art Thread - Updated Oct. 29

Started by Dakata, July 13, 2006, 05:37:43 PM

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*Ghey huggles* :P

Oh noes, top of the page, now everyone shall know I'm ghey for Daka 'Kata Dakata. D:


Quote from: Dakata on August 19, 2006, 09:38:17 PM
Not cute! D:

*Isn't posting any more art 'til later/tomorrow because he's mean...and wants a GHEY HUG* XP
want Xze to be a boy? =3

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


....Nyeh! Fine! New piccie! D: I'm too lazy to change the thread/topic name thingie though.

Guess what's under the hat! :B


D: LIES! That's not a new pic, I've seen it before! :O

And just prove I've seen it before, there's a bullet hole under his hat. :P


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


So? D: Who cares if -you- saw it? You're just a stinkin' fox!

...Oh noes! The smaller version with the bullet hole on his face eye! D:

(It's not fluff! D: It's plushie-blood! Fluffy plushie blood!)

Edit: Yes, the cane was random. D: But it's still cute....I think.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3



Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I don't know how Fi coudn't be cute. Like his massive blue aura.
Gyah, zombie esque dragon plushie type thing. I wonder if it's hungry. :januscat


It's a plushie! Plushies don't get hungry, Silly Ly.

*Is too lazy to post more art right now*





Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


 :3 Can have private time with joor brudder?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Go ahead. D: Just don't touch him in his "special place".

...He doesn't like to be touched there. D: If a boy touches him there, he'll cry like a little girl. And if he cries like a little girl, I'll laff. And laff, and laff, and laff.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Yoroshi's so cute. Love his hair and tail.
Seki's pretty cool too. I agree with the greatness of the wings. :januscat


[Clickie for the Piccie]
Eh. Random not-so-chibi-ish dragon. It was RANDUM. D: D: D:

[Clickie for the Piccie]
A -WINGED- bunny I drew for TGH. :B It's his chibi b-day pwesent. (I PM'd it to him a few days after his b-day. So don't call me a mean late-person. D: )

[Clickie for the Piccie]
A random doodle for Vulpes. D: It's half draggy, half FERRET. And it's got wingie-ish ears. :B

[Clickie for the Piccie]
OH NOES. D: It's a draggy-boy...And he's wearing a grass SKIRT....and a pretty widdle bra.....He's pretty. D: (Yes, this was a random doodle.)



Nuuuu...My stoopid art thread was revived agaaaaiin...D:

My first animal-y fursona, Oni Tora. D: He's a Demon-Tiger (or Tiger-Demon. :P Same thing.) and he's meeeaaan. He's my muse now. D: And he hits me when I try to eat candy.

(And yes, Oni is a boy. Oni-chan just sounds better (and cuter X3) than Oni-kun.)

Oni again. D: He's mad. At me. Because he's mean.

Pan, a new draggy of mine. D: I have a not-so-chibi-ish picture of her but I think it looks STOOPID.

(Bleh. I'm using Photobucket because I can't upload the pics to my site. Bleh. Stupid Filezilla's not connecting and stuff...*Nag nag nag, complain complain complain*)


Reminds me of Inuyasha for some reason...

Drake Manaweilder

Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on August 30, 2006, 08:05:16 PM

Reminds me of Inuyasha for some reason...

Also, Pan is a little hard to see. (black background, black colors)


You're just using the black layout thingie for the forum. D:

[Clickie for Pan's Piccie]


[Draggy Gaara. D: I drew it for EMD.]
(Yeah, I know I didn't draw the thing on his head. I was too lazy. And he DOES have arms. D: They're just...behind him.)

(LAWL. He's so PINK. :B)



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Baen, one of Boogeyman's monsters...as a CHIBI. Oh noes!
(Meh, I think it's kinda sucky...probably 'cuz I drew it in like...3-7 minutes.)

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Uzaruzo, another one of Boogey's monsters...AND HE'S A CHIBI TOO.
(I drew this quicker than I drew the Baen one. The legs look STEWPID. D': )

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-Another- picture for Boogey. It's Baen -and- Uzzy...AND SMILING THINGS*. I might color this pic in MS Paint later or somethin'...*Lazy*
(My scanner killed it a little. D: Oh, and Baen's eating a doggy treat, and Uzzy's eating a cookie. And that's a berry bush near the bottom of the pic. His name his Bob. :B)

* - I can't draw trees or clouds or anything that's outside without giving it a FACE. :< It doesn't look right (IMO) without a face. I DON'T KNOW WHYYYYYYYY...

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It's not what you think it is. :B Really. And yes, I used the chibi-Dakata from this picture for my avvie.
(I think the japanese is wroooong...Wah.)

Japanese stuff saaaays:
Rooster/Rock: Kokukokkoo? (ROOSTER SOUND LOLZ)
Dakata: O watashi no kamisama! (Oh my god!) Ookii ondori desu! (It's a big/giant rooster/cock!)

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:B This is Necros. (Nekky is his nickname.) He's one of my evil-draggy-babies...and this piccie took like a half hour to draw.
(I just think his left foot looks bigger/longer than the other one...DOES IT? D: )

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Zedd requested this...like...a month ago? I don't remember. Too sleepy.

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Gumdrop. Random pink dragon that I drew MONTHS ago. I don't know what I was on when I drew him. XP

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PATCHES. Nekky's big brother. And a certain "scary" forumite's favorite nephew. :P

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Random halloween-y dragon. Don't remember when I drew him.

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Toki. 'Nother random draggy. Wooooo.

...*Reminds people that he/she does requests...because he/she can barely ever think of stuff to draw* ;-;


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Patches is mean, I try to be nice to him and all his does is hiss and growl at and bite me. :cry

Xze, you mean, like, a picture of a Xze and Hazzy bebe?


Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on September 23, 2006, 11:49:46 PM
Patches is mean, I try to be nice to him and all his does is hiss and growl at and bite me. :cry

Xze, you mean, like, a picture of a Xze and Hazzy bebe?

Xze and Hazzy's Bebe ^^

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3