The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed

Started by Azlan, July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM

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I think it would be best for the RP if Romulus died. Start with a clean slate so to speak. I caused to many problems with Romulus, it would be best to let him die. As much as I don't want to, it would be best.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Alright, be that as it may, i look forward to your intro in the not too distant future, then

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


*deep breath* Ok here's a character I came up with should I be allowed to come back. Tried to make him easier to throw in.

Name: Devin "Doc" Holiday
Age 28
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Occupation: Reluctant Pirate
Appearance:  He stands about 5'8" and has an average build. Has long hair but is usually seen with a "cowboy" hat on. Wears lose fitting jeans and a tattered long sleeve button up shirt, black in color. Old beat up hiking boots.
Background: Devin doesn't really remember much of his past. It's not sure if he just doesn't wish to talk about it or he honestly doesn't remember. At a young age he was taken by the pirates from the ship he was traveling on with his merchant parents. He was taking in by a fox female who felt bad for leave such a young child to die on the ship. He's grown up among pirates and around bad people. What's strange is he isn't a bad guy at all. He only really became a pirate because that was all he could do for a living. He has no problem raiding but hates to kill if he doesn't have to. He's even killed a few of his fellow pirates when they tried to rape some females when they where raiding. He's recently stuck to guarding bases as he felt it was less trouble then raiding. It has become clear to some of the other pirates around him that he doesn't care about being a pirate. He tends to talk about wanting something worth fighting for but feels he doesn't have one. He was recently locked up for trying to leave.
Personality: He's not a very good pirate. He's actually a fairly nice guy and doesn't care for most of what the pirates believe in. He tends to talk with a southern drawl, but he couldn't tell you why. It's just the way he has always talked. He's a very good shot with firearms. He prefers rifles and the pistol he carries on his hip, something the female fox gave him when she died.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Approved by Azlan; cower in fear!

Name: Harriet D. TiBalt
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Height: 1.73m (5.67ft)
Weight: 79.38kg (175lbs)
Occupation: ISIS Infiltration Operative
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 2 WO2
Appearance: Average height, a bit on the muscled side, giving her the appearance of an athlete.  There is some fat, but not enough to severely impede movement.  Hair is jet black, in a cropped cut.   Flesh is a copper color,  save for the pinkish palms.  Eyes, are a pale brown color, and set in a rather pleasing face.
Psychological profile: She is a thoroughly strange creature.  She does not speak often, and when she does it is usually respectful and polite; yet she can be waspish and blunt when it suits her.  She can handle all but the most devastating of setbacks rather well, and will willingly take up extra duties.  Hailing from the Consortium, she has a Capitalistic view, as well as a loose 'quid pro quo' attitude.  She can function in a group, but prefers and works better alone.
Background: Harriet was born and raised in territory controlled by the Trade Consortium, as the granddaughter of former ISIS Military Intelligence Officer, Brigadier General Norman TiBalt.  Her parents had a major falling out with Norman shortly after Harriet was born, and refused to speak to him or of him for years afterward.  During her teenage years, the TiBalt family fell on hard times, leading Harriet's parents to go to Norman for financial aide, which he provided.  Harriet, angry at her parents for their apparent hiding of her grandfather from her, went against their wishes and started a correspondence with Norman.  Fights between Harriet and her parents on the subject escalated, even after she departed for college.  When they finally threatened to cut her off financially, Harriet quit her association with them, and, unable to continue her higher education at the time, enlisted in the ISF.  She volunteered for Special Forces Assessment and Selection upon reaching the rank of Corporal, E-4, but was medically dropped.  She attempted again, upon recovery, and met with success; being assigned an 18F MOS.
Harriet kept up her correspondence with her grandfather, but refused to maintain contact with her parents, despite Norman's frequent requests.  She applied for, and was accepted as a Special Forces Warrant Officer, shortly after achieving the requisite E-6 ranking, and with little over a year left of her enlistment.  Her skill attracted the attention of the ISIS, which recruited her, as an Infiltration Operative. 
Skills: Harriet is a good shot, at all ranges, though she shows little interest in sniper training.  Her computer skills are not to be sneezed at, though she is not a genius; her skill being geared toward setting up, maintaining, and infiltrating information networks, she is a competent hacker.  She is an excellent liar, and actor; a smooth talker and quick witted.  Her self-control is by far her best trait, able to hold herself back and think in just about any situation.  She has above average pain tolerance; as well as situational awareness.  In unarmed combat, she makes use of the opponents own momentum against them, because her musculature is geared toward running and jumping instead of straight power; Harriet has great experience as an infiltrator, as well as squad combat While she can do some gymnastics and acrobatics, she has become rusty with those skills, relying now on her acting ability.  Her listed specialty is information gathering, taking disconnected, sometimes tangential information and coming to a conclusion.  She has the necessary training to operate an atmospheric dropship, both while physically present and by remote. 


Quote from: Lushin on May 09, 2010, 11:19:14 PM
*deep breath* Ok here's a character I came up with should I be allowed to come back. Tried to make him easier to throw in.

Name: Devin "Doc" Holiday
Age 28
Gender: Male
Species: Coyote
Occupation: Reluctant Pirate
Appearance:  He stands about 5'8" and has an average build. Has long hair but is usually seen with a "cowboy" hat on. Wears lose fitting jeans and a tattered long sleeve button up shirt, black in color. Old beat up hiking boots.
Background: Devin doesn't really remember much of his past. It's not sure if he just doesn't wish to talk about it or he honestly doesn't remember. At a young age he was taken by the pirates from the ship he was traveling on with his merchant parents. He was taking in by a fox female who felt bad for leave such a young child to die on the ship. He's grown up among pirates and around bad people. What's strange is he isn't a bad guy at all. He only really became a pirate because that was all he could do for a living. He has no problem raiding but hates to kill if he doesn't have to. He's even killed a few of his fellow pirates when they tried to rape some females when they where raiding. He's recently stuck to guarding bases as he felt it was less trouble then raiding. It has become clear to some of the other pirates around him that he doesn't care about being a pirate. He tends to talk about wanting something worth fighting for but feels he doesn't have one. He was recently locked up for trying to leave.
Personality: He's not a very good pirate. He's actually a fairly nice guy and doesn't care for most of what the pirates believe in. He tends to talk with a southern drawl, but he couldn't tell you why. It's just the way he has always talked. He's a very good shot with firearms. He prefers rifles and the pistol he carries on his hip, something the female fox gave him when she died.

This is actually kind of funny, but... other than a few movies the humans brought with them, the concept of the cowboy never developed specifically along similar lines.  I don't mind the hat though, except pirate forces have basic duty uniforms and generally would not allow it on anything other than 'off' time.

A name for the vixen would be a handy thing to know.  

I would like a basic skill listing and the "technical" position he would occupy in the organization.  The large pirate organizations also use ranks, a similar structure to the old Lycan one, do I need that identified as well.


Admiral (Marshal for ground forces) - No one has ever encountered a Pirate Admiral
Commodore (Brigadier for ground forces)
Vice-Commodore (no ground force equivalent)

Captain (Colonel for ground forces)
Sub-Commander (Major for ground forces)

Warrant "Officers"

Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer


Master Chief (Petty Officer)/Sergeant Major
Chief (Petty Officer)/First Sergeant
Petty Officer/Sergeant
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

 :mowhappy Hurry  We have a new character(s)

AH Human.and a female.player (YES).. *looks again*  Ok an amazon...Can we keep Dan out of this after this?

And Pirate/cowboy/coyote... This should be interesting...
                                      not as interesting as a Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls...but Interesting.


PS:  Just Plain Creepy?


Quote from: Azlan on May 10, 2010, 02:46:53 AM

This is actually kind of funny, but... other than a few movies the humans brought with them, the concept of the cowboy never developed specifically along similar lines.  I don't mind the hat though, except pirate forces have basic duty uniforms and generally would not allow it on anything other than 'off' time.

A name for the vixen would be a handy thing to know.  

I would like a basic skill listing and the "technical" position he would occupy in the organization.  The large pirate organizations also use ranks, a similar structure to the old Lycan one, do I need that identified as well.


Admiral (Marshal for ground forces) - No one has ever encountered a Pirate Admiral
Commodore (Brigadier for ground forces)
Vice-Commodore (no ground force equivalent)

Captain (Colonel for ground forces)
Sub-Commander (Major for ground forces)

Warrant "Officers"

Chief Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer


Master Chief (Petty Officer)/Sergeant Major
Chief (Petty Officer)/First Sergeant
Petty Officer/Sergeant

I was thinking of makeing the female human. Make her a southerner to help explain him some, but I didn't know if it would be accepted . As for a name for her I'm gonna say Alexandera Sheeton. For a rank I'm gonna say Master Chief. As for skills he's a bit of a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none type of deal. Being a pirate he's had to learn alittle bit of everything. Most of his skills are in fighting but he's a decent doctor, hence the nickname. He can repair small engines. Like one person ships. Plus he's decent at boarding other ships. He's also learned a few languages while traveling.
Thought about it and figured I would have him wear a mix of different light miltitary's armor, basically what he found when he did do raids. It's painted to match the other pirates. He still wears old beat uo hiking boots and the pistol on his left hip, which is set up as a cross draw. He doesn't wear a cowboy hat but a wide brim hat that could be compaired to a cowboy hat or Inidiana Jone's hat. Like the pistol it was something given to him by the vixen who took him in. He wears the hat when not raiding or times he needs to wear a helmet. I would still like him to talk with a southern dral if I could.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Sure, lets have Lushin continue with a new character.  What ever form that character takes.

And more ISIS?  You would think that Aaron is being put under heavy surveillance or something X3
The All Purpose Fox



"I can neither confirm nor deny..."

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Meany on May 11, 2010, 06:24:36 PM

"I can neither confirm nor deny..."

That means she is, but she will help us until ISIS wants Loki return to them.

I trust Capt. Saioko before the girl...which will bring some interesting things ahead

Saioko re-action to this new ISIS and to Romy's death.



I can neither confirm or deny, confirming or denying my confirmation or denial, confirming or denying the fact that I confirmed or denied confirming or denying my confirmation or denial.
The All Purpose Fox


I have a spork!

Edit: Might as well throw this out.

Lushin, I have nothing against you bringing in a new character.

Some pointers.

Use the Scene for something other than cover. Your character can sit in a chair, lean on a table, stand by a wall. Doc should be part of the scene, not merely in it.

Not everything that Doc does has to involve an action or conversation aloud. Doc should react to the scene, he should react to the other people there. The physical reaction is often the tip of the iceberg.

Finally, try to get into the skin of your character.  Remember, your character isn't privy to everything said in OOC, not to mention everything happening in the scene. They are limited by what their senses can detect and interpret. Based on their past, they may develop quirks, likes and dislikes, but keep in mind that your character is intelligent and will change their behavior if they feel the situation calls for it.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...


Alright, so I have finished my rewrites and shall get this back on track... whoever thought running a forum RP would actually be work  :rolleyes

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


First post up.  :>  Is it acceptable, or should I chainsaw it some?


Good start, looks fine.

Some basics on the people you are working with:

Jack Maier - 26 year old male Fennec Fox.  He is a 2nd shift Systems Administrator for the base IT department.  His skills are as a computer technician and an inactive reservist with the Royal Imperium Star Guard, some type of military service is mandatory for all citizens of the Imperium.  Practical minded, he 'volunteered' for service with the pirates when he was captured to save the others he was traveling with, as the pirate's had a small quota for "able bodied" individuals.

Jack Trivia: He is the son of an Imperium Rim World Baron.  His family administrates a large resource world, that is barely habitable, but very valuable.  The pirates do not know this.

Magick Nightstride - 22 year old male Sable mustelid.  His real name is not known, having managed to keep it secret.  Originally a freebooter bounty hunter, he found himself absorbed into the pirate group as his boss was offered a command position by the pirate leadership.  A "failed" techno-adept (a lower-level technomage, typically someone without 'natural' talent), he specializes in being sneaky (and snarky).  With the pirates he is part of the covert operations division, but at a rather low-level as he recently joined the bounty hunter organization before it was absorbed.

Magick Trivia: None, no one knows much about him.

Miyuki Sairenji - 28 year old female human of Asian descent.  She is a weapons specialist, or more accurately a gun nut, and like Doc has always been a pirate.  Her family is originally from the independent colony on the fourth planet of the pirate occupied star system.  When she was young, she was very enthusiastic about being a 'pirate', up until her first mission where the entire crew and passengers where ejected into the cold of space unprotected by the pirates in retribution for resisting and the injury of one of their own.  From that point, the glamor had worn off and she was awakened to how wrong what it is they were doing happened to be.  Without much choice in vocation, she transferred to guard duty on the outpost planet.

Miyuki Trivia: She was the one injured (and almost died) on that raid and views herself responsible for the 200+ deaths.  She attended one other raid and the commander that ordered the deaths had a mysterious and fatal accident with his spacesuit while attempting an EVA breach of the target ship.         
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Geez someone doesn't like pirates. Hope that doesn't include the ones with you at the times.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Oh, of course not. :3  They've been so useful she doesn't even consider feeding them to the paper shredder anymore.

Prof B Hunnydew

Oh boy... We have loose canon on deck. 

I am surprise that she hasn't becoming a buccaneer captain herself.  A Pirate preying on other pirates.  That would be able too much I guess for the ISIS.  I know I know Not enough time for her to get that high, but who knows.



Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 15, 2010, 08:53:03 PM

She had many more question but they were for Gaea  alone,but now wasn't the time.  "Mara, please locate Marissa at once.  and open a link to Mother and Knight's group, I have a feeling things may not going so well with our commandos" says Nova as touchs her gem around her neck.  The little kitten appear on the table and then quick runs and phases into the wall.


Okay, ignoring the glaringly horrible typos throughout the entirety of the post, this edit will have to go.  Having Mara find Marissa is one thing... but making a leap of faith to suddenly open a communications link to Knight is way too metagaming for my tastes.  Fix it please.

Domo arigato.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Is it just me, or do you guys run into the same problem I do? Where I can't edit my post over a certain length?



The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: ShadesFox on May 18, 2010, 11:31:10 AM
I have not had that problem, no.

It is like I have about 10 lines to write my post in
10 before it the window jumps up and down with to each & every key stroke  It'll  write the keys  in a line but I don't get to see it while i'm write it.



I have that problem too.  I dunno why.  I've become very patient about using Backspace to delete out things I want to change far down in long posts because highlighting doesn't work when your post jumps up and down like a hamster on cocaine.  Or for really long things I just give up, type it in Word, and then copy and paste.
            <-- #1 that is!


How strange.  Which web browser are you two using?
The All Purpose Fox


That's a well-known conflict between an (admitted!) bug in IE8 and most large <textarea>s with JS handlers attached.
It's more problematic in SMF 2.0, but for 1.1.11 with default and default-derived skins this helps (by forcing the old style model in IE or other "magic"):

diff --git a/forum/Themes/default/style.css b/forum/Themes/default/style.css
--- a/forum/Themes/default/style.css
+++ b/forum/Themes/default/style.css
@@ -127,7 +127,11 @@
/* The main post box - this makes it as wide as possible. */
-       width: 96%;
+        width: 96%;
+        position: relative;
+        zoom: 1;
+        float: left;
+        display: inline;

/* Highlighted text - such as search results. */

At least, it worked on our forum.
Good luck, Admins!

(Yes, I lurk around, and read this RP ;))

ED: Typos.
Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus

Prof B Hunnydew

So the skin setup is the problem...I switch my Skin layout for the Forum and the problem is going... DMFA skin ver 1 is the trouble.


Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.


Ack!  So I have to put up with bright pink and purple?!  :(

Well, that did fix the issue at least.

Plus real men wear (like) pink right?  RIGHT?!   :3
            <-- #1 that is!


Real men can wear any color they choose to, because they are men.  Granted, Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris are the only real men on the planet at the moment...


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 19, 2010, 12:22:39 PM
Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.

Well, if you're lucky, the fix I attached above (except with width: 100%; not 96% apparently) may work for the Dungeon theme, too... it's for sure based off SMF Default. Ask one of the admins about it, maybe?
Also, the problem affects only Internet Explorer 8. Maybe it's a good moment to try Firefox, Opera, or Chrome? :P
Chaosnet device not responding - check breaker on the Unibus


Quote from: Meany on May 19, 2010, 07:13:41 PM
Real men can wear any color they choose to, because they are men.  Granted, Clint Eastwood and Chuck Norris are the only real men on the planet at the moment...

Chuck Norris in pink... could he still kick your ass as fast?

Quote from: hapless on May 19, 2010, 07:53:08 PM
Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on May 19, 2010, 12:22:39 PM
Now I have to get use to the brightness of DMFA 2.0................. 8) PBH.

Well, if you're lucky, the fix I attached above (except with width: 100%; not 96% apparently) may work for the Dungeon theme, too... it's for sure based off SMF Default. Ask one of the admins about it, maybe?
Also, the problem affects only Internet Explorer 8. Maybe it's a good moment to try Firefox, Opera, or Chrome? :P

I never recommend any version of Internet Exploder... my personal opinion of course... and tend to recommend the use of Firefox.  Well, come on... I am a fox you know...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"