The Honor Circle (Call for interest, OOC)

Started by TheGreyRonin, February 15, 2007, 02:49:29 AM

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Duelling is a form of RPG combat I indulged in years ago on IRC. Due to various reasons, it eventually waned, and all but died out.

I would like to fire it up again here, in the form of a tavern/restaraunt called the Honor Circle. Here Duellers can relax in character, and challenge each other to test their abilities one-on-one.

The basic rules of Duelling are simple, and allow for nearly every kind of creature from almost any universe. These follow.

Duelling is simply acting out a fight scene, using a character you create. You write out a descriptive action, and then let the other person react. They then do the same in return.

Example: Starwind raises his mighty sword, and brings it down in a sweeping arc towards Nightmare's head...
Nightmare steps aside at the last second, launches a fireball at Starwind from her hands...

It's that simple. The idea is to out-think your opponent. There are of course a few rules which govern what is considered fair. These follow.

Character rules: You can be anything you like, but you cannot change characters during a Duel. You are allowed to use weapons, powers, etc., but not vehicles or larger things(like armies.)

Terms: Terms are an agreement between the Duellers. They determine when the match ends, and what the winner receives. Terms are usually agreed on at the start of a Duel. Very few people declare "to the death" as a term, mainly because if your character is killed, you can never use it again unless it is resurrected by your opponent. Also, items claimed as a prize (a favorite sword, for example) in a Duel are considered to be lost to the original owner, unless won back.

Victory: Draws are agreed on by both parties, when they are too evenly matched to finish the Duel. If a Dueller does not respond to the last post in a Duel within one week, her opponent can declare victory by ending the Duel, which is counted as a Draw as well.

Miscellaneous:Challenge: A formal challenge to a Duel.
Honor Circle: The imaginary circle where Duels take place. You must enter the Honor Circle to Challenge, and also to accept one.
You do not have to announce all of your capabilities before a Duel. (This means it's a good idea to read up on certain things, like werewolves...) You DO, however, have to announce any equipment and/or weapons you are carrying, although you don't have to list all of the items' capabilities.
All non-practice Duels are fought in public chat, or are declared void.

Sample character: Howler. Werewolf, leader of a pack. He wears black leather boots with silver tips, jeans, a black
t shirt, and a black leather jacket. His weapons of choice are a silver switchblade, and a length of silver chain he wears around his waist.

One last thought: Your character MUST have at least one weakness. You cannot claim total, blanket invulnerability for your character.

Sound fun? Then I'll see you in The Honor Circle!


(Just a bit of background...)

The sandy plateau looked out over the endless, shifting mists. Scattered across it were millenia-old ruins, buried and worn away by time until only the weathered tips of a few  blocks showed above the blue-grey sand. Tall grass grew in sporadic clumps here and there, dotting the ruins, roots clutching the soil in hollows wherever it could.

Seen from above, the plateau more closely resembled an island. Surrounded by the writhing silvery mists of nothingness, only a small bridge of land still anchored it to the rest of the world. The mist covered even this at times; soon it would wear away, and the chunk of ground it held in place would sink into the fog of nothingness at the end of this world.

A figure clad in grey robes appeared out of the nothingness, a great sword strapped to its' back. No details could be seen; the robes swathed it from head to toe in grey. Even the eyes and fingertips were covered, muffled against the howling winds it stepped through to reach the bridge of land.

It moved slowly to the center of the plateau. Standing still it slowly drew its' great blade, bringing it down point-first to rest in the sand. Carefully, almost gently, it began to draw, twisting signs and images into the sand. It spoke in a low, steady tone as it worked, liquid syllables punctuated at times by guttaral sounds like the hacking cough of a great demon.

It turned as it drew, inscribing an intricate circle that spiralled out to the edge of where the sword could reach. Carefully the creature moved outwards as well, still making tiny markings, until the circle was perhaps fifty feet across. Then it stopped and bowed its' head.

The symbols began to glow in eldritch shades, and sink into the sand. Glowing shafts of light began to spear upwards into the mist-covered sky, and the ground started to rumble. Within seconds it had the force of an earthquake, and the tiny bridge of land was gone.

The giant stones began to shift, sand streaming from them, and move. With shuddering groans they moved into place as though guided by a colossal invisible hand. As they moved, the wear and damage of millenia began to fade. Angles sharpened, rough surfaces smoothed and flowed like water, and cracks and chips filled in, regrew.

As the ruins became a large, black-marbled building resembling a columned temple, lightning cracked and flared above. Within seconds rains poured down onto the sandy soil, and plants began to grow. Ivy-like vines slithered and crawled up the rapidly growing trunks of mighty trees, ferns and other leafy ground cover unfurled, and flowers began to bloom here and there.

Within the temple the grey-clad figure still stood motionless as the ground stopped shaking. The circle it had scribed into the sand was now etched into stone, and the colors faded, then guttered out like a candle in a hurricane. From the circle came a low thrum of power as it linked to something greater.

The creature nodded, satisfied. It turned slowly to survey what it had built, from the vaulted roof that left the circle open to the sky from above to the furnishings made from dark, glossy wood, many clearly not designed for human comfort. As it turned fully around it stepped into the circle. With a hum of power and a flash of light, it disappeared.

An endless time later another grey-clad figure emerged from the jungle. It too, had a sword strapped across its' back, but the face was that of an older, dark-haired man wearing tiny glasses. He paused for a moment to take in the gold-flecked black columns, the massive oaken double doors, and strode up to them.

Flinging them open with a shove of his hand, Stalker stepped into what looked like a classy, well-kept restaraunt. The room was an open square, with a long bar to the left, and many tables all along the broad floors that formed the plaza-like square. In the center, he saw with no surprise, was a Circle. "It always comes down to the Circle," he thought.

Seeing no other sign of life he stepped to the bar, where a sheet of paper was folded into a graceful swan. He had seen hundreds of these in his quest, and was no longer amused as he unfolded it carefully. Inside was a note, starting with his True Name. His eyes narrowed as he read the few short lines, and anger and hatred flowed through him.

"Wait? It expects me to wait?" His voice echoed from the walls. "Very well, I will wait. And when you return, my ancient nemesis, I shall strip your flesh from your very soul." He glanced at the note again. "Of course they will come. They always do. The Circle draws them. And there will be blood and fire and glory." 

After a time he moved behind the bar, setting up, waiting for the first of them to arrive. Minutes or millenia, he had nothing but time until his ancient nemesis returned...


I would, perhaps, be interested in such activity. Sign me ups.



I could have explained this better. *chuckles* Any characters, any universes welcome; it's all about the combat, folks. You can duel with tiddlywinks for pennies, or go at it with godlike powers for blood and glory.


Allright... I'm willing to give it a shot, if only for the fact that I need a bit of a stretch on the combat side right now.


Cool. Good to have you, Stygian.

Almost forgot. I have no problem with multiple characters, either, so long as the combat is one-on-one. So if you just want to see how a new character works in play or such, feel free to bring 'em in too.


Well, Sty, it appears to be you and me so far... >:3


Owie. Then, I'll bring Moira in. Think she might need some exercise too. You said no limits to personal equipment, right...? *grins*


Only two limits. Personal equipment only, and she has to have at least one decent weakness. "Decent", of course, meaning useful if discovered; a weakness for pie doesn't count. *chuckles*


Well, I think that can easily be managed. Now... who does the next post...?


Well, I have the IC thread open. Wander in, and we'll go from there. Once you're in the actual circle, the rest is all you and your opponent.


Hm. Might I ask... the circle is the battlefield, yes? But then, how large is it? And can one fight somwhere else if the duelists agree upon it?


I'm very interested, although I don't know when I'll get a chance to type a decent post.

I have a tendency to play underpowered characters.  The one I'm playing this time is fairly powerful, but he still has plenty of weaknesses.  So could I maybe ask to be paired with someone who won't totally beat the :censored out of him?


Well, the Circle is roughly fifty feet across, but it accomodates whatever's in it. (Wouldn't do to have a 100-foot dragon trying to fight in it unexpanded...)

As for fighting on an even level....Power isn't so much the issue as use of that power. Being able to out-think your opponent is far more important than brute force. And I'm sure there'll be at least a few non-gods who'll duke it out.


Heh, don't worry.  Although my character is, indeed, a dragon, he is of a much smaller variety.  No bigger than a human, in fact.

Hmm.  He /is/ fairly clever, so outthinking an opponent would be well within his abilities.  Depending on the opponent, of course.

Okay, one last question.  I read somewhere that it's rude, or a breach of continuity, or something, for a character to intrude upon a battle.  Does that apply here; ie, should I wait to come in until after the current duel is over?


Yep. Unfortunately, duels are limited to two people at a time.

But you're more than welcome to intro your character and hang out until they're done.


That's what I meant.  I wasn't thinking of actually joining the battle that was in progress, I just meant to ask whether it was legal to come and watch before it was over.  What I heard was that characters who happen upon a battle while it's happening are supposed to pretend that they got there after it was over.  But I think you answered my question anyway.

I'll probably be able to post in the roleplay thread tomorrow sometime.


Cool. Everything that happens outside of the circle is outside of it, so you can come in, watch, ignore, cheer someone on, wager, etc. Just not actually interfere with the battle itself.

I've always considered it a great way to blow off steam at times, or to try out a new character for something by testing how they sound, react, and such.


Very nicely done, Stygian and Cogidubnus! I've enjoyed watching you both immensely.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I figured it'd be a change of pace to just have a bit of random violence without having to dig into a full storyline. I have a backstory to the whole thing, but I wanted the focus to be on the combat.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Since I'm doing a lot of this backwards anyways, I thought I'd post the backstory just for the fun of it.

In the Beginning, Chaos reigned.

The One Universe had fractured after the Chaos Wars, shattering the Reality Crystal into myriad shards, each a seperate universe spinning endlessly alone through the Flux. Each shard turned and twisted along its' path, making it nearly impossible for any creature living or dead to predict the course it would follow through Eternity.

Occasionally, shards would collide. At these times, the universes held by each would interact briefly, or even rarely, would destroy each other in a blaze of brilliance among the darkness of the Flux. But the shards were moving outwards, and would never again form the One Universe.

While life on many of the shards still remembered the One Universe, most had forgotten their true origins. Even among those that remembered, it was a myth, a legend, even in some cases a religion believed in only by crazies and fools.

Millions of years ago, (or today, or decades, or tomorrow, depending on the shard), something changed.

On all of the shards that still bore life, a mysterious creature began to appear. In the general shape of a man, it wore grey robes that hid its' true form and appearance.

Usually appearing to lone beings, this creature began tracing odd circles covered in runes that no creature could read. Once created, these circles would never disappear, although they could erode and become blurred over the passage of time.

The creature would sometimes be silent, sometimes speak; the accounts vary, of course, in the telling. But some things are constant: It carries a great silver blade across its' back, it never truly explains or names itself, and it always disappears into the circles it creates in a bright flash.

The circles, when investigated, were doorways between the shards, unbreakable even by the most powerful magicks and sciences. More powerful beings could choose their destination by various means, but most simply led to and from a single place, never changing.

A group of warrior monks began calling them Honor Circles, after a legend in their historys of a field of battle where great warriors would duel in single combat. Since these circles were so eerily similar, the name became permanent,
and on some shards, the inhabitants have even learned how to make lesser circles, binding incredible energies to the original.

One day, (or tomorrow, or a thousand years from now), observers in certain shards realized something impossible was happening.

The shards are moving back together.

Slowly, painfully, the shards are moving, going back to where they came from, where the Reality Crystal once stood. Again, some began to collide; only this time, where they struck they would join, and merge into a larger shard, changing course at a new angle that nevertheless was still moving inwards.

The grey-clad figure still appears, linking the shards with these incredible gateways, seemingly oblivious to the changes it makes in the creatures it interacts with. Is it an agent of the evil Chaos Lords, who died when the Reality Crystal was shattered? Is it an agent of the Light, the order of good that was presumed destroyed in stopping the Chaos Lords? Or is it simply a creature born of the Flux, setting things back? And what will happen when the shards reunite?

Many speculate, but none know. Only one thing is certain.

The shards are returning home.


Double posting, I know, but I thought you'd like to see where you're playing.

I'm not an artist, obviously.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I knew there was something missing.

... Where are the pool cues stored? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


QuotePosted by: llearch n'n'daCorna

I knew there was something missing.

... Where are the pool cues stored? :-) 

On the tables. The critter that made the place was a heathen. *grins*

(Edited just for LLearch...and because I missed something.)

Aisha deCabre

I've been watching this for a while and it looks fun.  I think that I shall bring Aisha in on the action.   >:3

Nice map too, actually.  A bit of a relief to see where everything is, I bet.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Not that it's really requested, but I thought it would be somewhat fun to put up a kind of "character analysis" sheet for each of us. Would like to see some quick go-throughs for you others too.

Name: Sebastian Simon Lucian Neraux
Nickname(s): Stygian
Age: ?
Species: ?
Family and Association(s): ?
Place of Origin: ?

   Physical description

Height: 6'0"
Weight: about 200lbs
Build: Athletic, long-limbed and lean. Compressed and hard.
Eyes: Gray
Hair: Whitish-blonde
Skin: Caucasian
Distinguishing features: Normally he is decidedly handsome, with well-shaped features. Has a bit of a predatory face, oval yet wedge-shaped from the side, with a distinct jawline and high cheekbones, and a straight nose. Has five distinguishing scars; a pair of thin ones across the right cheek and side of his lips, a large, cross-shaped one over his heart, and two large ones on his back where his wings used to be. Mostly wears all black clothing and a pair of slim glasses.
   Of course, since he has proven capable of shapeshifting, this might not be his true appearance. After all, a power of his nature would most probably have a darker face...

   Dueling Info

Stygian is mainly an offensive setup-oriented fighter, with a powerful ability to control the battlefield and to outmaneuver or overpower his opponents. He excels at fast mid-range combat, at avoiding damage through speed and the use of his unique ability to meld freely with and to control shadows and darkness. In addition to this he is also extremely skilled in using the more subtle or complex sides to his powers, and quite physically potent, making him one of the deadlier characters to contend with at closer ranges.
   Stygian's attacks are mostly based around using his control over darkness to either ensnare and disable or directly tear his foes apart. At the start of a fight he will almost always immediately call out the darkness he holds within and meld with his shadow partially, and begin spreading his influence. From then on he usually uses his powers to corner his opponent, going into melee and using his darkness to augment his physical attacks, tearing into his foes when and where they are vulnerable. Opponents who try and block or negate his attacks rather than running away often find themselves crippled or completely overwhelmed with fast attacks from all sides that have a nasty tendency to shred or go straight through most defenses.
   On the defensive, Stygian is mainly focused on avoiding taking any actual damage through dodging or negating any attempts to harm him. His shadowmelding ability makes him all but completely immune to purely physical attacks, and even energy- and magic-users may find that their offense is barely scratching him if they don't fight properly. If the enemy proves a too strong close combatant, which is unlikely, Stygian will use speed and his ability to slip into darkness to retreat to a better distance, whereas if they are at too great a range he will seek to escape their attention and then use his powers to trick (a.k.a. scare the living Hell out of and terrorize) his foes and then attack them while they are distracted.
   The key to fighting Stygian seriously lies in having a bit of setup of your own; to engage him where it is light, with energy-based attacks. He is basically only vulnerable to energy- or magic-based damage, and one has to apply this knowledge properly to hurt him. Also, Stygian isn't meant to take a pummeling, and when it comes down to things he is only good at avoiding damage, not soaking it up, as he has no further protection than his darkness. Also, if there is any good way to avoid taking hits from him, it's to put a distance between him and you. His speed and maneuverability are enough to make this near-impossible for some opponents, and it is no guarantee for safety, but if one can keep away, one should have considerably greater chances of defeating him.

(On another note, Stygian's "darkness" actually has mass and weight, and subsequently his own weight increases as he draws it out. It is unknown just how much of it there is, but he has been known to exceed two tons in sheer weight under normal gravity conditions.)


Forced to play the part of the devil and tied to a destiny that he does not wish for, Stygian is one of the keyholders to and creators of the power that has torn asunder the world of Dyssea, a power far too great to be wielded by human hands and which he strives to put an end to. He is a dark and brooding character at heart, but one who chooses to lead a life and see his existence in a way that has a sort of bittersweet taste and humor to it.
   Stygian did not start off as the creature, or even as the man, that he is now. It was circumstances, or destiny, however one chooses to see it, that made him what he is. What is clear though is that he quickly understood and took a sort of liking to it, even if the price for the power was high. And however much he hates the fate that awaits him unless he can pay the price in full, there is no denying that he is perfectly fit for the part.
   Stygian has taken to traveling between existences as a means to try and develop and further his own powers and more specifically, his understanding of them. Despite his often sinister nature, he also has a compelling urge to go his own path, and subsequently it is not strange to find him doing things and supporting causes that might seem against his own interests or ways. Like the Circle affair, for instance...


Nice having you with us, Aisha. I've always liked maps for static surroundings. Makes it much easier for everyone to understand where they are without getting tangled.

Pretty cool, Stygian. I've been working on converting over my character stats to something semi-readable myself. So far I've only got the one finished.

Name: Unknown
Nickname(s): The Queen
Age: 34,000
Species: Xenomorph
Family and Association(s): None
Place of Origin: Agruul 4 (Timeline 18)

Physical description

Height: 30'2"
Weight: 2,012 lbs.
Build: Powerful and alien.
Eyes: None
Hair: None
Skin: Glossy black exoskeleton
Distinguishing features: The Queen is a xenomorph queen with two large arms with long talons, two smaller arms sprouting from her chest, two legs that are also tipped with talons, and a  twenty-foot long tail tipped with an eight-foot solid serrated spike. Her eyeless head sweeps up in a massive cranial comb, and she has two sets of fanged jaws, the innermost one mounted on the end of a five-foot long retractable organic piston.

Dueling Info

Weapons: None.
Abilities: The Queen has incredible strength, able to tear through battle-hardened alloys as though it were tissue paper. She can use her tail as a whip, or as a prybar to tear into things. She can communicate telepathically with most creatures, though she usually chooses not to. She can produce and lay eggs at a rate of ten an hour. These eggs hatch into facehuggers that latch onto living creatures as hosts and implant xenomorph eggs into them. When the eggs hatch, they feed on the host then burst out as larva, killing the host. The Queen can spray concentrated acid from her mouth at high velocity, and can generate and shape an unusual organic resin at will. This sticky resin is brittle at first, but hardens stronger than steel within an hour. She can survive in vacuum and in the crushing pressures of the deep sea with no harm.
Strengths: The Queen is highly intelligent, and very hard to injure. Her blood is concentrated molecular acid, capable of eating through armored hullmetal in seconds. She heals incredibly fast, and can even regrow lost limbs within an hour or so. She can sense electromagnetic fields, allowing her to "see" in a broad spectrum.
Weaknesses: The Queen's size and weight put her at a disadvantage in enclosed spaces. She is vulnerable to extreme heat. When fully enraged, she becomes a dangerous but mostly unthinking animal, and can often be lured or goaded into acting foolishly.
Quirks: The Queen thinks only of her hive, and how she can expand her influence. She tends to treat all creatures as lesser beings or mere cattle.


Agruul 4 is a jungle world, shrouded by mists. Below the mists is a single globe-spanning continent, covered by one all-embracing jungle. The air is humid, and reeks of every kind of organic life imaginable. Creatures both common and bizzare live here, breeding and changing over the ages.
It is here that The Queen resides.
In a hive built into the cone of a long-dormant volcano that towers four miles above the green jungle, she sits deep inside in her chamber, producing millions of eggs to further expand her kingdom, watching over her drones, and telepathically guiding her warriors.
She has no enemies, this one, save her own daughters in lesser hives that dot the planet. These she tolerates until they encroach on her domain; then she does furious battle, killing the intruding queen's warriors and the young queen herself if possible. There is only one rule: The Strongest Survives.
The Queen has ruled supreme for over three thousand years.
When an odd humanoid appeared at the entrance to her hive, The Queen was curious. She sent several of her warriors to bring this creature before her, and all were cut down by it's gleaming blade. As the shock and anger welled inside her, she heard a voice inside her head. It spoke of other worlds, of ways to be immortal after her hive was dust, of prey to be taken in all its' forms, and of one hive, under her rule, spanning the universes. The Circle, it said, was the key to all this. Fight inside the Circle, and all will be given to you. Then the creature disappeared.
The lure of the Circle was too great. After sending several of her warriors and daughters through it to never return, The Queen herself took her escort through. There she found worthy battle, and often stronger hosts for her children, breeding stronger warriors to her service.
Of the creature who promised her glory, there has been no sign. If she encounters it, she will extract its' promises from it, one by one....then consume it.
It would be the honorable thing to do, after all....