Fan made video of Counter Strike LoL

Started by Paladin Sheppard, September 08, 2006, 06:25:40 AM

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Paladin Sheppard

This has to be one of the funnyest and well made fan made vids I've seen in a long time...Not that I play Counter Strike much anymore :P


I have to admit, that was great.

Though some of the best Counterstrike stuff I've seen is still in Concerned.  Gordon Frohman finding 'The Lost Counterstrike server', where all dead hostages get a proper burial (involving terrorists and counter-terrorists), not to mention the comic where he brings about eight terrorists back home with him.  "Can I keep them?"

Though I think the best Frohman in Counterstrike moment was: "Come on, I saw more armed hostages on the roof!", "... this is so wrong but I'm not going to tell him.".


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the one by the paladin has no funny at all...
but the one by itos is cool...

hey any mod, darkmoon anyone, we see people opening threads just to mention somevideo or flash they thought it was about creating a thread where people post the ones they liked????

Paladin Sheppard

You need to have played CS or CSS to get most of the in jokes Leafar...


but i did play it...
i just thought that kid in there was kinda dumb...the second one is way more well made...just a opinion by me btw... :<


Quote from: Leafar on September 08, 2006, 08:52:56 PM
i just thought that kid in there was kinda dumb...
Not in comparison to you, I believe. -_-


you just don't stop following me in any thread to offend me... :<
if you don't have anything interesting to say ABOUT THE THREAD'S TOPIC, please stay away...
i hope some mod make you stop...


Then why don't you stop? You don't have anything interesting to say, and you're rarely on-topic. You say stupid things, and I point them out. Being hypocritical doesn't help you either.


i can't believe you're 20 years but this kind of mind...*shrugs*


Then why does it matter so much? Come on, think logically for once.


1) I HATE "post everything in this topic" threads.  They annoy me.  They get to twenty-gazillion pages, and are impossible to keep up with.  I like many individual threads better.  It's less likely you'll miss something.

2) Aridas, I'm on AIM right now.  Please hit me at Jezebel148 if you are able to sign on.


3) I've just checked your recent posts, Leafer, and overwhelmingly they do not have scathing posts authored by Aridas near them.  In my opinion, he is not following you from forum to forum and post to post making fun of you.  He is making fun of you as he comes across your posts.  This is not considered trolling.  Additionally, as he is not making fun of your nationality, sexual preference, age, posting age, etc. he is not breaking any rules.  I do not consider his current behavior to be "flame-baiting" given the nature of your posting style.  (although this does not mean that it could not progress to such.  Restraint on the part of all parties would be prudent)

Please keep in mind, Leafer, that I am general much more narrow in defining things in reference to people who are polite to others.  I personally feel, on that front, that you have room for improvement.

That is all.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


i see...well, i guess i shouldn't bother when someone says to me ''i only say stupid things'' anymore huh?
is that polite?....anyway, nvm anymore...

Jack McSlay

(back on topic)

I think both vids are retarted, in a funny sense  :P

It's pretty hilarious to see the hostages trying to pass through the doors, I've lost the count mow many times I've seen NPCs doing that  :laugh

I've aways wondered myself why do simple wooden doors close themselves in FPSes  :rolleyes
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you can't find sense in those games...
tell me how in hell can you carry assault rifles, pistols, grenades, healing itens...many pockets lol! :S

Jack McSlay

Quote from: Leafar on September 09, 2006, 08:50:08 AMyou can't find sense in those games...
tell me how in hell can you carry assault rifles, pistols, grenades, healing itens...many pockets lol! :S
I know in games such as counterstrike, Halo and Rise of the triads you carry only a few guns and must leave the rese behind, in perfect dark and goldeneye you get only the weapons you find in a single level, Turok has a purse that acts as a sort of black hole and he put anything in it.

but as for others like Doom, Quake, Unreal, I have no idea, maybe they carry hoi-poi capsules like Dragon Ball  >:3
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hahaha hoipoi caps! xD !
i like when games, like those you mentioned, at least try to  make sense resident evil is a game i love but it really lack on that...

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Leafar on September 09, 2006, 08:50:08 AM
you can't find sense in those games...
tell me how in hell can you carry assault rifles, pistols, grenades, healing itens...many pockets lol! :S

You'll find Leafar that you can carry those items plus more its called webing, and most specfor/swat teams carry more than what you can in CSS or many of the other FPS multiplayer games but not to the point that Doom or HL2.

Oh and thanks for taking this topic to the point a mod needed to step in...


Quote from: Jack McSlay on September 09, 2006, 08:08:18 AMI've aways wondered myself why do simple wooden doors close themselves in FPSes  :rolleyes

This is an incredibly true observation.

Personally, I've come to the conclusion that these Universes put funding into developing door-closing technology for them and where door-closing technology doesn't exist?  Magickal door-closing sprites.

Of course, I have come across one game in which the doors don't seem to magically close, that's The Ship.  I frequently get myself killed because I lie down for some shut-eye, having forgotten to close the door because I keep expecting the door to close itself after about five seconds anyway.  ... which it doesn't.