Sam, are you alright?

Started by Aridas, September 01, 2006, 12:01:13 PM

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(i originally planned to post a bit more, but then i found something better)

Hey, I'm sure most people are aware of this already, but microsoft sam is a terrible (yet funny) TTS voice.

Don't take my word for it, just ask This website

For instance, getting Sam to say "soy" or "crotch" results in interesting things. (especially try soy on the slowest speed.)

Give it a whirl, I know XP users usually have it in the control panel, but I'm not sure of other flavors of windows right now.


Oh, I love computer generated voices.  Dr. Sbaitso, how I miss thee.

In fact, computer generated voices can make anything tolerable.  This is a tale from long ago, in a time when Windows was younger and I was more naive, a good, good friend of mine and I decided to try out the Yahoo! client's games.  We were playing chess.

The chess was as boring as could be expected but it had speech synthesis for anything that was typed.  We did just about everything from trying to get it to say our moves properly to pretending to be the good and revered Mr. Hawking.  Good times.


*Makes Sam say "penis penis penis" sloooowly*


Sam is my new best friend. :B


Ooh, I've got Dr. Sbaitso stashed away, but I can't get him to work...


Ari: *Leia voice.* DosBox, you're our only hope!  <.<  I got mine to work under DB, anyhow.

Dakata: You outrageously silly person, you.


Also, Dakata's silly reminds me so, so much of this particular episode of Weeeeebl'n Bob.


*Lawl* Sam makes me feel smart. :B

Edit: Oooooh...I can make him say my name...RIGHT...sorta D: Make him say 'Dakah ta'


Of course, also funny is having him say ...



For those that can't test it, it comes out as: can't talk, can't talk, can't talk, can't talk!... can die~


Also good is:

five, six, seven, eight, who do we assassinate?

But he lacks such passion at the end of it.




Whoo. Sbaitsoness. Always sounds like he's drowning, though.


I made the one on my ex-girlfriends computer saw "Badger badger badger muchroom mushroom" it was pretty hilarious.

Making them curse, too.


I've never heard of 'Sam' - if it comes bundled with XP, I've got to try it.

With speech synthesizers in general, 'ghoti' is quite an interesting one.  Speech! on the BBC Micro pronounced it correctly ("fish!") but with slightly different intonation, so if you made it say "fish ghoti fish ghoti fish ghoti.." it would say "fish, fish, fish" but in a slightly different pitch.  I almost got Speech! to sing the 'Neighbours' theme song.  (I hated that show.)

There was an old DOS one that did really peculiar things- 'bta' would be pronounced as 'butter', but with freaky emphasis, e.g. "BUh TUh!" it did 'gta' for 'gutter' as well.  Hence a whole string of ridiculous strings about "the butter in the gutter".  I think it might have been called 'tran'.

Psalm 23 as heard on the end of my song 'Return to Babel' was recorded using Text-OLE (or "text-hole" as we called it) with the speed set to high so that it gabbled its way through it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Sam is so fun. :B I made him sing! ..Sorta.

"Be my bad boy be my man Be my weekend lover but don't be my friend You can be my bad boy, but understand that I don't need you in my life again."


Edit: Darn. D: I can't make him "sing" the whole song. He's so meeeaaan.


Oh, thank God. I thought I had gotten in an accident.  D:


Quote from: BillBuckner on September 01, 2006, 02:51:16 PM
Oh, thank God. I thought I had gotten in an accident. D:

me too!!!!!!!! i saw the thread name and i said OH NO!!!!!!!! :O :U



Quote from: BillBuckner on September 01, 2006, 02:51:16 PM
Oh, thank God. I thought I had gotten in an accident.  D:
*Pushes Bill/Sam down some stairs* D: OH NO!! BILL/SAM!! Quick, someone call 911! D: D: D:

...*Just sits there because he's a lazy dragon* X3

Edit: *Beats Bill/Sam with a shovel, just in case he's still alive not-hurt-alot.


:B Bwahah. I'm so evil and tired. *Takes a the NAUGHTY CORNER* D:


That's actually what I thought first too, Leaf.  My mind reeled for a moment, "Ohnoes, Bill!  I like Bill.  I hope nothing's happened to the poor bugger."  Then I realized of course that you, I and possibly only a couple of other forumites knew of his non-forum name and therefore calmed down and clicked the link.

Roureem Egas

Except now, everone will know Bill's other name.  :P


You people overthink stuff too much. That ruins the fun before it even happens. >.>


Of course, anyone just coulda looked at my damn e-mail address...


That's true but I think Leafar and I were the only stalkers people that did, after all, look at the confusion that erupted in the P.A.Y. thread (or wherever it was) when he called you Sam.


Having him say a letter repeatedly is always a treat. :D



Thank you very much for pointing this out. I'm having great fun making him imitate a helicopter.


And don't forget soi. And holy water.


Here's an excellent beat, try this:

ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo!

At normal speed, or a couple notches below it, for best results.


I love Sam! I'vee spent hours making him say stuff! Making him say "wow" as slow as possible is always fun. ASnd making him say scenes from "Napoleon Dynamite"
Stay home and eat all the freaking chips Kip!

Jack McSlay

something funny comes out if I type "Jack McSlay" in there for some reason he says "jack mcslahm" instead

this one somewhat makes him sing
kkkkk. k! k!  kkkkk . kkkkkkk j. j! j!  jjjjj. jjjjjjj h. h! h! hhhhh. hhhhhhh x. x! x! xxxxx. xxxxxxx q. q! q! qqqqq. qqqqqqq k. k! k!
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Okay, here's a recording for those not on Windows.  Sadly I forgot to bring either the Wikipedia page or this page from the forum, so the only good one I could remember was 'soy'.  I have not been able to make it say 'soy', even by spelling it 'soi'.  I haven't tried 'sawy' though - too late now.  It can say 'soil' and 'boy'.  But not 'soy' or 'soya'.

It can't handle 'ghoti' either - there was only one other speech synth which couldn't say it and I can't remember what it was.

It also insisted on pronouncing 'Goldwave' as 'Gold-lava' - seriously.  They sound identical.

"jack mcslay"
"soy"  (schhhhhhhhh)
"Two bottles of soy sauce"
"Three soya beans"
"Ambidextrous wildcats"
"ghoti fish"
"ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo ooooo"
"So this is the best that L&H could offer.  No wonder they went bust."
"Goldwave"  (gold-lava)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


What're you talking a crack at L&H for? they didn't do anything >_>


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 02, 2006, 01:56:06 PM
What're you talking a crack at L&H for? they didn't do anything >_>

Didn't Microsoft buy the technology from them?  Or was that their speech recognition engine?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow, it can actually say pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.


I don't know, but LH Michael and LH Michelle don't have the same quirks as Microsoft Sam. If they did, I'd guess it's because Sam was built differently. They don't all have to be the same because they use the same tech.


Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 04:13:22 PM
That's true but I think Leafar and I were the only stalkers people that did, after all, look at the confusion that erupted in the P.A.Y. thread (or wherever it was) when he called you Sam.

actually, we went to a msn chatting where his name was wrote ''sam''... :)