Anyone interested in Shadowbane?

Started by Blazehawk, September 01, 2006, 03:44:54 AM

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I was just wondering if anyone still played, or ever wanted to play,  this particular MMO. It tanked a while back, but was resurrected by the community and some of the dev team recently. They no longer charge a monthly fee for it, and the client+expansions are also free downloads. I never really got into it until now, and I must say, it is pretty lively for a MMO that dropped off the face of the earth. Sure, the graphics aren't exactly top notch, but it seems like fun.

As far as player races go, I like the Aracoix:

Yes, they can fly.  Granted, only as long as your stamina lasts, but its still neat. :3 They also have centaurs, minotaurs, half-giants, demons, vampires, and the usual lot of MMO races (elves, humans, dwarves, and  half-elves). You can customize your character with things like disciplines and starting traits. Theres quite a few classes, and player-run cities and kingdoms (though one should be wary of them, as the tax on items can be ridiculous, and the cities themselves could be guardless warzones), among other things.

It would be interesting if we formed a guild and eventually claimed a spot for a town.
That would be the first step to world domination!  >:3
Well, that and maybe a tax on oxygen.  :U

I think it would be neat if some of us could join forces on there. I'm still just getting the hang of things myself, though.  :P

Anyway, the info on it is here:


I've actually been frequently tempted by this but I've been putting it off for the entirely worthwhile reason of; ohnoes, more games, I'll never get to do anything else other than post on the CMF and play games if this keeps up!  Since I already have a lot of games that I want to play.  The races with furry aspects to them though did greatly appeal to me and every now and then, I've checked in on it.

I think you've just about broken my resolve, Sera.  Once I've watched my Broken Saints DVD, I'll try it out.  I'll start downloading it now.


Also, I curse thee twice!  Your 'avatar' text has reminded me of Ultima, in which the characters would constantly ask the avatar if his actions were virtuous.  For months after playing Ultima VII, if I saw someone doing something mildly questionable, I'd actually say that to them, appending avatar to it.  Thanks to you, I might end up doing that again.  <.<


Hm, the download seems to state US & Canada only.  That's never stopped me in the past, though ... I'll see what happens here.  Just forewarning however.


Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 06:04:31 AM
I've actually been frequently tempted by this but I've been putting it off for the entirely worthwhile reason of; ohnoes, more games, I'll never get to do anything else other than post on the CMF and play games if this keeps up! 

Oh, I do that already, aside from poking Facebook, Mysticwicks, and a few other random boards. I have too many games I need to play... :mowdizzy

Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 06:04:31 AM
Hm, the download seems to state US & Canada only.  That's never stopped me in the past, though ... I'll see what happens here.  Just forewarning however.

As far as I know, that download will work anywhere. So you should be good to go. :)


Just recently finished downloading it.  I'll go and sort myself out an account now and start the updating process, which might take hours if I know these games.  Still, I'll be in eventually.


I guess it would be a good idea to ask what server/start town/characters you ended up with.  :P Right now I'm actually considering going with my Nephilim Mage, then upgrade to a Fury. Shes on Wrath, I believe. My other characters are a Aracoix Fighter (going for a Huntress) and a Human Healer (going for Druid).


I'll tell you real soon but first I just want to get a basic grasp on it by myself.  I've learned that this is a good idea from countless MMOs in the past.  I have this amazing capability of creating armageddon in MMOs.

Within three hours of playing Warcraft for my first time, I'd found level 60 Hydras, down by Ratchet.  The first time I played City of Heroes, I ended up getting chased by a humongous mech not long into the game.  I recently got into the beta of an upcoming game and within 15 minutes of playing, I'd mastered wall-walking in that game and I'd found a temple with ludicrously high level bugs guarding it ... and I was dead.

Within 20 minutes of playing Trickster, I'd gained a teleporter and sent myself to Megalopolis, I actually had to walk back (and I made it, too!) to Coral.  Within two hours of starting Space Cowboy, I'd used the warpgates to get myself horribly lost and I was flying for my life away from stupidly high level critters.

I can almost guarantee that if I play an MMO with someone for the first time, I'm going to get them killed.  It's just a strange and undesirable talent that I can't get rid of, something to do with curiousity.  <.<

Anyway, I've poked at Shadowbane and I liked what I saw.  I couldn't quite get used to the interface though so I'm snagging and trying the Vengeance interface, which looks to be better.

Once I have the hang of it, I'll create a character on Wrath and report back with the info.  Any recommendations on a Wrath starting town?


I don't think it really matters much, since they are all practically in the same zone with the same types of things, unless I'm mistaken. I'm thinking of making an Aelfborn Rogue as well, to make an Assassin.

topher chee

cool cool i think im going to check it out with you guys

topher chee

it says its free then it asks you to subscrie, you guys know a different way, i cant be paying for anything, my mom said nu  :mowsad


 :laugh Ignore that part, just click the "Play for Free" link in red. It takes you here: and follow the instructions.

Sorry about the confusion. :P


Hm, free MMORPG. I jump on any chance to try free games that look cool. I'm in. Lemme have a chance to dl and such, figure out the game like Rowne, and such.

Though unlike Rowne, even when I do know how to play you may die with me in the team. I just tend to have that affect on teams >> *Its a joke in his Anarchy Online org that teaming with me is bad, of course people do it anyways, since its jsut a joke*


I've got meself a Dwarven fighter, not working towards anythign just yet, but I'll think abotu those thigns later.

Wrath, started in Valkirch

edit> I swear I didn't double post >>

Yeah, so getting started I wasn't big on the game, then I figured out that I hold shift to drag windows around and they improved things quite a bit *I really wasn't a fan of the window setup it gives you*. I like the way they do abilities and such, including class and race, on a point system. Thats actually a really cool concept. The one thing that bugs me abotu this game is the camera. Its kinda messy as is, and it doesn't help that moving the mouse to the edge of the screen moves it. I've looked, but don't see an option to turn that off, anyone know if its just eluding me or if thats set in stone?

Edited again> I found the option, just after I started getting used to it xP its in settings, its simply called Mouse Push.

topher chee

well mine was taking a while for the window to load, so im going to download it when i get my ram today, ok^^


I'm gonna give this game a shot. Think I'll go with a Dwarven fighter, that Forge Master discipline looks intriguing. Guess Wrath seems to be the server of choice, so I'll head that direction.
Yap by Silver.


I'm still tempted to play this game with folks but less so than I was.  I was hoping it would be based more around exploration or other single-player endeavours but the more I read about it and play it, the more it seems that the primary drive of the game is group-based combat.  I don't do so well in that.

Primarily because if there are losses, I don't like dealing losses out on people.  I'm terrible like that (a complete wuss, yes, emo for the opposition, a carebear and so on).  When I used to play Ultima Online, I'd always try to find a way to deal with the game where I wouldn't have to fight.  I'd avoid conflict in all its forms and spend my time trying to find things to make my home more visually appealing instead (yay crafting!).  The thing is though that if I did that in this game, I'd just be denying the nature of the game itself.

I'd feel bad about that because I'd be holding back anyone who wanted to play.  Folks might decide to go out to PvP and all and I'd be stuck behind trying to find something else to do.

So this post is a bit of a question; what can you do in Shadowbane, in all?  So far, I like the game mechanics, I love being able to fly and it seems like it might be deeper than what I've found.  I'm just wondering what options there are for playstyles other than PvP combat?  What do most players spend their time doing in there?  I'm basically looking for any playstyles that don't involve PvP, really.

topher chee

yikes i started downloading it and it was 812 MB, thats a lot of memory

topher chee

i gotta question, the file says its abput 800 MB, does that mean itll take up all my memory if i only have 124?


Quote from: topher chee on September 14, 2006, 09:17:32 PM
i gotta question, the file says its abput 800 MB, does that mean itll take up all my memory if i only have 124?

I do hope you have more than a 124mb hard drive.

I asssume you are confusing memory as in HD space with RAM, don't worry about it, you'll be fine unless your hard drive is miniscule.

topher chee

as of right now, sadly yes i only have 128 MB of RAM, sucks dont it, but i should be getting at least 512 soon.