2013/03/31 [Matilda #8] I ate all the ham ever.

Started by xom, March 31, 2013, 03:22:28 AM

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So lets see, exploring for a new home crystal which means they probably found the first one and didn't make it and apparently they have multiple wives.

Mao Edit:  small title fixup.


I'm guessing that someone has noticed the pink crystal.


Quote from: Tuyu on March 31, 2013, 03:47:37 AM
I'm guessing that someone has noticed the pink crystal.

If that is the case, then who, hmm...


It's a good thing Amber never met Ham Rove, or she might have eaten him before that dog did. :giggle

On a more serious note, we're finally starting to see more aspects of the BV Mythos culture, which seems to include polygamy, apparently.  I wonder, with them talking about fighting brothers for right of marriage, what happens when the family only has female children?  I bet in that case they fight the father or whoever is considered the family's patriarch.

Also, is it just me, or do all those names sound either Indian or Middle Eastern?

Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on March 31, 2013, 06:33:37 AM
It's a good thing Amber never met Ham Rove, or she might have eaten him before that dog did. :giggle

On a more serious note, we're finally starting to see more aspects of the BV Mythos culture, which seems to include polygamy, apparently.  I wonder, with them talking about fighting brothers for right of marriage, what happens when the family only has female children?  I bet in that case they fight the father or whoever is considered the family's patriarch.

Also, is it just me, or do all those names sound either Indian or Middle Eastern?
While it could be possible that by chance there are only female children in a family, it seems boys are more important in their culture and I wouldn't be surprised if they would keep on trying until they have a son. And as horrible as it may sound, Matilda did mention that it isn't uncommon in their culture to kill unwanted daughters.

With all that scrapping and scratching going on I wonder if they use any tools or if they do all their digging by hand?

Maximum Carnage

Amber, I have registered this account specifically for this post.


I know, Amber. -I know.-

And I love you for it, you crazy warrior of the wasteland. You made my day.

Of course, maybe you weren't referencing that, which might disappoint me a bit, but no matter - it still made me grin, and that alone gets you a golden ham.

...don't eat the golden ham. It's gold. Our lab boys are still working on the 'edible' thing.

For those who don't know what I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgAQApJdUOE

Either way, if'n ya see this, been reading for at least a few years now, and I really enjoy just how far the story, art, and humor have developed over time. And I know I'll enjoy seeing where you take it. Thanks for the entertainment, and may you continue to prove yourself awesome.


Quote from: Maximum Carnage on March 31, 2013, 09:28:37 AM
...don't eat the golden ham. It's gold. Our lab boys are still working on the 'edible' thing.

What are you talking about? Gold is edible. It is not very nutritious, however, and has no taste.
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


in relation to cuddly blue cobras, there's this fat blue cobra plush up on squishables that totally deserves all the votes of matilda fans

(amber said it was cool if i posted this link)

kellyn: it's like being a secret agent, outside we look perfectly normal. no giant metal faces or tattooed eyes or mohawks. BUT. SECRETLY. DRAWING RAINBOW MONSTERS AND ROOOOLE PLAAAAAYING oh the shame oh the humanity, and man i know so many more cool people now wtf is that

Amber Williams

And just to confirm, I did say it was cool to post it. And it would be cool if folks vote for it. :U


Quote from: ChaosMageX on March 31, 2013, 06:33:37 AM
Also, is it just me, or do all those names sound either Indian or Middle Eastern?

I think it's just whatever sounds are in their language. K's, R's, and sibilants like S's and SH's, seem, so far, to be prevalent. Seeing as they're rather cobra-like, seems fitting for them to have snakey sounds.