14/09/12 [DMFA #1336] - Cue the masterpiece theatre music

Started by ANTIcarrot, September 14, 2012, 07:17:25 AM

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And we have a size view of the gun! (Which is of course the most important thing. ^.^) The blue glowly crystal would imply it's not entirely hard-science based. So all our speculation has just been thrown out the window.

And we get handed a big steaming pile of cliff hanger. Gaaaaaah! So it looks like two comics to go before we find out if their reaction is "Run for your lives! or "Aww! Ain't he cute!"
<carefully leans closer to the spinning coffin>
"What's that Mr Mendel? Kill chakat Goldfur? Shi's making a mockery of all your theories?"


So, Wildy and Abel are a no-go but can they take Alexsi with them...?

That aside, it doesn't look like Jyrras can easily be taken by surprise from Gen which is what I was afraid of.  But I still think that she might be back if and when she finds some clothes.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 14, 2012, 07:49:53 AM
So, Wildy and Abel are a no-go but can they take Alexsi with them...?

That aside, it doesn't look like Jyrras can easily be taken by surprise from Gen which is what I was afraid of.  But I still think that she might be back if and when she finds some clothes.

i think Wildy doesn't /technically/ count as "attacked"

plus she can take care of herself.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Tapewolf on September 14, 2012, 07:49:53 AM
That aside, it doesn't look like Jyrras can easily be taken by surprise from Gen which is what I was afraid of.  But I still think that she might be back if and when she finds some clothes.

Can she use her magic without that crystal she dropped, though? It's still on the inn floor, attached to the spear.

It's not like she can use her bare top as distraction on Jyrras...


I also remember the Masterpiece Theater theme, Amber.  As well as its use in 'Monsterpiece Theater' on Sesame Street hosted by the Cookie Monster as 'Alastair Cookie'.

Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Drakkenmensch on September 14, 2012, 08:20:24 AM
Can she use her magic without that crystal she dropped, though? It's still on the inn floor, attached to the spear.
It's not like she can use her bare top as distraction on Jyrras...

She can do the water stuff, yes.  But not the stun spells.  Also, that's assuming she doesn't return with an impromptu weapon or reinforcements or something.

Quote from: Turnsky on September 14, 2012, 07:58:09 AM
i think Wildy doesn't /technically/ count as "attacked"

You'll have to take that up with Jyrras, not me...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I think he actually means Alexsi who was attacked. The statement that Wildy wasn't going with them was because of the BOB's plan to take her to the nearest guild. Still it's interesting that his last claim is that the BOB has as many seconds as he has bullets.


Either way it boils down to the fact that Jy was able to put pause to a group of seasoned adventurers.

And not wildy.

methinks a lot of egos have been wounded that day.. not to mention an ear, and an incubus.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Ted Schiller

I am curious as to what hoo-yah the Foggy-Minded Boys just opened on themselves by attacking a proprietor of an inn.  And that's not including what happens when Dan finds out.

With regards,


(credit: Gabi)


Hooooooleeeyyy....   :erk

THAT...is not an air pistol.
THAT...is not a non-magic weapon.

That looks more like a classical gunpowder weapon, or possibly a magnetically accelerated type.  From the way it removed P's ear-tip, I'm going to say that it makes tiny holes going in, and really BIG holes on the way out.  And that little glowy gem? 

Everything to this point has been leading up to Jyrras making the connection that magical and non-magical things can be combined to make something new.  Lorenda's comments that Jyrras' toasters are the most popular product in her store because they can be magic'd up so easily?  His discussion with Abel regarding paper clips?  And most importantly, the creation of Deebs.

I'm going to say that the projectiles themselves are low-magic metal, which means they'll be able to punch through magical defenses as though they aren't even there. 

The accelerant is magic, but it can't work directly on the projectiles, or they wouldn't move.  So the magic is either being pushed into an "excited state" by a sudden action, such as the firing pin or similar device?  Or the magic is acting upon a generator which creates enough of a charge to magnetically accelerate the round.  The first method would be very easy to do, simple in execution, but loud.  The second method would be very difficult to do, complex in execution, but terrifyingly silent as we've seen.

Either way...

Hey BoB?  New plan.  Piddle selves.  Run.   :reaper


Masterpiece Theatre Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHtPbm7fxxU

"This piece is also known as the Rondo from Jean-Joseph Mouret's Orchestral Suite Number I"


Jyraas' penultimate line was possibly the best line I've heard for awhile in anything.


Quote from: IonOtter on September 14, 2012, 10:46:21 AM
Lorenda's comments that Jyrras' toasters are the most popular product in her store because they can be magic'd up so easily? 

I think you might mean Matilda.  She's the one who owns that store.


Hmmmmmmmmmm, Maybe the crystal is a magic based power source. Then that powers a small but powerful magnetic rail and that shoots a low or non magic residence bullet.

Well it certainly puts to point what Jyrras thinks and considering he's a being, that pointed statement probably will make Nitemyste think about his next action. It's also strange to consider from what Amber has told us is confrontations from outsider adventurers like this aren't uncommon in Furrae.

Of course Jyrras has just added something that both creatures from the creature counsil and the adventurers from the adventurers guild might start pounding on his door about.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: BabylonRanger on September 14, 2012, 02:51:55 PM
Quote from: IonOtter on September 14, 2012, 10:46:21 AM
Lorenda's comments that Jyrras' toasters are the most popular product in her store because they can be magic'd up so easily? 

I think you might mean Matilda.  She's the one who owns that store.

Yes, it was definitely Matilda. Lorenda works at Miss Kate's, if... *checks* yes, I do recall correctly.


Right, well. I definitely started reading this comic just in time to see the most epic of all of the things. o.o Win, I think, is the right word for this.

I don't even want to nitpick and try to figure out how the gun works by looking at it, even though I'm sure Amber's got every little detail on it worked out in her head. I simply wish to say, holy shit, this page is the most epic moment I've ever seen in a webcomic.


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on September 14, 2012, 03:09:36 PM
...even though I'm sure Amber's got every little detail on it worked out in her head.

That or she's going to handwave it later in a QFTR...


Given the detail I've seen in her work so far, I imagine that won't be the case. She seems to think everything through. I imagine if she didn't have the inner workings of that gun plotted inside her skull somewhere, she wouldn't have put that shiny blue gem on it.


Is the 6th pic a referance to grinch? I loved that book/ film when I was young!

(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Ignuus66 on September 14, 2012, 03:26:33 PM
Is the 6th pic a referance to grinch? I loved that book/ film when I was young!

I believe both the 5th and 6th panel were referencing The Grinch.

Jasae Bushae

Mwahahahaahahaha!  :mwaha
*gives self a cookie*  :mowcookie  yay me~

With all of the techno magic devices jyrras made in the past it only made sense for him to have a super fancy magic gun~
even if i couldnt begin to guess what the magic does aside from act as the bestest silencer ever...
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways


@Jasae: That's another theory, thanks for contributing it.

So we have:
-energy source for magnetic rail
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 29, 2012, 05:55:06 PM
I expect if flamethrowers exist, Matilda would be tempted to install one into her shower.


It does not appear to be a classic gunpowder weapon. It's hard to tell if that's a slide or just details we're looking at in the gun's profile view. Furthermore, that doohickey on the back just looks like iron sights without being an actually hammer.

Like some have said, it's probably low magic bullets to let them punch past magical defense, so it's not magic accelerating them. My hypothesis is magical electricity source, then use of coils or rails to accelerate the round. That explains why it was so quiet.


My money is on something a little more direct. A rail gun or a magnetic coil would have to be a lot less compact than that, I think, and at the same time it seems to me that Jyrras wouldn't add a magical component to his gun simply to make it silent, so I'm going to assume it's to do with the propellant system in some way.

In my opinion that leaves two potential situations: either the magic is affecting another source of propulsion (a piston, for instance, or something along those lines), or else the bullets aren't as magic-resistant as we've all been assuming. I'm leaning towards the former, but can't speculate on the details. Something, though, that makes me hesitant to consider the possibility of it being a magnetic coil gun is that a ferromagnetic round would have much less kinetic energy than a lead round, and with such a small caliber even less so. A rail gun is somewhat more plausible due to (if I'm not mistaken) being able to use tungsten rounds, though I still think it's less likely than some other explanation.


Mostly I hope the BOB don't force Jy to show them his waspon is leathal and he means business. But a small part of me wants to see them slightly mangled.


Quote from: Eli_In_Chains on September 14, 2012, 06:41:51 PMSomething, though, that makes me hesitant to consider the possibility of it being a magnetic coil gun is that a ferromagnetic round would have much less kinetic energy than a lead round, and with such a small caliber even less so.

Hardly, Kinetic energy is 1/2 mv^2. You could more than make up for the lost energy due to mass with a the speed that an electromagnetic gun offers. I personally would lean for a coilgun over a railgun because railguns would wear out pretty quickly by comparison, but that's just my opinion.

The benefit of a magical power source is that you could provide the large current necessary (Imagine a lightning spell) to get a strong magnetic field needed to accelerate the round without the restrictions that our technology requires (Large capacitors, for example. Our power sources are more than capable of launching bullets, but they aren't so good at providing the million or so amperes needed to make the round accelerate to good speed, especially over such a short barrel. So we have to use a bunch of capacitors in parallel). With a magic current source already able to do what needs to be achieved electrically, the process of making electric guns becomes far simpler.

Oh, and a piston would probably be a much louder "P-tink" noise.


i think it's safe to say that in this comic, Jy just took a level in Badass.
this should be logged on TVTropes. but i don't have a computer to do it with.


One thing thinking about how the gun works I've come to wonder about is the application of pocket spaces that we've seen used in Furrae.

Could their be more to that gun then what we see because a large percentages is in another Dimension?

Edit: I suppose when you get down to it. With all they can do with magic and Jyrras's abilities, trying to guess at this point won't come up with anything that really can disprove other theories and guesses. Though Amber did do a pretty awesome job of drawing that gun.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Alondro on September 14, 2012, 08:37:23 AM
I also remember the Masterpiece Theater theme, Amber.  As well as its use in 'Monsterpiece Theater' on Sesame Street hosted by the Cookie Monster as 'Alastair Cookie'.


Yes, but do you still have the opening music memorized?

It's probably sad that I can whistle it on command and I was never the one who set the TV to that show.
            <-- #1 that is!