Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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He nodded slightly. "It was quite surprising actually, my parents were living in the city of demons, but were beings. And even so, they were actually quite respected in the community. The turnout for the funeral was actually quite large." He smiled, looking up at the tiger just as he spread his wings. "Hm... I thought I noticed the clan symbol on your neck. Even if you tried to paint them over. Hmmm..." He looked it over again. "Taun I believe then?" 


Nodding gently. "I'm happy to hear they were well liked and respected, if you don't mind me asking; what did they do for a living?."Kirrin blinks a little in surprise, hand moving to his neck instinctively to cover the mark. "Um, yeah i do have one and that's it exactly i am of clan Taun. I was actually trying to make the mark match my stripes...." Then for a moment Kirrin points to Shax's ear. "What about you though? What clan are you with? I'm also curious as to how you are a kinsman but have had being parents. Did you go through the ritual?" Looking about lightly kirrin spoke in a more hushed matter on the cubi topics
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Shax shook his head a bit. He never liked talking about his parents too long. "One was a doctor and the other was a teacher at a elementary school." The cabbit gave a slight chuckle. "You did well on the stripes but some makeup or bodypaint to cover the excess marking will be of great help." He squeaked, completely forgetting to cover his marking at all. Although he was in a bit of a rush. "I... I am one of the last few left of Jin clan. Its rare to see us outside of SAIA but I cannot stand being cooped up for so long." The kid looked over as his parents were mentioned again. "I was adopted actually. I don't remember too much of my childhood before the orphanage besides waking up in a hospital. I don't even remember my real parents at all..."


Kirrin nodded. "Very fine professions, from what i remember my pa he was a butcher and my ma was a stay at home mother." He chuckles lightly nodding about the clan mark. "I'll remember that and cover it next chance i get." He then has to slap a hand over his own mouth when the cabbit squeaks, trying not to laugh about that part managing to make it a light snerk. Then he turns a little more somber hearing Shax's answer "I see, i believe you. Your the only one of your clan I've ever seen outside of SAIA. I can also understand not liking to be cooped up, I was actually forced to stay in my room at SAIA for a couple years because i nearly killed a couple of others during a spar." The tiger's wings drooped a little. "I see, i myself had to fend for myself on the streets till i was found by the Academy at age twenty-five when my headwings finally appeared. Glad it was someone friendly who found me after i sent the crowd i was in scattering. It could have been the town guard instead." Kirrin sighs softly. "Though i can see it pains you to talk about your family, I'm sorry for dwelling on the subject. Let's talk of something else... What subject at the Academy did you most prefer?" The Tiger smiled, taking a moment to tap the ashes of his Cigar into a nearby empty glass. (This is the first time he has actually seen the Jin clan mark, just so ya know.)
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?

Paladin Sheppard

The Tasmanian Devil placed her elbows on her knees and smiled at Eden's show as she thought through her question...

"Not really" She answered finally "Never been with anyone long enough to care that much about them, 'Occupational Hazards' and such." She tilted her head to the side "I take it this guy is a keeper then?"


Paladin finished with his morning exercise moved back to his room and changed into some casual clothing. After the Wolf headed out on an aimless walk around the ship just to explore.   


Shax would sigh softly, shaking his head "Its no problem. I just don't talk about them too much is all. Don't worry about it too much." The Cabbit lookedover at the mention of SAIA. "Well most of my clan is there for our own protection... There is less than ten of us left after the great war. We actually were not really allowed to leave SAIA because its a safe place but, I need to get out at times. But when I'm there, my cousin Mink keeps me company. And as for subjects, I was pretty much a straight A student. I always made sure to keep up with studies. I was best with dream travel with Professor Jacob Mielihyva. I wound up becoming a student teacher under him because of my grades.."


Kirrin nodded and his grin returned. hearing the subject of SAIA being taken up. "Yeah, it is the safest place for our kind so it goes with out saying." He then blinks a little at the mention of Mink. "Huh, overly cheerful guy, squidgy things coming from his head?" He chuckles..."think i might have seen him once or twice but he might have been to scared to talk to me or something." When Shax speaks of subjects he is prevalent in Kirrin nods again. "I don't go much for the the dream traveling but i am good at it. I always did with the combative classes and even lockpicking. I even managed to do  a bit well with thought reading but it was difficult"
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?



"That should cover everything then," The captain sighed and slumped in his seat. "I really am sorry for the inconvenience. It's a hassle, but if he presses charges and I can't provide the paperwork that could have consequences for me and my crew. Willikens, would you-?"
"Paperwork's already on its way to processing sir." One of the aides had already left, apparently with the guard's notepad.
"Well done." Captain Uidnetan stood up with a groan; odd, for a demon, even one starting to grey at the temples as he was. "Mr. Harkonnan, I sincerely apologize for this whole inconvenience. I'll just have to speak to your wife later to confirm and we'll be set, with this initial statement we can schedule that a bit more conveniently. Is there anything I can do to make up for the nuisance? Casino chips, a room upgrade...?"


Long Distance Nagging, Or, The Messenging Center

"Very good, be sure to keep it charged. Don't hesitate to call if you need anything else dear, I look forward to a full report soon! I know you'll make me proud darling, keep yourself well."
The messenging spell clicked off, and water slowly began to trickle town from the mirror as it thawed.


The Restricted Tunnels Of The Ship

"Now, you hush until I get you to where we can get you at least a LITTLE disguised," Singing Grin led the way with a strut almost comically exaggerated for her comparatively broad frame. "the Captain is holding a little private soiree tonight, you two," again, Singing Grin's smirk to the pangolin boy was uncomfortable to say the least, "Are going to be a part of my retinue. I need an extra pair of eyes and ears, I'm expected to be," She gave a long suffering sigh, "Sociable. Have you ever spoke to slaveowners? They're not half as interesting as they think they are. Reminds me," The cheshire beckoned the two of them into a storeroom and began rummaging, "I stashed a pair of my house liveries over here. I can see some unpleasant questions if I try to get you past more guards dressed in rags, can't just knock 'em all out. Rude, for one thing, ah!" Jake and the pangolin were each thrown a garish, awful thing almost on par with Grin's own ensemble. "Pardon me if the sizing isn't EXACT, we can get them taken in later."


Within and From the Slave Hold

<... You say they safe, I trust you.> The squeaking was faint, from the other side of the wall, but Kenyan could make it out. <What do I do?>

As Xyrtia climbed the smell of fresh air grew stronger, but the paths began to branch off, snippets of conversation could be heard down each.
"-Obviously stale, send it back-"
"-Overly cheerful guy, squidgy things coming from his head? Think-"
"-This guy is a keeper then-?"
"-Nuisance. Casino chips, a room upgrade-?"


Xyrtia ignored most of the chatter coming through the vents, but the tone of the... whoever... talking about casino chips and room upgrades made him sound possibly important. Taking a moment to orient herself, she started to follow the voice down the vents, still mentally holding the system's map in her head. As labyrinthine as the place was, it fortunately was regular enough that she could keep track. Sort of. Her path had devolved from distances and directions to just directions and counting intersections along the way. Chittering haze, she thought of her previous captors.

Aisha deCabre

Jake followed the Cheshire as closely as he dared, the pangolin keeping in step fairly well.  The gryphon had the weights on his wings pried off beforehand with pilfered keys from the fallen guards.  But more than his relief for regaining his freedom of movement, he was nervous for how this would all turn out.  Would they be discovered?  Did anyone other than some security forces know the faces of the slaves that well?

Is this likely even a trap?  Whatever was going on, Jake hoped that he would bring some information back from this "soiree" without being hacked to pieces.  Right now, the only thing was keeping quiet, though he noted that Ms. Grin didn't much follow her own advice.  But he got the gist of the plan and cemented it into his mind once they reached the storeroom and were thrown their disguises.

Wow, pretty old-fashioned, the black feather-furred avian thought as he tilted his head and raised his eyebrows at the garments.  His claws gingerly skimmed the fabric of the cape and the designs on the mask.  But it'll do, I suppose.  Enough to pass for fancy.  While he was accepting, the silent pangolin accomplice however seemed a bit more critical of the outfit, a little wrinkle going into his nose, but it was something one had to get used to.

"No problem; I'm tall, but I'm skinny, I can make it fit--if I make room for my wings.  So, we change in here, then?"  Jake looked down at himself, the only clothes he had as a prisoner being a pair of raggedy trousers, and smirked at the feline.  "I'm sure the lady has better to worry about than seeing the ugly bits."

The third one in the room snorted, hiding what sounded like laughter with a cough.

*     *     *

Outside, Aisha gave Jakob an understanding smile after his little explanation about his clan and a stand on adventurers in general; one thing she respected was candor.  And he too is a 'Cubi, after all.  Fascinating.

"You want preaching, you should hear some of my old teachers," the panthress joked and shook her head.  "But I digress, too; I really ought to get this message done.  It shouldn't take more than a few moments; indeed, I'd like to talk more when I return.  I haven't yet met too many friendly faces on that ship, and the trip would be longer without people to converse with."  She politely bowed at the waist and turned quickly toward the messaging center, only pausing to notice that "José" was rather lost in thought for the last few minutes.  She poked him.  "Amigo, you coming too?"

The other jaguar seemed to snap out of it with a shake of his head and cleared his throat, going back to his rougher voice.  "Ah, nah, changed my mind.  Oughta get this meat back before I'm missed; the concessions crew'll have a fit.  But I'll catchya 'round, eh señorita?" he winked, but she knew that the question was legitimate.

Aisha rolled her eyes.  "Soon, yes.  It'll be easy to find me."  And with that, she moved off into the road and past the crowd.

Left with Jakob, the strange jaguar gave him a bow of his own and grabbed the blood-ridden bag.  "I'm sure I'll see you later too, milord."

As José--James--left for the ship and parted from his gaze, there was an interesting twinkle in his eye.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


She knows, Jakob thought, cursing inwardly.  Ah well, it's not like I haven't been wondering about revealing my headwings anyway.  As Aisha headed off, her brooding companion snapped out of his reverie and decided to head back to the ship.

"In that case, I may as well head back myself," Jakob told them.  "See you aboard!"  So saying, he made his way back to the vessel.  I should check the common room, he decided.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The Cabbit nodding, sitting up from the bar stool. "Yeah, Mink can bit a bit of a airhead and a little skiddish at times, but he/she (Since we dont know yet) is a real sweetheart." With a stretch, he popped his back, giving a little purr. "Well, since most of the Cubi race no longer dreams, dream traveling is one of their best ways of 'getting out', so to say. Its their way of dreaming. I actually still sleep so I can still get the occasional dream, but often I spend that time taking with my great great grandmother, Jin, catching up a little bit." He looked about the common area. "Hm... Not sure what else to do, I might just wander about."


Kirrin nodded as well. "Heh, say what you want but mink's the kind of someone that can always get you to like him/her. (Good point.) I mean i do, and we really haven't talked at all." The Tiger took another puff of his cigar, dumping the ashes in the empty glass again. Casually exhaling he rather skillfully making a smoke ring with his breath. "That's a good point, i still have a dream or two myself. Haven't really spoken to my great, great, great, (etc. he's over seven generations seperated from her) granny yet though." He smirks a bit, looking to a few other folks for a moment. "You do that pal, thanks for chattin with me. I appreciate it."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Safely back aboard the ship, Jakob wandered around the common room for a bit.  No sign of Hobbies, but perhaps there were some new faces.  His stride faltered slightly as he glanced at the cat-rabbit and saw a purple marking on one ear.

"Nice clan," he said softly, once in earshot.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax flinched a bit as he heard the voice suddenly address him from behind. A hand moved to cover the marking on the back of the right ear "Heh... Thanks I suppose. I forgot to cover the dang thing with furpaint before leaving. I was in such a rush." The cabbit turned to glance at the male, those pink eyes examining him for a moment. "Shax Crowe, its a pleasure." Shax smiled, holding out his hand. He was unsure of what to make of Jakob as of yet, but there was still no reason to not be polite.


"It may be wise to attend to that sooner rather than later," Jakob told Shax quietly.  "At least one Dragon is present.  While they are unlikely to harm you aboard ship, they may have you followed or something.  I don't know how much of a target your mistress is these days, or if they even care about the old wars, but if I was from a clan that fragile I wouldn't want to take the risk."

"Jakob Pettersohn," he said, more loudly.  "Currently working for Daryil Clan."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Agreed... But for now, shall we move into a less crowded area huh?" He asked, that long tail flicking behind him nervously."Really now? A dragon? Its been awhile since I have seen one at all... Hm..." He seemed to get lost in thought for a moment before looking back up at the wolf spoke. "Its a pleasure. Daryil huh? Its been a long time since I heard that clan mentioned." Shax smiled.


Kirrin sat idly by taking another drag on his cigar before casting a casual glance Jakob's way for a moment. Headtilting a bit, he then turns to face the bar again not waiting to be noticed or knowing if he was. He thinking to himself. 'Wonder what kind of things he has on him. Guy seems extra fancy for this flying tub.' Slowly he stands, Dumping his Cigars ashes in the glass from before and stretches, spreading his wings for a moment. "Wonder what they got in the way of fun on this thing besides the Casino." He says to no one in particular, making a few mental notes to follow up something on him later. He starts to walk off.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


"Certainly," Jakob said as the cabbit led him to somewhere a little more private.  I'm assuming he is a Jin, the wolf fretted suddenly.  It could be a fake marking...

"Yes," he added, "My Lord sent me to negotiate a treaty with a Demon clan.  He booked passage on the Flame of Freedom for the return voyage.  Has your mistress sent you on some similar errand?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax followed close behind, trusting that the wolf knew exactly where to go.

"Ah, I see. It's always good to try and make peace whenever possible. We don't need another war breaking out..." He sighs "Me? Oh no, just to relax actually. I have been away from SAIA wandering out on my own for several years, so I figured I could use some time to relax for a bit. I'm thinking of just staying at home for awhile once I return. I know my place has been nothing but a dust factory in my time away."


"Not a problem. "Kafzeil stood, smiling. Being still fairly young for an Angel he noted the Captain's age catching up with him. "And I would love a room upgrade but I will have to speak with my fiancé regarding that."He waited to be escorted out.

"I Should be getting back to her right now, actually. I think she'd like to get off the ship if possible."


"Yes, exactly." Eden sighed, rinsing her hair out. "Part of the reason I don't know if I should scream his ears out or hug the asshole when he gets back." She picked up another bottle of soap, looking at it for a few seconds. "Love is a weird emotion, isn't it?"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Jakob glanced at Shax in puzzlement for a second.  Partly at his response and also because he realised they were following each other.  He made his way to a quiet corner that would afford them a little more privacy, and continued talking.

"Oh, did I just say it was a treaty?  I misspoke - it was more of a trade alliance, really.  See, the Inova Clan are relatively unusual for a Demon clan.  Whereas most Demons try to prove themselves in battle and combat, the Inovas saw this as being pointless because there's always someone better out there.
"That's not to say that they're a pushover, of course, but by preference they put their strength and magic to use mining and refining minerals.  My Lord will shortly be requiring large quantities of ore and he sent me to negotiate a deal."

"So, what do you do?" he asked politely.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax would take a seat at the table, listening close to the male.

"Hm... Well I guess a trade agreement is just as good as a treaty I suppose. I mean, they are providing you with the goods you need as you pay them with the coin they need. Helping each other out. So any kind of fight between the two groups would put them both at a loss."
The Cabbit smiled. "Its always good to see some doing something else besides fighting with their abilities. It just causes problems for everyone and makes creatures look bad in the end."

Shax looked over as he was asked about his own life. "Oh, these days I mainly just travel on my own. There is so much I want to explore, so much I want to learn. I just feel like there is more to this planet than it seems. So many things left in the unknown. But before that I was just another Student at SAIA. And even then I spent most of my time in the library. I wound up passing most of my classes with high marks... Besides combat... Most members of Jin clan are not really as strong as the other clans. I actually became a student Teacher under Professor Mielihyva. He taught intro to dream surfing."

The young cabbit looked over "And what do you do? Besides set up agreements I mean."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel stared at the blank mirror for a moment going back over the conversation. She had gotten mixed results from it. She wasn't released to go home but "being observant" was a rather open assignment that she could deal with. If she didn't happen to observe anything who was to say she missed something? She just needed to pretend she was working until Billingsly arrived to take over.

She stood and dropped a coin on the counter to tip whomever had to wipe up the puddles from her grandmother's icy magic and exited the building. Looking around she found her unwilling assistant hiding amidst the faux columns. They were so tacky they might have even been faux faux columns. "Did you find the merchant district on the map? I am in the mood to shop until someone drops."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Kirrin sighed softly, left to his own vices until something interesting or someone interesting came along. He then pondered attempting to break into a room whose occupant wasn't currently on the ship or at the least not in their room. Slowly he headed for the rooms and began listening carefully at the doors, moving on if he heard any noise at all. Though eventually he came across an 'empty' one and taking one of the throwing needles from his cigar case, made sure no one was around or watching and began to try and pick the doors lock.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


"On sabbatical, then?"  Jakob queried, and gave a sigh.  "Please do be careful.  I can't help but think that most of Mink's... eccentricities were caused by the murder of his mother.  It would be ill for the world to lose another member of your clan."

"As for myself, when I am not acting as an envoy for my Lord, I have been researching the new science of particle physics.  My colleagues and I are hoping to find the elementary particle of particles responsible for imbuing matter with magic.
"My Lord is greatly interested in this field himself, and our early experiments with particle accelerators show great promise.  Indeed, the energies we tapped aided in his attempt to become a true clan leader.  Now we are planning to build a new type of accelerator which should give us better results far more quickly than our current cyclotrons."

"I'm also rather fond of music," Jakob added, "Though my son has far greater skill at playing it than I do myself."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax listened close to the wolf, those pink eyes locked on the male. "Yeah... Its rather sad about the fate of Mink's mother really. Heck, I'm not sure why anyone would target people from Jin clan, the majority of us are harmless... But perhaps thats the reason, easy targets maybe. And besides Jin, Mink is the only member of Jin clan I have met. We seem to be a bit scattered at the moment. But yes, I am on a bit of a break. I'm thinking of returning back home to Zinvth after this is over."

"So you're more about science then? Admirable. Most of our race seems to have trouble adapting into such fields. So its good to see someone is perusing it." He beamed. "I have been trying to get into a bit of a medical science myself. I started after a being friend of mine lost an arm at work. I have been looking for a way that it can be regrown or restored. He has a prosthetic, but its not a very good one. Slow movement, not really capable of doing anything. Its merely something cosmetic."
He chuckled at the mention of Daryil's ascension to a full clan leader "Erm, yes... I know of the ascension. I actually saw the newscast he highjacked those years ago to show off his new third set of wings."

He blinked at the mention of a son. "Oh? And who is your son? I might of attended some classes with him at SAIA."


"There is a simple reason for Jin clan's persecution," Jakob said darkly, "but you won't like it.  'Kill the healers first'.  If you want to pursue a scorched-earth policy against your enemies, that would be the way to go."

At the mention of science, Jakob beamed.  "thank you," he said.  "Many people think that using technology to look inside the atom is a waste of time when it can be done magically.  After all, most of what we know about the atom and its innards comes from magic, you would have been taught about it during transmutation class.  But if there is a particle that is responsible for magic, we will not be able to see it by magical means - that would be like a Being trying to peer inside their own eyes.  Hence our attempts to perceive it - or at least its effects - by mundane means."

"My son?" he smiled fondly.  "Niall Pettersohn, a grey fox-wolf hybrid.  A bit keen to let his pants down, but I guess that's 'Cubi for you."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


He would give a heavy sigh "That is true. We were a asset during the war apparently. Keeping the wounded alive so they can receive full care later. But at least the war time is over, for now at least. It just takes one little thing to spark an entire war.."

Shax listened close, highly interested in this subject. "So, if you somehow manage to find it, can it be possible to enhance it to make one's magical abilities stronger? Almost in a way your leader rose to tri-wing." He asked, his tail swishing behind him and brushing against the floor.

"Niall.... Niall... Hm... I think I remember him. Wasn't he really good at a guitar? I would often see someone of the same description carry one around with them at SAIA when not in classes." He gave a laugh at the mention of the libido. "Behind closed doors I hope. Well its not as bad as the trend that some Cubi were doing at SAIA. For a few years there during my time as a student, some decided to go... In the buff." He snickered

With a look around, his attention went back to Jakob "You hungry at all? Dinner on me."


"We already have a way to make certain amounts of magic energy," Jakob said.  "However the yields are very low with our present technology.  That is why we are building the new accelerator.  I'm not entirely sure what the immediate implications of finding the magic particle are... I'm more interested in the theory myself.
"At the very least it should give us insight into how much magic a given substance has, and new ways of refining it once we understand exactly what is going on.  After that we should see some interesting practical applications down the line, probably things we hadn't even dreamed of."

"As for Niall, yes.  He's very good with stringed instruments.  The recent experiments with electrical music have opened up new doors for him.  And yeah, he may have a somewhat seductive mode of dress, but going around stark naked is probably a bit much even for him.  Though that is a fad that comes and goes now and again."

"I ate rather a lot yesterday," Jakob confessed.  "But I wouldn't say no to a small pastry of some kind.  I'm still not entirely sure how much the magic suppressor on this ship is liable to affect our metabolisms."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E