It's... Snakes on a plane!

Started by Gryphon, August 19, 2006, 12:17:46 AM

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Right. To the moderator who yanked away my "Scanner Darkly" thread. I review movies. I've done this on the last messageboard and I'm continuing the tradition. I even got a badge.

Leave this thread alone.

Right. Down to business then.

I don't think I need to put spoilers on this thread. If you don't know what this movie is about you fail as a person on the internet. I'm sorry but you just do.

Needless to say this was a packed audience and practically everybody knew just what they were getting into when they bought this ticket. We razzed the previews pretty badly too.

Texas chainsaw massacre beginnings? "Not as tough as snakes!"
The covenant? "Needs more snakes!"
The "We want snakes!"

Things to do
Cheer when you first see Samuel L. Jackson.
Hiss at inappropriate moments in the theater.
Yell "Snakes on a plane!" during the five moments that the movie gives you. And I'm serious the movie gives you time to yell this out. You'll know when. They make it pretty obvious.
Cringe as every possible way there is to die by snakes happen.
Leave your suspension of belief at the door. You won't be needing it.
Stand up and cheer when Samuel L. Jackson delivers his legendary line "I've had it with these mother @%^& snakes on this mother @#%^** plane!" Standing ovation for two minutes. It was beautiful man.

Quite frankly. This is a movie you'll want to watch the opening weekend. Why? Because there is no replay value to this movie. You've seen it once it's done. You don't want to see it again. But while the people who made this movie famous are in there cheering screaming and what not THAT'S the time and place to be. The only possible thing to see during the credits is the music video. There is nothing after the credits. A good movie. Bring friends. It'll be much better.

King Of Hearts

A cult classic even before it was released, and from what I hear its cemented its status as such. I think I'll watch it now if for just the novelty of it.


annnnd, the thread is back in the game!

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


And soon there will be the blockbuster sequal...SNAKES ON A TRAIN!  :laugh


Rage Turtles on a Submarine! >>

I was eagerly anticipating seeing it. Then all my friends saw it while I was away on family vacation.

There's onyl three left to kill..... >: (


josh friedman's blog


the following comments contains things not sitable for children


Cool read, Taski. Changing the title would have really sucked. They were smart to keep it SOAP.


cause Samuel Jackson SAID SO

btw, looking on the wiki on SOAP, there are some parodies and fan goodies. Lots of them were "meh" to me, but this youtube video was the most entertaining -->


Ummmmm...All your snakes are belong to us?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

topher chee

that movie looks silly and pointless.  Yeah it'd be pretty scary to have snakes on a plane, but....come on, it seems cheezy


Planes are too cold, all the snakes would do is sleep, then die more than likely. :P


On a related note, I was in a Blockbuster the other day.  I swear, one of the movies on the shelf was "Snakes on a Train."  I **** you not.  I didn't even dare rent it, I'm not that much a of sadistic (or masochistic) horror movie fan.


the movie actually creeped me out quite a bit. << Mainly just a tad squeamish(cutting open that little boy's blister made me shudder) and feeling sorry for the snakes(what can I say? snakes are cute. <<)

And I kinda want to draw a picture of a snake furry in a aeroplane seat, just going "What?"
because I'm a freak like that.

topher chee

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm presuming "cutting open the blister" was so you could suck the poison out?

Go read "Last Chance To See", by Douglas Adams - in it, a noted expert on toxic creatures has an extremely amusing chat with DNA about snakes, and being bitten by them, and how to cope, in the course of which he says "Yeah, sure, cut it open and suck it out. Rather you than me - all those blood vessels in the mouth are right near the surface, so you'll likely ingest enough to be fatal, but go right ahead!"

... This is the same guy who got asked, after changing the subject half a dozen times, "Isn't there any toxic creature you like?"

"He looked a bit sad, and said 'Yes, but she left me.'"

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



The romantic Comedy psuedo-seqeul will be : Ferrerts.... on a Train!


Y'know that was a funny movie. :D Hilariously stupid, of course, but well, hilarious. Especially because everyone's so damnably stupid. ;) And omg snakes. Everywhere! I just started laughing at various points during the movie and couldn't stop *g*

King Of Hearts


^ Squid on a Plane? Sounds like a hit to me!

I haven't seen it yet, but I'll be going tomorrow with a friend. No doubt I'll be giggling my head off at everything in it.

I'd also like to mention that the amount of references this thing has spawned amazes me. There's even horrible fanfiction.

And the name the sequel game is awesome.

Snakes on a Plane=
Snakes on a Train
Snape on a Plane
Voldemort on a Plane
Snakes in your Brain

XD And that's just the first few seconds of fun I had with one of my friends.


Quote from: RJ on August 28, 2006, 10:30:05 AM
And the name the sequel game is awesome.

Snakes on a Plane=
Snakes on a Train
Snape on a Plane
Voldemort on a Plane
Snakes in your Brain

XD And that's just the first few seconds of fun I had with one of my friends.

I have one that was spawned after reading the Flintlocke webcomic on Gamespy: Gnomes on a Zeppelin  D: (yes, I play WOW too much)


Leets on a yalm.

if you get that, I will hug you.


Quote from: insanekaosx on August 28, 2006, 11:43:11 AM
Leets on a yalm.

if you get that, I will hug you.

Anarchy Online, good one by the way.

Now where's my hugs.  :3


Quote from: Seraline on August 28, 2006, 12:05:52 PM
Quote from: insanekaosx on August 28, 2006, 11:43:11 AM
Leets on a yalm.

if you get that, I will hug you.

Anarchy Online, good one by the way.

Now where's my hugs.  :3

*Big hugs* You win :D

llearch n'n'daCorna

Aww. I still think jelly planes and snakes, and "Planes on a Snake!" was a good one.

Tasty, anyway :-)

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I just saw it.



Like I said I would, I was laughing the entire way through it while my friend was just jumping out of his seat everytime there was a shock scene, poor guy ^_^;


Quote from: Seraline on August 28, 2006, 10:37:44 AM
Quote from: RJ on August 28, 2006, 10:30:05 AM
And the name the sequel game is awesome.

Snakes on a Plane=
Snakes on a Train
Snape on a Plane
Voldemort on a Plane
Snakes in your Brain

XD And that's just the first few seconds of fun I had with one of my friends.

I have one that was spawned after reading the Flintlocke webcomic on Gamespy: Gnomes on a Zeppelin  D: (yes, I play WOW too much)

Toads on a boat, Anoles on a Trycicle..... Anoles on a Miaka(that one actually happened. they're so cute! <3 and they jumped on me.)




llearch n'n'daCorna

Quick! Get the camera!

(...and throw it away before the flash goes off...)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears