Pinkie Pie vs Fa'lina: The Epic Battle

Started by Alondro, September 06, 2011, 02:16:49 PM

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I just had a lulz moment thinking about Pinkie facing Fa'lina in a culinary crusade, pitting their favorite pastries against one another.


Split screen to Fa'lina:  MUUUUUUFINS!!!

*clash and huge asplosion*

Next screen, everything is in ruins, all in the surrounding countryside are slain, save for the two combatants who've made up and are happily munching on both types of goodies.  :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Paladin Sheppard

Now admittedly I have not seen that much of MLP, but from what I have I doubt there would be any deaths. Maybe in a Fan work yes, but more likely just property damage. :P

However the concept is still awesome (minus the death) and full of teh win. Now how can we convince The Mab to do this....


It's times like this when I wish I could draw even semi-competently.

I have a whole slew of Pony crossover pic ideas which gaze me lulz in my brainz.

Trihorse:  Celestia the Stampede vs. Nightmare Knives  nuff said  *chuckles*  Angel Wings...

Read or Pony:  Twlight as the incredibly bookish 'The Paper', Celestia as Joker, and the rest of the crew in appropriate alternate roles.

Equingelion:  Just the mental image of Celestia in Commader Ikari's glasses with the 'I is serious' face behind the desk was enough to get me giggling.  Poor Twilight as Shinj, all depressed and angsty, Fluttershy is the obvious choice for quiet Rei Ayaname, and brash, loud Rainbow Dash must be Asuka.  Maybe Trixie for Misato?  Or Rarity?

Escapowne:  Spike the dragon as Prince Vaughn, Rarity as Hitome, Nightmare Moon as Empress Dornkirk, Twlight as Merle, and I'm thinking Big Macintosh as Allen (snerks, imagining BM trying to pull off wearing Allen's outfit)

The Lord of the Horseshoe... One Shoe to Buck Them All... XD  Nightmare Moon as... duh, do I even need to say more?  Celestia as a 'Trollestia'-version Galadriel.  Trixie MUST be Gandalf.  Spike as Aragorn (he fantasizes about such roles, as we saw in the Diamond Dog episodes).  Thus, Rarity is Arwen.  Fluttershy as Legolas.  Rainbow Dash in the role of Gimli, since I have a ploy for what the pegasi uncovered when they delved to high into the cloud mines searching for unobtanium.... Derpy's Bane  (Durin's Bane, how could I pass up such fluid parody?).  XD  And for the primary protagonist:  Twlight as Frodo with sturdy Applejack as Samwise.   The Shadowbolts make the perfect Ring Wraiths!

Oh so many ideas!  So little artistic talent... :C
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.