Dreams of the Past (OOC. Mature Themes)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, January 06, 2011, 08:14:57 AM

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Paladin, is the only extra ammo we have in our packs the stuff for our pistols?  I'm not sure whether I can have my character find more, or whether he'll be stuck with his pistol for quite some time.

Also, can you expand on what happened with Chris (IC-ly if pertinent)?  I was expecting a large explosion and Chris to go flying like Kandela, but if all there is is a light show then I want to make sure so I can react accordingly.
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard

Until you find a supply of ammo that you aren't carrying its a moot point :B But yes at the moment the only ammunition for the groups guns is what they are carrying.

As for the diverging effects between Kandela and Chris - Kandela only managed to touch the brain for a moment and most of the energy was released as she lost contact, where as Chris had both hands on the crystal and it never lost contact till it was drained.

Paladin Sheppard


How far away are the soldiers from Sifa? Could she conceivably run over to them before they got up?

Paladin Sheppard

As they are now tangled up and on the ground, yes she has time to run up to them and do one to two actions...


I just want to point out that I was also trying to interact with the riders that were over by Cinna/Sifa.  I understand that whether I'm successful is up to Paladin, but nobody seems to have noticed my attempt.
            <-- #1 that is!


I got that, but I wasn't sure how to incorporate it into my post. Sifa's trying to take out the two that you aren't threatening directly.

Paladin Sheppard

Sorry for the delay in the GM post guys flu has me feeling rather slow and stupid atm, will get get post up ASAP.

Paladin Sheppard

Excuse the rambling nature of the post please as it from the mind of a sick (with flu dammit) man :P

If you have any questions do let me know.


So... after my spells and Kandela's everything... how many enemies are actually left? Chris wants to test something, but can't really unless everyone nearby is dealt with, cause I don't think he knows where the last few are or he assumes Wraith took care of them. Basically, is there any indication to Chris that the fight isn't over yet?

Paladin Sheppard

Apart from the three that Tommaso and the girls are talking to the rest are very much dead.


Which one is going for the grenade? Tommaso's, the one under my knee, or the one under my gun?

Paladin Sheppard

Sorry The one Cinna and Sifa are covering.


... Which is? Last I saw Cinna was just aiming in their general direction, and I'm covering two; one via pin, and one with my gun.

Paladin Sheppard

Gah need to be more clearer...The one Sifa is pointing her gun at.


Okay, I'm a bit confused as to what just happened. Firstly, what safety got turned off? Unless, of course, the pin is the safety, in which case wouldn't it still need to be "fired," in a sense? Just basing that off of terminology, not so much how a grenade works. Secondly, I was under the impression that I was merely kneeling on the guy's head, not pinning him. Does that make a difference at all? Thirdly, I'm guessing this happens as I take the shot, not after my post is complete? Does this mean that we're also allowed to take interruptive actions? Fourthly, these guys are in full suits of armor, right? Wouldn't that mean there'd be a good second or two during which these actions would be performed? I think that's all for now.

Paladin Sheppard

1) Sorry that should have been arming leaver. On a grenade there are two safety features, one is the pin, the other is the leaver or 'spoon'. When the leaver is removed it ignites the fuse.

2) This has occurred immediately after Sifa's pistol was fired, and is a non-interuptable GM action.

3)  Live grenade at your feet >:3 


Geez, just how lucky was this guy? I mean, blindly pulling both the pin and spoon off of a relatively tiny grenade in full plate over his head in less than a second. Holy crap! Anyways, I'll start formulating a post as soon as I can. We'll see how this goes.


I don't know if I can even do as much as I'm trying in this one post, but it's the first thing that came to mind.  Grabbing the grenade sounds like a VERY bad idea to me.

Also, I don't actually know that the grenade has a 5 second fuse...  That's just what I (and Tommaso) remember from movies.
            <-- #1 that is!


I guess that takes my plan of action out of my hands. >.>

Paladin Sheppard

Shachza Do you mind editing your post so that Inumo and Squirrel Wizard can make their own actions?


Pal, I'm fine with it, honestly. Realistically, there are some things you cannot get a choice over, and being surprise-tackled from the side by a soldier is one of them. All thoughts considered, it's probably much safer than my plan (grab 'nade, throw "away").


Bleh.  Reworded to be a bit more clear that Tommaso isn't god-mode-ing character interactions.  I wasn't trying to lock Sifa and Cinna into being pushed inside.
            <-- #1 that is!

Paladin Sheppard

All good guys, just making sure you are ok with each others posts. Really the only person that should be able to railroad is the GM...and even then very lightly.


Dang it Pal! I asked if the girls and their problem were within sight or immediate vicinity cause if Chris had noticed they were still having trouble he'd have tried to help instead of just landing and starting a science experiment willy nilly. I thought they were around a corner, out of sight, inside, etc so that Chris wouldn't even have an inkling they hadn't escaped the fight (he didn't notice the three riders splitting off to chase them) and also coincidentally out of range of the grenade :/
Not that he'd know what a grenade was come to think.... pretty sure his world didn't have any.

Ah well, Chris will have to resume his science experiment later. Right now he might be a bit shaken up.

Paladin Sheppard

Ahhh crap...

Sorry AmberCross, head today hasn't been in the right place.


Well nevermind. Chris is an old man, easily prone to distraction. It's not... too out of character that he forgot about them and didn't notice them down the street. Especially when posed with a mystery to solve. After all, I was going to have him forget about them (or not notice in the first place) anyway so it's not too bad. It's just one of those moments is all :/

Paladin Sheppard

*prods the people still needing to post*


sorry, the past two weeks have been midterm hell for me. I've got two more test tomarrow, I'll probably get some work done on wednesday.
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Paladin Sheppard

AmberCross where did Chris acquire that Brain I might ask :B