8/15/2010 [Last Resort #192] Stop Viruses; Practice Safe Hex!

Started by joshofspam, August 17, 2010, 07:42:55 PM

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Well that could go better. Yes let's all blame the killer bot if something goes wrong.

Be like Celigo and just blame anyone if it helps with diplomacy.

That's the Celigo way.

Hope Siege has been keeping up with her virus check payments so she has up to date protection. :P
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Well, let's look at the bright side of this: they're actively trying to avoid killing people by accident. If anyone dies, it's not going to be because their life-support got pulled; it's going to be because they decided to fight.
Which, true, will not be as big a diplomatic problem; after all, if they're going to kill someone, it at least needs to look like the person either deserved/had to die or like it was self-defense. (Which is true for each instance where Sally died; first, Slick was shooting back at someone who had opened fire first. Then, Scout Arael was taking down a former Scout who had died on-camera and then became a zombie.)

Plus, they don't want the target to die during this; from the sound of it, their orders are to bring Gabriel in alive.