The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Mess Hall

While grabbing a quick bite to eat, knight had been playing the images of the ground facility through in his head.  he had wanted to work on the battle plan later, but it seemed that part of his mind had other plans... he finished eating and headed back for command center, figuring he should start his search for mother there.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Prof B Hunnydew

In Engineering

The excited catgirl quickly hugs the engineer...and ask "Great, but I will see you at tea time."  Nova rushes off to the Command Center...

In Command Center

"But a lot of people have one of those." said the Kitten to the panther. "Don't Mother and Alexis have one, or the doctor...maybe even you?" asks Mara.  The Kitten looks the panther and smiles and then starts to licking herself in the middle of the console.  At this point the command center door opens and Nova steps in.



Command Center

There is some eyebrow cocking regarding the speeds Mother listed.  He ran some numbers in his head and said, "In other words, as long as you aren't going at escape velocity the pods should be recoverable.  Sounds promising.  Your drop pods are sounding more and more like general purpose landing and return craft.  Should make things much easier."

Aaron also sends a message straight to Naz, If this was where you were intending to have our meeting, it seems like it is becoming more and more occupied.  Somewhere else perhaps?
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

   As Nazareth looked at some displays on his own pilot's viewscreen, it didn't seem like the room was going to be vacated. As he was still linked to Mother, he knew that Captain Natsume was acessing Mother's database. Alarm bells immediately went off in his head, as it seemed almost related to what he wanted to talk to Major Brown.
   This time making sure that only Mother could hear him, he thought; If you will take a direct order from me, keep her out of any sensitve information until further notice. That is, any information concerning you or the mission that has not already been openly stated yet, if she tries to access anything of that nature.
   Nazareth also got Aaron's thought-message. He closed his display screen, and turned to walk out of the room, throwing a pointed glance at Aaron as he walked by. He exited and turned into the corridor, heading for the Zeta Barracks.


Command Center

Aaron did not want to leave in the middle of talking with Mother, but it seems like Naz has chosen a meeting spot.  "Say Mother, I have been taken by the urge for some tea.  Can we continue this conversation on the walk?"
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

Saioko narrowed her eyes at the kitten, "now how could I have a power source?  That is not half as interesting as what you are exactly.  You are some type of autonomous AI of Acadian origin, but you are predominantly feline and the Acadians are all foxes.  Perhaps you would care to explain?"

Mother responded over the mindlink to Nazareth, Do not worry, I am the system, she cannot access things that are sentient and aware of her presence.  She appears to only be doing administrative work.

Mother nodded to Aaron, "but of course my dear boy.  Lead the way."

As Mother followed Aaron, Alexis smiled knowingly.

Saioko noticed the others leaving, but also observed that she was under the watchful eye of the Security AI.  With no way to safely follow, the feline sighed and resigned her self to speaking with the kitten.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Knight made his way back to the command center, just in time to miss the others leaving.  With no one but Saioko, and Alexis around, and Saioko seemingly lost in her work, Knight figured he'd have a little fun at someone else's expense.  Sneaking into the command center without a sound, he held his finger up in front of his face, in a, 'be quiet' gesture, hoping it meant the same thing to the Acadian.  He continued his little game, with the intent of sneaking up behind Saioko undetected, placing his hands on her shoulders and whispering "well hello there" in as creepy a tone as he could muster.

after letting things calm down, and feeling completely restored, Knight turned to Alexis and asked, "um, Alexis, is there any chance you could bring up the display of that pirate facility on the holo unit, and maybe get a sim program booted so i can start playing around a bit with troop deployment? i was hoping to work this out with mother, but it seems that she's gone elsewhere."

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Aaron was a tad annoyed about being called boy.  He didn't dwell on it long, such was her nature and he just swallowed it.  He was also a tad annoyed that he said he wanted tea, because now he actually did want the tea.  But that would wait until Naz had his words.

Aaron followed Naz to the Zeta barracks, wondering what could be on Naz's mind.  He had a sense that it was about Saioko, he didn't even need to be psychic to tell that.  Though being psychic did help.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"Hey, Maj Brown, sir..  Mother... I am reporting for duty, and I'm sorry to little out of it.  Is there anything you want me to be doing, Sir? " asks Nova.  The catgirl was glad see them in the passageway and had to see Aaron.
"Nova, You have a kitten to pick up in the command center." says Mother with a stern motherly tone.   Nova sighs "Yes Mother."

Mother, How is Loki, I know when he is distressed and some of his other feelings.  I know is he feeling fine, but I can't locate him when he isn't in need of me.
, Nova thinks to Mother.  She don't know if the AI will send to her, but she knows Mother should able to read her.  She is a little worry about Loki, but he is home in his element.  He doesn't need her as much as when they were with Fleet.

"Oh I am a Were-kitty......RRAUWRRR..." Growls Mara as transforms into a 8 year ago anthro cat-fox girl.  "Sheriff Alexis, is this here Catgirl lady be acting...suspiceeeeously....  like?" Mara says with western accent



Hallways, heading towards Zeta Barracks

   Nazareth lead Aaron and Mother though the hallways, passing by Nova at one point. She exchanged a few words with Mother, and went on her way.
   Eventually, the reached the barracks. The door opened for Nazareth, showing Zeta group reclining in their bunks. As the door opened to show Nazareth to them, they instantly shot out of their beds to their feet, saluting. Nazareth simply strode by, uttering a simple "At ease, men.", trailing Mother and Aaron. Nazareth led them through the second door to his own (quite small at this point) office and quarters. The door closed, and Nazareth used his link to Mother to make sure it was locked.
   Finally, he turned to Aaron, and only said, "Permission to speak freely, sir."


Before reaching the Zeta barracks Aaron talked with Nova.  Aaron really wondered why everyone was asking him what to do.  But he quickly found the answer to be, because that is your job you twit.

"Hmm, we are eminently about to reach Matron, so I need a report on what you remember about the site.  Physical details would be most helpful. "

Aaron skipped telling Nova that, unless you were a trained psychic, sending mental messages amounted to broadcasting your thoughts to everyone remotely psychic.  He figured that quip of information would be better digested if Mother delivered it.

After that brief encounter he followed Naz to his office, after after he was asked for permission to speak he said, "Certainly."
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

Alexis watched with a half smirk as Knight snuck up on Saioko.  The pair were quite cute together.

He continued his little game, with the intent of sneaking up behind Saioko undetected, placing his hands on her shoulders and whispering "well hello there" in as creepy a tone as he could muster.

Saioko froze, her tail stood straight up and puffed out, her hands were caught halfway between typing and gripping the desk to leap away.  All her fur stood on end as she emitted a surprised feline like sound, "Meeeeooooowwwrrr!"

Spinning around in the chair, causing Knight to step back to avoid being knocked down, a playfully angry Saioko glared at him, "Oh!  You are lucky I didn't slash you in half, pulling a stunt like that!"  She playfully pounced at the larger feline, causing a bit of a mock chase around the command center until the panther managed to catch her prize.  Saioko did not know what to do with him, and the position made her blush slightly.

After the two disengaged, and Knight had spoken with Alexis, the vixen activated the holomap, "knock yourself out kid."

Saioko meanwhile had missed most of Mara's reply and was strangely surprised to see an anthro kitten where a feral one had been.

Ship's Hallways

A small message crept into Nova's thoughts, kitten, please don't broadcast thoughts randomly like that, every psychic on board just got the equivalent of a text message from you.

A bit down the hall, Loki appeared from around a corner with Ixiah, the small green fox approached the cat girl and stopped a few feet short, "you rang?"

Zeta Barracks

Mother sighed and spoke to no one in particular, "children... that girl must learn not to yell across the ship like that.  Didn't her mother ever teach her not to project thoughts so loudly, you could almost attack with that."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

   Paying Mother's comment only a sideways glance, Nazareth took a moment to collect his thoughts, then spoke, his voice chillingly lower and deeper than usual. "Major Brown, I am going to be as direct as I can. These two stragglers we picked up--I do not trust them. Not at all. Particularly that Lieutenant Whitehaven."
   Before Aaron could respond, Nazareth continued. "Know that this is not an accusation I make lightly, nor is it based on the fact that both are ISIS, who regularly practice deceit, though I will admit this isn't a helpful factor. We found them in an escape pod from the wreckage of an ISF ship that incorporated materials so advanced that she-" Nazareth nodded to Mother, "-couldn't identify what they were. I don't know if they've actually told you anything about that, but if they haven't, ISIS or no, that is suspicious, considering the main fleet is going to clean it up anyway. More telltale was, during the briefing, I noticed that Lieutenant Whitehaven seemed a little more curious than was strictly necessary in specifically Mother's combat ability and armaments. And then, when the briefing was over, Captain Natsume accessed Mother's network. Though she seemed to be only performing administrative duties, what I noticed was that she seemed to know exactly what she was doing, for someone who has never used Mother's interface before."
   Nazareth let out a faint sigh. "Perhaps I am being what would be called paranoid. I prefer to think of it as caution. Were I in charge, I would have made sure that those two were left with the fleet instead of bringing them along. If that was not an option, I would certainly exclude them from our upcoming operation, as they are a potential risk in an otherwise critical mission. At best, I would give them a duty that involves them remaining aboard Mother, where they could be easily watched and monitored, until we are sure we can trust them. Then again, if you were to talk to them, and were they to divulge truthful information about the vessel they were previously on, the foundation of nearly all my concerns could become moot right then and there, including my next concern.
   "But, the thing that bothers me most, however, is actually not them, at least, not directly. Pardon me sir, but not only did you incorporate them, the ones who do not even know the full extent of our mission and situation and whom I am questioning in trustworthiness, into the chain of command, you put them above all those on this ship with actual combat experience. The ones who's job it is to keep everyone on this ship alive. The ones who, if orders are given, however incorrect they may be, must carry the orders out. And, Lieutenant Whitehaven, at least, is assigned to accompany the ground team in their operation. In my professional opinion, I find these to be the most unwise and potentially dangerous decisions you have made. Sir."
   Nazareth bowed his head slightly, waiting for Aaron's responce, though with Nazareth's height, it now almost looked like he was staring Aaron down.


Command Center

Knight nodded politely, then added "thank you kindly ma'am."
He then moved over to the display, and took note of everything's position, how the pirates moved, how they acted, and the equipment they had.  Just because it was old, didn't make it completely useless... Starting with a terrain analysis, he suggested "depending on the gear we're looking at, i'm thinking dividing the strike team in half, and moving into the area in an 'L' shape.  it gives mutually supporting fire, and if need be, i'd suggest issuing a few soldiers some anti-tank weapons we can keep trained on the comm building."

taking a few more moments to try and work out the actual deployment and movements, he continued, "It looks like we could drop our troops on the opposite side of that landing pad... and if have them use the woods for cover, it appears that they could get within 50 meters... depending on which class of unit we're talking about, maybe the thing to do would be to deploy a couple ISF jammers in the woods, and never even let them know we were here... if we want to ensure no trouble though, i'd say move into the compound, and use those pre-fab buildings for cover.  once inside, take the comm tower first, and once that's under control, clear the other buildings, armory, barracks, then mess hall."

he paused and looked at the display "any chance you could show me how to get the sim program working? i'm still not really used to the interface, and if i'm going to work out some of the more detailed issues, it'd be good if i could see them, rather than just visualize everything in my mind"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

After Mother's comment Aaron says, "Unfortunately, I doubt her mother taught her much about psychic courtesy.  Kind of difficult to do when we don't have any psychics in the general population.  Perhaps I'll write a survival guide for associating with psychics.  I should do that quickly while I'm still in this strange in between state."

Naz spoke his piece and Aaron was rubbing his temples.  Summers seemed to be onto something because this made him feel much better.  "Believe me, I do take you seriously, but I'm at a loss about what you expect me to do.  Are you are upset that I do not distrust the entire ISF chain of command?  And what do you mean, 'exclude them until we can trust them'? I have their files.  What more could you possibly want?  For me to disbelieve the information Captain Summers gave to me and throw them in the brig or confine them to quarters?  The only other step possibly left is for me to start ripping information out of their heads which, while I'm sure there are not official regulations against it, would not go unanswered for."

He sighs and slumps back, "Eric's questions were entirely appropriate for someone who had vague delusions of planning.  The quality of his plans leave a lot to be desired true... but that is not enough to throw suspicion on.  As for his position, remember he is a lieutenant, when a line commission.  Something that, I must remind you, I don't have.  You and Romulus will be backed on what ever decisions you make in your own squads.  As for Saioko... she does reverse engineer xeno tech for a living, and Mother makes sure that the interface for systems we should access are easy to operate.  It isn't too surprising she picked up on it quickly."

Aaron did harbor a few suspicions regarding Saioko, though he could not put a finger on what is quite wrong with her.  Either way, he didn't want to give Naz any false leads that ends with charges of insubordination against Nazareth.
The All Purpose Fox


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

   Nazareth gently sighed for a moment, then continued in a (relatively) softer voice. "I apologize, sir. I was not aware that Captain Summers personally provided information. However, I also was not speaking of such extreme measures as confining them to brigs, but merely not to include them in our upcoming and, as I gather, extremely important operation. Though, even that was not strictly necessary, but only a precaution."
   Nazareth was silent for a moment. "Have they told you anything about the ship who's wreckage we found them in? Did you ask?"


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

"I have heard nothing, I figured that if there was anything reasonably important that Captain Summers would let me know.  He has a good head on his shoulders, he wouldn't overlook a detail like that."
The All Purpose Fox


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

   Nazareth sighed again. "I don't doubt the good Captain..." Nazareth was still for a moment, then suddenly straightened up a little, like he had just remembered something important. He turned to Mother. "Mother, I seem to remember, quite distinctly, the conversation we had when I first came onto this vessel. After you told me that you could hear my thoughts, I asked you to refrain from doing so. You said this was impossible, simply by virtue of being you to hear everything. Can you hear the thoughts of these two as well?" Nazareth asked.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova smiles at Loki, but turns and starts going slowly down the hall to the Command Center, feeling little melancholy...Loki and Ixiah follow her, as Loki asks, "What is wrong Kitten?"

"Oh, I'm just feeling down and out of loop.  I am trying to be polite and all to to... everyone.  But Mother is hard to know How much you telepaths pick up or what I'm can do, so I'm not shouting at you and Mother.  And I get the feeling Mother is annoy at Mara and at me.  And I am the one who should be watching her." says Nova... as she continues walking

"And I have to dig up my first report for the Major, again.  I am sure it for the new crew members, but I know he forgot that I told him all I know already before this trip started.  Yes, Hundred things has happen since then but He could have trying to remember that I give to him a report, once before."  sighs Nova.

"Oh I sorry Loki, I have not been myself.... And I have not yet met your friend properly 'Hi I'm Nova, and you must be your highness Prince Ixiah, glad to see you again'." Nova offer her hand to Ixiah.

At this point, they reach the Command Center.... The door opens to the sight of Mara, the kitten-girl, smirking
up at Saioko who's shocked to see anthro kitten Mara sitting on the control panel.  Knight studying the planetary position of the pirates and talking to A lexis about possible troop movements on the main view.  Nova see that Matron's resting place is not in the right spot on the display,  it is off by a few kilometers.  Why? "AH Please Alexis can I check my notes.  I think I made a mistake. somewhere"


Command Center

Alexis shook her head, "sorry Knight, that system is temporarily unavailable at this time."

Ixiah shakes Nova's hand and gives her a warm smile, but does not actually say anything.

Shifting her attention to Nova, Alexis nodded, "certainly, your reports can be accessed from any station that is not assigned to a specific ship function."

Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

Mother laughed nervously as Naz asked her about sensing the thoughts of Knight and Saioko, "yes... kind of.  I can sense Knight's thoughts when he is not in proximity to Saioko.  Saioko appears to be psychic to an extent and is able to obscure her thoughts to my senses.  The glimpses I have caught when she is sleeping... I do not fully understand, which I find strange.  It could be that she is a very rare and exceptionally talented individual beyond the level of genius, and her thought patterns are different due to that fact.  As for knight, what I have got from him is worry about what others think of the relationship between him and Saioko, his duty thoughts as he concentrated on the upcoming mission, and a very determined need to protect Saioko.  I have been able to tell that he is trained to pilot LAMs and specifically the elite stealth ones developed by R&D.  The ship he was on was the Cold Fire of a class called Dark Rage, which your databases do not contain any mention of.  Anything more will require an invasive mind probe."

Mother sent a directed mental message to Aaron, I also have one other bit of information, but I do not want to fuel the reptile's paranoia.  Knight is very concerned with protecting what Saioko is from us.  That can have several meanings, as I do not know the context of the thought.  I have suspicions about what she might be based on observations and slips from her.  I cannot say at this time, as I am not certain.  I also get the impression that Knight saw what destroyed their ship, but I cannot tell without probing his mind. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

   Nazareth leaned back in his chair. "So Captain Natsume is the psychic you spoke of when we were picking up the escape pod. I'm not sure it's entirely a good thing that she can block you out, even more concerning that the same thing extends to Lieutenant Whitehaven, but at least it is only based on proximity. However, so long as neither of them attempt anything to impede our mission, then I suppose there is nothing to worry about."
   Nazareth stood up, saluting Aaron as he did so. "Thank you for your time, sir, and I apologize if it has been an unnecessary delay."


Command Center

Knight smiled and shrugged, "it's alright, i think i've got enough information to write up an ops plan, and if need be, i'm sure i could make a pretty decent presentation now that i got the hang of that display."

Finding an empty console, the feline sat down, and wrote out his proposed plan in a much more formal tone.  His basic idea was to approach the small outpost from 2 perpendicular sides to keeping the teams in close enough contact to flank opposition, and keep mutually supportive fire available. While moving, anti-armor weapons are to be trained on the comm building.  If nothing went wrong, the comm building was to be secured first, and once secured, the team is to take control of the outpost as a whole.  possibly sealing the pirates in what appeared to be the mess hall by using welding torches to fuse the doors... an additional sub-objective stated that sabotage of the aircraft is recommended, but not required.

  Once the combat plan was written up, he added a note that the plan was preliminary, and he'd like to go over some details with both Romulous and Aaron if time permitted.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

Aaron did not like how complicated this just got.  Naz will be upset about being left out of the loop regarding Saioko developments, but now that he knows she is psychic(1) he does not have much of a choice, least she picked it up out of his head.  Nazareth is going to feel hurt.

"Oh no, don't worry.  It is important to address such concerns.  We can probably stand to get underway now.  Just be sure you pick a system ahead of time that we can run too if we need a quick escape."

Aaron left Naz's office and heads to the mess hall.  He WAS gonna have his tea.

(1) Aaron did know before Mother mentioned it, but he didn't know that he knew.
The All Purpose Fox

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ixiah,  I have some music for you.... that I would love to hear you sing it, if you would." says Nova after Ixiah shakes her paw. "Right after, we pickup a little cat,"

Entering the Command Center, Lt Nova looks over at Mara, and then Saioko .  She goes to the AI kitten, and touches the little catgirl on the shoulder.  Capt Saioko see the special bond between the Nova and Mara, as the anthro cat leaves the control panel and changes back to a kitten. "Please, Capt Siaoko, forgive this kitling, she can be curious little pest.  She feels that you are not what you seem, I am unsure what that means, but I sure that it doesn't mean you're spy from the Masters" she remarks    Nova places the kitten on her shoulder, and ask "Capt Saioko, are you finished with this station?  Or should I use the main view?" She goes to the main viewer since Knight was finish using it.

"Loki, Ixiah Is there anyway to tell if an Acadian are with the pirates?  or One of the AI monitoring this system?" Asks Nova..... She calls up the crash site from her notes on the main viewer, and matches to the display.  So, the report is wrong, too.  Yet, Why is she sure that Matron has moved, or that is old records was wrong? The pirate had an air patrol route over the crash site, but they wouldn't able to see Matron. Was Mara or herself in contact already? or was her memory just unlocking new data the closer they get?

"Loki, when can we or when should we try to connect Matron?" ask Nova.



Command Center

With the sudden congregation in the command center, Knight grew a little nervous, and he also became concerned over how Saioko was going to react as he overheard the conversation between her and Lt Nova.  He saved the ops plan to be read at Aaron's leisure. He then got up and walked around to Saioko. he had a devious smile on his face when he approached.  Once he got close he said, "any chance your up for a bit of a study break ma'am?  Maybe grab a drink and spend a little quality time together?"

It was meant to be innocent invitation to head off and go somewhere else, but as he said it, he realized how horribly misconstrued it could be. especially with Loki, and Ixiah present

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Zeta Barracks, Nazareth's Office

   "Acknowledged, sir." Nazareth replied at Aaron's point of picking a getaway system. He followed Aaron out of the office. As he passed through the main barracks, where the zetas stood at attention again, Nazareth said "Previous order stands. Remain on standby in case we need a quick deployment. As we will begin to infiltrate the system shortly, you should probably move to the launch area and wait there for further orders."
   The Zetas chorused a "Yessir!" before filing out of the room and heading down the hallway. Nazareth went the opposite direction, heading for the Command Center.


Command Center

Though Mother remained in Nazareth's office as Aaron and Naz had both left, Naz caught sight of her entering the command center far ahead of him.

The reptilian pilot received a mental report on available systems for a quick jump in case escape was needed.  Three star systems, one possessing a red giant star, one with a medium white star, and the third with a medium orange star.  Each had an average mix of planets.

Saioko shook her head, "I am a spy for no one..."  The feline quickly became aware of Knight's approach and turned to face him just as he spoke, "that would be a good idea lieutenant Whitehaven.  If you will excuse me lieutenant Hunnydew."  She silently cringed at his choice of words and with Knight in tow, quickly exited and made her way towards the galley.

Ixiah stifled a laugh at Knight, but Loki was busy responding to Nova, "I do not sense the presence of any other Acadians, and an AI would not be monitoring a system alone.  We were supposed to be monitoring all of you.  These scattered worlds beyond your borders are not our concern, especially since they are so close to the Technocratic League.  The Technomages are one of the Shofanxi's meddlings."   

"The sensors on Mother are far more precise then the instrumentation your grandmother used.  It is likely Matron skewed her perceptions so that if she was ever forced to divulge her knowledge, it would be hard for them to locate Matron.  We can see Matron because of our technology.  The her psychic output seems to be dedicated to concealment, so even if the pirates fly over, they will miss her and the cloaking fools the pirate sensors." Ixiah added.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Once Knight and Saioko had left the Command Center, Nova  puts up Matron site on the main view.  A patrol ship flight did fly over Matron's old site from her report. So, Nova redraws Matron's new location, it was some 20 km north of the Matron's "old" site.

Yet, Mother's sensors placed Matron on this new site, which Nova "knew" somehow.  But Nova could have sworn that her report was correct.   "In case, my report, or my Nana's data got into the wrong hands, they would have the wrong site.   This feels right now, but even with our newer sensor, ISF won't have found Matron. "  Nova let the matter drop, but Who are these techomages?  Ixiah is also here, I would like his insight into the song.

"Ixiah Can you tell me how the Master/acadian's song effect on the galactic magnetic field?" ask Nova.  "If it is not too hard to know?  Mother said something about how the Masters were using the song to monitor and control the universe with it. If we could just correct the harmony, it could distupt the whole network."



Knight was feeling surprisingly good at the moment.  He'd managed to avoid a crisis with Saioko, he had his ops plan awaiting approval for his part of the ground mission, and now he had a little spare time.

While heading for the galley he started reworking his mental map of the ship.  It seemed less complex the more he explored, and if he had some extra time, he'd probably walk around a little more.  Though that could wait till after making a little stop in the galley.  The more he thought about it, the more he realized that he had stopped thinking of Saioko as his old ships computer core, and more of a fellow member of the crew... furthermore, computer or no, she was rather attractive.
The thought brought a wry smile to his face as he turned and said, "so anyways, how are you holding up so far?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



Aaron sipped his tea.  He spent a good amount of time time appreciating the tea too.  It took him a while to teach the thing that prepped food how to make good tea.

The whole issue of food on this ship was interesting.  After it got used to preparing the ISF standard issue meals they started making 'improvements' based on Cynthia's analysis of the crew's bodies.  Mother had some especially choice words regarding the fact that Aaron seemed to subsist on frozen pizza and instant miso soup for the last year he was on Vulpeculae.  Sometimes Aaron got the impression that Mother regarded him as one of her charge.

Regardless, he was going to enjoy his 'alone' time, with no planning, no crew throwing fits, no conspirators, just Aaron and maybe Mother/Ixiah/Loki dropping by his mind.
The All Purpose Fox