The Line in the Stars (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Azlan, July 31, 2006, 04:36:21 PM

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Aaron pat pats Ixiah on the back, "Don't worry too much.  It is, after all, just excruciating pain.  It isn't like there is anything actually wrong... I think... I hope..."

Aaron pats himself down, everything was there, though he was feeling a bit light headed.  Though not too long after that he feels much better, "I think Cynthia just got to her.  That is some good stuffs... now, little Ixiah, we have a meeting to run."

Aaron gets up to something of a tingling sensation and now feels fine to walk about.  He goes over to Richard's room to retrieve him, and to alleviate Richard's fear for Aaron's well being, promising more explanations at the meeting.
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

   Nazareth nodded, getting out of the pilot chair and disengaging himself from the mental contact. When he did, he felt a sudden throb of pain in his skull, as the mindlink had drained him a bit. He merely clamped down and forced the pain away with his iron will. He then left the command center, remembering the route he took to find his way back to the barracks of the Crusading Scales.
   Entering the room, he shouted "Zeta-Group, up and out!" There was an instant rush as the Zetas scrambled out of their bunks to comply. Nazareth led them out of the room, back towards the Command Center, only saying "I believe we are attending whatever will pass as a briefing on this vessel."


Loki's Stateroom

Mother's expression was one of slight surprise and curiosity, though her question was plaintive, "what are you doing in here in only a shirt young lady?"  The vixen poked Nova in the side, "you are still injured as well."

Mother looked past Nova and spied her charge, Loki was still a bit teary eyed and his fur was matted from his crying earlier.  She immediately softened her expression and hurried Nova along, "go get changed dear, and thank you for comforting him.  When you are done, please come to the command center."

Mother stepped into the room and the door closed behind her.

Special Forces Area

Alexis was half tempted to let Romulus wander off towards the bridge, but decided against it, "oh, Romi... you might want to put a shirt on, I appreciate well sculpted lines, but the major and others might not.  We should not let discipline slip too much, this is not going to be a pleasure cruise."  Alexis's voice was still somewhat playful.

Ben, whistling innocently, followed behind Alexis as she passed Romulus.  He winked at his senior NCO and shifted his eyes back to watching Alexis's tail swish about... among other things.

Hallway to Command Center

Ixiah walked next to Aaron, "hey, what's with the little?  I'm older than you, though I am shorter..."

Richard patted the fox on the back, "it is the same discussion we had earlier, chronological age is different than one's maturity."  The wolf avoided a swipe from Ixiah and stepped deftly to Aaron's other side, "so how are you boss?"  He poked Aaron in the gut, "your stomach still bothering you?  I have some horehound drops if you like."

Aaron actually felt comfortably numb at the moment.  The trio were the second ones to reach the command center, Mother and Loki were already there.  Ixiah left Aaron's side and sauntered up to the other fox.  Ixiah gave him a hug, because the younger one seemed a bit down still.

Hall from Zeta-Group's quarters

As the collection of reptiles headed down the hall, they were suddenly confronted by a golden vixen.  Naz recognized her as the one from earlier, she was called Rebecka.

"Ah, you lads going to the briefing I see.  Come let us not be late."  The vixen made a big show of leading the group to the command center.  They were the third group to arrive, coming in just after the major.


Meanwhile, Cynthia had sedated Marissa and was working to repair damage that had been caused by her walking around a lot, which was far too early for her to be doing such things.

OOC: Nazareth and his people are all considered officers.  A Chief Warrant Officer 4 could be considered an O-3 in equivalent rank with his second one step below that and the others are all Ensigns, O-1.  Only Romulus and the two special Forces squads are non-commissioned and Enlisted.  This is just a comment I missed doing back when Shades mentioned that they were not officers.  They are not Line officers, but then again, neither is Aaron.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Command Center

Aaron nods at Richard, "Thankyou for the concern, I'm feeling much better now, though I fear that I have contracted something that cannot be medicated.  You see, apparently my psychic potential decided to wake up and thought it would be funny to make an empathetic link with Marissa, the vixen from the ice planet that was shot in the stomach.  I felt her pain in my gut. 
In medbay you asked me about things becoming more complicated, I plan on revealing the full extent of those complications soon."

Naz walks in and Aaron waves to him, "Greetings, now we just need the Lieutenant and the Sargent with his men.  I hope they arrive soon."
The All Purpose Fox


Special Forces Area
Romulus grumbled a bit and went back to grab a tank top. He put it on and he hurried to met up with Alexis and Ben. He looked over at Ben as he caught up.
"You know I never figured you for a tail chaser"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

Nova can't help but shy away from Mother's touch, her side is tender, but it doesn't hurt.  She watches Mother go into Loki cabin, and close the door.  She looks down at herself, and runs into her stateroom. 

After a quick shower, and changing in her uniform, she wonders if she can get some breakfast before the meeting. She see the Marines and Fly-boys heading to the command center down the hall.

*Sigh* "Well, this better be quick, like a hour" says Nova aloud, and slowly goes to the Command Center



Command Center

Richard shrugged, "complications are complicated, I hope things do not get too much more interest... er, we need a new word yes?  Hmmm, we have absorbing, arresting, engaging, engrossing, enthralling, fascinating, gripping, immersing, intriguing, involving and riveting as synonyms for interesting."

Loki looked up from his command chair at Aaron and Romulus, waiting for one of them to kick the meeting off.

Ben elbowed Romulus as they arrived at the command center, "it's a canine thing, female canines see it as a playful and ironically a sensitive side.  Wolves look down on it though."

Alexis laughed, "puppy behavior, sounds cute."  However, she did not linger long enough to catch the follow up commentary, she had moved to stand next to Mother.

Rebecka also arrived with Naz's group.  Last, but not least, Nova arrived as well.  The only person not present was Cynthia, whom many had not yet met. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Command Center
Romulus just looks at Ben with an odd look on his face then shook his head. He then walked over to stand near Aaron, and leans over to Aaron.
"So you kicking this thing off or am I? You are the officer incharge"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Command Center

"You know Richard, we could probably stand to use them all.  In spite of our best hopes, I fear things shall only get more... engaging?"

Speaking of engaging, it seems like most everyone is here, so Aaron thought he would gets this thing rolling.

"I'll start things off Romulus.  Okay, first team meeting.  First, I want to cover the basics.  This is going to be an expedition, heavily armed since we are heading into territory with known pirate activity.  We are searching for an ancient ship, the Matron as it is called, originally discovered by Lt. Hunnydew's grandmother, until that expedition was driven off by pirates.  We are going back, at minimum we hope to find technology to salvage to our cause, though in the grand scheme of things we are hoping for far more.  We are hoping to find a pair there, Xaos and Gaea, who know how to repair a trap for the Masters, the ones who are on their way here to kill us all.

To that end, we shall be traveling in Loki's ship, Mother.  At this point we know her well, in fact she is standing over there," Aaron waves to Mother, "Now, to the end of making things go more smoothly, I think we should all share what we have learned so far."

Aaron figured he would share last, he did want to burden anyone with having to follow the bombshells he was about to drop.
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center
Romulus shrugged.
"Not much on my end. Got to see the drops pods my team and I will be using. Rather interesting I must say. Met our backup should we need it. Also got Alexis to show my team the weapons we could be using. Pretty nice stuff. Other than that I got nothing, not counting my second in command seems to have fallen in love with Alexis here *Romulus looks from Ben to Alexis*. This is looking to be a great trip already and we haven't left the hanger yet"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, I am sure, Everyone has heard of the famous Hunnydew Expedition, and How many treasure-hunter have sort its location.  Okay, We have a general idea, as it is in the history books, and public record that the explorer ship,  MowBlazer, return to ISF space at Deepstar station #27.  This area in recent times has had increased pirate activity, with many merchant ship targeted.  Even a foolish attack on the station itself.  But that was more desperate act keep the base's fleet occupied as convoy of pirates tried to escape into the nature warp point. "

"Okay, Capt Summer said he would like to secure this another ship that my grandma found some 18 years ago." says Nova as she walks to the control console. On the alien control panel, She bring up for the star chart of the known space of the 27Th sector on the front viewer.....Fleet's position was on the far right with only Fleet positions showing up. Tapping on a battlestation in map, she continues...

"Grandma's expedition returned to Deepstar Station #27. Here. Her ship was nearly a wreck itself from a pirate raider attack.   The nav computer was damaged with its starcharts gone and the drive was lucky to have make it to the station.  Grandma said she didn't know where crash is.  The military and the university were after her and her crew for years for any information or clues to try and find this ship, again.  A few ships even went out and searched, but a few returned, those that did said that they found by pirates and didn't find anything.  You, my dear Friends, will be a defence guard, we will likely find a pirate hideout or base at or near the sector.

" Now, Matron, the ship itself, Nanna's expedition engineer and crew didn't think the ancient ship could be repaired nor that it could be moved without it collapsing and turning to dust,  Yet, main computer core was intact.  This is what Capt Summers seems to want.   We are going to try aid the Acadians, if they are there and need any help. And maybe they will help ISF with the Hyperspace trap/prison for the Masters."

Nova stops a moment with her eyes closed and then she places her crystal on the panel, where it glows and taps madly on the console.  An orange star system brightens some 100 light years straight into the frontier from Deepstar 27.  "There is our destination, gentlefurs"



Command Center
Romulus looked over at Nova when she finished speaking.
"Just don't bring anymore mountains down on youself and Loki"
It was clear by his facial expressions he was being serious when he said this.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Command Center

Aaron, if a far more silly tone said to Romulus, "Now now, just because Lt. Nova seems to have forgotten the difference between a pistol and a grenade is no reason to taunt her.  Actually, if nothing else she could probably stand a refresher course on the subject.  Romulus, I want you to instruct her on the subject during our trip."

He then turns to the Scales, "Okay, now how about you folk?  By my last count there were 4 fighters and 5 of you, how is that working out?"
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center

   The Crusading Scales, still in rigid formation, turned their heads slightly as they glanced at Nazareth. He went into a salute again as he spoke. "Sir. Only four of our fighters were loaded because I, leader of Zeta Flight Group, will not be piloting my own Saber. Instead, Mother has given me the responsibility of piloting her in a combat situation. I have already engaged in a simulation to familiarize myself with her armaments and maneuverability. I report that they far exceed the abilities of any other vessel this size, and the weapons are highly potent, however, they do have some limitations. They seem to have difficulty targeting small, fast targets, like other fighters. To that end, the rest of Zeta-group will be flying a defensive escort.
   "I have nothing else to report at this time, sir."

Prof B Hunnydew

"GE,  Mr Pirate, sir. Can you tell sweet little old me, Where your explosives are buried under which boulder, PLEEEASE."  Asks Nova in sassy voice as she standing/leaning with her butt up in air, wide eyes fluttering and her waving hand at Romulus.. "and while you at it, could you not shoot at me when I throw my overloading plasma pistol at you.  OH Thank you, you're soo kkind"   She curtsees to him and returns to her seat.



The juxtaposition of Nova's sarcasm and Naz's extreme and rigid formality was a tad amusing to Aaron.

"Right.  As for what I have been doing, I did something that caught Mother's attention and made her suspect I had more in common with our Acadian friends then originally thought.  Turns out she was right, I appear to be three quarters Acadian.  On top of that, during the examination my latent psychic talents woke up.  I felt I had to share that because right now I'm something of a psychic loose cannon, intruding on people's minds at random.  Along with pain, though that part is only interesting to me.  So much excitement and we haven't even left yet."

Aaron quickly attempts to change topics, "On to more details of the mission.  It looks like Lt. Nova has dropped our destination in our lap.  How long shall it take for us to get there?  If the trip takes long enough I would like to try a few things."

Aaron was working up something of an itenerary.  He was dead serious about getting Lt. Nova better trained in weapons.  If nothing else to force Romulus and Nova to visit.  There was the usual assortment of drills, launching and recovering fighters, preferably a few test drops with Romulus and company.  Speaking of company, he would need to know more about this 'backup' Romulus spoke of.  At this point Aaron is afraid it would be something like a set of clones.  A six pack of Romuluses, that would be a sight. Maybe get everyone at least familiar with the Acadian language?  If they were going to work on Matron it would be helpful.
The All Purpose Fox


Command Center
Romulus seemed annoyed when Aaron suggested he teach Nova how to use a firearm. He then looked at Nova when she made her joke.
"Well it wouldn't have been my fault if you killed yourself and Loki. I even seem to remember some of my team saveing your hide. No idea what an inexperienced person like yourself was doing with a plasma pistol anyway. You would have been fine with a regular lead slinging pistol"
Romulus then looked at Aaron with an eyebrow raised.
"So that's how you got all the ladies falling into you lap. Does that mean we have to watch what we think around you now?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Everyone's thoughts should be fine, it's your dreams you should worry about.  The substances will wear off in a little while."  A previously unseen purple vixen flatly stated as she strutted out from behind Mother, Alexis and Rebecka.  All the other vixens gave her a sideways glance, simultaneously, and Loki seemed rather happy to see her.

She stopped in front of Aaron and handed him a stack of reports, "I thought you might feel more comfortable with this stack of synthetic paper reports, enjoy the results of the tests."  She paused, "oh, and before you ask, yes your girlfriend is repaired.  It will mend soon, but for now, she should rest."

Richard snickered at the girlfriend comment, "the only way you can pick up females is if they are shot and fall into your arms... I would not try that at a local pub though."

Mother, during this conversation, had managed to move up next to Nova, "Nova dear, be a good girl and be nice to Romulus.  He and his team did save your lives and what you did on the mountain was reckless and short-sighted.  Now apologize to him and go sit in that chair over there and plot a course to the planet while we finish up here." 

Mother also turned to Romulus, "you be nice as well Romulus, you are both the same age, but she is not as hardened as you are, nor does she possess as much common sense."

Loki eyed Nazareth seemingly studying every physical (and perhaps beyond) aspect of the komodo dragon.  Naz was the oldest of the non-aliens in the room, and Loki was also curious as to why they seemed so rigid. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aaron cocks an eyebrow over Cynthia's choice of terms.  He was slightly amused as he flipped through the paper real quickly.
"Thank you Cynthia, I'll read through this in more detail later.  Though, by 'a little while' do you mean a few hours or a few weeks?  If it lasts into the night... pleasent dreams everyone, we might be sharing.

Next up, the order of business.  Right now the future looks reasonably certain.  Nazareth, I want you and your men to do some drills, confer with Mother about details on when.

Romulus, I want you to do some drills if that is reasonable.  I've got no idea about the details of your drops so I can't be helpful there.  Also, I would like more details on what you mean by backup.

Nova, after you have plotted our course I would like for you to prepare a primer on the Acadian language.  When we reach Matron I would like for Romulus and his men to at least be able to pick up on which doors read, 'warning, certain doom lies beyond this door.'  I also was not kidding about having you instructed on the proper use of weaponry.  I don't want to deny you arms, but if you insist on doing silly things with pistols I will have no choice.

Baring any objections or related points of interest, I'm going to see to the status of our supplies.  Hopefully we can depart soon."
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus looked at Mother with an honest look on his face.
"I am being nice"
Romulus then looked to Aaron as he spoke.
"Hey talk to Alexis maybe she will introduce you to her ex there. As for the drills I've already had my team go through some. Though I think we'll only be able to do drops when they are for real. Have to check with Alexis on that one"
Romulus turned to leave once Aaron finished speaking.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Prof B Hunnydew

MOTHER, I have found that when teased/bully, you have to give back as much as you get with these warrior types or they just dump more on you." thinks Nova   or your try this."
"Sorry, Romulus, Sir, for my behavior sir, I'll be glad and honored for any assistance or instructions from the SF Sargent. wishes to give me." said Lt Nova as she stands at attention.
" I am certified in most standard pistols, and a some handheld weapons.  But, I will add that was my first really fire fight.  Yet, The lieutenant is ready for standard firearms training and with tactical for battlefield and space combat scenarios, when the SF Sargent is ready, sir. "  Nova waits and watches the wolverine as he turn to go maybe he'll answer or order her.  

Meanwhile, the nav computer (or is it?) plots the best course on the front viewer.  Different routes are displayed and then parts erased  and changed as the each possible jump point is check.



Without turning around Romulus replied to Nova.
"You study things. I kill people. Maybe we should keep it that way. It's clear you can't keep a cool head when under fire, I don't care if you took a course and have something with your name on it saying you can fire a pistol doesn't mean you  actually can. If I am ordered to teach you something I will. I don't think Mother or Loki would allow me back aboard again if you where killed cause a fire fight broke out dirtside"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Mother sighed heavily and stepped forward to grip Romulus's shoulder, "Romulus is something wrong?  You seem rather petulant to Nova.  The only way what you said would happen is if you deliberately led to her death."

Loki tore himself away from staring at Nazareth and approached Romulus, "something wrong Romi?"

The Nav unit is indeed a navigational unit, and within moments it has plotted a course suitable for their needs.

Within the reports that were given to Aaron is one dissertation titled The Theory of the Origin of Foxes in the Confederation of Worlds.  The work was written by Cynthia and contains a wealth of data, taken from fleet records in a less than above board way, on the various foxes hailing from the Confederation.  The data, after being analyzed, shows that nearly 90% of the foxes of the ISF fleet have some amount of Acadian heritage, specifically Alpha ancestry.  This is especially strong in Vulpeculae, the Confed and ISF's best know fox isolationist colony.  It goes on, but that is all you can get from a thorough skim.     
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Command Center

   At the cat-woman's outburst towards Sergeant Romulus, Nazareth cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, very briefly regarding Lieutenant Nova as if she had gone mad, but only briefly. Inwardly, he was thinking, I know this vessels isn't exactly run by the ISF, but by the black stars, is there no discipline here?
   If Nazareth still had any reservations about aliens when Major Brown revealed his 'heritage', Nazareth would have completely given them up in resignation. Damn it, the aliens are everywhere...
   The giant lizard took a bit of comfort when Major Brown passed over fighter drills, paying extra attention. He eventually noticed that a particular dreadful little green furball seemed to be eyeing him intently. Nazareth only gave him a superficial glance in return, then redirected his attention back to Major Brown.
   One of the reptiles behind Nazareth, however, took a little more interest in the observer. The frilled lizard, Noton Kalmunt, looked Loki over with an equally curious expression, his frills gently swaying. He looks green enough to be one of us... he thought idly.
   When Major Brown gave the drill time orders, Nazareth responded. "Yes sir. I already have such plans in the works. We will be getting started after launch."
   As the meeting seemd to wind off as Sergeant Romulus and Lieutenant Nova departed for their duties, Nazareth asked, "Will that be all for us, Major Brown?"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Please, Sgt Romulus, I meant no disrespect.  I am grateful for your rescue of Loki and me.  And all ISF officers and crew require some weapons training.  If you have duties and skills are required elsewere, please assign another member of your squad, who can work with me.  And I would grateful.  I am not asking to go on a raid, but just be able to defend myself without killing myself or others of the crew." Nova humbly asks.

"I'm a rookie Sgt  I know it."



"It seems so.  The meeting is winding down and it looks like we have a path.  Hopefully with the cloaking device and all, things will be uneventful until we get there.  Now, I must see if we are ready to depart."

Aaron goes to ask Mother about the state of preparations.
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus shook his head to both Mother's and Loki's questions.
"I've seen too many people die on a battlefield that shouldn't have been there"
Romulus then looked down at Loki.
"You know I think this is the first time you've talked to me since you had that needle to my throat"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Command Center

   Nazareth, of course, snapped a departing salute. "Yes, sir." He turned to Mother, saying "I will return after the launch." He motioned to the Zetas behind him, and the started marching out of the room. As they walked, Nazareth gave a passing glance at Richard again. However, Nazareth caught a small bit of color that seemed different. Nazareth noticed the bondcord around Richard's wrist.
   Immediately and abruptly, Nazareth stopped walking. Enough so that the Zetas almost walked right into the mountain of a lizard. They looked around, confusion on their faces. Something wasn't right.
   As Nazareth eyed the bondcord, his gaze trailed to Aaron, then shifted to the bondcord again back, and finally darting back to Aaron. And then, something very frightening happened. Nazareth seemed to lose all semblance of discipline. His face immediately contorted into a silent, grotesque mask of fury and hate as he looked at both Richard and Aaron. Rage became etched into his features. All green color quickly drained from his face, leaving his scales a ghostly pale. His fists tightened into balls, and cords in his neck bulged with extreme tension.
   This was not temporary surprise and mild shock that Nazareth had showed upon the beginning of the alien expedition, which he quickly got over. This was not something that had just arisen. This was something deep, something that Nazareth already had. This was (to an extent) deliberate.
   For that terrifying moment, Nazareth looked like he was literally about to explode.
   And then, suddenly, without any word or sound, Nazareth spun around and stalked out of the Command Center, leaving his Zetas behind. Somewhat similar to Nazareth, their faces were bleached an unhealthy white as well, plus the frilled lizard's frills being frozen in a fanned out position, and the snake's perpetually flicking tongue was motionless.
   The gecko, Mack Narth, broke the silence first. "I...have never...seen him anything like that. Never." He said slowly. He was genuinely shocked at Nazareth's behavior.
   Nazareth's second-in-command, the alligator Burns Torson, shook his head, and addressed the other Zetas. "I've known him longer than you three. I've seen this before, once." He then turned to Aaron, speaking as confidently as he could. "I know that seemed very alarming, sir, but we shouldn't have anything to actually worry about. However, it will probably be best he doesn't catch sight of you anymore," Burns addressed Richard. Talking to Aaron again, he said "However, I can assure you that despite what you just saw, Nazareth will not allow it to interfere with his duties. He just needs a few minutes to blow off some very high-pressure steam. By the time we've launched he'll be back to normal. He just hasn't been quite his best recently."


Aaron cocks an eyebrow, "I'm... slightly confused.  Did Nazareth suddenly develop and aversion to wolfs or what?  Regardless of the case, this is a relatively small boat, I'm not sure if asking Richard to hide will be reasonable in the least, much less fair to Richard."
The All Purpose Fox


Romulus watched Nazareth's outburst and took a defensive stance incase the lizard attacked. Romulus wasn't very amused when the other lizard spoke.
"Your boss better figure his issues out. If this keeps up he will be staying here. I will not be having crew attacking crew on this trip. I don't care about his past but he's not the only one with issues from the past but if he can't get a grip on it then we'll have to find another pilot"
Romulus turned and walked to his training area.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.