
Started by Les, April 26, 2010, 10:32:47 AM

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While I'm inna mood, figured I'd ask this other question that's been bugging me a bit.  May have been covered elsewhere but my memory of such is vague enough to leave doubt... it's about Cubi tentacles and the 'heads'.

So, known fact is if you are a cubi and your clan has a living Tri-Wing leader you can grow 'heads' on the ends of your wing-tentacles, and these heads have some amounts of autonomy.. but sufficiently skilled Tri-Wing leaderless Cubi can emulate the effect.

So I'm trying to parse this, does the essential differentce between the two basically boil-down to....

Wing-Tentacle combat:

Cubi without Tri-Wing Leader - "Ho!  Ha-Ha!  Guard, Turn, Parry, Dodge, Spin!  Ha, Thrust!"

Cubi With Tri-Wing Leader - "Sic 'em."

Also, was it settled if Dan's tentacles have crepe suzette-heads because he's Dan of Clan Cyra, or because he's just Dan?   :mowtongue
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


I'm not sure if the tentacles have sub-anatomies (other than teeth) or not, but I'm fairly sure a cubi with a tri-wing leader can slice and dice with tentacles just as well as one without.

I believe Dan's tentacle-heads are draconic because of Cyra.   I don't know how I got that impression, but I think the tentacle-heads are a standard shape for each clan.  ...I don't think we've seen Destania's tentacle-heads, have we?  

Anker Steadfast

I believe that Amber mentioned that Dan has tentacle heads from Cyra.

And AFAIK any cubi can emulate the tentacle heads if they are skilled enough, but it is rather difficult.
I don't even think Amber mentioned wether or not they took extra power, just that they were silly difficult.
Offcourse, most silly skilled cubi are probably tri-wings as well, but I don't think it was a requirement as such.

The cubi that gets them from their founders, seem to use them on a subconscious basis and gained trough their clan link.

GAH - I have been lured into fiddling with forum tamagotchies.


Hmm.. looking back on This Strip, Destania's combat-tentacles look pretty draconic as well, though not quite the same as Dan's.. one question answered anyway.   :boogie
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!

llearch n'n'daCorna

My understanding (ie, I could well be wrong) is that both cases are identical; there's no ordering, it's purely thought controlled. After all, it's not like you order your hand to pick things up, or your leg to take a step forward...

The reason that the tentacle heads are a sign is that anyone who has tentacle heads is either backed up by a tri-wing (ie, even if you can beat this one, he's got someone else who's going to slice you lengthwise without trying) or is good enough that he doesn't _need_ to be backed up by a tri-wing.

The heads themselves are irrelevant to this...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Moved because the first post spelled "dragon" as "crepe suzette". Jeez I hate that.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

MT Hazard

Dan wing head shape is partially affected by the rule of funny as noted in 392
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  Sleepless domain (web comic) 


Quote from: Darkmoon Firelyte on April 26, 2010, 01:06:22 PM
Moved because the first post spelled "dragon" as "crepe suzette". Jeez I hate that.

Sense-of-humor deficiency is duly noted.    :mowtongue
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Lack of ability to post in English is also noted.  Really now, we're all grown enough to use big boy/girl words aren't we?


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:32:33 PM
Lack of ability to post in English is also noted.  Really now, we're all grown enough to use big boy/girl words aren't we?
Must... Resist... Urge... To... Prove... Mod... Wrong...


I don't think you want to prove me wrong on this one, friend.  There are far nastier things than me about and some of them won't like you abusing the English language in such a way.  I think they even have rules about it.


Rules?  Ha!  English is the language that follows other languages into dark alleys, koshes them on the head, then rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.   :U
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:40:01 PM
I don't think you want to prove me wrong on this one, friend.  There are far nastier things than me about and some of them won't like you abusing the English language in such a way.  I think they even have rules about it.
Somebody's already ahead of you...

On a serious note, though... Why does this forum have more of a "Poke da Mods" feel than anywhere else? Don't get me wrong, it's interesting to watch a bunch of mods argue with each other and play mindscrew games, but it's pretty much a second Mine when it's supposed to be reserved for wacky, off-the-wall theories...

I'm gonna go run and hide before five mods drop nukes on me... *Runs like hell.*


Because, my dear sir, if you'd read the little intro thread at the top of this place, you'd find out that it's more a place for *me* to make fun of *you* if your post finds it's way in here.  It just so happens that those threads that we most want out of sight are the ones that cause headaches.. which more often than not are the ones that contain off the wall theories or other fanboy/girl dribblings.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:54:57 PM
Because, my dear sir, if you'd read the little intro thread at the top of this place, you'd find out that it's more a place for *me* to make fun of *you* if your post finds it's way in here.  It just so happens that those threads that we most want out of sight are the ones that cause headaches.. which more often than not are the ones that contain off the wall theories or other fanboy/girl dribblings.

In summation...

[Forumite#1] "Geek-geek-geek, Geek-geek-geek, Geek-geek-geek..."

[Forumite#2] "Geek geek?"

[Forumite#3] "Geek Geek!  Geek-geek-geek-GEEK-geek-geek."

[Forumite#2] "Ooooh..."

[Forumite#3] *Sagenod* "Geek."

[Moderator] "How silly." *Punt*


Figuratively speaking of course.   :B
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:54:57 PM
Because, my dear sir, if you'd read the little intro thread at the top of this place, you'd find out that it's more a place for *me* to make fun of *you* if your post finds it's way in here.  It just so happens that those threads that we most want out of sight are the ones that cause headaches.. which more often than not are the ones that contain off the wall theories or other fanboy/girl dribblings.

Well, currently it's also the fact that this section is new. We're all playing in it for a bit to wear it in. Soon enough the mods will tire of it, the people that make the odd theories will flock back into the threads, and everything will be more or less as it was, just with all the truly dreadful threads out of the main body of the DMFA forum so that those who want to read good convos about the comics can do so without their heads exploding ala Scanners.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon Firelyte on April 26, 2010, 04:05:37 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:54:57 PM
Because, my dear sir, if you'd read the little intro thread at the top of this place, you'd find out that it's more a place for *me* to make fun of *you* if your post finds it's way in here.  It just so happens that those threads that we most want out of sight are the ones that cause headaches.. which more often than not are the ones that contain off the wall theories or other fanboy/girl dribblings.

Well, currently it's also the fact that this section is new. We're all playing in it for a bit to wear it in. Soon enough the mods will tire of it, the people that make the odd theories will flock back into the threads, and everything will be more or less as it was, just with all the truly dreadful threads out of the main body of the DMFA forum so that those who want to read good convos about the comics can do so without their heads exploding ala Scanners.

I don't see why you had to go crepe suzette' my thread over here. 
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Because that spelling is retarded. Deal with it.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon Firelyte on April 26, 2010, 04:10:07 PM
Because that spelling is retarded. Deal with it.

But crepes suzette are cute and cuddly and whimsical.  Have you no warmth in your soul for poor, cuddle-less crepes suzette?  Please, think of the Whimsy.   :mowmeep
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


That's it...

(goes to censor the word "crepe suzette")

EDIT: Ahhh. much better.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Truthfully, all the information you enquired on is readily provided at missmab.com. The topic also follows the a tradition in that a question much along the lines of yours had already been asked, Les. I would really think twice before making topics such as yours, of course I am with my flaws as well, but to me it just seemed obvious that this topic just was completely unnecessary and would more likely attest to my laziness if I was to make such a topic.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Mao Laoren on April 26, 2010, 01:32:33 PM
Lack of ability to post in English is also noted.  Really now, we're all grown enough to use big boy/girl words aren't we?

... Are you including Darkmoon in that group? Really? Really really?

Quote from: Les on April 26, 2010, 04:25:42 PM
But crepes suzette are cute and cuddly and whimsical.  Have you no warmth in your soul for poor, cuddle-less crepes suzette?  Please, think of the Whimsy.   :mowmeep

No, I don't believe he does.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I was hoping with this topic to spark discussion and get more detailed feedback on the subtle differences, my OP wasn't meant to imply that Cubi use voice-commands to control their tentacles  (Seriously,  :erk)  But to illustrate basically what the thought-process was involved in using the different classes of combat-tentacles as I understood them.   Given Dan's tentacles tried to make him a pot of coffee I was operating under the impression that the implied semi-autonomy of the tentacle-heads could translate to enhanced reflexes during GeekGeekGeekGeekGeekGeekGeek....
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


As to my knowledge. They are a limb.

Sometimes when you are just waking up, we are on what you call auto pilot. Where you don't even realize what you are doing, but your mind is subconciously doing it for you.

Then you wake up on the doorstep, with a cup of coffee and you blink thinking "What the hell? How'd I get out here?! D:"
Help! I'm gay!


Quote from: Les on April 26, 2010, 04:55:31 PM
I was hoping with this topic to spark discussion and get more detailed feedback on the subtle differences, my OP wasn't meant to imply that Cubi use voice-commands to control their tentacles  (Seriously,  :erk)  But to illustrate basically what the thought-process was involved in using the different classes of combat-tentacles as I understood them.   Given Dan's tentacles tried to make him a pot of coffee I was operating under the impression that the implied semi-autonomy of the tentacle-heads could translate to enhanced reflexes during GeekGeekGeekGeekGeekGeekGeek....

Quote from: Tytaj on April 26, 2010, 04:33:55 PM
Truthfully, all the information you enquired on is readily provided at missmab.com. The topic also follows the a tradition in that a question much along the lines of yours had already been asked, Les. I would really think twice before making topics such as yours, of course I am with my flaws as well, but to me it just seemed obvious that this topic just was completely unnecessary and would more likely attest to my laziness if I was to make such a topic.



I'm ascribing to the theory that true 'head tentacles' are just better at auto-pilot (thanks Darth) than regular tentacles and leaving it at that.   :mowcookie
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


Darth who?  Darth Vader?  I fail to see what he has to do with this.


Isn't it obvious, mao? He's Les' psychiatrist!


Or Drath as the case may be.

Though of all the things to tease fellow posters about, such mild typos and whimsical misspellings seem like rather petty and juvenile targets.  Though I suppose it needs some outlet since the forum rating forbids explosions and porn.   :U
Long live Space Race, Long live... Molvania!


That was terrible!


I wanna read it again!


So It can finish me off!

DOH! Ho ho ho!

/Muppet hecklers
Help! I'm gay!