22/03/10 [AS2#94] I wanna punch her too

Started by Gamma, March 27, 2010, 04:45:25 AM

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Just... wow. That's low. What a bitch. Seriously, she needs a decking. But angry Mink is too cute. :3

Also, as a random note, Amber's art has improved so much that I could barely recognize Aaryanna.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


I freaking hate Aaryanna.  That's just beyond low.  She's basically implying that Abel didn't care enough about his mother to go see her, when it's the total opposite - because he loved her, he didn't want Aniz to kill her in ways that would probably be long, torturous, and extremely unpleasant in general.  I always thought she was a sucky bratling in the present, so it doesn't surprise me that she was worse in the past, but still.

Watch out for Mink, Aary!  You're making him angry!  YOU WOULDN'T LIKE MINK WHEN HE'S ANGRY.   D:


Aary I only have one thing to say to you........

"Beware of Abel's Fangirls & Fanguys!"  >:3

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Man... she went way to far with that comment. I know how it feels to have your mum and dad die, and I'm only 16. To have someone say that... and Abel... He looks ready to kill.

Chakat Blackspots

Quote from: Pagan on March 27, 2010, 07:53:14 AM
Quote from: Sind on March 27, 2010, 06:39:08 AM
Also, what the HELL did Merlitz see in her? D:<

I don't think Merl saw much in her. When she thought the "Cubi curse" was lifted, she stopped killing him, and he probably tried any tactic he could use to mollify her.

And I don't really think she's had any character growth in the odd 400 years between Abel's Story and the present. She's just a tad less cruel by then, but still a right bitch.

How often did Aaryanna kill Merlitz?  Also, I think Aary is trying to bait Abel into doing something bad with her comments.


Well, someone needs a good punch to the face.  Where's Fa'Lina?  Although Abel himself does pretty good sucker-punches, now that I think about it...


And yet there was an alternative. Fa'Lina could have offered to Abel's Mum to bring her to SAIA, so she could have spent time with her son. She could have even spent the rest of her life with her son... and for all we know, Fa'Lina could have offered, and she said no. Not wanting her son to watch her grow old and die.

Fa'Lina may even have offered to bring her son to her before the end... so that she could say goodbye. Which she did.
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Ooooh Snap!

It is so on now.

Now people can see why Abel built such a sarcastic and sharp whit.

I mean when you have friends like that who needs kind words.

Something tells me from all we've seen thus for, while Abel will keep friends at a distance. He still will get highly agitated with people who try to play mind games or are openly malicious to others.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Abel's scowl = seething RAAAAAAGE. Aary's about to unleash hell.
I wonder if Fa'Lina is going to have to break up a fight here...


Oooooh... Abel's fur is ruffling with that seething anger.  Imagine if some Tauns and Owonas started to drift toward the area.

Yeah, there are at least a few things that Aary could be insinuating that Abel is. Cowardly, stupid, heartless... There probably are others, too.

Ooooh, that was a mean one.  I think there's likely going to be a fight in... three comics, tops.
Please excuse the watermarked avatar.  I haven't bothered to fix it yet.  (Still, thanks to PetFriendAmy for the original pic!)


Quote from: kusanagi-sama on March 27, 2010, 12:22:21 PM

How often did Aaryanna kill Merlitz?  Also, I think Aary is trying to bait Abel into doing something bad with her comments.

Not very often, just at the first meeting.

Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on March 27, 2010, 01:54:32 PM
Abel's scowl = seething RAAAAAAGE. Aary's about to unleash hell.
I wonder if Fa'Lina is going to have to break up a fight here...

Oooh, wouldn't that be a great idea? Seeing Abel in a horrible nervous breakdown so soon after his mother's death? I'd pay money for that one.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Yeesh... If looks could kill... I think Abel is tearing her apart in his mind right now! O_o


Mink uses scold!

Its not very effective... :mowsad
Update Status: Zombified

<Tezkat> Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse.
<SquirrelWizard> I talk to myself all the time, and I'm the sanest guy I know.

<TotalBiscuit> Upgrades! Upgrades! Upgrades! Its wacky-waving-inflatable-arm waving... nuclear missile... well, suppose that works...

Baal Hadad

Wow, I've never seen Mink get angry before....

But God almighty, what a JERK!  I hope she gets what's coming to her....


What, like becoming the teacher of the Pain and Terror classes at SAIA, losing her boyfriend, being Mimed by the Creatrix of the series, and having Abel, her hated enemy, become the teacher and mentor of the woman and Cubi she most admires and loves? =^-^=
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews

Baal Hadad

Quote from: Tangent on March 27, 2010, 05:57:13 PM
What, like becoming the teacher of the Pain and Terror classes at SAIA, losing her boyfriend, being Mimed by the Creatrix of the series, and having Abel, her hated enemy, become the teacher and mentor of the woman and Cubi she most admires and loves? =^-^=

Too little too late.  :P


Quote from: Arcblade on March 27, 2010, 12:41:18 PM
Well, someone needs a good punch to the face.  Where's Fa'Lina?  Although Abel himself does pretty good sucker-punches, now that I think about it...

What she really needs is a spanking.  A good thorough spanking.  With a hand or something.  Mmmmmmm...  Spanking Aary...


I'm sorry, we were talking about punishing her, weren't we?  It's so hard to concentrate with that dress of hers.   :mowdizzy
            <-- #1 that is!


Picture a message from Destania telling Aary that she has to be nice to Abel and help him out.  Aary would probably view that as extreme cruelty.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.

Psychedelic Mushroom

I'm building a theory on Aary's clan affinity..... Perphas... "Aggitation"? She seems to be prying at Abel... Unless they already hate each other and she is just acting like that normally.... It really does look like she's feeding off Mink and Abel's reaction.


Quote from: Baal Hadad on March 27, 2010, 06:03:47 PM
Quote from: Tangent on March 27, 2010, 05:57:13 PM
What, like becoming the teacher of the Pain and Terror classes at SAIA, losing her boyfriend, being Mimed by the Creatrix of the series, and having Abel, her hated enemy, become the teacher and mentor of the woman and Cubi she most admires and loves? =^-^=
Too little too late.  :P
Too late? I could see the "too little" bit. But too late? IT HAPPENED BEFORE WE LEARNED WHAT AN ITCH ARY IS!!!

And I do mean "itch." She's the type of itch you get on the arch of your driving foot while you're driving a long distance. Really annoying, impossible to scratch, and makes you want to kill something. ^^;;
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Grey Wolf on March 27, 2010, 08:37:37 AM
Forgive me for playing the devil's advocate but... has it occurred to anyone that Aaryanna may be calling Abel a coward? In her mind, she might be thinking: "There are 78 different fighting classes here. You could have taken a few of them and trounced your dad. Instead, you avoided your own mother for over 30 years. You dunce."

Not that I agree with her (at all), but I have to wonder what her motivation is.

And Abel could have train and be strong enough in less than 30 years to take on a 400 year old cubi who is at best mentally unstable, at worst a psychopath?


I think Amber is systematically trying to destroy her fans' liking for various characters. Regina, in a manner not entirely contrary to but also not supportive of her first appearance, turned out to be a selfish, unimaginative, evil brat. Mab turns out to be calculating some complicated plan which will get most of her friends killed. Pip turns out to be capable of speaking and possibly an Abel-teaser (which earns him a death sentence from half the forums). And now Aary turns up acting hardcore bitchy, rather than just the relatively friendly evil we were used to.

I think Amber has started to hate her characters, and is trying to make us all hate them as well before she kills them all in a tragic ending which will culminate in the destruction of the comic's universe as a whole.

...Well, ok, maybe not the latter half of that, but I am suspicious that the former may still be true.

And while I'm here, you folks do realize that someone got the date incorrect in the title for this thread?


Last panel: "Bitch, you are just ASKING for the Pain Train, aren't you?"


Oh noes, someone is being mean to someone who is often a dick to others?  You know, the guy who spent the better part of his time at SAIA being aloof, even going so far as bad mouth the other forum wubby, the squiggly Mink, to Oolong.  Ever get the impression that your little Abel isn't exactly really nice to the other students?  Way I see it: he's probably getting a bit of his own medicine.  Is it bad timing?  Sure.  Is it likely something he brought on himself?  I'm thinking so.  So many of you are so quick to scream for blood and pain and death for anything that you've got your loins moist over that it's almost amusing.  You don't even wait to gather any facts, just hop right on and start the fan mobbing.


@Wanderer: What, people LIKED Aary previously? With Regina, we had what, one shot of her in one panel during a nightmare? To be honest, I'd love to see more of that story, because it would be interesting to see how she pulled the wool over Dan's eyes. (Though to be honest, I get the impression Regina mostly hates Kria's daughter and gets whiny around her - she proved more than competent enough during the fight with Dan to realize she was outmatched and resurrect the one creature who would have half a chance against him: Dark Pegasus.

And Mab? Mab was very underused. I think part of this is Amber's realization that anything she does with Mab risks having her become a "Mary Sue" character... so she keeps Mab whimsical and ineffectual... but considering Mab is HER character, she wants something more. Thus Mab is actually plotting something... and from the looks of it, it's something that will help ensure that the Beings of this world can defend themselves from the Creatures. Putting them on an equal footing, basically.

So why would people "hate" those characters? Regina? People glommed on her over a one-shot appearance and liked the look of the cover of what is actually a not-so-great book.  Mab is being finally utilized and expanded upon for character development and growth. Aary had already shown signs of being unpleasant, and considering the intense dislike between Abel and Aary, there had to be some reason why. What, you think Abel is just petty and dislikes Aary because she flashes her panties at people? No. It's because Aary ain't nice.

Pip though deserves to die. =^-^= (That's a joke, son. Put down the knife...)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


SOME of us liked Aary before. But then some of us saw her as a candidate for redemption, an interpretation some other people may never even have considered.

My point is not about rational reasons for "hate" or "like" of a character. My point is that characters that WERE liked have recently (in comic terms) been expanded on in the comic in ways that make forum members start screaming  and villifying and threatening to grind the character into paste. And this has happened for several characters in a relatively short time, making me suspicious.


@Mao Laoren

It's true that Abel is a jerk and probably had bad mouth Aary few times before, but to say to his show off she a wonderful relationship she has with her mother, because she might be able to take on Aniz in a fight and win while Abel couldn't. To say that just after Abel mom died, seem like low blow even to her standard.


@Wanderer But we're not seeing a recent comic (recent as in terms of current DMFA storyline timeline) in which Aary is killing babies or doing other horrible things. Instead, we're seeing the foundation laid to explain why Abel and Aary have an antagonistic relationship. In short, it would be bad storytelling for Aary to be a nice person way back when (now in the Abel's Story continuum)  and Abel just disliked her because of her taste in clothes or trying to seduce him when he wasn't in the mood. Aary loathed Abel. We're now learning why, and I suspect part of it is Destania's interest in Abel, an interest that Aary covets for herself.

The entire Regina incident happened a year or so ago. It's not recent. It's old news, and we just get occasional glimpses of her to remind us that 1) Amber hasn't forgotten her, and 2) Regina's still an annoying git who has only the benefit of "looking cool" to explain any fandom for her. And heck, not only did we have Pip talk briefly nearly three years ago, but that was also when we found Mab was plotting. It's not even a current twist. And yet Mab isn't hated now. People have no further reason to dislike Pip than they already did for random attacks on Dan.

In short, you're making this a Shakespeare moment.
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Quote from: Tangent on March 27, 2010, 09:46:07 PM
In short, you're making this a Shakespeare moment.
I'm not familiar with that term.


You're making Much Ado About Nothing. =^-^=
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews