03/13/10 [DMFA#1094] - This looks even worse.

Started by Caswin, March 13, 2010, 02:05:01 AM

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Quote from: Drathorin on March 13, 2010, 01:30:01 PM

No no, I said you were brain damaged for wanting pip dead for teasing Abel.

There's a difference.

Ohhh I see, this was a misunderstanding. I don't want Pip dead because of the Abel teasing, I don't care about that. I've wanted Pip gone since before that, I just don't like his character in general. I said earlier in the thread it was because his behavior generally reminds me of two other characters I can't stand (Naru and Kagome from Love Hina and Inuyasha respetively). He can tease Abel all he wants. If anything Abel killing Pip will actually make me an Abel fanboy, but otherwise I don't give two ****s about Abel.
Once upon a time I actually posted here.


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 01:34:01 PM

Sorry guys, but as always seems to happen when people start getting emotional and butthurt about this comic...

Don't you think it's a good thing that Amber is able to draw people so deeply into it?

Not always.  It really seems to bring out the worst in quite a few people.

Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 01:34:01 PM

QuoteI will run this retarded thread into the ground, or burn it so badly that it has no choice but to rise up from it's ashes like a PHOENIX!

I wouldn't.  I really wouldn't.

I'm not sure if you're warning me, threatening me or telling me how you would personally address this situation.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 13, 2010, 01:56:38 PM
I'm not sure if you're warning me, threatening me or telling me how you would personally address this situation.

It's not an official warning, no.  However, I must point out that deliberately derailing the thread in the manner you are contemplating would be a violation of rule 4D.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 08:51:43 AM
Quote from: D'ymkarra on March 13, 2010, 08:42:25 AM
Not bad for his first night on the job  :kruger

Strictly, it could be argued that his shift ended when Alexsi came home.
Nope, boss-lady definitely did NOT take up the duty.  She went straight to "sleep" *cough* with Pyroduck, leaving Abel angry about the surprise double-shift.  http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1090.php


Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 02:05:59 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 13, 2010, 01:56:38 PM
I'm not sure if you're warning me, threatening me or telling me how you would personally address this situation.

It's not an official warning, no.  However, I must point out that deliberately derailing the thread in the manner you are contemplating would be a violation of rule 4D.

I've read them.  As far as I'm concerned this thread was not only flamebait but was rapidly devolving into a flamewar.  I think I'm entitled to see that direction in the thread and run with it as that, in this case, was part of the natural flow of the conversation.


After reading this thread I started pondering the possibilities of what happened. Then I started thinking of why Abel was making that face at the person that he may have hit, rather than the blood on his tentacle (weak evidence I know, but it helps plausibility I think). I now believe it is plausible that the person who was "Pip" was an impostor. And he is making that surprised face because the impostor is possibly someone he knows. Someone that already knows all this information about him, that may have been close to him. I know this possibly has been mentioned before, but I would like to make an official statement of my own. Also I don't usually speculate like this, but i thought it might help us get back on topic maybe? Also regardless of what happens, the story shall still indeed be interesting. I'm very intrigued at the new turn of events myself.

Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 13, 2010, 02:13:24 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on March 13, 2010, 02:05:59 PM
Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 13, 2010, 01:56:38 PM

I'm not sure if you're warning me, threatening me or telling me how you would personally address this situation.

It's not an official warning, no.  However, I must point out that deliberately derailing the thread in the manner you are contemplating would be a violation of rule 4D.

I've read them.  As far as I'm concerned this thread was not only flamebait but was rapidly devolving into a flamewar.  I think I'm entitled to see that direction in the thread and run with it as that, in this case, was part of the natural flow of the conversation.

I disagree, and besides the whole thing seems to have been a misinterpreting of what someone else had said.
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.

white wolf

wait didn't mab say she knew that 2 of her friends were going to die? I'm pretty sure you could count Pip as one of her friends. So maybe Pip really IS dead. :U sorry is someone else already posted this theory, didn't read through the 5 pages of comments.  :P

Edit: well poop. just saw now that some had posted this theory just a few posts ahead of me >_>" i should really at least read the last page more often :P
http://crowngpt.com/ use this website to make free money that can be used to donate to Amber. I post this WITHOUT my ref link so i gain nothing, and only attempt to help Amber.

Reese Tora

*suspects that this is intentional on Pip's part as a part of an attempt to alter Dan and Abel's relationship*

no, not that kind of rela- you know what? Fine. Never mind.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


"I know how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop!  AND *YOU* NEVER WILL!  MUAHAHAHAHAA-*SCRRNRCH*"


Ok, I'm bringing in a new theory:(it's probably wrong) Pip here is in reality Dan. *Hides from Dan fans* :baghead (don't shoot I like Dan)
Oh and about the tomato sauce theory: it's not necessarily impossible, maybe the sauce stained some curtains and they got scared of what Alexsi would do to them.


Quote from: Jasonrevall on March 13, 2010, 02:19:30 PM
After reading this thread I started pondering the possibilities of what happened. Then I started thinking of why Abel was making that face at the person that he may have hit, rather than the blood on his tentacle (weak evidence I know, but it helps plausibility I think). I now believe it is plausible that the person who was "Pip" was an impostor. And he is making that surprised face because the impostor is possibly someone he knows.

well, if someone beat someone else to death i dont think the first thing they'd lay eyes on would be whatever they used for beating. it would probably be the body.
that being said i hope Pip survives to gnaw Dans head again.


Quote from: Reese Tora on March 13, 2010, 02:35:52 PM
*suspects that this is intentional on Pip's part as a part of an attempt to alter Dan and Abel's relationship*

no, not that kind of rela- you know what? Fine. Never mind.

It's alright, I think Dan and Abel's relationship was already 'altered' after the whole 'hot for mom' thing
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf



Abel's shocked expression isn't exactly because of what he's done to Pip.
It's because what he sees is something else.

You see, whatever dead, injured or disabled condition Pip is in, Abel can now see his TRUE form.  Pip is actually a large draconic Pyroduck.

Think about it - ever see them both in the same room? 
(Probably happened, but I'm too lazy to remember or look.)


Quote from: Mao Laoren on March 13, 2010, 01:32:01 PM
Wait, we have a massive thread derailment going on and I wasn't involved? oO

Then again, it's been so long since I posted here that my account information vanished. ^^;;

As for Pip? He'll live. Unless he doesn't. =^-^=

Edit: Four words (that Pip will say): You... have... a... sister.

I mean, he's about 400. The restriction on new kids is pretty close to expiring. :januscat
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


Yeah because instead of pinning him down and talking sense to him, it is best to shift into the form of  a helpless bug dragon, and get pwn3d talking to him....
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Ooo, more of Rafe's

Along the lines of the last post, Abel sees what Pip really is...
He isn't another character disguising himself - he's not even a living creature, he's a puppet-like creation controlled by Mab.

You see, all along, Mab, who is usually so outwardly sweet and understanding (although she does slip occasionally),  has a foul and obscene temper, and the only way she gets to vent it is through her ventriloquist's dummy, Pip.  She can attack Dan, piss off Abel, get into drunken joke-telling with drakes, all the time keeping her innocent, friendly image.  

You know she could do it.  Her parents were the same way, destroying restaurants and all during arguments.  It's her inner fae deviousness at work.

Psychedelic Mushroom

Ooh I like Rafe's Idea of Pip being a puppet.. I mean we've all played video games before. People get posessed and change forms.  :erk... okay so maybe that was a bit far.  :B Anyways. Pip can't die.  :< He's like the little yellow comic relief!


I do not believe Pip can "die."
Here's what I think, Pip isn't a Drake per-say obviously. He's a Fae forced to play a different role.
From what I have seen over time the Fae use Furrae as their place to role play. Just on a massive scale sometimes. Friendships and alliances can be real but only occurred because they were bored and decided to go forth and play a role.
Mab isn't just a random adventurer role such as Azlan, she's more like a GM that likes to play in their own little instance. The boons seem to be some strange little penance for "playing the game" so to speak or just one of the few basic rules of the Fae. Pip refused/couldn't fulfill his and was forced to become something else.(1026) While a Fae can't die until they decide to, and have not shown to bleed, doesn't mean his role didn't force certain characteristics on him. "Upon the player's character's death s/he will have the option of taking on a new character role, not of their choice, or to sit the remainder of the game out." Pip simply likes to play "the game."
If Mab had "done the same as Pip" she would probably just removed herself from play one way or another and still be pulling strings in the background. This leaves fewer options to remedy unforeseen situations though, direct intervention no longer being an option.

As for Abel's reaction, he did hit Pip, the "Pip" character is dead, and today will have been one of Abel's worst days ever.

Either all of that ^  or if he hit Pyroduck somehow, I'm willing to bet his Dragon name is Cain.

PS. I do like Rafe's puppet idea but I'm sure he mentioned it in jest.  :)


Quote from: Jasonrevall on March 13, 2010, 02:19:30 PM
After reading this thread I started pondering the possibilities of what happened. Then I started thinking of why Abel was making that face at the person that he may have hit, rather than the blood on his tentacle (weak evidence I know, but it helps plausibility I think). I now believe it is plausible that the person who was "Pip" was an impostor. And he is making that surprised face because the impostor is possibly someone he knows. Someone that already knows all this information about him, that may have been close to him. I know this possibly has been mentioned before, but I would like to make an official statement of my own. Also I don't usually speculate like this, but i thought it might help us get back on topic maybe? Also regardless of what happens, the story shall still indeed be interesting. I'm very intrigued at the new turn of events myself.
Any suggestions on who? Aniz seems like the most logical option.  I can't think of anyone else with that kind of magic that we know Abel knows and we know knows about Abel's past.
Devin is undead, so doesn't have that power, and forgot about his past life so that's unlikely. It doesn't seem like Fa'lina. It could be Mab but that seems unlikely to me.  Maybe it's someone with a patch... But generally they're wearing something. "Pip" also reminds me of the way Aniz was acting when he was at Saia.

It could be a new character... but that seems unlikely.

Quote from: Magic link=topic=7131.msg316359#msg316359 date=1268502046 Unless they were both headed towards the kitchen Ii]doubt there are cupboards out on the open area of the pub where people congregate[/i]. But let's say you're right, it still falls into the argument I presented that paint or condiments can't create little rivulets characteristic of blood's tendency to want to form circular splatters. 
It is a bar- they'd keep things used in mixing drinks out in the bar area. We are not talking about solely paints and condiments here- we are talking about alcohol, syrups, juices, glasses full of cherries and the cherry sauce/juice within, etc.  We also don't know exactly where they are- the tables have been teleported away leaving the rest of the bar fairly featureless, and Pip has been dodging. He may be making his way towards the door/stairs/kitchen/corner/anywhere, it's hard to tell.


Quote from: Tangent on March 13, 2010, 03:43:27 PM
Wait, we have a massive thread derailment going on and I wasn't involved? oO

Then again, it's been so long since I posted here that my account information vanished. ^^;;

As for Pip? He'll live. Unless he doesn't. =^-^=

Edit: Four words (that Pip will say): You... have... a... sister.

I mean, he's about 400. The restriction on new kids is pretty close to expiring. :januscat

I was expecting something more along the lines of the 'secret' behind his wings/eyes, but given the seeming convergence between Abel's story, and canon DMFA, your scenario makes much more sense...

'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Quote from: Tangent on March 13, 2010, 03:43:27 PMEdit: Four words (that Pip will say): You... have... a... sister.

Alternative suggestion: Your father is alive?

Mine makes no sense. :< I like yours better... I like it a lot.

EDIT: Another idea: Pip was hit, and it does look fatal.

But he's playing dead.

nicoreon the tyrannical

Quote from: Rafe on March 13, 2010, 03:41:54 PM

Abel's shocked expression isn't exactly because of what he's done to Pip.
It's because what he sees is something else.

You see, whatever dead, injured or disabled condition Pip is in, Abel can now see his TRUE form.  Pip is actually a large draconic Pyroduck.

Think about it - ever see them both in the same room? 
(Probably happened, but I'm too lazy to remember or look.)



Guys. Think about it. When has Amber made a gore effect in white lettering that sounds like glass breaking? Abel just beat the punk out of a wine bottle and now his hemophobia's about to kick in.
<3 Abel


Well, the thread seems to be calming down a bit, but I still wanted to add my two cents about all the hate/love for Pip and Abel. Personally, I like both of the characters, but even I think they each deserve something. THey are both supremely interesting characters, especially now, but they are also assholes when they want to be. The difference is, Abel has a bit more of an excuse. Pip's excuse is his species, Abel's is his past.

Bottom line: Abel needs either a spanking, some serious counseling, or both; Pip needs a physical therapist and Mab with a well-aimed spray bottle.

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: D'ymkarra on March 13, 2010, 05:53:25 PM
Quote from: Tangent on March 13, 2010, 03:43:27 PM
Edit: Four words (that Pip will say): You... have... a... sister.

I mean, he's about 400. The restriction on new kids is pretty close to expiring. :januscat

I was expecting something more along the lines of the 'secret' behind his wings/eyes, but given the seeming convergence between Abel's story, and canon DMFA, your scenario makes much more sense...
Sadly, it does. Unless of course Aniz has learned a lesson or two in four hundred years. (For that matter, I almost expect him to have struggled through raising a child on his own and teaching the child what the Cubi Academy makes so easy; the dark side in me suspects Aniz already had another "wife" on the side he was working on, which is why his "plans" got so screwed up.)

Of course, if I were to create the story (mmm, fanfic) I'd toss in the twist that this wife knows Aniz is a Cubi, and this time he was honest with her... and that she accepted the truth. And thus when Abel went racing in to try and prevent another tragedy... not only does he look stupid, but there's a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming at the end with Abel being introduced to his baby sister. =^-^=

BTW, Amber, if I accidentally stumble across plot elements you actually were going to use, I apologize in advance and state that my imaginary kittens have not been spying on you. This time. (That, and feel free to utilize any elements you like.)
Robert A. Howard, Tangents Reviews


"I know something you don't know."

"What is that?"

"I am not left-handed."

Yep, I can see it... oh wait, no I can't. Hrm... Maybe Amber will have us mull over it some more, and change the focus back to Dan and Matilda. It would be deliciously-cruel. :D



D: times infinity

On the brightside, at least that 'omg cliffhanger' feeling will only last 24 hours, right?

...Right?  :U

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Daymond42 on March 13, 2010, 08:22:26 PM
"I am not left-handed."

"You're not either-handed. You don't have hands, Pip."

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Something just hit me. Wouldn't all of this commotion cause a certain couple and or fae to come and investigate?
Then again, I hope not. Last thing we need is to see some Alexsi-style rage...

Also, is it just me, or does anyone else here think Abel might be having, or will have, one of those "I've become my father" moments?