The Line in the Stars (OOC) [PG/14] - Closed

Started by Azlan, July 20, 2006, 11:18:17 PM

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I may just be crazy with that post but I've been getting that impression about the Major. Even more so with what's happening with him now.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


I have juxtaposed your possible accusations of treason with happy shiny feelings.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 24, 2008, 07:49:40 PM
Just a notice, I made two small edits to my profile; added a Miscellaneous section to Nazareth, and reversed a small detail on Satch Nestor.

Since, personality/profile-wise, these are pretty much the flattest characters I've made to date, and that I haven't roleplayed them enough to settle into a comfortable groove, I'll probably be making further edits of this kind in the future as I change it to reflect how I end up playing them.

EDIT: Oh yeah, since I went through the pages a little bit ago to refresh myself on how everything went, I found that the Crusading Scales are currently under the direct command of Colonel Nexx and Major Shannon. Even though it's probably not an important detail at the moment, seeing as it's Captain Morgan who's calling Nazareth, I just thought I'd mention this :B

Well, as Captain Summers is the operation commander of this scout fleet, he can assign and reassign whom he needs to when he needs to.  Nexx is already aware of this plan.

Quote from: Daimien on September 24, 2008, 08:26:33 PM
I may just be crazy with that post but I've been getting that impression about the Major. Even more so with what's happening with him now.

No, nothing so very sinister, but your post made me rethink that.  He was originally intended to be one of the Masters in disguise, but I scrapped that idea.

Quote from: ShadesFox on September 24, 2008, 10:55:59 PM
I have juxtaposed your possible accusations of treason with happy shiny feelings.

Shiny happy people laughing...

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Sorry to ruin your plans Azlan. I was just getting that feeling.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


By the way, Shades, does Richard have his bondcord on yet?


Quote from: Daimien on September 25, 2008, 03:00:57 PM
Sorry to ruin your plans Azlan. I was just getting that feeling.

Those plans were scrapped a long time ago, had nothing to do with you.

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 26, 2008, 12:52:01 AM
By the way, Shades, does Richard have his bondcord on yet?

He will actually need to make a special trip to locate a Lycan who can fashion one or Aaron will have to make it himself.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Indeed.  At this point, unless there is a Lycan handy, Aaron is probably going to spend time learning to art of bond cord weaving.  That is actually something of a central point for Aaron, "Wait, you want me to do WHAT?  Yes, I'll do it."
The All Purpose Fox


I am desperately trying to find a post where Mother is actually described :U Of course, I don't quite have the time to complete thorough search at the moment, so I've just been skimming around random pages... :mowdizzy

EDIT: Nevermind, found it. Halfway down the last page I popped to before I left, no less *smacks forehead*

Prof B Hunnydew

Matron being here, I would think would be too unsettling for Mother, but Mara is just as bad a threat.

But Alzan If you want I can change my change my to Matron.



Made an edit to include some things I forgot yesterday. For Ixiah's description, I went off his profile from the tech thread. If anything I wrote happens to be out-of-date for some reason, please let me know :U


Yes, at my insistence Ixiah is now wearing a proper military uniform.  Col. Nexx's uniform to be exact.  When Aaron is not scrambling to heard everyone together he will insist on further changes.
The All Purpose Fox


Does he still have his collar and his circlet?


I believe so.  Just change it to reflect Col. Nexx's uniform and it should be fine.  Until Azlan says otherwise for me being full of fail.

Upon further reflection, the circlet may have been dropped.  The collar will always be there.  The description of the change was quite vague, it is on page 20 of the IC thread.
The All Purpose Fox


M'kay, edits made. Also, in the interest of not causing a hiccup in the RP (since time seemes to be of the essense at the moment), I made a slight edit to my previous post, so that their fighters and equipment are already in-transit :B I'll be working with that in my next post, whenever it may be.


Quote from: Prof B Hunnydew on September 27, 2008, 11:25:31 AM
Matron being here, I would think would be too unsettling for Mother, but Mara is just as bad a threat.

But Alzan If you want I can change my change my to Matron.


Mara is fine, it should be a child from her.  The Matron that appeared is a security program in Nova's mind.

Quote from: ShadesFox on September 27, 2008, 03:22:09 PM
I believe so.  Just change it to reflect Col. Nexx's uniform and it should be fine.  Until Azlan says otherwise for me being full of fail.

Upon further reflection, the circlet may have been dropped.  The collar will always be there.  The description of the change was quite vague, it is on page 20 of the IC thread.

It is an exact replication of Nexx's uniform, but the name on it being Ixiah. 

The circlet is still there, but most tend to forget it is there.  That is the nature of it.  Nova and Aaron can see it just fine.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on September 28, 2008, 04:44:54 AM
It is an exact replication of Nexx's uniform, but the name on it being Ixiah. 

The circlet is still there, but most tend to forget it is there.  That is the nature of it.  Nova and Aaron can see it just fine.
Whoops. Need to fix that.

EDIT: fix'd


   Heh. I don't know whether to love you or hate you for your post, Shades. On the one hand, you just completely scrapped a difficult post I was working on all freaking yesterday, but on the other hand, it's probably for the best, since I might have been digging my own grave with it. So, I must go with 'you've saved me all that trouble', because I'd be an utter fool if I insisted on keeping things difficult. Still, I can't stand the thought of all that work I was doing be a complete waste, so I'll just post it here, if only so you'll know what direction I was going to be heading with all this.

   As the Zetas were conferring with the dock hands about the placement of the fighters, the alien ship spontaneously shot out beams of energy at the fighters. They were levitated to the ship, and "absorbed' into it, now held within armored bumps on the ship.
   All the the Crusading Scales, Nazareth included, were very wide-eyed at the spectacle. Nazareth, for one of the few times in his life, was...unsettled. Not for what the ship just did, but for that he didn't know what it could do. Not to mention this seemed to have made his squad's job quite a bit harder, considering they knew next-to-nothing about the actual arrangements of this now-mad scheme.
   Simply escorting this crazy hulk would have been strange enough, but no, then it has to go and acquire their fighters, without the pilots. Despite Captain Summers illuminating the fact that it could rack four fighters, he had also confirmed that Nazareth could pilot a Carrier Vehicle. Not only was Nazareth at a loss as to why he wouldn't be piloting his own fighter, as he should, but he had thought that, at least, he would be transporting the Zetas himself if he was confined to a Carrier Vehicle. It greatly disappointed him that this no longer seemed to be the case. While the Scales could operate independently, if necessary, they simply could not function at peak capacity if they were separated. Then they wouldn't be able to do their jobs as well as they probably would have to. Not to mention Nazareth couldn't fathom how his men were supposed to even access their fighters now. If this was a need-to-know-basis mission, how could there even be the possibility of permission to set foot within the vessel?
   Nazareth shook his head at the quandary.
   The belly of the ship opened up, lowering a ramp with two orange vixens striding down it. Orange wasn't such an uncommon fur color for vixens, but these two sported pelts so vibrantly colored, Nazareth didn't doubt that these were more aliens.
   He then headed his squad back towards the groups around the ships. A special ops sergeant, by the look of it, was filling in his men in another nearby group with some information about the aliens. The fact that one of them was called "Mother"--same as the ship according to the Captian--did not escape Nazareth. However, due to the absurdity of the name and the fact that it had to do with these aliens, Nazareth couldn't make heads or tails of it. However, he seemed to understand that "Mother" was probably the captain and pilot, and this other one "Alexis" was the gunner. Roughly. He caught that the Marines were now under the command of "Alexis", due to them being included as 'defenses'. Does that include us? Nazareth thought. By all the black suns, I hope not.
   They came up to Aaron, again. Nazareth's normally lustrous green coloration seemed ever-so-slightly-bleached, and his expression was a grim slash. The Zetas behind him bore similar appearances.
   "Major Aaron Brown." Nazareth stated, returning to a salute, with the Zetas not doing the same this time. "I apologize in advance, because I am about to be quite blunt, and will accept any reprimands you dictate after.
   "I am assuming in advance that, as the leader, in not necessarily organizer of this escapade, you are at least privy to the arrangements." Nazareth began. "Judging by your scant explanation of your mission, I gathered that the details of this...operation...are on a need-to-know-basis for those involved. However, it seems to be that my men and I have been denied...crucial information that we need to know."
   Nazareth paused for a moment. "First, when Captain Summers notified me of this mission, he wanted to make sure that I am qualified to handle Panther or Leopard CVs, which I am. And as you can probably see, there are five of us, while only four of our fighters

   The underlined dialogue at the end was the main part I was having trouble with (though not the only part). There were two questions I wanted asked; What the heck is Nazareth supposed to be piloting, and how by the blazing stars were the other Zetas supposed to get to their fighters (need-to-know-basis mission, therefore, going on ship an absolute no-no)? For the life of me, I could not figure out how to get these two questions out. I couldn't figure out if one of the other Zetas was to blurt out one of them, or if Nazarethy was to ask both, and if so, what order and best wording...I was practically beating myself over the head with a sledgehammer with this.

But, this is all moot point now! :boogie I'm off to make a new post! :D


The energy beams used to move the fighters are not entirely unknown, it is just highly unlikely that a ship so very small could be outfitted in such a way.  The device is called a gravitic field directional projector.  It requires a gravity drive system or gravity enhncement modules integrated into conventional reactors and drives.  The ISF Waverider Gravity Drive is too large to be used in a 100m medium vessel.  Gravity modules are almost small enough to be placed in a medium ship, but the cost is prohibitive and the system would not be powerful enough to support even 1 directional projector.  In your scout fleet, only the Phalanx has this capability.

The system is essentially a tractor/repulsor beam for lack of a better term. 

As for the Zetas and their fighters...

Despite all the advanced technology of Mother, who based on observasion, has some type of super small gravity drive, she can only embark 4 fighters of any size (except the heavy bombers such as the Ballista).  The Zeta's Saber fighters are heavy and rather large.  In order to do this, that left one person, and I choose to make that Naz, as the one person out.  He can take anyone of the fighters out if he wishes, but I intended to address what he will be doing in my next post which will happen soon.

The pilots will be shown how they can access the fighters.

None of the ISF fighters are FTL and this expedition will require movement to other systems.  The Phalanx does carry 2 Vigilance Dropship fighter Carriers on her belly, but these things are only capable of sublight.  To include the Zetas, I was going to need to send a capital ship, which would have escalated the situation and changed the 'adventure' dynamics in the wrong way.  Plus even the Revelation herself is not as versatile as was needed.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Thanks, this clears up a few things, though I'm still wondering why the whole CV stuff was included earlier, unless it has something to do with Nazareth's job that you've got in mind. In any case...

"Somethin' you wanted?"
"I don't have time to f**k around!"
"You keep pushing me boy..."
"...And I'll scrap you along with the aliens!!!"


I think it was for comparison purposes.
"You will be in a... uh... *BEEP* I don't know what it is.  We don't have anything like it.  Think of it as a CV"
The All Purpose Fox


There, that is why I left one person out.  Mother is as nimble as the lightest fighter and is a bit more powerful with weapon damage and engine power than the [Revelation[/i].  Hopefully Naz is not too xenophobic... I wonder if he has realized that Mother seems to refer to herself occasionally when speaking about the ship. 

I wonder how he would react if he knew the ship was a type of living creature?
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Nazareth actually wasn't supposed to be xenophobic, it just unintentionally came out that way, and I'm going to be trying to rectify that over the next few posts in a way that doesn't make him look bipolar :B I'm probably going to have to settle him into something along the lines of "cautious and (slightly) suspicious".


   Just a notice to all RPs I'm in, I will be absent from Monday to Thursday on a camping trip in Yosemite. My characters will all be quiet for that time. I don't think that's enough time for anything to happen to make autoing necessary, but if something does happen, my guys will just be running around behind everyone else.


*looks to the left*
*looks to the right*
*auto's Naz into a clown car, driving it around the Revelation*
The All Purpose Fox


As a favour to Shades. I have a 2 MB A4 size in CMYK colours for prints. Also, I still have the .indd file so I can edit this as necessary. I still can't come back yet, too busy with work, art and commissions. I really do want to play Summers again, sometime. Maybe Christmas.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Yes, I had made a little thing, originally I was going to make one out of a crayons, another sort of silly Aaron thing.  Though Ink has made a niftier version.  I was the one who made the assignments though, so if there are errors blame me ;p

Still, part of the point of this exercise is to try and get everyone's exact position figured out.
The All Purpose Fox


The only thing I noticed was that while Army Romulus is technically is under the ISIS. Though I don't know how it works out now seeing he moved to from one ship to the other under orders of Nexx since Loki was found, cause we didn't want Loki to go to Major Kanzoria for testings.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Quote from: Ink on October 10, 2008, 10:50:15 PM

As a favour to Shades. I have a 2 MB A4 size in CMYK colours for prints. Also, I still have the .indd file so I can edit this as necessary. I still can't come back yet, too busy with work, art and commissions. I really do want to play Summers again, sometime. Maybe Christmas.
I can't see the pic :<


Hit refresh.  Sometimes I get weird things out of llearch's gallery.
The All Purpose Fox


not's just a blank box with that little x at the top-left