The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Being outside the building, there is little place to cover Sasha than from her flank.


"Right, you can count on me to hold the lines.. "

OOC:  D: for somereason at the moment, im just going blank over the RP posts on this forum :/
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


<elvish accent>i believe there are 9 maybe ten in there<elvish accent> Eiram holds his bow ready pulling an arrow from his quiver.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Sasha glanced at Eiram as he mentioned there being possibly nine orcs inside. She wasn't sure is she was glad there were only nine of them, or disappointed there weren't more. The shifter shook her head slightly. "There is no time for thoughts other then to fight right now." She chastised herself and chanced a glance at the other three they had met up with; Joulzen, Amarillis, and Zander.


Amarillis withdraws some substance from one pouch, gestures and speaks a few words that seem to hang in the air. She is covered by a soft glow that seems to enhance her face ond body.
Casts Eagle's spelendor on self


Back at the temple of Kord, the group stood ready.  The soldiers held the temple doors behind them, while Gary waited inside.  Malakin stood out on the temple path, ready to repel a charge, 5 feet between Josh and a pillar.  Zedd and Silas stood behind them, Zedd having a clear shot at the gates and Silas right behind Malakin.  Josh stood next to the 3rd pillar away from the gate, 2nd pillar from the temple doors.  Marosharr waited in hiding by the 2nd pillar from the gates.  Marethial stood right behind Josh, who stands ready to repel any attack that comes.

Finally, a pair of blackscales come lumbering through the gate.  They charge at Josh and Malakin, and strike from 10 feet away.  The first misses Malakin, and the other impacts his club against Josh's armor, but the knight stands firm.

Josh takes a 5 foot step forward, and begins his attack with an excellent strike.  His blade cuts in for 10 damage.  The second strike proves just as sure.  The second hit deals 9 damage, for a total of 19.

Reese Tora

Marosharr watches the two lizards charge, and the waiting line of soldiers recieve them.  He then turns towards the gate again, and pulls back the nocked arrow on his bow, ready to let fly against the next vile thing to come through the gates.

{readied action to make a ranged attack against the next enemy to enter through the gate.}

Spot check
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Malakin deftly dodges the club and returns the favour with two stabs with the greatspear.

Attack 1: 8+19 = 27
damage: 5+5+14=24 *2 = 48
Attack 2: 12+14=26
damage: 2+6+14=22 *2 = 44
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


The blackscale is impaled upon the greatspear, and hangs lifelessly upon it.  Malakin shakes it off and thrusts the greatspear at the second blackscale, finishing it off.  Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a pair of arrows come flying at Malakin, catching him off gaurd, and dealing a total of 6 damage.  Malakin looks around, but can't see where they came from.

"Where did those shots come from?" Josh asks.

"I don't know, I can't see anyone," Marethial answers.


Back at the brewery, Zander and Saeoun both stand ready.  Suddenly, Zander gets an idea.  He casts Shillelagh on his club and open a pocket in his vest.  Out pops a little bird that comes to perch on his shoulder.  He whispers something to it, then puts a hand on the door to the brewery.  The door swings open slowly, any sound trumped by the rucus inside, and the bird flies in.  Seconds later, the sound of a kettle on a stove sounds, and the rest of the noise dies down.  The sound is followed by some orcish grunting, and a moment later the bird flies back out the door on sits upon the killoren's head.  Zander waves everyone back and either side of the door.  Seconds later, the door flies open and an orc barges out.  Before he can turn to see the Killoren, Zander brings his club down upon its head.  The orc is almost left dazed by the powerful blow, but it still stands.  The druid tries again, and just manages to lay another blow.  The blow produces a second bump on the orc's noggin.

Still the orc stands, but Zander's wolf comes in low.  The wolf latches onto the orc's leg.  The orc falls with a groan, and the wolf drags him away from the door.

"What going on out here?" An orcish voice asks just coming outside.

Zander's club greets him at the door.  The orc's nose is scrunched in further by the blow, but he manages to stay standing.  Zander tries again, but once again misses on his second hit.  The wolf tries again, but accidently bits its own tongue.

Saeoun comes in from the other side of the door, and lays his morningstar upon the orcs cranium.  It may not hit hard, but the orc ends up knocked out all the same.

The orc's spear falls, but Saeoun tries to quickly drag the orc away from the door.

"Alright, no more games," An orc shouts from inside, "Stand where I can see you!"

Zander waves Sasha and points about 5 feet from in front of the door.


The sounds of battle outside finally got to Gary and he decided to actually do something of his own initiative. He climbed up the building to get a good vantage point of the field. He aimed his crossbow and fired at the nearest blackscale.


The sounds of battle outside finally got to Gary and he decided to actually do something of his own initiative. He climbed up the building to get a good vantage point of the field. He aimed his crossbow and fired at the nearest blackscale.



(Urrrgh, do damage later on, just let me edit it tomorrow and ignore it until then)


Sasha inhale deeply, then as she exhaled her body undertook a physical change. Her hair color shifted to orange with black striping. Similarly colored tuffs of fur grew from her wrists and elbows. Her features became more feline and her nails grew. Her teeth bared menacingly, she lashed out with her boot at the door.
Without pausing, Sasha growls and launches herself at the orcs swinging her dual long swords.
1st swing (primary-hand) 25
damage 15
2nd swing (off-hand) 12 (I doubt that hit :p But just in case it did.)
damage 13
3nd swing (primary-hand) 8 (I can't believe I got a 1 and then a 2 on attack rolls. *facepalm*)
damage 15


OOC: only the first swing counts, as you had to move more than five feet to reach the enemy.

The orc is caught off guard by the slashing fury that enters the brewery, catching him off guard.

Meanwhile, the bolt hits the poor dying blackscale in its bleeding hide, and it collapses once more, utterly dead.  Josh turns to see Gary.

"Chavez, can you see the snipers?"


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The orc stands dead before the third arrow hits its arm.  The other orcs look curiously from behind some crates, then sneer at the shifter and elf.

OOC: the orcs were caught off gaurd, so everyone else there still have a move to make, and the doorway is still open.  That leaves DV and Rakuras.


Gary nodded and looked through his surroundings.

Spot Hidden

He looked down at Josh and answered;

"There is a lizardfolk hiding at each side of the gate. They're the smallest that I've ever seen and seem to have some kind of camoflaguing because their scales are as grey as the stone walls."


Josh steps closer to the battle sorcerer.

"Sven," He whispers, "Lay down a fireball.  Aim for right between the gates, you should be able to catch both of them in the blast."


Sven nods and agrees and sets the fireball set it to go off 10 feet past the gate


The lizards make their saves, taking only 15 damage from the fireball.  However, 4 charred orcs fall dead beyond the gates, 2 on each side.  Another 4 move forward and line up facing the gate.  A female half-orc stands before them, dressed in full plate and cloak and weilding a pair of spears.  She glares at Josh, who glares back.

"ATTACK!" She yells.  The orcs fly into a rage, and the half-orc leads the charge, going straight for Josh with one of her spears in hand.  Despite her efforts, she still fails to pierce Josh's mighty armor.

Reese Tora

Marosharr releases his arrow squarley into the face of the orc leader's charge.  The arrow strikes her, piercing her armor and drawing blood, though it does not strike any vital point.

He ducks back behind the pillar, but the charging orcs will almost certainly have seen him now.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The arrow lands in her back, but she hardly notices.  However, her 4 orcs do.  They surround the Marosharr, and start swinging their falchions, but they all miss the quick catfolk.

Meanwhile, Josh stands from his defensive position.  He brings down his blade upon the orc with a righteous fervor.  25 points of damage rip through the orc.  Another 8 points of holy damage burns upon her flesh.

"Your form proves lacking," Josh taunts, "I know of Templars like yourself, but you're the first one with evil running through her veins.  Let's see if you can prove your worth."

He swipes again, but she blocks with her spear.

"Now you're learning." He speaks bluntly but with a smile.


OOC: it seems the downed server lost some of the last posts.  For a quick update, the orcs surrounded Marosharr by the pillar, all of them missed, then Gary took a shot at one of the lizardfolk and dealt 8 damage.

Doragon looks at the orcs surrounding the catman.  He moved in line with the 3 orcs to the left of Marosharr.  After a hearty inhalation of air, he blew forth a line of fire from his mouth.  The orcs look in time to take 11 fire damage.


Silas watches the fighting begin and smiles, "This reminds me of a rather uplifting melody I once heard in the eastern lands. Noble orc vanquishers, take heart!" With that, he takes the pipes from his side and begins to play a song that inspires courage in the spirits of his allies. (It's +2!)


Filled with courage, Malakin Brings his spear down on the half-orc.  The first blow deals 21 damage.  Malakin twists the spear in the wound.  Another 22 damage hits the half-orc.

The half-orc slips off the bloody spearhead, and her mind slips from the mortal coil.  Her orcs watch as she falls, and shake with sweat drenched faces.


"Well now lets prepare see the light my orcish friends" Sven places his hands apon the orcs to cast scorching  rays apon the first orc
and the he casts it apon the other


Eiram draws back his  and scans for more Orcs changing position slightly ready to let fly or doge on a split seconds notice
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


The elven sorcess readys her longbow to shoot the next orc to leave the builing.


Gary put in another arrow in the bowstring and scanned the area for any other targets as well.


"Marosharr," Josh shouted, "We can finish off the rabble, get to the other side of the gate and see the snipers don't get away."