The War Continues (D&D RP Thread)

Started by Manawolf, July 16, 2006, 07:14:35 PM

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Sasha wiped off what little of the kuo-toan blood got on her blades. She cursed under her breath as she did so.
She watched with disintrest as the others discussed the prisoner's fate before finally sending it away.
"I was born ready, sir." She stated very near the truth of her existence.


Uninterested in the captive, malakin instead watches the celestial 'Ket' with mild intrest as he cleans his greatspear..
"Ready as ever, sir!" he announces absentmindedly and prepairs to set off once more..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Sven slowly looked away from the team abit shivering abit and trys to warm himself up abnit "Hmmmm..I feel something strange and familer...Oh why did it had to be that long.."


Looks up again at Josh still holding the shield. "Well what i know of them is that They are immune to poison and paralysis, have electricity resistance, and when multiple kuo-taon clerics can also charge up their divine energy to create a lightning bolt. So watch when they start to congregate. That is what i know."


"They've most likely done just that around the statue, with plenty of their clerics," Marethial turned to their cleric, "Saeoun, we'll need some resistance to lightning."

"I can only protect 8 of you with it," He responds.

"Stick to those in the front, then," Josh replies, "The rest will hang back out of the range of their attack."

Saeoun casts mass resist energy (electricity) on Josh, Marethial, Sasha, Malakin, Keothi, Marosharr, Eiram and himself.


"Eriam, I'm almost out of powerfull attack spells, and archers tend to be more effective when we fly. Have you any obection to magical flight? Josh and Eriam  I'm going to cast a spell that should help your ranged attacks and avoidance on you two. We should gather up the equipment of the kou-toa I have a wand that will let me find the magical items."

Turning Back to Ket "I am called Amarillis, Potential Heir of the House of Stacirillis, the blood of many Eladrins including Queen Morwel and the Divine Blood of Corellan Larethian flows in my veins."


"Well it is very nice to meet someone of noble blood" Bows to Amarillis. "And i have already said my name and my leinge will not be said..." Looks around then looks down for something of a bow on one of the dead kou-toa.


None of the kuo-toans appears to have been carrying any bows or other ranged weapons.

"Ranged Weapons don't work as well underwater," Marethial commented.

They found 3 full plates, 3 pincer staves, a heavy wooden shield, 2 pair of bracers, a ring, 6 vials (3 yellow, two with silver liquid and the third a murky blue), 2 Sianghams, that strange whip the fighter had been carrying, and 4727 GP.

"Marosharr, check to see if anything got lost in the grass," Marethial asks the scout.


Amarillis whips out a wand and with a few minutes of concentarion her eyes gain a flicking gold glow. She points to all of the magical items.

OOc: Use wand of detect magic....Find magic...Mmmm...Magic


Amarillis detects magic in the area.  She soon figures out that there are 16 items generating magic.  She pinpoints the magic coming from two of the suit of armor, the whip, the sianghams, the shield, the bracers, the ring, three of the vials, along with 4 others she can't quite see, but 3 of them are emanating a strong aura of conjuration.


Quote from: Dragonvixen on December 08, 2006, 04:36:20 PM
"Eriam, I'm almost out of powerfull attack spells, and archers tend to be more effective when we fly. Have you any obection to magical flight? Josh and EriamĀ  I'm going to cast a spell that should help your ranged attacks and avoidance on you two. We should gather up the equipment of the kou-toa I have a wand that will let me find the magical items."

Eiram watches Amarillis works then as they  spot and (are we gathering the items?) comes to his conclusion. he nods to Amarillis. "I am amenable to magic flight if need be."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"..I can use detect magic at will, jutst thought you should know," Quav said noticing Amarillis using a wand of detect magic.

Reese Tora

Marosharr thinks back to the fight to recall if he saw anything fall from any of the kuo-toa before they were defeated.
{ spot checks for in case I noticed anything: = 24 = 23 = 26

He moves over to the fallen bodies and searches the grass around where the foiur kuo-toa fell, as well as any places where he thinks he saw something fall.
{search checks, 1 round/5ft square, the square in which each fell, plus a couple extra if I noticed anything with those spot checks = 25 = 12 = 23 = 14 = 12 = 23

While he is searching, Marosharr keeps his head cocked in the direction of the water in case any more ambushers should appear while they are stopped.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Reese can see nothing across the lake or in it.  However, he finds some things in the grass: 3 small bags that rattle when shaken, and a stone in the shape of a spindle and clear in color.

Reese Tora

Marroshar looks in the bags to assess thier contents.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The bags appear to be filled with pointy little teeth.  They belong to an animal he can't quite identify, but it would appear to be a small carnivore.


Looking over at Marroshar and seeing him look into the bag. Ket moves over to him. "Could i have a look at that?" and as soon as he does Ket checks his knowlegde of nature.

Reese Tora

He turns to Josh.  "Sir, I've found three pouchess of teeth and an odd sstone.  I can't imagine that the teeth may be worth something, but the stone seems pretty enough."

Quote from: Snuggles on December 09, 2006, 02:29:45 AM
Looking over at Marroshar and seeing him look into the bag. Ket moves over to him. "Could i have a look at that?" and as soon as he does Ket checks his knowlegde of nature.

Marosharr shrugs and wordlessly holds out one of the bags for Ket to examine.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


The teeth belong to the pirahna, a small fish that lives in tropical rivers in schools that strip the flesh from their victims within minutes or seconds.


Sven looked at the items they was holding "Hmmm what would they be carrying teeth for?"


"We'll have to have them identified later," Josh told them, "For now, we should head for the other side of the lake.  We'll split into two teams.  The one's who are now the protected team will head for the other side from the right.  We rest will head there from the left.  Team two doesn't move in until they see a bolt of lightning.  Till then, you stay 120 feet from the target area, alright?"


Ket looks around to Josh. "The bags hold teeth from what look like pirahna teeth, they live in schools that can strip the flesh of a victims in minutes or even seconds." Hands the bags back to Marosharr. "With witch team will i be going in because i am protected from the lightning too?"


"Hm, provide us with a proper tone for when the battle begins."


"Alright." Ket pulls out his songblade and before we get into battle Ket casts Inspirational Boost, and use the
Words of Creation and beings to sing in Celestial an old war beat from old Eladrins times of war.

(if i did this right everyone should get a +4 to attack, dmg, and saving throws)


Amarillis casts fly on both Eiram and herself, then casts Cat's grace on Eiram and Josh. This takes 18 secounds.  "ready to go Sir!" Returning the wand to her haverstack and removing her longbow.

Turing to Quav " next time you may cast if you wish..I must admit I did not know that Drow could do that."


"Look if you want to know my history or anything else about me I'll tell you it later when I have the time. I can also tell you quite a bit about Min if you wish also," Quav said to Amarillis. He figured he would be confronted by everyone later considering they would learn about his and Min's relationship.

Min stayed near Quav, silently staying behind him. He was generally happy cause he knew that he had some freedoms when it came to his master... he still obeyed Quav since his fate depended on it.


Josh can feel quicker in his limbs, but his armor prevents his movement.

"I fear that the spell has been halted by my armor's flexibility.  Perhaps a spell to put more of a spring in my step next time."


"Alright, let's move out," Josh gives the command, "Those with the resistance will take the right, the rest will take the left.  Let's go."

The two groups circle the lake, heading for the other side.  On the other side, they find them close to the town wall.  Laying before the wall is an overgrown part of the park, looking almost like a bog.

"What's that?" Marethial says as they begin to move into the bog, "I hear chanting."

"Marosharr, Eiram, scout ahead." Josh whispers to them.


"Chantting...Where....I might want to take a look into this"  Sven held up his hand to his ear and listened to what it might be


The other group had finished rounding the lake as well, noticing the main force on the other side.

Marethial shushes as they approach, then points to the overgrown section of the park.

The chanting was in tongues, almost unintelligible to the group.