[Art] Arroyo's Artz and Craftz (as of 2/26/11) This is still here?)

Started by Arroyo Milori, March 16, 2009, 05:51:48 PM

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Arroyo Milori

Tierra quick reference sketch (NSFW?)

I actually do need to make some quick references for some characters. Of course I'll be adding more info on the final version of this.

Fun fact: Tierra actually has a black spot on her back. :3~

Arroyo Milori

Tierra Practice Page

My jaw felt sore after getting my wisdom teeth yanked, they're better right now.

...I should make practice pages for my other characters. 2 down, 3 (or maybe 7...) more to go!

Arroyo Milori

Citrine Practice Page (NSFW?)

Put a NSFW tag on it cause I was rather unsure. : E She came out quite nice IMO. :3

Arroyo Milori

Devyn Practice Page
Now with a random dog skull...and no that isn't Devyn's skull D:

Failed What a Tail Page 1
Very old, but still a bit of a reminder why I should improve >_>;

Arroyo Milori

Aric Practice Page
Combining the two things I severely need work on: Hands and humans.

Tierra quick reference 2010 (NSFW)
a rushed yet finished quick reference of Tierra. Good chance to try practing inking with the ink pen tool. : D

Arroyo Winter Icon 2010
I wanted to make a winter icon this year around : <

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo Milori

Nikolas head sketches
I haven't drawn this character in a while soooo why not start now?

Cave Story Sprite: Arroyo
I got back into the groove of playing Cave Story, so I wanted to make some sprites in that style .w.

(NSFW) Tierra sketch WIP
A little something I'm working on. Justa bit of anatomy practice and maybe to break out my new pens to try to ink it traditionally >w>

Also I switched DA accounts, why? I guess to start over for the new year .w.;

Arroyo Milori

Arroyo Milori

Currently focusing on making a new reference sheet for Arroyo. Usually I try to revise the design a bit, along with the information.

WIP Arroyo reference 2011 part 1 (NSFW?)

Of course its appropriate to draw a small full body view of him. Backside of him is in part 2, which I will put up later...


Oh, nice. The shape of the figure looks like it's improving, it feels more... 3D. Sorta. Depth. Volume. That sort of thing.

The profile of the body looks pretty good. The feet are placed a bit far forward, which looks a little off balance.

The part of the hair in profile looks farther forward than the one from straight on. From the side, the locks are behind the eye, while from straight on, they overlap the eye.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: WhiteFox on January 16, 2011, 09:39:53 PM
Oh, nice. The shape of the figure looks like it's improving, it feels more... 3D. Sorta. Depth. Volume. That sort of thing.

The profile of the body looks pretty good. The feet are placed a bit far forward, which looks a little off balance.

The part of the hair in profile looks farther forward than the one from straight on. From the side, the locks are behind the eye, while from straight on, they overlap the eye.
I'll get to fixing that.

His hair is a bit weird, I think that's just a normal error I make. I usually juggle it between having it over his eye slightly and having it over to the side. Can't seem to make up my mind for it : P

WIP Arroyo reference 2011 part 2

Just a sketch of the backside of him, mostly to show off the hair, his eye and his insignia.

WIP Arroyo reference part 3
Was trying to go off of a reference with this picture.

A little something I'm working on for my 2011 reference sheet. I haven't added any clothing (yet) because I want to make sure I have certain things right with this picture.

Such as the pose, and the anatomy. I might change up the expression however I'm not sure what kind of expression I should go for. It just seems boring with a neutral expression.

Helpful suggestions and comments would be nice :3

Arroyo Milori

Completed sketch of part 3

I added clothing and fixed it up a bit. Hopefully it will look even better inked and colored.

Arroyo Milori


Arroyo reference 2011
Now I kind of deeply regret using that sketch as part of my reference sheet. it just seems to throw me off a bit. That and I should have went a bit thinner with my inking for the lineart. Furaffinity has a bit more of a NSFW version.

Also general data about Arroyo in the author's comments.

Practice sketch 01
I am well aware I have made some mistakes on this sketch and fixed them (though I haven't scanned the fixed version yet) such as the left leg being taller than the right leg, and the right foot looks very weird.

I can say this, I did do something different when starting this sketch. I usually start with the head but I decided to use lines to have a rough idea of how to plan the pose out then add structure. I'll have to do a step-by-step sketch of what i mean >w>;

WIP art trade sketch (NSFW?)

I hate drawing humans so much ;~; They always come out...weird in the face. This is why some of my human characters are almost never drawn (and colored)

Arroyo Milori

I fixed the first practice sketch up a bit with the center of gravity issue.

Practice sketch 2: Arroyo expressions

Now for some fun expressions! YAY! >:3

Arroyo Milori

oh gawd how long as it been? ah well UPDATE TIME!

Citrine meditation revision sketch

A WIP but soon it will be done!


I like the foreshortening on the forearm, and the pose on the legs looks nice. The legs look kind of thick around the ankles.

Quick redline with some thoughts on the ears:

'Course, I can't recall what species Citrine is off the top of my head, so I'm assuming a canine breed of some sort with folded ears.

Can't wait for the final version.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Thank Whitefox. Also Citrine was a Candus. The ears fold in a rather odd fashion.

I updated the picture so it has hands. I... think they came out too blocky but they are probably close to proportion...hopefully.

I also need to figure out an appropriate attire too...hmmm...

Arroyo Milori

Meditation (soft-shading)
I...feel proud for once. I usually get bummed out when I finish inking it because of how awful the inking comes out but this time...it actually came out nice. I dunno why i soft shaded it, but I do think I should make a cell-shaded version sometime.

Headshot doodles
Headshot doodles. One of Arroyo, one of someone I talk to MSN a bit, and a troll version of one of my hooman characters, Drawliet. Yes...I got homestuck'd. :B

Arroyo Milori

I come bearing loads of new stuff.

Arroyo and Tierra doodle icons

I got bored one day and doodled something and then I turned that into an icon. :U

Practice Sketch 4

More doodling, though I've been told my anatomy needs a lot more work than meets the eye. If you are curious where Practice sketch 3 is; Its right here

The Holy Mackerel prop

Bluh bluh TF2 fan. It was a prop for my Scout cos-play to a convention, had a great time and people liked my fish.  I'm definitely going to have to top this year next year : 3

Arroyo Milori

Some weird Arroyo doodles

I don't know what to call this. I just drew his head a bit different each time, trying to figure out  how I should go about drawing him. Stopped at 4 probably because I was a bit satisfied with the results, though I may redraw it a 5th or 6th time.

Oh yeah, I also developed a bad habit to write little self critique notes from time-to-time. My handwriting is terribad.

#1: "A little rusty while drawing this" "Eyes too big" "Muzzle to long" "Yuck!"
#2: " Chin is ok" "Eyes seem to close together" "mouth needs work" "meh..."
#3: "Worth a shot!" "Eyes could be a bit rounder" "chin needs work" "try to duplicate result"
#4: "Ok!" "eyes are rounder" "Muzzle lowered"


Arroyo Milori

Quote from: JaxiD on May 29, 2011, 02:02:21 PM
Ha! That's not a bad habit, I do it too.

This amused me.
It is important to self critique yourself to better yourself art-wise.  -w-

llearch n'n'daCorna

I have to say, I did like the varying hair types. I'm not quite sure why, though...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on May 31, 2011, 05:44:07 PM
I have to say, I did like the varying hair types. I'm not quite sure why, though...

I wouldn't say it's varying, more like improving on the way. I noticed it gets curlier each time though...

Though I need to get around to making a better reference sheet with alternate haircuts.


Quote from: Arroyo Milori on May 29, 2011, 12:52:33 PM
I don't know what to call this. I just drew his head a bit different each time, trying to figure out  how I should go about drawing him.
Quote from: JaxiD on May 29, 2011, 02:02:21 PM
Ha! That's not a bad habit, I do it too.

I don't know what to call it either, but I do the same thing... about 4/5ths of my sketch book looks like this.

Quote from: Arroyo Milori on May 29, 2011, 11:41:41 PM
It is important to self critique yourself to better yourself art-wise.  -w-
Amen to that!
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on May 31, 2011, 05:51:10 PM
I wouldn't say it's varying, more like improving on the way. I noticed it gets curlier each time though...
I find that my characters appearance evolve not because I'm changing their design, but because the way I draw them steadily gets closer to the way I imagined them in the first place. Is it kind of like that?

I like the protrait on the bottom. The bridge of the nose looks like it slopes outward smoothly, and looks more like a natural muzzle shape. Less blocky. I like the hair, too. Not sure why.

The way the chin slopes in seemed kinda odd. A lot of canines tend to have very little lower jaw, but it almost looks like an underbite

The convex eyes are probably a stylistic choice, but they look kinda strange to me.

Here's a quick redline with a few thoughts...

Never mind the nose, btw. In retrospect, the original one looks just fine. I don't know why I thought it needed tweaking. The eyes were reshaped to make them concave, but also because they looked... well, like they weren't level. Tilted, or skewed.

Tweaked the hair just a bit to push the ear forward, and add a little more depth to the back of the head. Mostly just to see what it would look like.
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 01, 2011, 09:03:22 PM

I find that my characters appearance evolve not because I'm changing their design, but because the way I draw them steadily gets closer to the way I imagined them in the first place. Is it kind of like that?


QuoteI like the protrait on the bottom. The bridge of the nose looks like it slopes outward smoothly, and looks more like a natural muzzle shape. Less blocky. I like the hair, too. Not sure why.

The way the chin slopes in seemed kinda odd. A lot of canines tend to have very little lower jaw, but it almost looks like an underbite

The convex eyes are probably a stylistic choice, but they look kinda strange to me.

Here's a quick redline with a few thoughts...

Never mind the nose, btw. In retrospect, the original one looks just fine. I don't know why I thought it needed tweaking. The eyes were reshaped to make them concave, but also because they looked... well, like they weren't level. Tilted, or skewed.

Tweaked the hair just a bit to push the ear forward, and add a little more depth to the back of the head. Mostly just to see what it would look like.

I like the hair too :3 Though I'll need to make a ponytailed and a short haircut version someday.

As for the jaw...I hope you know that he isn't canine right? I was afraid that the muzzle may look canineish in the end but decided to experiment on it...for science. But I did notice that canine muzzles tend to go a bit more straight out, feline muzzles tend to slope downward a bit.

I think the eyes were drawn that way because of how I drew the head, which is kind of tilting downward but I can't tell if the eye position would be natural or not if the head appeared to be tilting down.


Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 10:22:49 PM
I think the eyes were drawn that way because of how I drew the head, which is kind of tilting downward but I can't tell if the eye position would be natural or not if the head appeared to be tilting down.

There's pitch, yaw, and roll. If the head is tilted up or down (pitch) or turning left or right (yaw), or both, the eyes will stay level with each other.

If the head leans left or right (roll), the eyes will tilt. The head will pitch and yaws to view things or as a part of body language, but rolling is usually expressive only, implying ignorance, confusion, or a question.

Eyes will not be level if the camera is at a significant angle above or below the head, due to parallax.

Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 10:22:49 PM
As for the jaw...I hope you know that he isn't canine right? I was afraid that the muzzle may look canineish in the end but decided to experiment on it...for science. But I did notice that canine muzzles tend to go a bit more straight out, feline muzzles tend to slope downward a bit.

Ahem... What must have thrown me off is that when I see a head turned at that angle with a line from the nose to the mouth that's straight, I think "dog."

...The vertical pupils and triangular nose should have tipped me off. What kind of cat were you using as a base?
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 01, 2011, 11:04:44 PM
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 10:22:49 PM
I think the eyes were drawn that way because of how I drew the head, which is kind of tilting downward but I can't tell if the eye position would be natural or not if the head appeared to be tilting down.

There's pitch, yaw, and roll. If the head is tilted up or down (pitch) or turning left or right (yaw), or both, the eyes will stay level with each other.

If the head leans left or right (roll), the eyes will tilt. The head will pitch and yaws to view things or as a part of body language, but rolling is usually expressive only, implying ignorance, confusion, or a question.

Eyes will not be level if the camera is at a significant angle above or below the head, due to parallax.

Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 10:22:49 PM
As for the jaw...I hope you know that he isn't canine right? I was afraid that the muzzle may look canineish in the end but decided to experiment on it...for science. But I did notice that canine muzzles tend to go a bit more straight out, feline muzzles tend to slope downward a bit.

Ahem... What must have thrown me off is that when I see a head turned at that angle with a line from the nose to the mouth that's straight, I think "dog."

...The vertical pupils and triangular nose should have tipped me off. What kind of cat were you using as a base?
Actually I was trying to go for the girly looking lion look. So I really wasn't drawing from a base per-say.


Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
Actually I was trying to go for the girly looking lion look. So I really wasn't drawing from a base per-say.
"Inspired by" might be a better term.

As an observation, lions tend to have pretty prominent, round chins, and the fur covers the "top" of the nose.

(PS: If I'm annoying you with my nit-picking, just give me a blast, aright? :3 I'm just sorta brainstorming stuff that might make the muzzle look more feline.)
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...

Arroyo Milori

Quote from: WhiteFox on June 01, 2011, 11:40:02 PM
Quote from: Arroyo Milori on June 01, 2011, 11:11:02 PM
Actually I was trying to go for the girly looking lion look. So I really wasn't drawing from a base per-say.
"Inspired by" might be a better term.

As an observation, lions tend to have pretty prominent, round chins, and the fur covers the "top" of the nose.

(PS: If I'm annoying you with my nit-picking, just give me a blast, aright? :3 I'm just sorta brainstorming stuff that might make the muzzle look more feline.)

Well thanks for your advice : D

Same image, but more to it. Including Tierra and Citrine. : D

More headshot doodles!

Looking back at the Arroyo ones from now, I still think I can do better but I guess its alright for now. The Tierra ones were bleh as well, the last one for Citrine has weird eye alignment issues but nothing that can't be fixed in my sketchbook (though I won't post the revision)