Forum Game: How Would You React?

Started by Orion Asmodeus Dezagrats, December 23, 2008, 01:59:27 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd die. Probably fairly quickly.

How would you react if you came home from college to discover that your uncle had murdered your father and married your mother, and you fell in love with a beautiful girl and mistakenly murdered her father, and then she went crazy and drowned herself? What would you do?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, first I would write it all down and read through it several times. Once I finally figured out exactly what happened, I would probably set about utterly destroying my uncle and then finding a new girl.

How would you react if someone walked into the pub you're eating at, shoots two guys sitting at the back table, then shoots the bartender several times, yelling "IS THIS FUNNY? HUH?! FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY!!!!"


Laugh and say, "Yes it is!" before walking out of the bar casually to call the police.

How would you react if you could suddenly hear so well that a fly in your neighbors house sounds like a 747?


I would be on the lookout for trenchcoat-wearing figures who would show up at night to steal my brain.

How would you react if 3 gunmen burst into your trial as you were about to be acquitted and held 3 guns to your head after reciting some very awesome Last Rites?


um... be splattered across a wall probably...especially since El Duche is holding a 12 gauge

how would you react if you and 1 friend could visit SAIA for an indeterminate amount of time?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Corgatha Taldorthar

I would move in and keep studying there until I dropped dead of old age.

How would you react if you constantly had to endure the company of irritating, slow minded, foul smelling people?
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.


Someone would end up dead.

How would you react if you sprouted wings in the middle of a heavily crowded area?


I would fly. I wouldn't stop until I passed out from exhaustion.

What would you do if it was nine in the afternoon?


I'd wonder how nine became afternoon, and not evening.  Then I'd go to bed and try to catch up on sleep.  Sleeeeeeep.

What would you do if you couldn't sleep (and still needed to). 

Orion Asmodeus Dezagrats

I'd find some chloroform or something and get someone to use it on me.

How would you react if you were suddenly transported into the second scene from Pulp Fiction (the one with that "one tasty burger!" And the guy going "WHAT?" Bam!)?
"There are things in life that we hold dear... Truths that we learn almost since the day we are born... beliefs that are solid as stone .... Then the wind blows a direction it cannot and certainty becomes an echo, and truth is sometimes deceiving."                          --Melpomene, Clan of the Cats

llearch n'n'daCorna

Run out of the toilet screaming and brandishing a large revolver.

How would you react if you found you were wearing plastic pants in your size?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'd wonder how they got there, then, depending on where I was, either change for a pair of jeans or try to call my mom for a pair of jeans or sweatpants.

How would you react if you found you could only speak through a puppet?
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


I'd pick the most annoying voice I had, then move into your house and drive you slowly into insanity. :>

How would you react if you found out 2+2=fish instead of 4?


i would except the fact that FxIxSxH actually = 4

how would you react if you woke up in the morning to find a pickup truck parked in your living room, after crashing through a wall?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'd wonder how I got a living room.  Then I'd wonder how a truck crashed onto a second story building.  After that I'd probably die, because my room can't fit a truck, my furniture, and me all at once. 

What would you do if the only music you could ever listen to from now on was Nightwish's Dark Passion Play album?


I would go deaf, then buy sheet music and substitute that for audio files and such.

How would you react if Alexstrasza suddenly landed outside your window and told you you were needed somewhere?


I'd pack my shiat up. >:3

What would you do for a Klondike bar?


Pay 50 cents, or perform some minor task.  Generally not involving embarrassment.

How would you react if you woke up tomorrow morning and found out you were the last human left on Earth? 


Human? Weren't they extinct for a long time already?

How would you react if you were at a restaurant dining with your friends and suddenly a group of people wearing trench coats and sporting sunglasses (despite it's indoors) approach you and your group?


I'd think, "This should be interesting," as I prepare to have some fun with a steak knife and a fork, just in case. I'd also take note of how many of my friends are doing something similar, and hang out with them more often.

How would you react if the aforementioned group approached you in a restaurant and singled you out as the one prophesied to save their race from an invasion, in front of all of your friends?


Say, without batting an eye, "I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else. I don't have a degree in (xeno)eschatology."

How would you react if you were in this situation and they were convinced they have found the right person?


I would slip my steak knife into my pocket and accompany them to wherever they went, and if there were any funny business I would go down fighting.

How would you react if there weren't funny business, and they actually had the aforementioned problem?


... follow along with their little game, only to plot their demise the first chance i got...

how would you react if 2 sweedish dudes in spandex walked up to you demanding the continuum transfunctioner?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


I'd tell them they definitely had the wrong person, then go to bed. 

How would you react if you'd been up for 24 hours on duty to a club? 


I would stop allowing people in until said club shut down.

How would you react if you were set upon by strangers in suits of armor on your way to the mailbox?

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'd ask them what the hell they were doing in my front hall. And then do my utmost to beat the crap out of them.

How would you react if you found a half a maggot in your half-eaten apple?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I would wonder what I was doing with a half-eaten apple, considering I don't eat them often.

How would you react if Kirby burst into your house, sprouted a mullet, pulled a microphone stand out of nowhere, and began singing?  :kirby


I'd grab my little brother's camcorder and send THAT mess straight to Youtube as proof positive that my favorite video game character really exists.

How would you react if your reactions to emotion-inducing events were switched? (laugh at funerals, cry when someone gets hit in the nuts by an airborne chihuahua, scream and run whenever you see something cute, etc.)
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


i'd be apathetically watching the superbowl, while crying because my friend just decked my roommate for not helping clean my dog and she now needs a change of clothing for helping me... i'd be completely un-interested in trying to get her to stay here and snuggle because i would find her repulsive...

how would you react if you had a video of 3 semi-inebriated college students trying to give an uncooperative 103 pound german shepherd a bath, because the owner of said dog laughed to the point of spraying beer out his nose onto said dog? (yea... it's been way too funny not to share)

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Orion Asmodeus Dezagrats

I'd be wondering what the hell I was doing with said video, as such things ain't my cuppa' tea.

How would you react if you were suddenly told that instant ramen was the healthiest thing on Earth, by a doctor/scientist?
Better yet, what if it was?
"There are things in life that we hold dear... Truths that we learn almost since the day we are born... beliefs that are solid as stone .... Then the wind blows a direction it cannot and certainty becomes an echo, and truth is sometimes deceiving."                          --Melpomene, Clan of the Cats