Ze Amber for Canada discussion thread.

Started by Amber Williams, December 18, 2008, 12:50:23 AM

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Quote from: AmigaDragon on January 13, 2009, 10:28:02 PM
Does US immigration make it any easier for Canadians moving south than Canadian immigration does for Americans moving north?

No idea.  I rather doubt it though.  I was more looking towards the issue of the weather.

Quote from: Valynth on January 14, 2009, 04:00:12 AM
Don't worry, global warming will turn Canada into a tropical paradise any day now...

*tosses "An Inconvient Truth" onto a fire and warms his hands to it*

I know way too many people who hope for that.  Heck, the thought has crossed my mind as I walk to work in -30C weather in the morning.


ahh, an inconvenient truth, every time i think about that i remember Gore with his CGI video of the polar ice caps melting... he says "Do you know what will happen if the earths average temperature rises just a few degrees" as a video in the background shows the north basically turning into a giant blue area(this was in a political science class i had to take last year) at that point i couldn't help myself... so i blurt out "more sailing" apparently to the delight of the class, because everyone started laughing...

after seeing that movie, i felt two urges... number 1, sucker punch gore if i ever see him... abel style, and tell him to shut the hell up... and 2, point out to the world that when that movie was made, earth took a particularly awkward orbit which in turn caused us to be closer to the sun than usual... which in turn meant more heat because of our proximity to that giant ball of fusing atoms was closer than usual... oh and a single volcanic eruption puts more pollutants into the atmosphere, specifically CO2 than the entire human race has in the past decade... MT St Hellen for example, is estimated to have put more CO2 in the atmosphere than the entire human race has for it's entire fossil fuel burning existence...

so yea... while i agree that the human race should be more environmentally friendly, i'd prefer it be in a way where people aren't lead via fear mongering

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



1) Cold weather doesn't mean that global warming is a myth.

2) Just because global warming has issues as a idea set doesn't mean that greenhouse gasses are something to scoff at. PM 2.5 and ground level ozone are a real health risk to quite a few sensitive groups, and with limits becoming more strict also present a much more difficult economic climate for companies in urban areas.  This is a FACT.

3) That's not, in any way, what this thread is about.  We are not going to discuss environmental topics in this thread.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


The short answer to the question about US immigrations is no.  My husband and I married in the US while he was here on a student visa.  This is, of course, was frowned on.  It took us about a year to get the paperwork, medical tests, and various interviews done.  We'll still have to go through another round of paperwork down the road to prove that we stayed married.  We were lucky to work with a kind and compassionate law office team (how often do those words go together?  :erk )

On the up side, they really only care about four things, and I've been promised it's much the same for Canada.  They want to know you won't end up on welfare.  They want to make sure you're not bringing in terribad diseases.  They need you to prove that you're not a criminal.  And they need to ascertain the validity of your stated motives.  That last one is the weird one.  "Do you swear on the religious or philosophical document of your choice that you really, really love Insert Name Here?  Do you mean it?  Huh, do you?"

If it makes you feel any better, I didn't qualify as an economic sponsor for various reasons (being self employed and not having paystubs and stuff).  My mom got to fill out a whole stack of papers and promise her immortal soul for the next ten years (Thanks, Mom!), but they were fine with that. So there's other options if one part of your application gets rejected. As my lawyer said "If you don't have a huge age gap and you're not from a country we're at war with, you'll get approved.  It's just a matter of time and paper." 

Sorry for the wall-o-text as a first post. 

Edit:  I totally failed to mention my husband is Canadian.  What do you mean you can't see my thoughts through the internets??? I took off my tin foil hat just so you could . . .

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tea_Tempest_pot on January 19, 2009, 04:42:50 AM
Edit:  I totally failed to mention my husband is Canadian.  What do you mean you can't see my thoughts through the internets??? I took off my tin foil hat just so you could . . .

Yeah, but my tinfoil hat gets in the way. Otherwise I end up listening to the voices in my head, and they keep telling me to do things that would get me in trouble...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch, that's not true.  Trust me, everything I tell you to do is for the best.  I wouldn't get you in trouble, it's just not like me.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Uh huh. That's what you told me before, and what happened? I ended up being a moderator!

I mean, come on. That's like, deliberately pushing an old lady under a bus or something...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


She deserved it. She was going to separate us. We wouldn't want that, now would we?
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


chhh... old lady under a bus, thats not terrible in any way shape or form.... now pushing someone's loved one onto the freeway for the sheer pleasure of watching them try to save that person... that's downright cruel... and hilarious when they fail miserably

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It should be outlawed to make people wait so long for such paperwork to be revised. :< ;)

Again - Good Luck, Amber! :3
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Good luck Amber.  I can't see anything really going wrong with your paper work but for your sake I'm wishing you luck anyway.


When your paperwork passes with flying colors, we should have a party to celebrate. Maybe I'll make my quesadillas, or perhaps my fried rice, someone else can make or buy the tacos, piza, chips, drinks, etc.

Now playing on Winamp: Emmanuel Chabrier - Bourree Fantasque (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Sorry to hear about the increased stress blocking your creativity. Take all the time you need, we understand and can wait til you get back on your feet artistically.

Now playing on Winamp: Georg Philipp Telemann - Sinfonia Spirituosa (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Well, given that you draw to de-stress and you can't even do that, I'd just find myself a nice warm blanket, a soft couch, some comforting music and a nice cup of tea (flavor is obviously your preference) and just clear your head.  Focus on the music, the warmth and the tea.  If Mason is home, get him to join ya as you probably could not only both use the break but also the comfort from one another.

Just my two cents.


I think a simple long nap when you get back home will do Amber good. It doesn't sound like she's getting much sleep because and I can only Mason being in the same shape.

But it is understanible when you get too stressed on doing something you tend to stop doing other things as the stress builds. But normally some people will take a brake from that stressful situation for a time to rest from this.

However in a situation when your in a rush on a deadline you can't take a rest. So it only natural that you would allocate more of your time to you paper work and watching the clock.

I'm sure you will pass on the paperwork though.

Man I hate stress.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


This just seems to be the month for stress for everyone that I know. I am sure that your paperwork will turn out just fine, but I wish you luck regardless.

I understand about your creativity being blocked by stress. I can only write when I am in a very good mood, even though writing is relaxing to me. That being said, I haven't written very much this month...

Take your time, try to relax a little (there is nothing else that you can do at this point anyway, it is like worrying about a test you've already taken) and know that there are lots of us out here that are rooting for you!

- Schala  :januscat


Amber!  Good luck, rock on, and don't worry.  We <3 you. ;)


Baal Hadad

I just read the note on the main page, and that's really awful to hear.  :(

It would be bad enough going through all that red tape garbage period, worse to have all that prevent you from keeping up with your comic schedule like you want, and perhaps make you feel like you were letting down legions of fans (but most of those care more about Amber the person than Amber the comic artist, I think--and I'm one of them)....

...but the worst one of all, to me, is not to be able to draw the comic as a way to relieve stress--especially just when you most need to relieve stress.  :(

Hang in there, Amber, do the best you can, and hopefully things will work out for you soon....


Dear amber,
if nothing else, i offer my moral support in your time of need... if you feel like your letting us down, your not... The comic is a gift to us, and if it happens to come a few days later than we expect it... oh well, it's still a gift, and it's the thought that counts, not the timing...

I hope all works out for the best... and if nothing else, just remember that in like 5 and a half years, you may want to avoid going to the hospitals in the US... for i will be getting certified around...  :P (terrifying i know)

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


For some reason, I thought that this post wouldn't be complete without an appropriate emoticon.  This while being aware of that by their very nature, "emoticons" usually don't quite carry the appropriate weight for this situation.

Until this post, I didn't know that this one existed:

Except, as you have pointed out, there isn't anything left to do, or anything else that you could have reasonably done, except wait.

Rooting and praying for you.
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Quote from: Mao Laoren on January 29, 2009, 09:54:09 AM
I'd just find myself a nice warm blanket, a soft couch, some comforting music and a nice cup of tea (flavor is obviously your preference) and just clear your head.

Tea may be nice, but this calls for stronger measures... C H O C O L A T E ! !  Rich, smooth, dark, chocolate. :mowcookie
This may sound strange, but I've heard that peas have the same feel-good chemical that's in chocolate. Maybe that's why split pea soup is one of my favorites. :mowhappy

Now playing on Winamp: Peter Tchaikovsky - Symphony No. 2 (Classical Minnesota Public Radio)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Chocolate is indeed good, but I try to avoid sugary stuff when already stressed/upset.  Seems like too easy of a way to set oneself up for panic/anxiety attacks and those can be come quite nasty, particularly if you realize what's happening and then start worrying about that too.


Hooray!!!!! :boogie

I mean, yes, there was a minor paperwork problem - and the thing with the bill - but it's finally over! For now! *collapses* Why am I stressed out? Oh well, at least you can sleep well tonight, Amber. Here, this is for you. :hug Now get some rest.

... actually, what the heck. Hugs for everyone! :hug
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh, ouch.

Bummer, Amber. I hope everything goes okay and it's nothing serious.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

Avatar by Lilchu


Wish him a "Get Well Soon!" from us!

And no, not because that would increase chances for the comic. :3
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


Oh no.  I do hope things work out for you both.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E