Paladin's Shortstorys Web-MA *plus* RJ's Accidental Acquaintance *Updated*

Started by Paladin Sheppard, July 11, 2006, 10:13:07 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

NP JP having spoken to and RP'd with RJ and talked alot to Gareeku I think I'm safe :bat


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 16, 2006, 04:42:27 AM
I've not spoken with RJ much.. is that canon that she's a teacher's aid, or your own interpretation? 

Send me a note then, silly. I'm always there for stuff like this (and anything on that matter).

In the canon RJ is Dr Ink's nurse, but that's about all that's been said.

To clear up where things are in Pal's story and connecting it together, RJ is over 400 years old (actually it's 438 years). She originally comes from an island far off the mainland populated purely by cubi (one of those societies Fa'Lina was talking about). The Joybringer clan is one of the higher-up clans on the island, known for their particular affinities for different elemental magics. RJ was named Raine as she has an affinity for water. Her twin brother Blaze has an affinity for fire.

Anyway, SAIA is considered a kind of off-limits place to those on the island, and as such all cubi training is situated on the island. However, the training isn't as extensive as that at SAIA because of the isolation of the island and their set traditions (also, the training isn't exactly what you'd think it is).

RJ decided to escape and made her way to the mainland. After searching she found SAIA and enrolled. However, RJ isn't the smartest muffin in the basket so she never made much progress (apart from blowing a lot of things up with her elemental magic, which somehow leaks into her cooking...). Luckily she eventually found her calling in healing magic (it was hit or miss at first, let me tell you) and went on to become Ink's aid.

Bleh, I feel I'm getting long-winded here... but basically somewhere before meeting back up with Pal (who she had met when she first enrolled) her brother came for her because there was an emergency on the island. She came back later, but never really explained what had happened. Her brother came back with her though, and has taken up residence within a town not too far from SAIA. He works as a baker there and occasionally comes into SAIA to aid in teaching fire magic to newbies (fire being his forte).

And just to add in more about Pal and RJ's relationship: the two met up when RJ first enrolled. RJ accidentally burnt down a valuable tree and Pal took the blame for it. After that they became fast friends, RJ almost like a little sister at times (she's so immature sometimes). Though through Pal she learnt to act her age a bit more. Then the whole relationship kinda happened through Pal's constant flirting (XD).

And there you have it :P *falls over*


Let me get this straight: When we see RJ in the comic, she is 438 years old?

Paladin Sheppard

well 440 if you go by my time line...


Here, doublecheck my timeline for me. Current comic date is taking place in 06 A.C. while Gareeku's story is currently 02 B.C. or so I believe.

Sucky layout, I know, but it's functional.


 :mowcookie A little extra for all you lovely people!

Accidental Acquaintance

Running feet echoed throughout the empty halls of the SAI Academy. Orange fur and purple hair flashed past a window as golden eyes flickered up towards the sun, checking the time. A feminine hand grabbed at a jester hat as it nearly fell from atop its perch.

"Darn it, I'm late!" exclaimed the squirrel angrily. "And on my first lesson too... oh, I'll never hear the last of it from Ms. Fa'lina if I am! Not after I promised her I'd work hard to catch up with the others..."

Raine Joybringer sighed. Of course she was behind the other cubi at this place... all those years on Sanctuary Island... though she had so many wonderful memories of the place; she felt that it had been a waste. After escaping to find the academy she had realised the elders had it all wrong with their training (if you could call it that). Sure it meant she was stronger in elemental magic than your average cubi, but... it was almost like the elders were-

She gave a yelp of shock as she stumbled over a crack in the courtyard pavement whilst exiting the hallway. The squirrel achingly stood up and hobbled over to a nearby tree to brace a hand against it. Her right hand, sporting a symbol that was a mix between a teardrop and flame, went to her foot and rubbed it tenderly. She cursed herself for being so clumsy.

Suddenly things seemed blurry. The wood underneath her hand crawled as Raine felt a wave of dizziness flood through her.

'No, not now!' She thought, panicking through the sickness that trailed. 'Anytime but now!'


Fa'lina instinctively grabbed onto the edge of her table as a loud explosion shook throughout the grounds.

"What the hell?" The poodle stood up and her thin brows furrowed. "Wonderful... that was the oldest tree in the academy too..."

In an instant, she was gone.


Raine lay sprawled out on the courtyard pavement. She uneasily lifted herself back up, swaying slightly, and unfolded her protective wings from around her frame. Her prized hat was clutched in her grip tightly.

'What have I done?' The squirrel backed away from the scene before her. Pieces of tree and concrete littered the courtyard. Leaves were still fluttering down from the sky, charred and burning.

A voice gave a slight cough near her, grabbing Raine's attention. A towering white and pink poodle stood beside her, looking down with eyes even more golden than her own.

"Ms-Ms Fa'lina..." Raine stuttered, surprised by her sudden appearance. "I-um-er..."

"It's my fault!" yelled a voice from the other side of the courtyard. A brown wolf with blue wings ran over, looking embarrassed. His height was that to definitely rival Fa'ina's. "I'm sorry, Headmistress... I was practising and I kinda... well, went a bit overboard."

The headmistress of SAIA lifted a curious brow at him. "Paladin..." She sighed and rubbed her temples with gloved hands. "I would have expected a lot more from you... I'm disappointed, especially since it's growing closer to your graduation."

"I'm sorry," the wolf incubus apologised again. "I promise to make it up somehow."

The poodle growled agitatedly. "Of course, I will hold that to you. For now, however, I think you should escort Miss Joybringer here to her first class. She is rather late." She gave a glance at the still frightened, yet rather confused-looking squirrel. "Aren't you?"

Raine jumped at the sound of her voice. "Uh, yes! Of course, Ms Fa'lina!!"

The headmistress nodded and looked up at the sun. "Hm, almost time for tea with Ink..." she commented absently, walking off towards the hallway. The two didn't see the secret smile she gave as she disappeared.

"I'm lucky- she let me off lightly."

Raine's headwings were still standing on end as the wolf who had covered her hide grinned. The squirrel blinked and looked up at him. "You didn't have to do that..." she murmured with her eyes full of guilt. "I should have taken the blame."

"Eh," He shrugged casually. "Better me than you. What class have you got first, by the way?"

"Oh, um, Beginners Illusion," she replied. She jammed her hat back over her unsettled headwings and began to follow behind the incubus. She gave a sincere smile at him. "Thanks... for that. If I got expelled from this place, I don't know what I'd do."

"It's no problem," he smiled back. "Oh, forgot to introduce myself. I'm Paladin Sheppard. And your name, miss? I bet it's pretty."

The squirrel blushed slightly. "Raine Joybringer..."

"Yep, I was right. Raine is a very pretty name," Paladin grinned, making the squirrel blush further. "Hm, but Joybringer... there's a clan I haven't heard of," he remarked thoughtfully.

"You wouldn't have really of heard it," Raine replied quietly, an almost saddened tone to her voice. "We don't get out very often I guess you could say."

"Oh?" asked the wolf curiously.

"Um..." started the squirrel, not sure what to say. Suddenly she stopped, nearly bumping into Paladin's arm.

"Beginners Illusion," said Paladin. He looked a little disappointed. "Well, I guess I'll see you later, Miss Raine."

Raine blushed again. "Oh, okay... and thanks again!" She gave a slight wave before going through the door to her class. Inside, someone shouted 'You're late!'

Paladin looked at the door, the curious look spreading across his face again. 'Strange girl...'

He thought back momentarily to outside in the courtyard. He had been passing through a hallway when he had, out of the blue, noticed an orange squirrel lurching over towards a tree. She looked ill as she placed a hand on the tree. Suddenly the whole thing had glowed red before exploding violently. He had only just dived onto the ground when a branch went through the window above him, glass shattering out all over his wings. Getting up without a second thought, he had leapt right through the broken window into the courtyard...

'I'll definitely need to see her again. That Raine Joybringer...'



Heheheheh. I like it. Sounds like Raine must have some power to accidentally blow up a tree. :januscat


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Paladin Sheppard



sorry, but i just got reminded of teh Splodey-head powers when i heard a tree explode XD

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Paladin Sheppard

James StarRunner

*Meanwhile the blue squirrel sleeping in that tree woke up finding himself 20,000 feet into the air and on fire.*

I give it two flaming thumbs up!


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


And the illusions teacher wondered why the new, and late, student smells faintly of smoke.

Great writing both of you.

And those with long memories or to much time on their hands might recall who appeared, albeit briefly, as the illusions teacher during the SAIA rp back on the old forum ;).


Excellent stuff.  Do you think we should have a sort of 'Backstory' thread, where people can fill in their character's details, since RJ's backstory isn't strictly part of Paladin's, although I doubt anyone has an objection to it being there.

Since Paladin has written his in the form of short chunks, I might publish some of mine too, as they are also short chunks.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 16, 2006, 08:31:46 PM
Excellent stuff.  Do you think we should have a sort of 'Backstory' thread, where people can fill in their character's details, since RJ's backstory isn't strictly part of Paladin's, although I doubt anyone has an objection to it being there.

Since Paladin has written his in the form of short chunks, I might publish some of mine too, as they are also short chunks.
i think we should have a character Bio/Background thread. it should be in this area since i consider Creating your own character Art of sorts...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3

Paladin Sheppard

Hell why not use this one! Its already going, all I need is when someone posts something to send me a PM and I'll I'll change the topic header.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Lovely writings from both of you, Paladin and RJ! Both of you need to write more. >.>

Background writings, hmmm? I might do that sometime (after Furrae Chronicles is finished) :) *begins to plan out a story involving the cubi war (that Paladin helped out in)* >_>


nice one paladin.

hm..james, how often is you character in SAIA?  cuse their is a small chance if it isn't to long might know my guy..story wise of course :P

Paladin Sheppard

I know I should leave this up to James but its my thread so I'll take it...
James is an angel not a cubi Tenlaius so he would not have been to SAIA sorry.

James StarRunner

Ya, the tree thing was just a joke. If I did try to sneak onto the SAIA grounds, I'm sure I would have been found and turned into a living punching bag or used as a 'volunteer' for an experiment and/or class.

Paladin Sheppard



Awesome stuff Paladin. As i said on MSN, you're definitely improving! Keep the good work up! :)

Paladin Sheppard

I swear RJs stalking my thread...*watches a jesters hat move across the screen as the jaws theme plays* Eeep! Thank ye RJ and Gareeku!



*Charline sneaks in and chomps RJ*  Mmmm... tastes like short stories.  :meat
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3