The "'Cubi in an RP game" report update

Started by Ranzer, November 12, 2008, 07:26:52 PM

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Even though this is an IRC thing, are any of your sessions recorded? Not sure I want to join, but I may be interested in reading.


QuoteEven though this is an IRC thing, are any of your sessions recorded? Not sure I want to join, but I may be interested in reading.

Hopefully soon we'll have some logs up. I'll tell you when they're posted.

Sorry for the short reply, I'm doing an MSTing.


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: Ranzer on November 22, 2008, 10:57:20 PM

Hopefully soon we'll have some logs up. I'll tell you when they're posted.

Sorry for the short reply, I'm doing an MSTing.
Cool.  I look forwards to reading them.

And what are you MSTing?


As far as I know, IRC channels don't normally log chats, individual users might if they want to save a copy.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

llearch n'n'daCorna

Yeah, but people running an RP will tend to run a bot that logs.

eg, I run a bot on my IRC channel and server that logs all traffic, so if they'd been using my server, I'd have been able to post the logs on an automatic basis.

But I digress.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



QuoteAnd what are you MSTing?

Sorry, no links, as they haven't been uploaded to a website yet. I may revive my old Geocities page from the ashes and slap them on there, though, so I'll give you that link as soon as possible.

As for the current ones, I'm doing two:

"The Eye of Argon" with a friend over IRC, and... *DUN DUN DUUUUUN*

"Blood and Metal". Which has to be the only fic so far that has literally caused me physical pain to read. It's about 3/4 of the way done,
and I will be very, very, VERY happy to see it die.


Quote from: Ranzer on November 13, 2008, 02:34:44 PM
In any case, right now we're taking on a long-buried army of undead, robots, and undead robots. It's about eight versus forty and the forty DO NOT STAND A CHANCE. Fear us. do you have undead robots?  That does not compute  :erk


Quote from: Aleolus on November 23, 2008, 12:07:50 PM
Quote from: Ranzer on November 13, 2008, 02:34:44 PM
In any case, right now we're taking on a long-buried army of undead, robots, and undead robots. It's about eight versus forty and the forty DO NOT STAND A CHANCE. Fear us. do you have undead robots?  That does not compute  :erk

Hark my child, and be wary of the mechanical zombie. Long after the electrons have faded from its circuitry, and all of the processes have vanished from its processor, there is a terrible and evil force that may awaken its gears and electrodes once more, resulting in an hideous abomination to all synthetic kind..


hay u guyz weally need 2 try sum of dis marijuana stuf iz relly gud.


Quote from: Aleolus on November 23, 2008, 12:07:50 do you have undead robots?  That does not compute  :erk

Actually, the first story about robots featured something pretty close to undead robots.

They were made out of some sort of chemical, and when they broke down, they were taken to a stamping mill where (IIRC) the chemical was reclaimed to make more robots.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Okay. So.

After saying a prayer to the Internet and crossing my fingers, I'm going to go ahead and post the link to my MSTings page and hope everything works like it's supposed to.

I apologize if they're not very good. This is the first time I've released them to more than just one or two people, so, uh... boom.

Yes, I realize that I didn't use the original Mystery Science Theater crew. I felt that I couldn't do them justice.
I apologize for the crappy Geocities page. I made it in a couple hours with a stomach bug, so I realize it's not exactly anything fancy.
I'll try to get these two MSTings in progress up after they're finished. Not sure how long that'll take.
I tested the page with Firefox and Chrome and it seemed to work nicely. Not sure about IE.
And finally, if you just want to read the best stuff, just check out "TheSquare Logs" and "The Eye of Argon".

Here's hoping you like them. If I at least get a chuckle or two, I've succeeded.

EDIT: And thanks to my buddy Digi, another one is up at the bottom of the short MSTing section. Check it out, it's pretty funny.


For undead robots, read "The Stainless Steel Leech" by Roger Zelazny (published in The Last Defender of Camelot).
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.



As of this writing, we'll be having a session soon, so check in now if you want to watch.

Details one last time:

IRC Server: Sorcerynet
Channel: #supersmashrpg


Sorry for the lack of talking. Being sick and going on insane tangents with a fever do not a good post make.

Ghostwish, thank you for showing up. Very much.

And now for the report! Or what I remember of it through a feverish haze of delusion and roast beef and stuff.

Del finding out about his shapeshifting by unwittingly turning into his girlfriend in the middle of a snooze;
the resulting scream covering four octaves and ten city blocks;
him being the ONLY one to avoid being shot at by a crazy dude with a Japanese bullet-hell level of firepower;
a thirty-minute argument on the next course of action to take;
five failures in a row on finding the starter of a boat;
Del getting angry enough by the repeated failure to wind up kicking a hole in the side of the boat;
while the boat was at sea;
and finally, the group reaching Kanto of Pokemon fame.


Bwehehehe, you guys have no idea what you're missing. It was hilarious fun just to watch. Seriously, I'll be joining the sessions as soon as I can. Oh, and Ranzer?

Please refrain from kicking any more boats, mkay? :P


QuotePlease refrain from kicking any more boats, mkay?

Maaaaaybe.   :3

In any case, another session shall be coming tonight at 4 PM PST, 7 PM EST.



EPIC REPORT tonight. The setting: the Questers go to Pokemon. Hopefully a full log will be up soon, but in the meantime, session report.

kicking Bug Catchers in the stomach;
punting Ratattas over the horizon;
Jigglypuffs and the incubi they lured to sleep, next on Donahue;
Said Jigglypuff being a pickpocket that began stealing my money;
a massive brawl between a 2000-pound Reploid with a mental disorder and a gun and a tiny 4-ounce pink fluffy ball;
said Reploid nearly getting mauled by Missingno;
life really sucking because WE WERE COVERED IN BEEDRILLS;
a Pokemart getting UTTERLY DESTROYED in the fight between Panzer the Reploid and Jigglypuff the Mighty;
said Jigglypuff VIOLENTLY EXPLODING and hitting me for 50 damage;
people getting hit by flaming debris, falling shelves, and slipping on broken Potion liquid;
Panzer shooting a man for spraying her with Repel;
then going in and stealing a Nurse Joy's cap;
Repels apparently being nothing but strong lemon scent;
trading one skeleton to get both fossils in the Mount Moon tunnel;
skipping fights from Team Rocket in the tunnels via stabbing;
skipping fights from Team Rocket on Nugget Bridge by explosions;
Jesse and James getting an assignment to kill the Questers;
and James getting a telephone base to the face as the session ended.


...Y'know, on second thought, I think I'm probably going to stay away from this RP. Much to insane for me.


Dang, I missed another one.  I want to sit in on the insanity! :<


Sorry for the late short report. I was still shaking off the last bit of that stomach bug, so I had to go to bed early. With that...

Death Egg Madness:

Del shifting into his girlfriend to freak out her one-night crush;
him learning of said one-night crush and getting REALLY angry;
the moment being defused when he learns that she happened to be cracked out of her mind on hallucinogenic coffee and didn't really mean it;
Zero-G madness on the Death Egg, how CRAAAAAAZY;
intergalactic chase scenes;
...and that's where I went to bed. Sorry! *sweatdrop*

Also, if you happen to allow blatant plugs, go find and download the English version of a game called Elonia. It's a very cool open-ended RPG translated from Japanese, with a good bit of Roguelike elements and some insanity from the screwy random item material generator (shotguns made of glass! Swords made of cloth! Pistols made of ROCK!), but it's still worth checking out. And you can get a kitty!  :3



Report of more Eggman madness:

Del nearly killing a ski-masked man before realizing that he was a former teammie;
Giovanni and Mewtwo coming in to get the fossils we had picked up in Kanto;
Mewtwo then stomping all of us and flinging me face-first into a tree;
Giovanni then being punched in the face by the one, the only, DOCTOR IVO ROBOTNIK;
who apparently was NOT dead, despite mountains of evidence that was actually faked;
ALL of our adventures apparently being a cosmic Xanatos Roulette by Robotnik;
Mewtwo finally being free, FREEEEEE AS THE WIND BLOWS;
drifting off into fantasy daydream worlds in the middle of conversations;
head, meet wall, repeat;
the party idiot asking if his shoes could possibly be hacked;
Del finally snapping under the stress of yet ANOTHER army marching in halfway around the world and breaking down into a sobbing heap (which was actually rather disturbing to write);
and the scene closing with the Questers wondering just what to do with about seven or eight situations at once, including a rather untrustworthy ally, above army, and an incubus having a complete and utter mental shattering on the floor.

Interesting night.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


REPORTS REPORTS LOLOLOL why yes I am running out of things to talk about.

HYDRA 'n' seekra:

Ski-mask guy, AKA Garrick, hang-gliding into the middle of a battle with the invading HYDRA enemy squadron (yes, it's a bad pun, shut up);
The OTHER hang-gliding guy, an NPC named Jack, casually letting go of the glider in mid-air to blow up a helicopter;
me calling a general of the army out as being invulnerable to Jack's kill-anything-dead-right-now staff and being right;
Jack then getting manhandled by a guy whose only lines were "...";
Silent guy then getting annihilated by a big freaking lightning gun;
red text people saying stuff that I don't remember;
"My eggs. Your eggs. Egg egg egg.";
Aaaaaand the session finishing with a catatonic Del being dragged onto a boat. Fun times!


Quote from: Ranzer on December 03, 2008, 10:45:10 PM
me calling a general of the army out as being invulnerable to Jack's kill-anything-dead-right-now staff and being right;

A "Kill anything dead right now" staff?
That. is. amazing.



Why would you need to kill dead things? Kill live things, ok. Destroy undead things, ok. But kill dead things?

Now playing on Winamp: Frank Zappa - Brown Shoes Don't Make It (SonicBlu's Time Machine Show - KWKAT)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


QuoteWhy would you need to kill dead things? Kill live things, ok. Destroy undead things, ok. But kill dead things?

Allow me to clarify. This staff does not JUST kill people. It does not blow them up. It simply fires turquoise-colored laser beams that makes anyone caught in them disintegrate and cease to exist. It is the equivalent of cremating someone, running over the ashes with a steamroller (WRYYYYYYYYYY), tossing gasoline and a match on what's left, and then jumping up and down on the flaming bits.

Oh, and it's apparently fueled by souls. Del has competition!


Quote from: Ranzer on December 04, 2008, 11:02:06 AM
QuoteWhy would you need to kill dead things? Kill live things, ok. Destroy undead things, ok. But kill dead things?

Allow me to clarify. This staff does not JUST kill people. It does not blow them up. It simply fires turquoise-colored laser beams that makes anyone caught in them disintegrate and cease to exist. It is the equivalent of cremating someone, running over the ashes with a steamroller (WRYYYYYYYYYY), tossing gasoline and a match on what's left, and then jumping up and down on the flaming bits.

Oh, and it's apparently fueled by souls. Del has competition!

Balefire? >:3


Sounds like another Wheel of Time reader.  :mowwink Though Balefire doesn't just disintegrate now, it destroys the target going back in time (maybe to varying degrees).

Now playing on Winamp: The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset (The Lion's Share - KWKAT)
via FoxyTunes
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Ugh, blargh, sorry I haven't replied for a while. Take your pick from the following list:

1: I have been sick.
2. I have been busy.
3. School has been killing me.

...In any case. In lieu of a report for right now, here are some cracked-out reasons to download and try Elona!


1. "You see here a leatherwork computer."
2. Nuts, when cooked, turn into candy. Including cream puffs.
3. Getting milk from a monster. A MALE monster.
4. Getting wet from rain. While inside a building. Apparently, all roofs in Elona are made of Kleenex or something.
5. Apple pie. WITH NO APPLES.

...Anyways. While it could be described only as "clinically insane", it's still a fun game and you should go download it now.

My apologies for the lame post. I'll try to remember to start taking session notes again.



being attacked by a robot Zangief from Street Fighter;
beating it, only to have it fling its head at us and continue attacking;
the poor lackey of the man we're chasing getting pounded repeatedly by light beams, electricity, and Explode;
the resident ass-kicking black guy, Julian, getting into an epic wrestling match with said robotic Zangief;
the EVIL COMMUNIST RUSSIANS getting their boat wiped out by a tidal wave;
Robo-Zangief following the EVIL COMMUNIST RUSSIANS into the ocean;
Deloth casually whistling "Yankee Doodle" to rub it in;
Robotnik taking over the Egg Carrier via remote control;
"Hands. Off. The ears. And you're messing up my headwings.";
Aaaaand Del giving Robotnik a glare that if looks could kill, would put him in traction for a good six months.


Alright. The big overarching plot of this session is setting up a double-cross with Red Text Guy to stall him for a while. It worked.

Meanwhile, consider this list of reasons for Del's mental instability:

random (to this universe, anyways; they'd be perfectly normal in the DMFA-verse, but THEY don't know that) mutations that possibly could kill him, with no warning;
having racked up about five thousand kills over his services;
constant attacks against the new world that they are in;
having to team up with someone that he knows will betray them, with no alternative, and having him gloat to his face about it;
about ten deaths in this new universe alone;
and not knowing what in the world he is or what will happen next. At all.

The result?

He dragged out a 45-minute argument (real time) about the situation, snapped hard after that, stabbed one of his best friends in the gut twice, pulverized both shoulders bashing against the bars of his holding cell, and continued to do so until the adrenaline wore off and he finally collapsed in a bloody heap out of exhaustion.

...I'm not really sure what to do now, to be honest. He has slipped out of his cell using shapeshifting, though, so we shall soon see.

Ideally, I want the reaction to be something along the lines of  D:  :lynched  :scaredkitty . I love having a big smiley collection on these boards.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh my. So, so long ago since my last post.

Sorry 'bout dat. Between an unplanned early Christmas dinner, illness in the family, a delay last Sunday, and the starting of a Chuck Norris Challenge on Oblivion, I've been reaaaaaaally busy. Please don't kill me.

But. I have a report now. And from now on, I will take notes. I will type them up. I will sit in the computer chair. I will be smart. I will make things go.

Without further ado:

Del getting out of the hospital after his insanity strike;
the group trying to form a plan to find X of Mega Man fame;
and then making a plan to go to SPAAAAAAAACE;
using a missile;
Del finally getting to use his shapeshifting for tactical espionage purposes;
as Vile, everyone's favorite Boba Fett ripoff;
the clan marking problem being solved by the elegant solution of slapping a piece of the REAL Vile over it;
Zero slashing a robot in half with one hit via a very lucky dice roll;
"The robot is pretty much screwed.";
Del revealing himself to be brainwashed, joining the enemy's side, and yelling some of the corniest lines known to mankind;
aaaaand him summoning up a gun to blast away with as his final move before passing out.

I'm beginning to think that Del must be the unluckiest guy in the world after all of this. When the GM remarks that he should reward you for finding the most creative ways to die, you know things are bad.

Merry Christmas! I bring another report, along with cookies!

The group appearing in a festive winter wonderland instead of a war-torn hell after entering a teleporter;
and then finding Santa in his workshop;
Garrick drawing a gun on Del as soon as he woke up;
Del getting a "possession meter" as his present;
and it signaling that yes, he has been possessed by something that is NOT Christmas cheer;
Santa revealing a holiday-themed obstacle course;
bread as weapon;
possession guy taking my turn for me when my connection broke;
skiing disasters, next on Whacked-Out SSQ;
a girl and her Digimon joining us. Feel the love;
a magical hot chocolate dispenser machine;
decorating a Christmas tree as our final challenge;
and said tree giving us a buff for our next fight.