Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

Mel turned away from the door at the burst of magic behind her. "It's worse than we suspected. That only leaves Gareeku and Boogyman in the attic. Aisha, I think you have a wolf to rescue." She started towards the men on the floor then turned back to the girl. "You know these things. Am I right that cold hurts them?" The girl nodded her head in a broken necked way which Mel interpreted as a yes. "Once I am done here you will have all the cold you need."

She knelt next to the Admiral. "I suppose your healer beds will work better without all this metal. Would you send your armor back to it comes from?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Karl: very well...Emerald Armor, Disengage!

*Karl's armor powerdowns back into bracer form*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


Karl said it protects form, possession or was that soul erasure? I'm not sure at the moment so you can ask him." he turns to me. "Mel i think i should go ahead. watch over the wounded and please be careful." "Take care of them if battle comes here Karl." with that parting statement E steps on of the mead by and makes his way to wards the attic.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Mel Dragonkitty

"Luckily we have enough beds unbroken," joked Mel as she helped the Admiral up. "Go ahead and lean on me. I may be one of the smallest dragons but I'm still much stronger than my size would suggest." She got him sitting on the beds and turned to help the other two. "Why don't you introduce me to our new arrivals since it seems I'm playing nurse."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Karl: The Klingon/hedgehog cross is Ian...While the robot with the Arctic wolf Alt mode is Artemis Magnus; who by the way is the son of the Autobot second-in-command, Ultra Magnus.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel smiled at both as she checked the readouts on the beds to make sure the abused machines were actually doing something. "Honored, I'm sure." After checking all the readouts a second time she said, "Why don't you tell me what's going on upstairs."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

((If the events of my post seems a bit outdated, forgive me...I've been sick and was too lazy to try and keep up with all the posts.))

Having ignored most of what was going on in the medbay while she gathered herself a little bit more, Aisha finally quirked an ear at Mel's statement.  The battle upstairs was heated, and she knew that it would be appreciated that she'd go and fight...and with Stygian's and the girl's predicament sated, all that was left was driving those angel creatures back into the pit from whence they came.

Or at least, to find out what they were doing in this dimension.

Reaching for her boomerang, her hand stopped in midair.  I came here to run from them...ay basura!  What a predicament.  I might just have to face this again.

The felid sighed and grabbed her weapon.  If Gareeku had gone into that form of his, he would definitely need help...not to fight, but to come back, if he even survived.  And Lord only knew what Karl was dishing out this time.

With a hearty leap, the girl pulled the hood of her red cape over her head, the similar-colored eyes the only thing showing beneath the shadows, and dashed out the door and through the hallway towards the stairs...

...Where even now the loud sounds and rough cries of the valiant warriors above were already again hurting her ears...

To her horror, the place was being ripped to shreds, something she surmised before even stepping foot into the dark and dusty attic.  This time she was going to make sure everyone whom wanted to left the house alive.  Aisha took the stairs two by two, slammed into the room, and let the boomerang fly in a surprise attack towards the enemy.  It was too late to stop Gareeku now...the panther thought that even her own presence wouldn't faze the wolf.  It was best that for now she stayed out of his way, at the same time fighting alongside him.  To her surprise, even the other stranger was there.

"Thought you had lost me, angeles de cielo?" she mocked with a fanged smirk over the sounds of a whizzing blade.  "I was warming up."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Gareeku smiled evilly at the angel in front on him, his fangs bared in a sinister grin as he began to walk forward, his wings again morphing into menacing tentacles. The smile came even more apparent when Aisha's boomerang whizzed past him towards the "angel", licking his lips in an almost hungry-like manner.

"How I will enjoy thissssss..." he hissed as he continued to advance towards the "angel".


From above, an angelic woman holding some sort of spear dove for Aisha, aiming for her head. She did not get closer than three feet or so though, before a black spike from below skewered her and sent blood splattering and sparks flying everywhere. The girl possessed by Stygian made its way up from beneath the scene, leaping up and then stopping to the side of Aisha whilst looking at Gareeku and the angel.
   "He doessn't know what he'ss doing. If the Kyriote beleivesss it'ss mission to be beyond completion, it will ssself-desstruct. Isss there any waay of getting him out of the way?" she asked.


*hearing the dragon's question, Karl answers Mel the best he can*

Karl: It seems that a group of Borg-like creatures that look like angels have invaded through a tear in the attic...though I doubt they are really angels...these things fight like Aparoids.
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

llearch n'n'daCorna

*leans head in the door*
*looks around*
*sidles off to find a safe couch to hide under*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


The angel-woman, getting up from a kneeling position and clutching with her hand at her chest, where something seemed to have burned her, bared a set of fangs in a soundless growl and lunged for Gareeku, spear-like tips of her silvery "wings" hovering about her and aiming for his vital organs. Her voice rang out, strong, clear and as beautiful as it was cruel, in the minds of all those present.
   "Nostro ira est vehementi! You have no right to stop us, beast! We will make you pay!"
   Red crackles of lightning charged the air and made hairs stand on edge. The swipes of silver wings and the trample of feet and cracking and crumbling of wood and stone seemed like a thundering chorus, accompanying and accentuating the battle. And there was a sound, just on the edge of hearing. A whisper.


E has reached the attic and opens the door. it is oddly surprised that he did not run into opposition alone the way. he opens the  door his visor down and his eyes scanting the area.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

topher chee

*looks around after he observed the talisman.  He then looked up and asked, "Anything I can do anything..?"


((OOC: Still waiting for Gareeku's attack. The angels seem almost dead or dying by now. Could anyone please do something? Perhaps shoot someone in the head? Or maybe butt in and try to say that we should all be friends? *snicker*))


(ooc i'm still trying to figuehr out here i need to be to help)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

Aisha deCabre

((Well, I'll keep going, but let's hope we're not treading on dead air.  :3 ))

Aisha's boomerang flew back to her hand, having only nicked its intended target as she dodged away from Stygian's sudden rising from out of nowhere.  She shuddered as the spear aimed for her head bounded aimlessly away.  Keep your eyes open, Aisha!  What are you, a cat or a mouse?

She glanced back towards the possessed girl at her side, shaking her head at his comment if it had meant Gareeku.  "I'm afraid that once he gets so determined as to resort to that form, there's little use trying to get him out of any way.  Let him deal with the angel woman for now.  I'll help with the cavalry.  The attic will be blown to kingdom come at this rate."

The pantheress leaped around the fray nearby, always staying close enough to keep an eye on the girl and Gareeku.  She slashed and dodged at any weaker angel-bot she came across with the smell of blood high on her nose.

"Dioses nos ayudan...gods help us," she muttered between breaths.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Hissing and snarling menacingly, the transformed wolf used his tentacles, wrapping around the angels' wings and preventing them from reaching their intended targets.
"Sssssstupid bitch!" he snarled angrily, before using the couple of remaining free wing tentacles to try and stab the creature in the heart and head, as well as swinging in a clawed fist, aiming to bury it deep within the angel's gut.


Snatching an attacking angel from the floor with a set of sharp tentacles, Stygian made an irritated growl. It would have thought more of the girl, but then again these people didn't seem that very scientifically-minded. Well, In a world of magic, what else could one expect?
   "You don't sseem to undersstand. That thing iss powerrful, perrrhaps powerrful enough to keep away from him long enough to complete its termination ssequence," Stygian said, taking Aisha's back. "Its blood and its core teem with powerr. Power that such a pyrrhic attack would releasse." It turned against Aisha again, looking gravely at her. "And iff We were revived by so little blood from a lesserr angel..." It let the rest of the sentence remain unsaid.

Gareeku's tentacles took, ensnaring the woman and impaling her heart. Yet she caught the tip aimed for her head, and the next second another shockwave tore into the wolf and sent both him and her sprawling, still entwined in a lethal embrace. Her voice was gibberish now, a cacophony of screaming voices inside his head that seemed to want to claw his mind asunder.
   "WiCkEd... Mur... dESt... JUstI... aAaERg... fAAtu... diE... Ki... dIIE...!"


Gareeku growled and snarled, his eyes closig tightly as the voice of the angel tored into his mind, causing him great pain. With a roar, he then suddenly bit into the angel's neck, clamping his jaws down as tight as he could as blood splattered onto his face. Putting a clawed hand to the angel's chest, his hand was then engulfed in an aura of dark magic as he prepared to suck whatever there was from the creature he was entangled with.

Mel Dragonkitty

"Topher, can you help Admiral Karl and his friends? They should be healed shortly. I'm going to sneak up to the attic and see if I can cool things off."

She quickly and quietly exited the medbay and up the hallway to the attic door. As she opened the door she looked down at herself. White was not a good color to wear while sneaking around a dusty attic. She sizeshifted herself down to the size of a housecat and put an illusion spell on herself so she resembled a black and grey tabby. It was unlikely anyone would notice a lost mouser in the middle of a battle. She ran up the stairs and almost ran into e standing just beyond the stairs. Mel looked around, there wasn't much left of the attic. But there were lots of piles of rubble about. Slinking around e she insinuated herself into a hole in one of the larger piles to get a good look around. She pinpointed both angels and allies then began her first spell. "I think all these hot tempers need a little cooling and if there is one thing ice dragons know about, it's cooling things off."

The temperature in the attic began to drop rapidly, despite the missing roof. Mel kept an eye on the nearest angel. "If that slows you down enough that I can get good aim you can have an icicle halo."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha paused in her attacks, relieved for the slight breath and also to think on what the girl said.  The dangerous eyes met her own seemingly unnatural red-hued, and what Stygian said seemed to suck into her brain.  It was true of course...the good side was being a little too cocky.  Aisha was perhaps only lucky to be alive still, more lucky than Gareeku was probably to be in a few minutes. The intonation stuck to her heart.

She glanced towards Gareeku and Stygian and back again while drawing the dragon blade from her belt in her right hand.  Her lips were at an uneasy snarl, so overly tired of this battle, her body temperature so high with the physical strain that it would have been mistaken for a fever...let alone could she feel the room's temperature drop.

"Well, what do you propose we do then?  'Cause I don't see anyone else coming up with something smarter than the old 'kill it if it moves' strategy."

When another angel lunged at Aisha from behind, she swerved and impaled it through the heart with her sword.  "Case in point..." her eyes rolled.  "Maybe you can eat more of them."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"We were about to..." Stygian began. But as it turned its head against Gareeku, it stopped. Its acid-green pupils, set amid gleaming black, grew so small that they wouldn't have been visible were it not for their glow.

The moment Gareeku tasted the angel's blood on his tongue, pain and pleasure so strong it seemed insane wracked his body. It melted in his mouth, eating through his throat and sending millions of tiny sparks of pain down his windpipe and up his nose, and a biting cold spread through him. It felt like he was drinking liquid nitrogen. Jolts of power wracked his body and made him spasm like he was being electrocuted, which in a sense was exactly what was happening. The angel-woman's shrieks were overwhelming, and she twitched and jerked in his grip, clawing and stabbing his back and arms over and over again. But Gareeku hardly felt it, and the wounds were closing fast, much too fast even for his feral cubi form.
   A white and yellow glow, with hints of flaring red to it began to envelop both of them, and slowly they lifted from the floor.

Stygian dove for the floating pair of creatures in front of it. What was going on, it had no idea of. Was the angel consuming the wolf or the other way around? Were they both going to blow? Why was this even happening?! Forming up tentacle spikes around the girl's right arm and gathering what power it had left before it all deteriorated, it leapt aiming at the angelic woman with one last thought; We should have just left with the pizza...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel could hear screaming but couldn't see what was happening from her perch amidst the shattered beams. She would just have to attend to what she could see and hope that whatever the shouting was about took care of itself. Dropping the room to freezing didn't seem to be having the desired effect and she didn't dare drop it much further. She couldn't remember just how much cold people could take without dying, since keeping people alive wasn't really taught in school. She'd have to use a more selective spell. The angel nearest her was treated to a more direct beam of cold. It jerked once and tried to turn around but Mel had enough millenia behind her that her magic was fast as well as powerful. She kept the cold up, hearing the little pings and pops that told of mechanical bits suffering. Finally it reached the desired temperature and Mel picked up a hard little bit of the rubble near her. She flung the little rock and was rewarded with the angel shattering like glass.

With a little giggle she scampered deeper into the maze of debris until she could see if her position had been spotted.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


*Karl was unconscience in the Medbay when voices started to sound in his head*

???: Wake up, mortal...Your friends are in danger!

*Karl turns around to see a familiar dark figure*

Karl: This can't're my demonoid half!

*the figure, wearing black/violet armor with black trenchcoat, had black feathered wings and multiple 4 horns that usually don't show in the physical plane*

Fal'dev Karl: True...but things are about to take a turn for the worse if you don't wake up and help your friends. Besides, you must preserve the get back up there and save the day...

*Karl heads for a door that's reads "conscienceness level"*

Fal'dev Karl *to himself*: even those of us that are the darkness must follow the laws of balance...

*Karl wakes up to a beeping sound, which cometh from the Bed's monitor that indicated "fully healed"*

*Karl notices someone in the corner*

Karl: How long have I been out?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

llearch n'n'daCorna

The answer is always either:
  "Not long enough" *thwap*
  "Too long" ... and a long and involved story explaining everything that has happened, developed, and gone wrong, while you were out.

Which would you like to purchase today? :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Stygian hit the glowing figures and tore into the angel-woman like a freight train, darkness and fluorescent green fumes enshrouding its current body. Its claws and sharp tentacles raked both Gareeku and the her, spattering blood everywhere, but it was the woman that it grabbed from behind and ripped into, tearing asunder her wings and crashing down on the floor below while the glow around them all kept growing brighter. Against the now almost completely dark evening, hues of red, yellow and green played across the room amid swirling shadows and crackling bolts of power. Stygian seemed to scream in union with the woman, their voices multiplying and falling into the whisper that had grown into a shrieking chorus, a crescendo of screams that accentuated and amplified each other polyphonically.
   The air, the ground, everything began shaking, and the green light slowly took over, burning and sending out emerald strikes of lightning that tore up holes in the floor around them. The air was rushing around the place, whipping up the chill that Mel had lain on the room and mixing it with heated gusts and acrid fumes that burnt noses and stung eyes.


llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


(OOC: how did you guys like the Dialogue between me and my other self?)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


((OOC: Meh. It was. Dunno about the whole "saving the day" thing. I don't go for that stuff. Inexplicable at the moment. But I suppose you'll fill us in later. And yes. Yes, it does hurt. Lots and lots.

To set the right mood for this scene, find a really masterful full-blown baroque chorale piece accompanied by a blasting organ and play it right to the finale crescendo.))