Character Lounge

Started by Kio, July 10, 2006, 11:49:25 PM

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“Wait a second. Why am I trying to make up ways for him to get out of this? He wanted a girlfriend and, well, here’s his golden opportunity,” Sylver thinks, “He may be too shy to make the first move, but I don’t think that will be a problem.”

I myself do not know what to feel. Should I be happy or afraid?

“This Shivara girl; she any good at Smash Brothers or Soul Calibur?” May asks.


*Shivara come walking in and notices Stygian*

Shivara: Well hello, good looking...*she winks at him*
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


*OOC: I’m assuming that she is far over IC Joat’s age, since she is the older sister of a married woman.*

Sylver looks disappointed. I look a bit relieved. “She wouldn’t flirt with a minor like me, I’ll bet,” I think.


(OOC: how old is IC Joat again? or did you put it in?)
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


*OOC: Fifteen years old. For future reference, my other three characters are 0 (Sylver), 10 (May), and 21 (Valencia)*


(OOC: thenhe won't be approached until either he's 16...or 18 years of age [by Shivara])
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius


May has switched back to the Smash brothers game.

“Okay, this headache is really starting to get annoying. Can you reactivate that mind-shield thing?” I say to Sathariel.

“When did it wear off?” Sylver asks.

“About the time that Valencia returned to, well, as normal as she gets,” I answer.


"Nice costumes, Styg," Boogey chuckled, "But seeing as my form isn't quite so elastic as yours on the fly, methinks I should make myself something. We got any cloth and such anywhere?"


“Wait a second! Maybe you could use my TF bracers. All you have to do is put them on and say the form you want. For example, for the wolf-being form, you would say, ‘activate form 000000’. I memorized all the codes for all the forms, so if you wish to use the bracers, just tell me which form you want and I’ll give you the code,” I say.

Aisha deCabre

Watching Gareeku joke around, Aisha had to laugh as she gave his hair a playful ruffle, with a warm smile directed at him.  "No evil shall get you while I'm around," she retorted in her best "hero" voice, which didn't work too well as it ended in a loud snort of laughter.  She leaned comfortably against the wolf and watched the newest guest walk into the room.  The more the merrier, I suppose.

The panther couldn't recall when she had this much fun...even with anybody.  In her mind, there was something that willed her to pray for nothing more to go wrong with the house, or anything of that nature.  There was a stolen glance at Stygian...was it only hours ago that they were fighting him?  But now he was one with the rest of the guests as they forgot their troubles.

"Yo pienso, this is probably the wierdest day in the history of wierd days..." she muttered with a shake of her head.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Hearing Aisha put on her heroic voice, Gareeku laughed, looking at her with a warm affectionate smile before gently wrapping an arm around her as she leaned on him. Nuzzling her softly, Gareeku also observed the newcomer enter the room.

She certainly doesn't waste any time... Gareeku thought to himself with a slight grin as he observed how the newcomer had immediately begun to hit on Stygian. Hearing Aisha's words, the wolf smiled down at her.
"Hehehe, very true. It had been rather interesting to say the least." the wolf replied with a soft laugh, before looking at her with a loving smile as he stroked her cheek. "But with the way things are, I wouldn't have it any other way."


“Weird and crazy are the best inventions since, well, ever!” I say.


"I'll pass on those bracers; part of the fun of a costume is making it yourself," Boogey grinned, "Well, if we don't have anything here I'm heading back up to the attic to see if there's any sewing stuff and all that there. Styg, you didn't change that in any way I should know about? Invisable bear traps, flesh eating bacteria, politicians, whathaveyou?"


May is, of course, soundly beating Mario, Link, and Captain Falcon as Samus. While she is doing so, she chants in a mysterious language.

“Alright. This headache is definitely getting to me. Anybody got an aspirin?” I ask.

My headache disappears just as May stops chanting. “Will a mental ward do?” May asks, smiling.


Stygian just smiled at Shivara when she walked in. As the stereo began playing a salsa, he made some quick steps, snapped up a drink from the table, then spun across the floor and swung her with him, dancing her around until they were at the end of the sofa. There, he leaned her down on his arm, while offering her the glass with the other.
   "Welcomes, sis! Have a drink, a seat and a time!" he said, then without further words let her go, and turned to the Boogeyman. "No change but the appearance. Oh, one thing; I did add a lot of bats though."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel rolled her eyes at the antics of the fox-cubi. Some species were so susceptible to their own propaganda they became parodies of themselves. Mel stood with her empty dish, smiling. Watching the walking comedy act should at least prove amusing. As she carried the dirty dish to the kitchen she paused by Sathariel and whispered, "I think a walking encyclopedia of behaviors for you to avoid if you wish to be liked just arrived. Take notes."  She proceeded to the kitchen, happily humming along with the music.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

"Hm, Mr. Charm over there as usual," the panther smirked, watching as he swung Shivara around in a dance.

Aisha laughed softly at the wolf's statement and affectionately nuzzled his hand back...she admired how Gareeku always seemed to have an optimistic outlook, which lately it had become almost impossible for herself to have.  The panther finally decided to dismiss the matter and focus on the party...and of course, be happy that she was with the one she loved.

"I wouldn't have it any other way either," she whispered in comfirmation and leaned her head on Gareeku's arm while watching the other guests amusingly.  Her tail tip flickered in time with the music while the games were still there for people to play.

"I wonder if there's a DDR pad there somewhere.  Peh, not like anyone here'd outdance us anyday..." she smirked.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Stygian shook in time with the dance, and made fast steps on the floor, combining them freely with a few little one-hand stands and more gymnastic moves. It wasn't really salsa, but then again he wasn't really a salsa dancer.
   Then, as Aisha made her comment, his ears twitched, and he turned around, the tip of his fluffy tail wagging. His face was a sly grin.
   "Oooooooh...? Is that a challenge, chica?" he practically purred.


“Indeed. If you want a challenge, well… be careful what you wish for. I’ve never done DDR before, but dancing is something I can do,” I say.


Shivara: pretty good salsa dancing...but can you tango?
I'm a Skype User.
Skype Name: Karaius

Aisha deCabre

Quirking her eyebrow at the sudden way Stygian had reacted to her statement, as well as Joat's piping in, Aisha couldn't help but laugh.  Perhaps, she thought, it would liven things up for everyone to dance.  And anyway, the panther wasn't one to resist the call of a challenge, even if she was the one that instigated it.

"Maaaaaybe."  She drew the word out with a teasing grin, looking at Stygian and everyone else who'd be in on the challenge.  To the rhythm of the salsa music, Aisha snapped her fingers like she were holding castonets.  "No es solamente un reto, pero es la verdad."  (It's not only a challenge, but a fact)
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


After translating that on my laptop, I say, “Nay. It is merely a hypothesis unless it is proven, which will never happen. Quite the opposite, in fact.”


"Oh, shut up you!" Stygian laughed, softly slapping Joat on the head in a still friendly but clear gesture. "I think this calls for a contest!" He clapped loudly, and then made his way over to the gaming systems. He eyed them curiously, squatting down and laying his hand on the Playstation 3, and humming to himself.
   "Yes, that's one... hmm... Let me have a look..." he said, and then surprisingly did not try and break open the console, but instead reached for Joat's head. He placed his paw on the boy's hair, and a tingling, crawling feeling spread through Joat's skull for a second, while he found himself thinking of DDR and then dancemats, dancemats... all about dancemats.
   Then, as quickly as he had grabbed the boy, Stygian let go and reverted to his normal form, and whipped up that watch of his out of his pocket.
   "Really frivolous use of something so valuable, but since you seem to be able to use it casually..." he said lowly, while swiftly turning the myriad of dials on the little thing forth and back, while it pulsed a slight green glow. Then, he jumped back to his feet, and went over to open a cupboard. Inside were a pair of dancemats and a copy of DDR. Without further wait he hooked them up to the Ps3 and the excessive media system, placed the CD in, and switched on.
    "Let's start out with something beaty to work up... saaay, 'Burnin' the Floor' on standard?" he said, turned to Aisha with a smile on his lips. "Or would you and G over there rather do 'Destiny Lovers'?" he said, grinning deeper.


Quote from: Joat on December 16, 2006, 11:24:18 PM
May is, of course, soundly beating Mario, Link, and Captain Falcon as Samus. While she is doing so, she chants in a mysterious language.

“Alright. This headache is definitely getting to me. Anybody got an aspirin?” I ask.

My headache disappears just as May stops chanting. “Will a mental ward do?” May asks, smiling.

*OOC: Whatever that mental trick on IC Joat was supposed to do, it didn’t work at all. The mental ward can’t tell benign influences from harmful ones, so it blocks them all.*


Quote from: Joat on December 17, 2006, 02:17:44 PM
Quote from: Joat on December 16, 2006, 11:24:18 PM
May is, of course, soundly beating Mario, Link, and Captain Falcon as Samus. While she is doing so, she chants in a mysterious language.

"Alright. This headache is definitely getting to me. Anybody got an aspirin?" I ask.

My headache disappears just as May stops chanting. "Will a mental ward do?" May asks, smiling.

*OOC: Whatever that mental trick on IC Joat was supposed to do, it didn't work at all. The mental ward can't tell benign influences from harmful ones, so it blocks them all.*

((OOC: Do mental wards have experience? Is magic absolute, or does it abide the laws of existence where certain things break under pressure or open when cut? Be a bit thoughtful. Stygian does not have magic at his calling, but he has other tricks...))


*OOC: It works like this. It’s either on or off. There is no way to get past the ward without destroying it. The spell is only as strong as its caster (which is, in this case, pretty strong). If a mental influence is strong enough, it can break the ward and destroy it.*

*OOC: Just so you know, Sylver’s mental resistance works a bit different. it is truly impossible to do anything to his mind that he doesn’t want to happen, no matter how strong the influence is (even gods cannot break this defense). However, no extra effort is required to do something to his mind that he WANTS you to do.*


Boogey nodded and started heading up the stairs. Reaching the attic and keeping an eye out for said bats (hoping that they were the small, fun kind and not winged basement rats, who may not be kind to intruders) he rummaged around until he came upon a sewing kit and a box of old rags and such. A couple seconds of thought, and he grinned and got to work.
When he came back down, he was wearing a white frock that looked like it was made of some manner of canvas, fake bloodspatters, and had used the remains of a cardboard box and some paints to make a pyramid shaped mask/helmet (it had no visable eyeholes, but whether this was the results of a lack of neccessity or simply absentmindedness remained to be seen). He was even making similar sounds to that of a certain well known videogame monster.
The effect was rather ruined by his refusal to abandon his hat and tweed coat though.
"So, I heard mention of videogames earlier?" he asked, his voice muffled slightly by the helmet, "Who's winning?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel returned from the kitchen to find everyone clustered around the entertainment center. She reclaimed her chair outside the danger zone but perched on the back for a better view. Sathariel was nearby. "Stygian says you learn easily. Perhaps you can beat them all if you try. You were pretty fast and agile outside earlier."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian turned and eyed the Boogeyman up and down with a pleased look. He chuckled slightly, thinking that in a fashion, that costume really suited him.
   "We haven't really gotten to it yet, but we'll see. And that's just one representation of the unliving, mind you..." he said with a smirk.

   Sathariel blushed at Mel's remark, but when looking at the entertainment system a kind of gleam lit her eyes, and it was with obvious interest that she looked at the devices by the wall.
   "I wouldn't know about..." she began. Then she looked a bit nervous again, and grabbed Mel's hand. "Do you think they'll let me play? Really?"

((OOC: Then consider the mental shield broken. If there ever was a certain someone who should fear Stygian, then it would be the magician...))


Sylver overhears this and says to Sathariel. “Why wouldn’t they? They’re not exactly being exclusive about this. I’d bet they’d even let me play if I wanted to; and I dance like I have two left feet.”

May gives Stygian a very angry look and begins to chant the spell again. After she is done, she looks quite tired.