The Wastelands [Closed-RP]

Started by Arcalane, July 09, 2006, 05:17:47 PM

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"Ha!"  Hayden declares, with perhaps too much enthusiasm, "this should be interesting to say the least."

Hayden walked straight out, his coat flowing in the wind.  Well, there wasn't a wind, but it was still flowing dramatically.  He's just wierd that way.

"The nearest military installation it is then.  Wonder if it would be worth it to investigate the hospital?"
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"If there's anyone else out there, the hospital would be a fine place to look. Military installation might hold some evidence as well."


After his eyes become accustomed to the light, Malakin studies the landscape.. The place is wrecked, nothing like he remembers it, or even would have imagined it would look like.. But after the brief shock of the sight, the excitement quickly returns to him.
"Hah, this is so cool! Its like one of those movies, but with a much larger effects budget!"

After a short time exploring the local surroundings, Malakin notices a new waypoint on the HUD to the east, turns and runs off towards it..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.



There's not much to see... whoa, hold up there. You can see movement. Atop one large, tall building, you catch a glimpse of some humanoid-ish (barely) figures. There's 3 of them, and they look like soldiers. They're too far away to call to, and there's something... unusual about them. They don't -look- friendly, and you can tell that from here. They haven't noticed you yet. It's obvious that they're looking for something from up there, but you can't tell what.

~~Everyone Else~~
You lot are either hanging around or making your way east, which is also towards the military base.

Paladin Sheppard

Bringing up the rifle Pal atempts to get a better look at the group with the scope. "Contacts..Three...Most likely hostile" Pal says into the boom mike on the headset, thinking about it he puts a new waypoint up where he can see the figures with a red tag.


Parsons keyed his radio. "Yeah, uh, need any help over there?" He loaded his only clip into his rifle.


Malakin skids to a stop, scattering dust into the air... He unmutes his microphone..

"Uhh, can you give a better SITREP than that? We don't want to make any enemys so soon.. If you keep an eye on them, we will regroup and come at them from another direction, try to talk to them, however if anything goes wrong we will be able to catch them in a crossfire.. Hayden probably should be the one to talk to them... What do you guys think?"
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Jonathan surveys the area with brief glances, scanning only for working mechanical parts, barring those that have been obviously crushed beneath debris. He had remembered to visit the police station, which was as portrayed earlier, in the general path; to the east. As he had recalled, all police droids were to be offlined, disarmed and dismantled. Fortunately, the latter never happened for most droids as the government turned it's attention to evacuation -- the exchange of nuclear arsenals came sooner than they thought. There might also be remnants of weaponry there. Stun weapons, yes, but perhaps easily modified.

This is far enough from the bunker.

He brings out his rubix cube, and promptly clicks a few moves into place, with one block in the upper-middle of every face a different color. The familiar snowflake flickers again; and his holographic data assistant, a feline woman with white hair and fur, white eyes and a white dress, snowflakes--military grade ICE programs in the form of shimmering snowflakes whirling about her feet. She is every cryptographer's nightmare.

"Frost," he addresses her. "I need a high definition telemetry scan of the city, try to patch into every commercial and military SATCOM* that hasn't been blown up during the war and go from there. If you can't get a good image from the radiation, try to match different scans and create a better image."

Screw the bunker's satlink.

Jonathan suddenly takes notice of the ongoing commotion for one brief second, then loses interest.

((*Satellite Command))
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Hayden heard chatter over the comlink and took it out of his pocket and put it to his ear, "sitrep... what is that?  Situation Report maybe?  What is going on... Hayden should do what now???!!!"

The canine-like creature's ears drooped, Great... either they value my personal skills, or I'm seen as the only expendible asset.  Yup, it's got to be the second one... after all who would take someone who looks like... 16 seriously.

Hayden watched Miller and noted the faces pushed, uploaded and filed.  The data-assistant was a nice touch.  "Oh!  look at all that Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics... very pretty, not bad for an external device."

Hayden began approaching Paladin's location, somewhat faster then the others.  He switched to telescopic and focused on the building top, trying to get a better look at these 'soldiers'.  He mumbled to himself,  "I hope they are armed with low velocity and mass matter projectile weaponry."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Malakin watches Hayden run off ahead and follows..

"Out of the two particularly smart people here, you are both less threatening and no where near as annoying.. Also it allows the people with more experience shooting stuff to get into better positions.. Just make sure you have something to jump behind if the **** hits the fan..

Of course we could allways just avoid them, but we will have to interact with other people out here at somepoint.."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


After standing still and looking around a bit more, Dus`Su started moving again quickly catching up with the party. Systems analysis: Fully operational energy 170%, Terrain type: Gravel, dust, stone, asphalt. Current situation: Low ground. Once He reached Paladin He looked up himself. Zooming in to about 16× He had no need to count their nosehairs. Confirmation complete: 65% chance of Hostility Dus`Su stepped backwards with intent to find a better location which to observe the Pre-Hostiles with. "Observation: Need to acquire higher ground." One of his camera's was already searching the area to find almost actual or higher buildings.Display: Best observation location within small radiusHis build in climbing gear was becoming to become more usefull now.


It's hard to get much clearer on them, but they appear to be wearing some -heavy- armour. At least two are toting some fairly hefty looking weapons, too. The third is smaller, lighter, and probably the leader, or an engineer/scientist.

What can be accessed is pretty poor, and without the heavy array of the Bunker's Sat-Link to recieve as much data as possible, the task is rather futile.

When the 16x zoom goes on, it becomes apparent that they aren't even alive. They seem to be factory-built, repainted (in black, with orange markings here and there) and customised `mechs. One of the two main units has an HMG underslung, rightforearm, whilst the other has a "Support"-class Heavy Laser under it's left arm. It's obvious that one is for anti-infantry whilst the other is anti-vehicle, but split up, the latter is helpless.


Which is a fine time for them to spot you. Not like they could fail to notice all that movement down there. The 'leader' moves to the edge of the building and calls the other two over. They appear to be discussing what to do at the moment, but hanging around may not be wise. They are not engaging actively in hostilities, so plan carefully. Potential allies, but also potential enemies.


Parsons hit his radio again.
"Shepard, what are you folks seeing down there? Because, if it's anything beyond your firepower, I suggest you pull back, and fast."

He started walking toward them to get a better view with his scope.


"Multiable Units identified as droid mechs seem to be factory-built, repainted. One of the two main units has an HMG underslung, rightforearm, whilst the other has a "Support"-class Heavy Laser under it's left arm. "  Hostility factor rising adjucted

"Warning, units have detected our presence! Suggesting: Retreat."

Dus`Su stood there staring at the 3 talking droid mechs. Analyzing them. If thier not in for war they will likely not attack us out of fear. We aren't a threat to them. He layed his gun onto the ground. He rose his hand and waved. "We operate in peace!!!"


Parsons set his radio to "all scan", to see if anyone else happens to be broadcasting. Long shot, given the number of frequencies, but worth a try.


Malakin walks up next to Dus`Su, and waits to see what happens..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Hayden switched from telescopic back to normal, it was then he noticed the crowd standing and staring up at the unknown trio on top of a large, tall building. 

He looked way up at them, looked at Dus`Su, looked up at them again and looked back to Dus'Su.  He exaggerated his arm movements and spoke slowly, "T...a...l...l... b...u...i...l...d...i...n...g.  V...o...i...c...e... n...o...t... c...a...r...r...y... a...l...l...t...h...e... w...a...y... t...h...e...r...e..." (tall building voice not carry all the way there.)

"Can you all stop standing around like targets?  Let's not try yelling either... I'd rather not draw everything here."

Hayden stood behind whatever cover he could find. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dus`su Ignored haydens comment and just turned his speakers volume up to maximum. Knowing that the droids would likely have a good microphone.  He used an high frequency that was above organic hearing and started sending an SOS signal while waving a white piece of cloth. if these guys decide to shoot us We will be illuminated the height of the building should give them the ability to shoot us from miles away without cover depending how accurate their weapons and zoom functions are. All hostile actions most be avoided at all cost. Likely including attempting to flee. As thier systems could indicate that where enemies then.

Paladin Sheppard

Hoping the cover he was in hid him, Pal silently cursed. Goddamn Civies, that android is gonna get us killed if he keeps that up.

Toggling up the zoom on  the scope to its max x20, Pal kept the rifle on the three and looked for any weakpoints should they open fire. "Guys I don't think they've spotted me here, if the turn hostile I'll cover you but unless I get lucky I think I can only put the little one down from here."


Malakin moves behind cover. Then, out of sight, takes the assult rifle from his backpack and loads it..

"I have had a change of heart, lets get out of here.."
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Two problems. Great.

Jonathan starts to seriously entertain the ongoing drama, or at least, tries to. "Frost, offline and reset."

The rubix cube flashes the snowflake, stops emitting the hologram and snaps several moves by itself; back to the ordered color faces. He picks it up and tucks it away, then hefts and holds the plasma rifle. Walking away from the building from where the potential aggressors were found, he attempts to get a running start; heading for cover, but he maintains only brisk walking-- as he thought to himself. Only run when they start gunning down the ablative distractions who were standing around back there. Not too far, as to not hear the others, not too close either.

Cynical, perhaps, but it would save me from one of two scenarios. Which would be that since this is a post-apocalyptic world and resources are scare, it is likely that they would murder us for the supplies we are carrying; worse, eat us after they're done with the rations. Heck, they'd probably eat the droid too.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Bill can't see anything more than Paladin can, I'll put it that way.

The droids don't notice Dus, as they're too busy talking. The leader is making some fairly expressive arm gestures, unusual for a robot.

Finally, whilst the `mechs aren't -talking-, they are broadcasting locally to each other... Bill catches a snippet of conversation, but it seems to be roving bands like crazy. He hears three voices, two deep[/b], and one lighter and more agitated. It's not hard to tell which voices belong to which `mechs.

"...are they real?"
"Of course they're real!"
"It's possible. I don't think they'd attack us."
"It's unlikely that they would, with you two around."

They don't even notice Malakin moving up beside Dus. However, the SOS gets their attention, and a rather irritated shout - one which echoes a bit - from the smaller one.

(That might not sound rude, but if you knew what a slagmek was, you would be highly offended. You would. Really.)

Seconds later, a shot from the heavy laser singes a hole through the white fabric.


Through the scope, you can see that the smaller `mech definitely has less armour, and would probably be taken down by a headshot, if that's where it's 'brain' is kept.


As for the rest of you, you're safely behind cover. For now, at least.


Even a decade later, the sound of gunfire was unmistakable. Crap.

Parsons punched his preset, praying that nobody had gotten trigger happy.

"Folks, do not open fire, but keep weapons ready. Repeat, do not open fire."

He paused hoping that they had heard; the lack of response was unnerving. He hit the preset again.

"Anyone have any way of finding out a specific frequency that those guys are talking on, now would be the time to do it. I'd like to have a bit of a chat."
He dropped to the ground and waited.


A barley audible "eek" is picked up over the headsets as malakin witnesses the cloth have laser acupuncture preformed upon it.. He quickly shuffles backwards further into cover..
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


Dus'Su turns of the Signal and stuffs the white blanket away. Impatients AI's tragic. "Stay put guys! That was just a warning shot if they wanted to hit me they would have hit me without a problem." Dus'Su slowly turned around and walked over to cover. They now should know that we act in peace, He glances at his assault rifle but doesn't pick it up. He kicks it to the closest shelter instead


Right, no return fire.  Never planned on it... even if they were intent on a serious attack, that's what all of you are here for... I'm just carrying these things for show, I never seriously planned on using it.  Hayden thought to himself as he stared at the gun.

An ear rotated back as he caught the yell from above, not to clear but he understood most of it, "interesting reaction to the sonics, that is something definitely noteworthy.  Worth remembering in case things turn significantly hostile."

Hayden kept to cover and began moving off towards their original intended direction, albeit slowly.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Jonathan moved little, and spoke even less; still he needed to reach the military bunker. Hostile or not, they're just speedbumps that would likely need supplies the group can't spare. He started walking again, east, carefully weaving in and out of cover this time. Rubix cube in his hands and rifle slung away on his shoulder.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Parsons, rather irked, moved toward Dus'Su and Malakin's position carefully. He kept his gun in plain sight, in the sleeve over his shoulder.

Paladin Sheppard

Slowly, as not to attract attention Paladin moves out from his cover, still keeping the rifle pointed at the three he moves further east hoping they continue to ignore him.


To the theme of "Brave Brave Sir Robin Bravely Ran Away..."

Hayden, Miller and Sheppard slowly make their way onwards, unnoticed.


The three go back to conferring, the smaller one keeping an eye on Dus and Bill. They don't know that Malakin is there yet.

"That `mech seems to be malfunctioning."
"It's showing extreme personality development, though I suppose that has to be expected in this environment."
"My records indicate it's a Du6.1, Scout Unit v8."
"I forgot you still have the MilDB in your head. Remind me to take a copy sometime."
"Take a copy sometime."
"My, aren't we the witty one today?"