Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

The Captain had set Celine down on a bench as they waited. She was still dizzy and glad she wasn't moving any more. Bad career move to barf on the boss your first day. "Thanks for getting me out of there." Wondering what she had missed during her unfortunate nap and realizing they had new members in the group she added, "Did I miss much?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Rekk grunted as he shifted his grip on Theo. This was making it a lot harder for him to aim Lostriin. Not IMPOSSIBLE, by any means. But harder.
"Our ssssstance on making funna'fella' crew memberssss about their performansssss in combat is tha'i's permitted, rrrright?" Rekk muttered, staying in cover. "'CuzI'vealready ga' threeee good nicknamesssss f'rthis kid f'rlater."


Lucien continued to stay low and scan for anyone or thing, he nodded towards Rekk and gestured towards the torpedo, saying in a low voice, "Stack up on the torp, and get ready to fire as soon as that door is open... Gotta aim carefully, but we need him down and out of that Torp... You ready, big guy?"

Lucien crouch-walked towards the torpedo opening that the one new guy was working on.  His pistol still read a mostly full charge, and as such, the wolf prepared to take down yet another gorilla-like alien.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

The Crew

William Conner, at this point was fairly happy with how things were going. Oh he wasn't happy about the death and destruction around him but the fact that no one from his newest bunch of employees had been killed, and they were about to make good of there escape (and picked up a few useful extras as well), meant he had very little to complain about at this point beyond the obvious.

"Rekk, if I didn't have that rule I'd have gone insane long ago! Friendly mocking is not only accepted, its encouraged!" Will said as the Walker set Theo down, after which Will squatted down next to Celine. "Not much, picked up a couple of hitchhikers, one of witch brought you back to land of the awake. We're about to use that Torpedo to get back to the Thrill." He said pointing the torpedo out to her.

Will had Pandora, who's pink overalls were now covered in dust much like all of those not in a EVA suit, was now sand coloured, stand watch next to Rekk for any Kalmethi still lurking in the immediate area. And the occasional round from the firefight around the other torpedo was heard ricocheting nearby.

Captain Conner put a hand on Lucien's arm as he was about to head over to the Torp. "Its too exposed, you're not in a suit he is, and you will have a better angle into the torp form here."


With a bit of coaxing and shorts from the lower tech of the Kalmethi circuits the hatch opened, bringing the odour of the trace gasses the Kalmethi liked to breathe as well as the oxygen mix most space fairing races preferred.

Thrill of the Chase

Nova's voice suddenly cut through the fox's helmet. "Warning! Explosive device detected against the outer hatch!" Moments before there was a loud bang and through the small porthole on the inner airlock Kevin could see the outer door shatter and warp.

Ephrael's voice was heard next "Kevin! Get back and find some cover! There is five of them in there! I'm coming down, just hide somewhere!" The hybrid said as she left the Bridge and hurtled down the hallway. "Captain we've got borders!" She fairly yelled into her mike at Will.


Jinx breathed a sigh of relief at the hiss of pressure seals opening. Given his luck these past few days, he'd half expected it to blow up in his face. And speaking of explosions...

His task complete, Jinx backed away from the torp, keeping himself out of the line of fire between it and the big guys with big guns. He snapped his PDA into a slot on his suit and quickly stowed his tools away before the next firefight.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Lucien nodded and ducked back down behind the bench as Will stopped the wolf from advancing.  He gave a very curt, "Ye'sir", as he lined up his shot with torpedo hatch.  His hand very gently tightening as he prepared to fire as soon as the door opened.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin took heed of the truly wise words of wisdom, looking for something substantial to hide behind.  Though generally new to combat he gets the distinct feeling that this is the perfect time for a grenade.  Instead he locates a substantual chunk of metal next to a wall and hides behind to, double checking his gun and hoping that Eph shows up SOON.
The All Purpose Fox


Tax waved a bit to the first crew member she treated and smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tax." Then, she heard the ricocheting going on and crouched down, holding one of her little clubs, and sat down by the quartermaster.

"Soooooo how has your day been?" She hugged her bag'o'medical goodies and smiled.


Rekk made sure Theo was somewhere comfortable and out of harm's way. Silly kid or not, he'd feel bad if the boy got shot. He leaned around the wall, got a good look at the torpedo, and ducked back. The walker loaded another three shots into Lostriin and glanced around. Two wounded, an untested new medic, the captain, an engineer, a kid who nearly just tried rushing out there...
He grinned. I really love what I do.
He nodded politely to Pandora ("A pleasha', honnnnn.") and stood ready. He didn't like to think of it as "waiting." Waiting was stressful. "Anticipation." Now THERE'S a fine word.

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine managed a smile at the new medic. "Better since you arrived. Thanks." She stuck her hand out, the one she hadn't rearmed with her gun. "I'm Celine."  In the back of her head Celine was busy wondering if the last batch of supplies had been delivered before the attack and if so how they might be sliding around a moving ship. Hopefully none of the cylinders of exotic gases she had ordered for Rekk were impact sensitive. This was line of thought was actually more calming than wondering if her friends on the Inferno had escaped. "We moving soon Captain? This party isn't much fun."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

Outside the Torpedo

Captain Conner looked up sharply at Ephrael's report "Lucien, Rekk, Johnny! Storm that thing now! They've pushed into the Thrill!" He half shouted as he pulled his boxy looking sidearm and tossed it at Johnny and  then ran at the torp. "Kevin and Ephrael are going to try and stall them but if they get further its gonna be a bitch to get em out."

He pointed at Jinx and Tax "You two! stay her and watch the wounded, Pandora you too." He said to the pink/grey covered engineer. as he hurried past.

Thrill of the Chase

The inner airlock door flew into the hold bouncing off the grounded forklift Kevin was hiding behind, shunting it backwards and neatly pinning him against the wall. But he was lucky enough that he could see the Orange-skinned Ape like things storm into the hold, and not bee seen in return. They seemed to armed with an assortment of pistols and short barreled shotguns.

The Kalmethi spread out among the cargo hold, a couple of them heading to the lift, which opened just before they got there. Ephrael stood to one side her pistol up and barking twice, both shots literally taking their heads off and dived for cover, but not before one of the Kalmethi further back got a shot in.

Out of Kevin's sight she radioed over the crew link "Skipper...Two down, three still standing...b-but I'm out...Got me in the ch-chest. I think I'm g-gonna black out now." with that her link went quiet.


Lucien paused as he heard the comm chatter from Ephy.  He sighed as he considered the different possibilities.  His last ship had been a rust bucket with half it's systems either faulty or in disrepair, as such, his immediate assumption was that Ephy's armor had been pierced in a low-pressure area of the ship.  A captain who runs such a rust bucket cares little for the lives of his personnel.  With this thought in mind he tapped his unhelmeted head and asked, "You sure you've got full pressure on the Thrill, Cap'n.  My suit was sent to the ship along with my other recently purchased equipment... so, if nothing else, it'd be nice to know where you stored the deliveries, sir.  I'd rather have a little something between me and them, should they get a lucky shot..."

The wolf peaked out from cover again, and waved the other 2 in first.  They had suits,  therefore, they had shields and armor, and they also had a means of surviving in the void...   He desperately hoped that the torpedo was in good enough condition to

Carefully leaning his view so as to see inside the open torpedo hatch, Lucien kept his eye down his sights as he checked for anything hostile.  He was ready to burn down another gorilla thing, should one still be alive.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Thrill of the Chase

Kevin wished he could do something, but was rather stuck.
The All Purpose Fox


Tax shook Celine's hand, smiled, and idly wondered how this day became quite eventful. Either way, it was better than med school.

To the captain's orders she just nodded and stayed there, taking out one of her clubs and eyeing around just in case something pops out.. and hoping whatever does would be able to be taken down with a swing or two.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny attached his almost empty pistol to the clip on his his suit - he hadn't been able to keep close count, but by the light way it was feeling, he didn't have more than three or four shots left in the thing - with one hand as he caught the boxy sidearm from the Captain with the other. He checked he had his SMG secure, said "Yessir", then glanced at Rekk and Lucien.

"Rekk, you watch the Captain's right. I'll take the left. Lucien, watch our backs. Cool? Let's go!" And with that, he ran after William, trying to catch up before the Captain vanished from sight. After all, the Captain might need him,

And he'd asked.

Well... commanded, actually, but it amounted to the same thing. Either way, hot on the Captain's heels he went,
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


"Right. Stay here. Good plan."

Any plan that didn't involve getting shot at again was fine by Jinx. He scooted back towards the group of human females and dropped to his haunches, hopefully presenting a smaller profile to any stray shots coming out of that torp. He watched. And waited...

The medic seemed to have taken care of the wounded, at least, although her unusual melee weapon drew a quizzical glance from the feline. He shook his head. It wasn't as if the low-caliber pop gun in his bag performed much better against military shielding than a big stick. Scavenger's instincts kicking in, he rummaged around the fallen troops for something more useful--or at least valuable enough to sell if he managed to get out of this mess alive.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Rekk cocked Lostriin and rumbled his way to the torp at top speed, nodding to Johnny and making his way to the right of the captain.
"Ennyone knowhooooow t'pilo'thissssthing?" He wheezed, teeth clamped around the breathing strip of his enviro. "I go'a couple flights'en boardin'craft, but it'ain' my forte..."
The Walker skittered to a halt outside the entrance to the torp and turned back towards the group, keeping a lookout for kalmethi. "C'mon'laaaads, feelin' damn exssssspossssed out'eeeere..."

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

Sandwiched as he was Kevin could wriggle around enough to bring the shotgun up to fire if he wished, but with the three Kalmethi facing his general direction that may not be the best idea...

The wounded (And others)

Jinx's midbattle looting several of the very unwieldy assault rifles Kalmethi, plus a few of their odd shaped pistols, however two of the bodies stood out. One because it had a grenadiers pouch which seemed to be full of various types, HE, Frag, ECM smoke, and a few nonleathal gas. The other seemed to be one of their medics, his pouches full of med-gel and other medical odds and ends, including a advanced Medi-PDA.

A pair of Kalemthi from the other torpedo somehow managed to slip past the other defenders, but were stopped in their tracks as a now recovered and angry Pandora slammed repeated 7.62x51mm rounds from her (now) custom M14 into their shields then their faceplates...

Elf could feel the anti-narc drugs freeing her muscles and energizing her.

Assault group

As the Captain ran he called out to Lucien "Nova would have let us know if she was holed!"

Not stopping at the hatch Will bust through into the airlock then the crew compartment, his rifle following his eyes. Waving Rekk though, with Johnny following he pointed to the end of the torp where he could see the cargo area of the Thrill. As they neared the end two small windows opened in the corners of both their helmets, it was a direct feed from the cameras mounted in the cargo bay, and the other gave them a almost xray vision through the hulls of the ship, letting them know just where the Kalmethi where...and they seemed to be heading right for the lift. 


Lucien eased up his grip on the captain as he followed the captain, "Sorry for sounding a little paranoid, sir.  Last ship was a rust-bucket, and i'm still getting used to the idea that i'm on ship that -isn't- more dangerous than the usual criminal scum."

Holstering his pistol for the time being, he brought up his PDA and started checking out the schematics nova had been displaying in the others' HUDs.  "I dunno if there will be time for me to suit up before clearing the decks, Sir... how good are you self-sealing capabilities on the Thrill?"

The wolf's grasp tightened slightly on the small unit as memories of a leak killing 3 newbies, and the captain not even batting an eyelash flooded his mind.  Gritting his teeth, he knew, on some level, Will was better than that... but still, the callousness of his previous captain left scars.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Mel Dragonkitty

Celine felt the last of the paralysis leaving her muscles and flexed a little bit to shake the last of it off. Even her injury was painless, although stiffness let her know the injury was still there. She wished she could see what was going on but the over-large designers of this place hadn't left her a line of sight. She was feeling a little bit antsy and claustrophobic at being stuck behind a planter and not knowing what was going on. She played with the grenade in her pocket a bit anxiously as they waited.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Tax took out her other club and gripped them tightly. Not too tight.. ease up... concrete breaks.. She made it so her knuckles were not as white as she waited to jump into action of things got too close.


Rekk grinned to himself as the heads up displays in his goggles lit up, pointing out three Kalmethi who he was quite dedicated to turning into the unluckiest people in the universe.
So, ah kin assume the cap'n wants minimum damage to th'cargo. Should use the torp an' hallway for cover 'til the Kalmethi're cleared out then... Better just try and take 'em out before they notice us. Which suited him fine. The man was too large to wade out into a firefight without some serious business armor. But still, something about subtly or stratigizing struck him as... cheating.
Ah well, couldn't be helped.
Rekk leaned around the corner, took careful aim, and let off one shot at the first Kalmethi. Shame he didn't have a faster weapon, or he'd have tried for all three...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny skittered after Rekk, using the feed from Nova to locate a spot around the corner to duck into. As Rekk leaned out and shot, Johnny skipped past him and, taking a potshot at one of the three Kelmethi at random on his way past, rolled into cover.

Once there, he scanned the feed to see how may, if any, of the Kelmethi were left, and if they were looking at him or at Rekk. If they were looking the other way, it'd be a perfect time to poke his gun out and take a shot. He switched the feed up a fraction in size, and added in a targetting guideline, so he didn't have to put his head out.

If the Kemlethi were looking at Rekk, he could take a shot. If they were looking at him, Rekk could take a shot, Either way, someone was getting holed...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

With the Kalmethi's attention the other direction, Rekk's and then Johnny's shots caused no immediate retaliation.

Rekk's massive slug ripped though the lighter shields and even lighter armor of the trailing member of Torpedo's crew, causing the other two to turn to face his death gurgle when Johnny's hasty shot ricocheted off the deck and into the Kalmethi closest to the Lift. The cargo bay was filled with the wailing from the injured alien, who was grasping at a nearly detached lower leg.

The Third Kalmethi dived for cover, and crawled further away from the hatch....And into Kevin's line of fire.

The Station

It seemed that the Kalmethi from the other Torpedo had linked up with more of their brethren, and were slowly pushing the Marines back, and quite a few were putting the occasional shot the Crew's way...

The Torpedo

With a tight grin Will looked over to Lucien "All good Mr Grendel, I know not every ship is up to UNSC standards." Conner looked up towards the door where Rekk was peeking out. "Rekk, what do we have?"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny's targetting line tracked across the wireframe as he poked the gun over the top of the cover he was behind, tracking down to the injured Kelmethi, then along the body, a tiny red dot indicating where the laser pointer was aiming at - not that Johnny could see it, of course. The red dot swooped along, then stabilised on the helmet, and paused for a moment.

Than Johnny pulled the trigger.

"I've so got to get me one of these," he commented to himself, and then he activated his radio. "Captain, we're down to one hostile, under cover. I'll go left and see if I can't flush him out for you." And with that, Johnny started working his way forward, keeping an eye on the wireframe to track the Kelmethi.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Lucien relaxed ever so slightly at the news that the Thrill was actually up to code.  He used anything he could for cover, knowing that the durable fibers of his tunic and pants were of little use against assault weapons.  Following the walker and the armored human down the hall, Lucien's pistol was held slightly in front of him, scanning for hostile movement. 

He had no shot, Rekk and Johnny had already cleared anything he could see.  He settled his sights on the injured aliens, and asked over his shoulder, "What do we do with the wounded, captain?  Attempt to detain? or merely watch for hostile action, and react accordingly?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


The Station

Jinx greedily liberated the fallen soldiers of their explosives and medical supplies. He puzzled over the weapons for a moment, turning over one of the alien pistols in his hands. It looked too large for even an ordinary human, let alone a little guy like him. Perhaps it could be modified for smaller hands. Or sold intact to the right fence. Surely there were--

Shots whizzed overhead. The Kalmethi reinforcements had arrived. Just his luck. He grabbed what he could and scrambled back to the others.

"Um... I think that's our cue to exit, guys."

He peeked inside the torpedo hatch to see if captain and crew had cleared the escape route.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Thrill of the Chase


Kevin probably should not use inside jokes as his battle cry, but being pinned he didn't have much else to say or do other then shoot the person he could see.
The All Purpose Fox


Rekk snickered at Kevin's battlecry, quite happy to assume Lord Ironballs was him. He swaggered out from behind cover, keeping his firearm trained on the kalmethi's hiding spot. The instance he showed his face, if Kevin didn't get him, he'd wish he hadn't.

Paladin Sheppard

Thrill of the Chase

With one of the aliens gurgling its last breath, and the other with a partly detached head to go with its likewise leg, Kevin's unloading of his entire magazine finished the clearing of the hold. The Last Kalmethi's corpse was blasted backwards back into the open but it was clear the movement was not that of a live enemy.

"Captain, the hold is clear. First Mate Falco's vest slowed the slug, and it seems it was a tranq round as well, she will need medical aid. There is no real damage to the ship." Nova said over the crew link in a rather dispassionate voice.

"Thank you Nova. All right Kiddies! Lets get the hell out of here. Rekk! Go grab our non-effectives would you and get that medic in here to look over Ephy? Lucien would you kindly get these things off my ship?" Will said pointing at the five Kalmethi "And Johnny go rescue Kevin would you? I need to see to Ephrael."

The Station

More bullets and other exotic rounds were pinging around the Crew hunkered down by the planter and benches, making the place seem decidedly unhealthy but not yet too dangerous to stay by for the moment....But that could change.