Thrill of the Chase RP MA15+ (Language adult themes horror) IC (closed)

Started by Paladin Sheppard, August 09, 2008, 11:06:42 PM

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"Erm... yes... some help would be nice..."

Kevin fumbles about a little bit, but is hoping that his skills designing mechanical systems will help him figure out this one is short order.  He was a tad embarrassed, but at least he had a cute hologram helping him out.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny grinned at the mess he'd made of the paper target - he'd managed to hit the paper almost all of the time, but only had one or two near the ten-ring. "I guess I need more practice." He hefted the pistol, and thought about it a bit. Turning to Rocky, he asked "I presume you have rigs for carrying this stuff, right? Both on a suit and in open air?" He carefully put the pistol down, the slide still locked back, pointing the barrel downrange (his instructor had been fairly explicit, and quite loud, not to say abusive, when one of his classmates hadn't been careful; Johnny did pay attention, after that) and picked up the SMG. He ran through the usual checklist - the bolt moved, safety was on, pointing in the right direction, everything seems ok, etc - before loading a magazine, setting the selector to single shot, and aiming downrange at a new target.

Restraining the urge to say "watch this!", mostly because he expected to screw things up, he merely concentrated on aiming as best as he was able, and getting some feel of how the gun worked. He fired off half a dozen shots, experimenting with the balance, then flicked to full auto, and fired off a bunch of three to four round bursts - mostly more or less on target for the first round, and moving upwards rapidly, but getting slightly better towards the end.

Finally, he removed the empty magazine, pulled the bolt back to check the chamber was empty, and swapped the SMG for the Masker. Dialing up a new target, he proceeded to pepper it with almost random groups of shots, experimenting with the balance and heft of the laser pistol. Poorly, it must be said - or, while not expertly, at least safely - but not very accurately

Leaving the Masker half-empty, he put the safety on and placed it beside the other two, then called up the targets and looked them over. Going back to the Guardian, he reloaded it and had another go, again experimenting with various holds and stances, trying the pistol for comfort and balance.

Eventually, he turned back to Rocky. "While I like the high count of the Masker, it just doesn't balance well for me. I'll stick with the other two, I think. Mind if I empty the rest of the load, here?" He indicated the last loaded clip with a wave of his hand.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

Nova quickly and expertly taught Kevin everything there was to know about the use and maintenance of the AA-90, even including how to tape magazines together and hot reload. While Ephrael had finished the block of ammo in her weapon, before moving back to watch Kevin and assist Nova on his tutorial. Before too long he had unleashed his first burst of shotgun pellets poping several of the holo targets.   

Rocky's Equipment and supply

Rocky made a amused grunting sound, "Go for it, it's there to be used after all."

Taskforce 21, patrol for Delphi system: UNS Warlock - Battleship, UNS Honor Harrington - Carrier, UNS Yu- Cruiser, UNS Havoc- Cruiser. Warlock Commanding:

Admiral Harkness sat on the bridge watching over the highly trained and professional crew and was pleased, the last exercise they'd just run had come off perfectly. "Well done people I don't think we could have done that any better. Captain McKeon my compliments to Captain Tremaine, his fighters did an outstanding job."

He was about to continue when one of the sensor operators called out. "Sir! I have a large jump footprint on the outer edge, at least twelve ships"

Captain McKeon moved to stand behind the Ensign. "Could be Admiral Tourville's Taskforce 22, he's due today Sir..." The operator suddenly sat up straighter and called out again "Oh crap! Sorry Sir! Two more jump footprints! Both fleet sized, one's outer edge and the other's at a pirate point....About 3 light minutes away!"

"Alistair call general quarters! Comms! Tell the Harrington to send out some scouts, we'll need to find out who these people are."  The lights on the bridge changed to a cool blue hue to allow the crew to see their consoles more clearly.


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on April 15, 2009, 11:17:29 PM
Lucien shrugged, took a bow, arms held low and wide, with his palms up.  He said "well then, it would seem i'm at your disposal... perhaps afterwards we could  get something to eat? it will probably be the last meal we'll be eating on station for a good while.... but that can wait... for now, would you mind tell me a little about yourself miss Rosendahl? and perhaps, if your still shopping here, let me know what your looking for?"

Taking a step forward, Lucien examined the weapon in Pandora's hands, the antiquated rifle was in fact quite formidable, even by modern standards... while making the observations he let out a whistle of admiration and approval at the girl's weapon of choice.

Pandora grinned widely. Well, it was certainly a welcome change to see a man that actually practiced manners... and who didn't conspicuously stare at her chest for minutes on end. (Granted, Pandora's recounts of behavior that she considered obscene were rather exaggerated.) "Wha', y' wanna know 'bout me?" she asked, rustling the rifle in a way that insinuated adoration for this precious firearm, "Shi', let's talk 'bout tha' over lunch. No' sure wha' t' get... this is my first time in space, after all."

After a moment's consideration, she added, "Who's payin'?"


Lucien gave Pandora a bit of a shrug, "Really, whatever you wish to tell is fine by me... and lunch would be lovely.  Depending on what your looking for, there is the Edge of Nothing cafe.  It's pretty good if your looking for something simple.  Then, there's the rather amusingly named Wok n' Roll, great food if you enjoy eating spicy things. Besides those, there's Rick's Bar and Grill."

as he made the suggestions, Pandora asked about paying.  In reply, Lucien gave her a very wry grin and said, "what kind of gentleman would I be if I we're to suggest lunch without offering to pay for the lady?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on April 28, 2009, 12:21:56 PM
Lucien gave Pandora a bit of a shrug, "Really, whatever you wish to tell is fine by me... and lunch would be lovely.  Depending on what your looking for, there is the Edge of Nothing cafe.  It's pretty good if your looking for something simple.  Then, there's the rather amusingly named Wok n' Roll, great food if you enjoy eating spicy things. Besides those, there's Rick's Bar and Grill."

as he made the suggestions, Pandora asked about paying.  In reply, Lucien gave her a very wry grin and said, "what kind of gentleman would I be if I we're to suggest lunch without offering to pay for the lady?"

Pandora ruminated over her options somewhat offhandedly, without any particular commitment or importance. Anything would be better than the grease-lathered abomination she devoured not too long ago. Intergalactic cuisine was likely more diverse than she expected. The fast food was already proving to be inedible, or at least it was in the particular establishment she visited. Either way, she chose the one that interested her the most.

"Wha' 'bout tha' Bar n' Grill place?" Pandora offered. "Tha' sounds good."

At Lucien's next remark, however, her positive opinion of the man was cemented. She grinned widely, again, and tried vainly to appear dainty. Given her rather powerful appearance and her fine height, she failed at this attempt and looked more like an exaggerated parody of what she was trying to impersonate. "Aren't y' a gentleman! A'right, then let's haul ass."


After heading out of Onyx, Lucien lead the way to the small restaurant, located a mere 5 minute walk away, it was conveniently located near the apex of activity on the station.  The place itself was built around a large rectangular bar in the center, with tables around a middle layer, and booths around the outer wall.

Although there were a few patrons around the bar, the tables and booths seemed largely empty.  Walking in and grabbing a seat at one of the empty booths, Lucien waited for Pandora to join him.  Almost immediately after the pair were seated, a young waitress approached and asked, "can i get either of you something to drink?"

Lucien ordered a glass of water for himself, and the girl waited just long enough to get Pandora's order before scurrying off.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

Kevin giggled a bit, "So much for kick back.  Thank you Nova, this tutorial was most instructional."

After he squeezed off a burst and got the targets he went about cleaning the gun as instructed by Ephrael and Nova.  As he was putting the pieces back together he says to Ephrael, "I must say, you are a very good shot, I saw you as you were hitting those targets.  I must confess, you were more then a little distracting on the range." and Kevin grins very wide.
The All Purpose Fox

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny grinned up at Rocky, then picked up the last clip and the Hawk, slapped the clip home, and yanked the charging handle. He then flicked on the safety, swapped it to his left hand, and picked up the Guardian 2 in his right. Balancing the two, gangster-style - his intent to test using the SMG to lay down suppressive fire, whilst using the pistol for aimed shots; although not right now, obviously, what with the lack of ammo in the pistol - he flicked off the safety, pointed the dangerous end somewhere in the vicinity of the targets, and pulled the trigger.

Not squeezed. Unfortunately. Being in his off hand, the burst he let off pulled the rapidly upwards, rather than sideways as he intended. In fact, he didn't hit with a single shot, and he emptied half the clip in the process.

He rebalanced the guns, and tried again, with similar results.

He then reaffirmed his grip on the sub machine gun, and tried one more time. This time, he kept it on-target. However, this was mostly because there were only a couple of rounds left by that time.

He looked disappointedly at the targets. "Shit. I guess I need more practice."

The totally untouched targets. "A lot more practice."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"Oh really?" Ephrael battered her eyelashes at Kevin while returning his grin. "Hehe It does help that I can 'see' much better than most people."  Ephrael turned back to the lockers and stored her pistol away.

Rocky's Equipment and supply

"Boy, you are lucky this is a firing range and not combat." Rocky laughed and gently slapped Johnny on the shoulder (as gentle as a 3 ton living rock can, which surprisingly is quite gentle).


'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"I must say, you also look better then most people."  Kevin grins and puts his shotgun away in a locker.
The All Purpose Fox

Mel Dragonkitty

At the first shots Celine set down her gun and turned to watch. By the time Johnny had emptied the gun her shoulders were shaking, but she didn't make a sound at the display of marksmanship. In fact she was biting her lip and it was obvious that her eyes behind the dark glasses were dancing. It took a moment but finally she was able to say in a level voice, "That is an interesting technique. Where did you pick it up, the movies?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"Oh my!" Ephrael said as she put a finger to the corner of her mouth and her other and on her hip "You wouldn't be flirting with me now would you Kevin." Somehow she maintained a image of both pure innocence and a sultry pout, yet with the hint of fang (which for some unknown reason looked far wickedly sharper than it should be).

Ghostrider Flight- 4 Stiletto Class Space Superiority Fighters.

Captain Jerico looked over his instruments and threat warning gear as his flight of four glided through the outer asteroid ring of the Delphi system. "Keep tight ya'll, we're about to get a look at out new friends any moment."

No sooner did the flight emerge from the ring than their warning systems lit up as one, each screaming of multiple radar, ladar, inferred and other scanning systems and lockons.  "Flight go evasive! Retrograde maneuver go!" Jerico screamed into his mic as he hauled the fifty ton fighter around one hundred and eighty degrees to its original flight.

As the fighters split up and headed back towards the ring, fighter craft from the until now unidentified ships slashed in on attack runs.

Only three of the fighters made it into the comparative safety of the asteroid ring, the other became a cloud of gasses and shrapnel as weapons fire raked it from end to end. 

In the rings a deadly game of cat and mouse began. The UNSF fighters flew to the limit, each in its own escape vector through the maze. There was no thought to stop and fight as the forces behind them far outnumbered their own.

Only Captain Jerico was to last long enough to transmit the flight's data recordings, and send it back to Taskforce 21....

llearch n'n'daCorna

Johnny grinned sheepishly at Celine. "Something like, yes. Obviously it doesn't work as well as in the movies." He shrugged.

"Ah, well. It was worth a shot. So to speak." He smirked at the diminutive human, and safed both weapons before putting them down - removed the clips, jacked the slides, and put the (somewhat redundant) safety switch back on. He also checked the Masker was safe, then he added an aside to Celine, in a droll tone. "They'd never let me do that at the Academy. I wonder why?"

He turned back to Rocky. "I'll take the Guardian and the Hawk, then. And the toolkit, and, as you suggested, the light level two suit. Have I missed anything?" He scratched the back of his head, and thought for a moment.

"Oh, yes. Have you got any spray paint suitable for customising the outside of the suit? I'd like to think on the pattern for a while, and try some stuff out. When I come up with something good, that I like, I'll come back and get it done properly."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


With a large ear to ear grin and a slowly swishing tail Kevin replies, "Why, yes I am.  If you are unhappy with flirting, then perhaps some dinner is called for instead?  I don't have many credits left, but it should be enough for someplace nice."
The All Purpose Fox


While waiting for the drinks, Lucien decided he'd go and get a little background on his newfound friend.  Asking a polite tone, he said, "Well, it seems we've got a little time to chat, i'm curious about something you mentioned earlier, something about this being your first time in space." he had a bit of a grin as he continued, "That comment alone piqued my interest, but also being an engineer, did you grow up on one of those research hub planets?"

His eyes focused on Pandora's face, he wore a friendly smile, and his tail swished, further displaying his amusement.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on May 05, 2009, 12:52:14 PM
While waiting for the drinks, Lucien decided he'd go and get a little background on his newfound friend.  Asking a polite tone, he said, "Well, it seems we've got a little time to chat, i'm curious about something you mentioned earlier, something about this being your first time in space." he had a bit of a grin as he continued, "That comment alone piqued my interest, but also being an engineer, did you grow up on one of those research hub planets?"

His eyes focused on Pandora's face, he wore a friendly smile, and his tail swished, further displaying his amusement.

Pandora arranged her fingers like a steeple, perching her chin atop her knuckles. Her permanent sharp-toothed grin remained on her face, more languid, satisfied and noncommittal than predatory. She liked the atmosphere of this particular restaurant. She could never afford visiting the more expensive, luxurious establishments back on her home planet, and her notoriously inebriated behavior made her persona non grata for many local bartenders other than the one at her favorite pub. Pandora's love life was equally unsuccessful and tumultuous, so she never had the opportunity to enjoy simple chivalry.

Pandora assessed Lucien somewhat curiously. She felt like being candid, under the condition that she not reveal anything incriminating about her life on her otherwise backwater and frequently-overlooked planet. "Shi', research 'ub? My planet's li'... th' boonies of th' solar system. These alien guys showed up only recently. T' be perfectly honest with ye, mate..." Pandora quickly altered her statement, lying by omission, "Not many people on th' World's interested in flight."


Lucien gave Pandora a polite nod, then replied while stroking his chin around the end of his muzzle, "Sounds rather fascinating actually, my own childhood was rather unusual as well.  My father was a scientist who specialized in super-conductors.  The conditions he needed were very specific, and could only be found on a handful of planets, all of them little more than balls of ice.  I grew up in what equated to EVA suits, as the temperatures got down to close to -100 degrees centigrade."

giving a slight pause as the waitress returned with the drinks, she scurried off to take someone elses order, saying, "i'll be right back" as she left.

Taking a pause to sip his water, Lucien continued, "On my 16th birthday, i left, signed on with a crew of bounty hunters for a while.  After that, i worked as a merc, running security for a couple of small corporations.  After that, i signed on with a couple of different cargo ships, working security and the like there.  Some might accuse me of wanderlust, maybe true... but i'd say it's more like i haven't found something that's right for me yet."
he still had his grin, and kept his tone level and polite

the waitress started coming their way, Lucien took a quick glance at the menu, then asked "any chance you've made a decision yet?  I myself in the mood for a good steak... nothing like a send-off meal to remember"  he gave Pandora a pleasant grin then added quickly, "whatever you like is fine, and there's no need to rush"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



"Nah, y'know how ah feel whenah usssse 'notha weapon when I don't got to." The walker patted the oversized implement at his hip twice, "Feels like cheatin'. Gotta say though, ah'm in th'market for a new suit. Heard y'had somethin' in m'size." Rekk grinned broadly at Maggie. "Somethin' with a li'l 'xtra armor, ah'd think."


Pandora listened with fascination to Lucien's brief summary of his career. Subconsciously downing a mouthful of water in a gesture more reminiscent of chugging booze, she used her hand to prop up her chin as she leaned her elbow against the table so she could look squarely at her companion from across the table. "Sixteen years old, eh? Tha's pretty young... m' grandpa go' me workin' on aircraft th' moment 'e could," she admitted, shrugging.

When the waitress stopped by their table, she quickly scanned over her menu, chose something that looked fairly appetizing, and stated her order. "Yeah, I'll 'ave the ribs." She indicated where it was listed on the menu for the waitress's convenience.


Lucien added, "I'll take a Quarter-house, medium-rare please" indicating the selection on the menu.  Giving the waitress a curt nod, she walked off to the back to hand the orders off to the chef.  Turning back to Pandora  Lucien quirked an eyebrow at the mention of building from such a young age, he grinned again and said,"sounds like you started rather young yourself.  Out of curiosity, what type of aircraft were you working on?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

Paladin Sheppard

'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"I'd like that Kev but I can't, one of the Officers have to stay aboard..." Ephrael said with a frown and crossing her arms underneath her breasts which accentuated her bust. "Maybe the Captain comes back soon we can go."


"Ya right Rekk baby, I did get a shipment of walker suits in, and a heavy you say?" Maggie tapped away at the somewhat older looking computer on the counter. "Yup got  levels 1, 2 and 3 available. The level 1 is at 2.5k, 2 at 3.5k and the 3 at 5.5k."

Rocky's Equipment and supply

"We have a few paint packs, come in a bunch of ten cans." Rocky said as he lead Johnny back out to the front of the shop and ran through the list. Finally when there was a small pile of equipment on the counter in their cases the living rock rang up the total and charged 'Weaver's account. "Now do you want these delivered or are you going to take them now?"



Rekk winced and put his hand to his PDA. As if a thousand credits had cried out, and were suddenly silenced.
"'Think ah'll be geddin' th'level one. Th'otherssss're too richhhhh f'rm'blood." He tapped out the transaction on his PDA. "'ave it shipped to the Thrill'veth'Chase. Pleasure seein' ya Maggie, g'me regards to the husband." He winked, "Unless'y finally ditched th'pet lover, in whichcase lemme biya a drink neckstime ah'min port."


'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"Awww, always with the rules ruining the fun.  Hopefully the Captain returns soon, but until then we could grab a cup of coffee in the galley."
Kevin heads to the exit of the armory, inviting Eph along.
The All Purpose Fox

Mel Dragonkitty

While Johnny and Rocky transacted their business Celine finished testing the weapons Sandy brought out and made her choice. A few more items to replace those things lost in the forklift incident and she was ready to check out as well.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard


"Heh naw, Rekk I'm still with the  layabout. You take care now!"

'Thrill of the Chase' Armory

"Coffee sounds good" Ephrael said purring as she brushed pass Kevin, a hand shooting out squeezing his behind before she sprinted down the corridor to the lift. 


Taskforce 21 UNSF Warlock

"Admiral Harkness, Ghostrider was destroyed...But we got their scans, looks like Kalmethi warships, but I've got no idea what they are doing so far spinward from their territory or so deep into UNSC space. This has to be at the very edge of their range." Captain McKeon said handing a dataslate to the Admiral. "Vicious bastards. Slave grab you think?"

"Possible Alistair...Whats word on that second group?" Harkness asked reading the slate.

"Small destroyer group with a cruiser, but they seem more interested in holding their position. Taskforce 22 is making its way insystem and is going to punch through them. I doubt they'll even slow down the America .

"Yes not much can slow down a Super Battleship except for another...And the Kalmethi only have one, and she should be still floating above Kalmethi Prime."

A lieutenant in charge of the communications station called over to the Captain "Sir! we just lost the link to TF22, and we're receiving alpha plus grade jamming from nearby sources, radio and hyper comm are out, laser links to the rest of the Taskforce are intact."

"Scans showing only merchant traffic nearby Sir, and none of it Kalmethi." Came from the Commander in charge of tactical.

Admiral Harkness place his fingertips together, and stared at the displays around him "Now whats this about I wonder...Too far out for them to make use of the jamming..."


Delphi Station

Around the station Marines and Colonial Marshals were seen to be replaced by more heavily armed and armored troops.


Thrill of the Chase' on the chase

"I'll get you for that!"

Kevin grinned and ran after Eph.  Not sure what would happen if he catches up with her.

This trip is already shaping up to be more interesting then he anticipated.
The All Purpose Fox


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on May 06, 2009, 10:40:36 PM
Lucien added, "I'll take a Quarter-house, medium-rare please" indicating the selection on the menu.  Giving the waitress a curt nod, she walked off to the back to hand the orders off to the chef.  Turning back to Pandora  Lucien quirked an eyebrow at the mention of building from such a young age, he grinned again and said,"sounds like you started rather young yourself.  Out of curiosity, what type of aircraft were you working on?"

Pandora nearly choked on her water. Lucien's question was inevitable, but it still belonged to a topic that she was uncomfortable with. Given the condemnation and strictly-mythological state of aircraft or the possibility of flight on her planet, adjusting to an entirely new environment that embraced all the things that Pandora loved was somewhat disorienting. Once she had safely swallowed the unfriendly water and cleared her throat, Pandora squared her gaze on Lucien's and tried to prepare herself.

"Th' only one," she explained, "Flight was completely outlawed on Th' World. Grandpa go' th' idea from a 'allucination o' 'is... always was a bit of a nutter. Fuckin' crazy wanker..." Pandora grinned with roguish fondness around her glass as she tipped her head back and gulped down the remainder of her drink. "After 'e died I started workin' on th' project myself. It was 'is dream, t' make th' whole World see that flight c'n be used f'r good things."

After an uncomfortable pause, Pandora burst out into jubilant, boisterous laughter and slapped Lucien's shoulder. "But enough o' tha' depressin' crap."


Lucien smiled and nodded politely, "indeed" he replied.  Taking a second to wave the bartender over, he ordered 2 bottles of the house's brewed ale, and was preparing to continue with some idle chitchat before the pair's meal arrived when a couple of marines jogged by the door.  Head to toe military grade heavy armor, and he recognized the outline of a plasma carbine that one of the soldiers was carrying.  The appearance of the soldiers was rather disconcerting to the wolf.  Although it could just be a training exercise, he hadn't heard any announcements. Taking a second to sift through his thoughts, Lucien figured he'd rather be paranoid and alive, then wrong and dead.  Waving down their waitress Lucien said, "you mind if we get this as carry out?"

Looking first at the wolf, then the girl, then back at the wolf, she replied, "yea, sure, not a problem.  It'll be out in a moment."  looking back at Pandora, she shook her head in amusement, before walking out of sight.

Lucien turned to Pandora with a somewhat grim expression, "looks like there might be trouble brewing, we should get you your equipment and get back to the Thrill as soon as possible.   Those guys that just walked by weren't station security, looked to be military judging by the gear.  If things get bad, i'd really hate to get caught in the crossfire.  If it turns out to be nothing, worst thing that happens is we end up eating on the ship rather than in the bar."

The waitress had a recite in one hand, and a large clear bag in the, the back contained 2 containers.  Smiling he pocketed the recite, walked up to the bar and slipped a small coin looking object from his pocket onto the counter.  The bartender produced 2 unopened bottles with a bit of smirk, and Lucien just shook his head.  Getting back to Pandora he offered her a hand after placing the bottles in the bag and said "alright, you ready to go?"

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Fortunately, since Lucien seemed to insist on carrying most of their food, all Pandora needed to worry about carrying was her newly-configured weapon. Strapping the enhanced rifle to her back, she dusted herself off, gulped down the last mouthful of water from her mug, and turned to him. "Ready," she said, "Y' really think those guys were there f'r trouble, though?"

Pandora was getting a negative premonition from what Lucien described as well, but she didn't want to tangle with the law enforcement in this place if those soldiers happened to be figures of authority.