Re: Which species from dmfa would you like to be?

Started by Vekar, July 23, 2008, 09:32:00 PM

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Well since human is a species I would be human. For one humans are extremely violent, two humans have awesome weapons technology, we burn cities down rather than bother occupying them, we are merciless, cruel, feared in DMFA apparently, everything I love about humanity is why I would stick with it: Mess with humans and your planet gets nuked till it turns to glass. Also it would be more cool to be in a world of aliens as a human that one of them which would make things rather boring.

One comment though as to a race of absolute no: Cubi. I would be demon over cubi anyday, cubi are 100% evil to the core.


Quote from: Vekar on July 23, 2008, 09:32:00 PM
humans are extremely violent, two humans have awesome weapons technology, we burn cities down rather than bother occupying them, we are merciless, cruel, feared in DMFA apparently, everything I love about humanity is why I would stick with it: Mess with humans and your planet gets nuked till it turns to glass.


I would be demon over cubi anyday, cubi are 100% evil to the core., apparently, are humans.

Quote from: Meany on July 24, 2008, 02:43:25 AM
Race: Demon. *killed by the cliche* :B
Species: House mouse.

It may be because that it's 1:31 am, but I haven't seen that many demons. Power, longevity, the constant chance that you may not live to see tomorrow; all green in my book.
Yes, IMHO Demons are under-rated.  More fan-made demon characters would be interesting to see.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Tapewolf: Human evil is more fun though. We corner the market when it comes to finding new ways to torture, burn, rape, murder, destroy and all around blow the galaxy and multiverse to smithereens just for the sake of doing it.

Humans though unlike cubi can be very good and compasionate as well. Thats why I still pick humans over the others: Fear factor.

Also because we have nukes that take out massive swaths of continents now.

Humans rock!  :boogie 8)


Quote from: Vekar on July 24, 2008, 04:42:46 PM
Humans though unlike cubi can be very good and compasionate as well.
I don't quite follow how you arrived at 'Cubi-are-always-evil and 'Cubi-are-not-capable-of-compassion.
'Cubi as a whole seem to be arrogant, but then so are humans.  And arrogance doesn't rule out positive traits.
While Being-raised 'Cubi such as Dan and Abel are liable to have a far milder outlook than 'Cubi raised wholly among other 'Cubi, even the latter seem to be more inclined to ignore Beings and/or treat them with contempt than to actively commit acts of wanton destruction as per your human example.  (There are of course, exceptions)

I can think of at least two occasions Abel has arguably demonstrated compassion:
1. When Dr. Ink was testing Dan
2. Rescuing Jyrras from Nirfy.  He later claimed he was doing it as a favour for Dan, but I'm not convinced that was his sole motive.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Aaaall cubi are totally bad! Just look at Dan - those evil eyes... >pff< :giggle  haunting you in the dark... >pfch< :lol hihihehehahaha  :P
Yeah. Right. Can totally see that. :rolleyes

I think you can't judge a species as a whole.
Ok, given... maybe their behavior is largely disadvantageous in your eyes... but that doesn't mean they're inherently bad.
Tigriel's got a guest:

A Furry fan, that's what I am! - Proud member of the AP-Team. - Avatar Art by INK


There's what Abel said here. Most Cubi are jerks because of their upbringing, traditions, or simply because they chose to be jerks, although there are exceptions. I imagine that Tape is right in that the primary examples exist in Being-raised Cubi.

However, jerks or not, it probably doesn't mean that all Cubi are heartless monsters devoid of empathy or compassion. Even the jerks probably have their good moments.

Oh hey, look, irony. The person whose primary character is a dangerous and murderous soul-stealer is preaching about Cubi diversity. lolwut.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Cubi, all evil?  Heck no.  What are you, crazy?  Thats just silly.


Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on July 24, 2008, 05:48:02 PM

Oh hey, look, irony. The person whose primary character is a dangerous and murderous soul-stealer is preaching about Cubi diversity. lolwut.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

yet you do it with style.  :3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Okay, if memory serves me correctly weren't human extinct? Before you flame me the human Merlitz found was from a diffrent universe or something.


I don't know if they're extinct... Wildy is a human-fan, but then I guess there are dinosaur fans here, so maybe?  I don't recall them being so, though.

I think I'd have to go with angel for myself, personally.  Angel tigress, maybe?  White fur with light blue stripes. 

But I always have loved them dragons.  Fire breath, near-impenetrable scales, wings plus outstanding physical strength?  Not to mention the natural affinity for magic and shape-shifting in Furrae.  My two standard avatars are dragon girls...  One's being-esque form would just be a more humanoid dragon.  One of those "guardian of the planet" types as mentioned in the 101.  The other - my current namesake and picture - would be a panda with copper-colored markings instead of black in her being-esque form.  She's a blacksmith. :p



Quote from: Liwah Forgemaiden on July 24, 2008, 10:24:32 PM
I don't know if they're extinct... Wildy is a human-fan, but then I guess there are dinosaur fans here, so maybe?  I don't recall them being so, though. It clearly states here they are. Not trying to be a butt just saying facts.


One problem: After Merlitz helped him out of that situation he was sent for a dimensional gate and left back to his world. That would mean at one point humans would have been spread out over the multiverse and simply died off on other planets and dominated others.

I generalize, the actions of a few speak for the whole and the fact it has only displayed one "cubi" as semi-good (Dan) who is in fact 50% NOT Cubi makes a statement. Also the fact when given a choice they choose evil. Thus if given the chance I would exterminate their species for the betterment of all.

I do judge, you can not imagine how much I judge others. In a second at that. No time for sympathy. Gotta move or die.

Just becaue one species MAY act good towards itself and not others does not make them good, kind of like saying Hitler was a great man at times because he did solve Germanies problems in economy. Yeah right. Cubi history hints throughout the story speaks for itself.

I still pick humans no matter what, especially after seeing that one human makes me feel even better, his clothing was that of the 21st century Earth. Meaning: nukes. Guns. Tanks. Bombers. Jets. Yesssssssss!

Oh here is another trait of humanity: Masters of invention. In a moment as nessesity demands humans come up with anything to save themselves. Also humans are insane at times in war, throwing tens of millions of soldiers at an enemy KNOWING they will fail but knowing it will buy them some time to complete their objectives.

Keep your swords and magic, all I need is a human with a good gun or daisy cutter. Thats it. End of battle.


Yes but he is of "21ts century earth" not furrae. Unless it's in the species list we can't count it in this discussion.


Actually humans ARE included if you look at the tabs, just not one that is filled out yet like so many others. Also Cubi are not of Furrae, they are of another dimension as well remember? Or at least they are as I read it, thus they use Warp-Aci to get around.


Quote from: silentassassin on July 24, 2008, 11:08:51 PM
Quote from: Liwah Forgemaiden on July 24, 2008, 10:24:32 PM
I don't know if they're extinct... Wildy is a human-fan, but then I guess there are dinosaur fans here, so maybe?  I don't recall them being so, though. It clearly states here they are. Not trying to be a butt just saying facts.

and yet

That said, you don't know furrae like amber would, don't go on by the word of a single comic that's 8 years old when there's overwhelming information to the contrary, such as weres, for example.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Okay creatures that inhabit the world dan lives on. That's the new rule.


Quote from: silentassassin on July 25, 2008, 01:06:57 AM
Okay creatures that inhabit the world dan lives on. That's the new rule.

well, how do you know it's not Furrae?

i hate to burst your bubble, but since Weres have a human form also, that means humans must also exist in some capacity on furrae, therefore your griping is relatively moot.

That said, you don't make the rules 'round here, and neither do i.

also: you state your opinions as if they're fact, the problem with that is that you DON'T know something we don't, as the truth behind human existence on Furrae is only really something Amber herself would know for actual fact. So please, don't pretend to know more than amber based on one single comic page.

Also, in this world there were a lot of so called "mythic" creatures thought to be extinct, only to turn up elsewhere.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Vekar on July 24, 2008, 11:46:14 PM
I generalize, the actions of a few speak for the whole and the fact it has only displayed one "cubi" as semi-good (Dan) who is in fact 50% NOT Cubi makes a statement. Also the fact when given a choice they choose evil. Thus if given the chance I would exterminate their species for the betterment of all.

With 'Cubi, it's all or nothing.  Dan is 100% 'Cubi, but he was brought up to think he was a Being, as with Abel.  If/when Dan has kids, I could well imagine him impressing on his offspring that Beings are people and deserve respect.
As before, I apply your reasoning to humanity and reach the same conclusion that you do for 'Cubi  >:3

QuoteJust becaue one species MAY act good towards itself and not others does not make them good, kind of like saying Hitler was a great man at times because he did solve Germanies problems in economy. Yeah right. Cubi history hints throughout the story speaks for itself.
So does Angel history, Demon history, Fae history... it's all there in the Demonology.

QuoteI still pick humans no matter what, especially after seeing that one human makes me feel even better, his clothing was that of the 21st century Earth. Meaning: nukes. Guns. Tanks. Bombers. Jets. Yesssssssss!
'Cubi are able to create base materials magically.  A 'Cubi who had nothing to lose could quite easily create a sufficient quantity of plutonium  :U

QuoteOh here is another trait of humanity: Masters of invention. In a moment as nessesity demands humans come up with anything to save themselves. Also humans are insane at times in war, throwing tens of millions of soldiers at an enemy KNOWING they will fail but knowing it will buy them some time to complete their objectives.
Personally I'm not convinced that's a good trait.  In the long run it could well result in humanity exterminating itself.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 25, 2008, 04:20:02 AM
QuoteOh here is another trait of humanity: Masters of invention. In a moment as nessesity demands humans come up with anything to save themselves. Also humans are insane at times in war, throwing tens of millions of soldiers at an enemy KNOWING they will fail but knowing it will buy them some time to complete their objectives.
Personally I'm not convinced that's a good trait.  In the long run it could well result in humanity exterminating itself.

Large Hadron Collider gets fired soon! :D


Quote from: Tikki on July 25, 2008, 04:32:28 AM
Large Hadron Collider gets fired soon! :D
I hate to break it to you, but it's not as powerful as the cosmic rays that have been bombarding Earth since it existed  :3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Jack McSlay

Quote from: Vekar on July 24, 2008, 11:46:14 PMKeep your swords and magic, all I need is a human with a good gun or daisy cutter. Thats it. End of battle.
Powerful creatures can blow up like an atomic bomb and survive #404 so I don't see how a human with a gun and no magical knowledge is at advantage
Keyboard not detected. Press F1 to resume.


Tapewolf your reasoning is MUTE! Cubi are an evil race, pure evil. Plain and simple. One or two good ones out of an entire race hardly makes them "good once in a while" even in the slightest sense.
Go ahead, have your Cubi make plutonium, last time I checked they were so dumb technilogically they have no clue about weapons and modern warfare. Humans own Cubi on that level. Ambers history even remarked how the Furrae and other dimensonial races never bothered with technology because they prefered magics. They turned a blind eye, and your Cubi has NO CLUE what plutonium is, let alone how to make it.

As for my last trait, oh you would be amazed how that is a good trait. It proves that in times of need humans will do WHATEVER they have to do, and no matter how many must die, they will do it in order to WIN! That is what matters at the end of the day in war, WINNING! If you loose your DEAD. I would gladly loose 50 million in order to keep the over 6 billion from being wiped out.

Jack: If Mab really HAD blown up like an atomic bomb NO ONE would have been there to talk about it. Also the fact the afterpictures still had trees and the like shows it was NOT atomic. Amber used that to give the idea of a massive explosion, however it was non-nuclear. It only blew up the glen not the surrounding area otherwise Lost Lake would be a big freaking hole in the ground. Also a nuclear blast leaves radiation that would have killed everyone.

Lets think about it first, almost every human on Earth from myth and fantasy knows a weee bit about magic and what it does. So no one is dumb on that fact. I still say the gun will own the magical creatures, try and stop a bullet that came from 1.6 miles away and will hit before you even hear the sound 7 seconds AFTER the fact. That or a daisy cutter which will destroy well lets just say "everything but the fillings in their teeth."

Humans still rock and own.

Edit: Oh one last thing jack: What kind of creature would blown ITSELF UP using ITS OWN MAGIC! That is lunacy, of COURSE Mab and Pip survived, those are the last two in Furrae she would blow up even on accident.


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 01:38:46 PM
Tapewolf your reasoning is MUTE!

I dunno, I heard it just fine. ;P

Just teasing man.  We all know what you mean. :D


Nuclear Bomb vs Magic is really an open question. On the one hand, it's a really, really big boom, bigger than anything magic can do.

On the other hand, if you're immune to fire and sonic, then a cure disease spell will take care of the radiation sickness, and you're good. Er, you might need 'cure blindness' too.

Magic doesn't necessarily do things as large or as powerful as technology can, but it does impossible things, like declare arbitrary absolutes according to the will of the mage, that can totally mess tech up.

Like in 'Grunts', where the recovered technology the orcs had was totally ripping through the fantasy knights and wizards, until one of them thought to use a 'fail weapons' cantrip.


I've always been of the mind that both technology and magic are of the same ilk.  They are both limited by the imaginations of those creating and wielding them.



No offense, Vekar, but your argument is probably making me more adverse to DMFA-humans than impressed by them. So, no thanks, but I'll stick to the pure-evil-and-technologically-retarded race.

~Keaton the Black Jackal



Alright, I'm not going to waste my time going on about this at any length. I'd like to actually get some sort of position to work off as well. So far, I have but one thing to say about most of what this thread has degenerated into...


Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 01:38:46 PM
Tapewolf your reasoning is MUTE! Cubi are an evil race, pure evil. Plain and simple. One or two good ones out of an entire race hardly makes them "good once in a while" even in the slightest sense.
Convince me.  You may be entirely right, but you haven't offered much in the way of proof so far, and let's be fair, we don't really have enough information to make a judgement call like that.  As Abel's Story progresses, we should hopefully have a clearer idea of what your regular 'Cubi is like.

QuoteGo ahead, have your Cubi make plutonium, last time I checked they were so dumb technilogically they have no clue about weapons and modern warfare. Humans own Cubi on that level. Ambers history even remarked how the Furrae and other dimensonial races never bothered with technology because they prefered magics. They turned a blind eye, and your Cubi has NO CLUE what plutonium is, let alone how to make it.
We'll leave aside that in present-day DMFA they have what appears to be a microprocessor-controlled coke machine in SAIA (574).   The 'Cubi race has a history going back 100 millennia, and remarkable powers.  They may, for example, be able to psychically observe the structure of the atom (as someone claimed to have done in the 1800s, though I'd have to find the reference).  Either way, you would need to be able to assemble things at the atomic level in order to create gold.  Someone would likely have created heavier elements by mistake or during experimentation.  They may not have created much in the way of technological artifacts, but I would be very, very surprised if they didn't have some understanding of physics, since it will factor into magic at some point.

The other point is that they may have simply gone "Oh, that's interesting" and ignored it because they already have magical ways to achieve a blast on par with a high-yield fusion device.

QuoteHumans still rock and own.
Now this is starting to puzzle me.  Is there a reason you're comparing Earth humans against 'Cubi on Furrae?  It strikes me as a bit of an apples-oranges thing... wouldn't Beings against 'Cubi be a more sensible comparison?  They are the human equivalents, after all.  Or how about Beings vs Humans, if you're of that persuasion?

On a similar note, I still don't understand why you're picking on 'Cubi.  Pretty much everything you've said against 'Cubi also applies to Demons, Angels, Fae, Dragons and so on.  How about 'Humans vs Creatures-in-general'?

QuoteOh one last thing jack: What kind of creature would blown ITSELF UP using ITS OWN MAGIC!
A suicide bomber.

I hope I'm wrong, but your use of caps makes me think that you might be getting a little hot under the collar over this.  Chill, dude.  It's just a debate.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on July 25, 2008, 02:23:57 PM
Quote from: Vekar on July 25, 2008, 01:38:46 PMOh one last thing jack: What kind of creature would blown ITSELF UP using ITS OWN MAGIC!
A suicide bomber.


Thank you. XD

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Tape, you sound more like someone trying to escalate things than anyone with snide remarks. Using capitals is a quick way of highlighting a point. Take some college english classes and public speaking classes.

Abels father, Dans mother, Merlitz girlfriend, the home-ec teacher, Fa'Lina, oh heck any cubi Amber has introduced so far. They are all pure evil. As for demons, I have yet to remark on them, I hate Cubi more than demons. To me demons are a whelp race that can be delt with easily, Cubi though have a history of promotion and enforcement of evil if you consider the timelines given such as Abels and then Dans. Also the fact the Academy of SAIA teaches evil and has a torture department.

Also, it states in the info about the races, Cubi freaking suck at fighting. That is probably one reason they have not pushed boundaries very far. You can live a 100 millenia if you want but that will make you none the wiser.

Let us consider what a high yield nuke does on an energy level just by thinking back to the history books... Ok that will vaporize someone or something if they try and use that level of power. Even IF they buffer themselves there is radiation problems such as Gamma radiation which you DO NOT stop AT ALL! Then you have blindness, and the fact that todays nukes generate excess 30,000F heat at ground zero. So unless a Cubi can walk the surface of a sun... They die. So far the highest level of magic used is by the demon Dark Pegasus to turn Hannah to ash, we can do that easily. However a nuke VAPORIZES in less than a second everything in the first 2-5 miles. 10 miles out is incinerated, then another 30 for blast wake and after that you have radiation contamination and debris falling all over the place.

I consider FACT of humans and then what Amber gives us about the races in the demonology and general information of the races to create that conclusion.

The blowing of self up was a remark to someone else not you, but yes that is the point they forgot, a suicide bomber would but not a sane mage who is startled otherwise you would effectively wipe out all mages/wizards ecettera just by startling them with some little otomation.

Oh and your Cubi race is younger than just about any race in Furrae, go look at Demonology for Cubi, then look under HISTORY. Cubi are younglings. The only ones who might have a clue about atomic weapons would be Demons and Angels for the sake of argument.

Jackal: Sorry to burst your bubble about who we humans are but that is just historical fact. We are who we are: a race of violent psycopaths who enjoy the art of war and destruction more than anyone else ever concieved. I for one am proud of that fact because it makes humanity stronger and more powerful, give a unifying cause and you have a hoard of 6 billion ready to commit genocide to preserve humanity if it comes down to a "us or them" type situation. Humans are no push over and are NOT to be triffled with, that is another lesson of history. However humans do have a darn good culture, great technology and a future amoungst the stars and planets.

Proud to be human.

To Terrycloth: Cast it if you want, that is why every single soldier is issued a bayonet and multiple other weapons of various degrees of power and use. If one or more fail you just go down the list.

I would say the only highlight of magic I can ever see if fast healing (short of nanobot technology) and the ability to teleport (short of jumpgates and teleporters) from one place to another. However even they have shortfalls.

Next round of argument... Begin.